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Gigi Fruit, 21, university student |
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Andy Slam, 21, unemployed |
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Daphne Eleanor Scotts, 24, freelance photographer |
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Scott Treverton, 28, self-employed vlogger |
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Mervyn Aubridge, 34, traffic policeman |
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Denise Wildflower, 33, unemployed |
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Vanessa Whitley, 35, touch rugby coach |
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Mika Blue, 35, adult entertainer |
Mitchell Monroe, 26, research assistant
Giovanni Natt, 30, copy writer

The Mole seems to have something against contestants over 30 this season, as Mervyn became the Mole's next target. With only 320/650 points in the pot, can the remaining four boost the pot up and stop the Mole before it's too late?
Mervyn: "It was a mistake that was never meant to happen anyway. But I actually don't mind this one. I got drunk and somehow filled in an application form to join, and I somehow made it in. Life is just full of surprises. I made it so far, and I actually thought I could win. I couldn't be an actual cop, like those in the movies, so I thought this would be a great substitute. But we didn't get to do those cool spy missions. And in the end I couldn't get to be someone cooler, someone more exciting than a traffic cop. And I had to die by such a lame way! But it was never meant to happen. I'm disappointed, but I still wish all the best to the others in the game."
DAY 20
DAY 20

Contestants are now in Twinbrook.

After a night in a caravan, they have been dropped in the swamps and must find a way to their house in one hour, earning 10 points in the process.

However, the residents in the swamp are highly guarded and have set traps in their homes.

If a contestant walks into the wrong house, they will be locked in.
Daphne: "I am not wearing the right clothes. Fortunately I have useful supplies in my purse."
Scott: "The fog is so thick. It makes it hard to see."
Andy: "Whew! It's so humid."
Gigi: "Is that a house over there?"
Scott: "I don't think this is the right house. It looks too small to fit all four of us."
Daphne: "This house is the nearest to me and was the first house I saw. There's no way it's that simple."
Gigi: "Is this the right house? I think I'll enter it."
Gigi: "...On second thought, maybe not. I don't get a good feeling about this."
Andy: "I have no idea where I'm going. But a bridge must surely lead to civilisation."
Scott: "Wow. I wonder what happened here."
Scott: "This treehouse looks quite attractive."
Scott: "But there are more tracks. I think I'll follow them and see where that leads me to."
Scott: "I wonder how much time there is left."
Andy: "A house! Finally."
Andy: "Should I enter? I can't decide."
Scott: "The tracks stop here. But there's a house up ahead."
Daphne: "This is so high."
Scott: "I think I'm running out of time."
Andy: "I'll do it. I just feel like there should be something more to allow us to identify the right house."
Gigi: "Up ahead! That appears to be the last house on this stretch. This must be the one."
Scott: "Hello? Is this the right house?"
Andy: "I pray this is the correct house."
Daphne: "Here goes nothing."
Gigi: "The door's unlocked."
"Congratulations Scott. You have made it into the correct house and are the first to do so, thus you earn a hidden exemption and 10 points. In front of you are the journals of two executed contestants: Vanessa Whitley and Mitchell Monroe. You can spend 5 points to look at one journal for 1 minute, or 10 points to look at both journals for 2 minutes. What is your decision?"
Scott: "Hmm...tempting. I get to legit raid the journals. But they've been gone for quite a while so I'm not sure how useful their journals will be. And 2 minutes is way too short. This is a rip-off. I'm not that dumb."
Scott: "I'm not touching them."
"Very well."
Gigi: "This house actually doesn't look that bad. I think I've struck jackpot."
Gigi: "Oh, I wonder where that will lead to."
Gigi: "The stairs don't give me a sense of security."

Gigi: "What just happened?"

Gigi has entered the wrong house. But not all is lost. There is a gas leak in the stove upstairs. All windows and doors have been shut tight and the stairs has crumbled. The gas is seeping into the basement and Gigi will die of inhalation of toxic gases in 30 minutes if she does not escape.

Gigi: "There is a sink here. Maybe one of these taps is connected to a valve that will stop the gas leak."

Gigi: "Nope. Nothing's happening. But there is a red line on this tap, denoting hot water, and a blue line on this other one, denoting cold water. If I turn them both at the same time..."

Gigi: "Excellent. Water's flowing out of the tap."

