Wednesday 12 October 2016

26.06-Take the plunge

Thanks to Herman and Catherine, Lloyd and Lisette broke up, but that didn't stop them from completing the mission. The contestants had to either guess or speak underwater, each correct phrase being worth 20 points. Only Michelle could not guess Herman's phrase, thus 80/100 points were earned, making the pot 170/310 points.

Catherine: "So peaceful..."


Lars: "Yesterday night Matthew suddenly screamed and scared me. He said he was having a nightmare. I hope he is not crazy."

Matthew: "I'm so sorry Kate, Lucy, Jeraldine, Eason...I'm really sorry."
Elaine: "Why are you mumbling to yourself? Come and sit with me."

Elaine: "What's wrong?"
Matthew: "Nothing."

Elaine: "It doesn't look like nothing."
Matthew: "Well it is."
Elaine: "You have to stop bottling it up. Actually, so do I."

Elaine: "Can I trust you with a secret?"
Matthew: "Yes, of course."
Elaine: "I actually had a child once, but he died."

Elaine: "It still hurts me to this day."
Matthew: "I empathise with you. But at least you still have your husband. You can always."
Elaine: "You can't replace one child with another. And the thing is, I'm barren. That one child was a miracle. Nobody knew he existed...because he died too early."
Matthew: :"That must hurt a lot."
Elaine: "It feels better to have gotten it off my chest though...actually, not really. Excuse me for a moment."

Randall: "Matthew, I was hoping ewe could form a coalition of sorts. I think it's better if we work together, and we can share what happens on each of our houseboats."
Matthew: "Poor thing..huh, yeah sure of course."


Herman: "Got to look good for the camera."

Randall: "Don't be a loser, Randall. This is your time to shine. To do something big! To break out of the mold and get an edge!"

Randall: "Catherine, you work in science right? Maybe you could help take a look at my proposal on drones and see if there could anything that could be improved."

Catherine: "You brought your work here?"
Randall: "This is my house, after all."
Catherine: "I'm sorry, but no. I'm not behind the ethics of all this."

Randall: "But I really need your help! I've been researching on drones for a while but it's not nearly as in-depth as your knowledge. I'm sure you can help me beat my colleague Gary and--"
Catherine: "So this is what it's about? I feel so used. And I don't specialise in this."


Michelle: "A nice place to study. I really need to buck up in the next mission and get the support of all the influential."

Lloyd: "Hey Liz. I'm sorry about the way I acted the other day. I don't know what got to me. Can we start afresh?"
Lisette: "WHAT!?"

Lisette: "You think you can just erase it all and begin from scratch? That's not going to happen. You broke my heart, Lloyd. Deeply. I'm never going to forgive you."

Lloyd: "I understand. You need some time and space to clear your mind. But we really shouldn't let others get in the way of our love."
Lisette: "I'm not hearing this right now. Herman, hey! Come jam with me. I need to forget stuff."

Herman: "Sure. Ha, we understand each other. It's like telepathy. We know exactly what song to play."

Herman: "Now watch this."

Lloyd: "Come on, I can do better than that."

Herman: "I'd like to see you try."
Lloyd: "You came in too fast. That was jarring."

Lisette: "Enough. Instead of picking on each other, why not you to just have a face off?"

Lloyd: "Sure."
Lisette: "I'll get out of the way now."

Lloyd: "Listen to this."

Herman: "I'm better."
Lloyd: "My rock is better."

Randall: "So raw, so rich, so thrilling, so hot-blooded! If only my life was as interesting. I wish I was half as talented as them. Oh, my phone beeped."

Randall: "The latest quiz is out. Time to take it."

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Who does the Mole share a bed with?
A: Michelle Brack
B: Lisette Mack
C: Lloyd Smart
D: Chung-Hee Pyong
E: Matthew McIlroy
F: Catherine Thomas
G: Herman DeBleu
H: Randall Tanzer
I: Nobody

Q3: Has the Mole steered the houseboat?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: Has the Mole visited the other houseboat?
A: Yes
B: No

Q5: In Mission 3, what was the Mole's role?
A: Guesser
B: Speaker

Q6: In Mission 3, what was the Mole's phrase?
A: I am from the Smole
B: The Mole is not executed
C: Can I get your autograph
D: Autumn hopes to find her parents
E: Justin is the first one out
F: The Mole was a guesser

Q7: In Mission 3, what phrase did the Mole guess?
A: I am from the Smole
B: The Mole is not executed
C: Can I get your autograph
D: Autumn hopes to find her parents
E: Justin is the first one out
F: The Mole was a speaker

Q8: In Mission 3, did the Mole guess correctly?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole was a speaker

Q9: In Mission 3, how many times did the Mole say the phrase?
A: Once
B: Twice
C: Thrice
D: Four times
E: More than four times
F: The Mole was a guesser

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Michelle Brack
B: Lisette Mack
C: Lloyd Smart
D: Chung-Hee Pyong
E: Matthew McIlroy
F: Catherine Thomas
G: Herman DeBleu
H: Randall Tanzer
I: Jasmine Risotto
J: Elaine Moseby


"Another one will have to leave the boat. You six shall start first. Can you survive yet another execution as a group? Randall Tanzer."

"Randall, you are safe."
Randall: "Gulp."
"Michelle Brack."

Michelle: "Relief."

Lisette: "This is scary."
Herman: "We'll be okay, babe."

"Catherine Thomas, you are..."

Lloyd: "Oh boy."
Herman: "Scared?"
Lloyd: "Not a chance."

"Lloyd Smart."

"You are safe."
Lloyd: "Phew."

"Down to two. Will one of you jump, or will both make it through another night."

"Lisette Mack."
Lisette: "Please, don't let me be the one to go next! I really need to stay on!"

Lisette: "Spare me the misety! Please, watcher, let me b e safe."
"Lisette Mack, you..."

"...are not going home."
Lisette: "What a relief."

Lisette: "I really thought I was a goner."

"Herman DeBleu, will you be the one to break the curse, or will the other houseboat suffer yet again? They must be hoping you would leave."
Herman: "Shut it. Get it over with."

"Herman DeBleu, you have been executed. Please wear your swimsuit and take the plunge."
Herman: "**********************."

Randall: "I'm really glad he's gone. Villains don't last long."

Herman: "My plan is all ruined. I don't know what went wrong. Maybe I trusted the wrong players. Whatever. Just make sure Randall meets his maker next."

Herman: "This won't be the last you see of me!"


Lisette: "Why did it have to be him?"
Randall: "He's got the seawater in my eyes."
Catherine: "Lloyd, are you okay?"

Lloyd: "Good riddance. I hope I still have a chance to make things right."

The wicked Herman has taken the plunge! Who will be next?

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