Gigi: "But so what?"

Gigi: "The water is overflowing. But the taps won't budge any more. This isn't good."

Gigi: "Keep calm. This must be some sort of puzzle. A Mole puzzle."

Gigi: "I wonder if there's anything in the cabinets...nope. Just some kind of watery glue that supposedly works wonder at making tall objects stay put."

Gigi: "How about in the washing machine? Oh, there's a bucket in here."

Gigi: "Maybe I'll slide it under the sink to collect the water."

Andy has entered the wrong house. But there is still hope. The sink has sprung a leak and the room is rapidly collecting water. The water pressure has caused all doors and windows to be unable to be opened. In 30 minutes, the room will be completely flooded and Andy will drown if he does not escape.

Andy: "The door has a code on it. Who puts a code on the inside of the house?"

Andy: "But if there's a lock, there must be a code somewhere in this house. The most likely place will be in the bookshelf."

Andy: "There's this book entitled 'Escape From the Mole's Dungeon'. This must be the one."
Andy: "But the pages are a little wet. If I try to flip them they'll surely tear."
Andy: "I need to dry it in the fridge."
Daphne has entered the wrong house. But Daphne can still make it out. The wind created when the door closed resulted in the kerosene lamp toppling, causing a fire that blocks the entrance--and exit. To make matters worse, there is another fire in the house. The water supply has been cut off. Daphne will die of excessive smoke inhalation or from the fire itself in 30 minutes if she does not escape.
Daphne: "I'm not getting paid enough for this."

Daphne: "Damn it. There's no water."

Daphne: "Damn it. There's no water."
Daphne: "Except in the toilet."
Gigi: "Crap, the bucket is full and there's nowhere to drain the bucket. I've already overloaded the washing machine and dryer with water but this sink is not giving up."

Gigi: "Great. They're as soft as sand. I can't carry enough of them to block the sink."
Daphne: "I am not touching toilet water. There must be another way to extinguish the flames. Like an extinguisher. But that would be too easy."
Daphne: "Still, it doesn't hurt to try searching for one...excellent. An full scuba diving suit, complete with an oxygen tank. It's written here that there's only 10 minutes worth of oxygen though, so I better use it sparingly."
Andy: "Gio's journal is in here too...of course. He died by drowning. This is the Mole's cruel game."
Andy: "It's...blank. Wait. There's a note written on the last page. I can only read the journal if I successfully escape for 5 points, otherwise I will be forcefully executed."
Andy: "Of course they wouldn't put his actual journal here. But I'm not risking a modkill."
Andy: "Looks like I have to smash it."
Andy: "There's a hole. I think I see something inside...I just need to wriggle it out."
Daphne: "And I really need to pee. Why of all times, now? The toilet is clearly clogged."
15 minutes remain.
Gigi: "There's no other choice. I have to splash water on the floor."
Andy: "I've been hacking at the metal door with this DIY axe for ages and it's not breaking. The padlock is really sturdy too."

Andy: "There's got to be another way."
Andy: "Is there something under the bed? I haven't checked that yet. I just need to move it aside first."

Andy: "Crap. These bookshelf and dresser are nailed to the ground. I can't get them to budge."
Andy: "But what if I try destroying them? They're made of wood."
Andy: "Another hole. It's not big enough for me to fit through."
Andy: "But it appears that some water is draining through this hole. I may be saved!"
Gigi: "I'm wasting so much water."
Gigi: "Wait, didn't I throw some water on here just seconds ago? Why is it so dry, unlike the rest of the floor?"
Gigi: "Hmm...let me tap on this part."
Gigi: "I better hurry...I'm losing air fast."
Gigi: "Yikes! I nearly fell! But there seems to be a pole underneath. A really long one."
Gigi: "There doesn't seem to be much below. But maybe if I can lean this against the wall and climb out..."

Gigi: "The rubble is blocking the way. And how will this support my weight when I climb on it? It'll just slide and I will fall."
Gigi: "Wait...it's considered a tall object. I can use the glue! Ack! I must be quick."
Daphne: "I don't hear the crackling any more. The fire burned out by itself. It's safe for me to leave the bathroom."
Daphne: "But I'm out."
"Congratulations, Daphne. You have escaped in 23 minutes and 18 seconds. You earn 25 points. If you look in your pocket of the suit you're wearing, you'll find a note regarding Mervyn's journal. Do you want to read it for 1 minute for 5 points?"
Daphne: "There's no need. I'm confident in my own abilities. Besides, one minute is far too short."
"Are you sure?"
Daphne: "I nearly died. I don't get nearly enough renumeration for it. And now you want me to take money away for something like this? No way."
Gigi: "Yes. At last. I poked everywhere and only this spot lets me break the ceiling."

Gigi: "I just hope the pole is sturdy enough for me to climb out."

Gigi: "I just hope the pole is sturdy enough for me to climb out."
Gigi: "Wait. I'm not out?"
Gigi: "But the air is so much clearer in here. Why?"
Gigi: "Oh, I see why. The window here is open."
Gigi: "This door is locked."

Gigi: "I guess I can only climb out the window. Thank goodness I'm petite."

Gigi: "I guess I can only climb out the window. Thank goodness I'm petite."

"Congratulations, Gigi. You have escaped in 24 minutes and 2 seconds. You earn 25 points. Did you read the instructions on the glue regarding Mika's journal? What is your decision?"

Gigi: "No I didn't. Should I have?"
"Unfortunately, it is too late."
Andy: "The water is clearing. That's wonderful. Now let me retrieve that book from the fridge."
"Congratulations, Andy. You have escaped in 26 minutes and 47 seconds. You earn 25 points. Did you find Giovanni's journal?"
Andy: "I did. It was fake and completely ruined by the water by now. But there was something written on the last page."

"That is right. What is your decision regarding that? If you do read it, do note you only get one minute and spend 5 points."
Andy: "He was the first to be executed. There is no point in me trying to read his journal. If you gave me Mervyn's one, then sure, I'll consider, but not the first boot."
Everyone successfully made it to the correct house in the end, leading to a total of 85/100 points earned, making the pot 405/750 points. Scott also earns a hidden exemption for making it to the correct house first.
There were only 4 houses that would trigger Part 2 of the mission. If a contestant entered any other house (excluding the correct house), that contestant cannot earn any points.
There is a gas leak in the stove upstairs. All windows and doors are shut tight. The gas is seeping into the basement. To escape:
Open the washing machine. There is a bucket inside
Turn the sink taps in basement counterclockwise. Water will start flowing. Collect the water from the bucket and pour it on the floor.
There will be one part that remains dry. Step on it and the hatch will fall, revealing a pole.
There is now rubble at the stairs, so poke a hole at one corner of the ceiling. It will break. Climb up the pole which will lead you to the bedroom.
The window is open. Climb through it to escape.
The kerosene lamp toppled, starting a fire that blocks the entrance. The stove is also on fire. The water supply has been cut off.
Let the fire burn out on its own.
Enter the bathroom. The toilet is clogged. Flush it continuously to cause a flood in the bathroom. Lie on the toilet water to get wet and protect self.
There is a snorkeller' goggle and an oxygen tank with 10 minutes' worth of oxygen in the cabinet. Wear them.
After a while the fire while burn out. Walk to the centre and the floor will break. Fall into the mud below and escape.
The sink has sprung a leak, flooding the room. The water pressure buildup has made it impossible to open any windows or doors.
Quickly take a book with the door code and hide it in the fridge.
Break the mirror in the bathroom. There is a hole within which hides a stick and the head of an axe. Take them and assemble them.
The axe can't break through the metal door.
The bookcases are nailed tight to the floor. Use the axe to break the rusty nails.
Move the bookcases aside, then move the bed. There is a rug underneath. Move the rug aside to reveal a small hole.
The hole is clogged. Remove the blockage to allow the water to slowly drain out. Once the water drains out, take the book from the fridge. Enter the code and escape.
The air conditioner is faulty, leading to freezing temperatures. The doorknob has been frozen solid and is too cold to touch.
The stove uses a sensor that will only begin a fire if it senses the weight of a pot or pan. Take the pot and ingredients from the fridge and start cooking.
The stove won't turn on. It needs a spark.
There is a lighter stuck to the ceiling. Climb onto the chair to retrieve it.
Use the lighter to generate a spark, leading to a flame. Cook the Mac and cheese and while it is still hot, dump it over the doorknob. The ice will melt. Open the doorknob to escape.
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