Thursday, 20 October 2016

26.09-Extended stay at Lalaland

Our contestants had to search for a bomb planted somewhere around Zimmaport, only for them to fail to do so within the time limit, hence fetching 0/200 points for the pot. 170/510 points were in the pot before Michelle was executed, much to her resistance and reluctance.  With only eight left, have they figured out who the Mole is yet?


Lisette: "I don't feel so well. Am I getting seasick? But I've lived on a houseboat with the band for so long."

Catherine: "I poisoned Lisette's food. She won't die....yet. But she will have diarrhoea and vomitting for a few days. Herman was right. An ugly woman is a revolting woman, and nobody wants that. I'm confident of getting Lloyd back. He'll realise his folly. He was just bewitched. He loves me. I know he does."

Elaine: "Why are we gathered here?"
Jasmine: "We're the only ones left from the other houseboat. I think we should stick together."
Lars: "What about Matthew?"
Jasmine: "Pssh."

Jasmine: "Matthew's useless. He's just scared of everything and will probably cry for his mommy. He's weak and won't last much longer."

Jasmine: "Plus, it's his fault for being asleep right now."

Elaine: "What about our pre-existing coalitions?"
Jasmine: "You all can keep them. But keep this a secret. Even from Matthew."

Lars: "I really am not sure ab out this."

Jasmine: "Oh Lars, you can leave now if you want to. But don't come begging when you realise how helpless you are without us."
Lars: "I will keep quiet."
Jasmine: "Good boy."


Randall: "Ahh, I missed my hot tub. I don't know why I moved in to the guest room in the first place."
"Contestants, please gather 'round."
Randall: "I was just getting relaxed."

"For your next mission, four of you will pretend to be celebrities while the other four will be your bodyguards. The bodyguard's job is to tap on a celebrity other than your own to earn 20 points. You will also be equipped with one red disc each which you can throw to knock out and eliminate other bodyguards. Celebrities, just stay safe. The last standing duo at the end of three hours will walk away with an exemption. Good luck."

Randall: "Pooey. I really want that exemption but if that means losing 20 points..."
Lisette: "I want the exemption!"
Jasmine: "Get in line."

Lloyd: "Lisette, want to form a pair?"
Lisette: "No thanks."

Catherine: "Lloyd, shall we form a duo?"
Lloyd: "I was asking Lisette."
Lisette: "Go back to your ex. I'll pick Lars to be my bodyguard. I trust he'll do a better job."

Jasmine: "Elaine, with your expertise I know you can protect this genuine celebrity."
Elaine: "Okay then."

Lars: "Sorry Lisette, but I would like to form a group with somebody else today."
Catherine: "Come on Lloyd. I'm going to need your protection. I believe that we will be the best group. Our rapport is unrivalled"
Lloyd: "Fine."

Lars: "Matthew, shall you be a celebrity and I, a bodyguard?"

Matthew: "I don't like being famous. Surely we should swap roles."
Lars: "I think you would be more stressed keeping an eye out for the others. And you are not really famous."
Matthew: "That is true. Very well then."

Lisette: "I can't believe this, Randall. I feel like the last girl picked for dodgeball, like in high school."

Lisette: "Let's prove them wrong. Protect me. I want the exemption."
Randall: "Okay."


"Your time..."




Lloyd: "Why did we come here, Catherine?"

Catherine: "I thought you liked reading."

Lloyd: "I do, but I have other interests as well."
Catherine: "You've changed, Lloyd."
Lloyd: "Stop trying to suppress me like my parents did."

Lloyd: "Now is not the time for this. We should be on the move so that it's harder for them to catch us."
Catherine: "I think staying and hiding will give us a better shot at the exemption."
Lloyd: "No it won't. You'll be easily caught."
Catherine: "Nobody will think to come here."
Lloyd: "Suit yourself. Just stay safe. I'll go around trying to eliminate the others before I come back."
Catherine: "Okay, but be back soon."


Jasmine: "This outfit is so stifling."
Elaine: "Then why did you wear it?"
Jasmine: "As a cover, duh. It's easier to hide. You should have done the same."
Elaine: "It's too late for that. Just stick with me while I hunt for the others."


Mathew: "AAAH!"

Matthew: "When was that thing there?"
Lars: "It has been there since I moved here. I am glad you stopped going to Lalaland."
Matthew: "I'd like an extended stay at Lalaland actually. Where is that?"
Lars: "I meant that you stopped dreaming."

Lars: "Let us go for a swim and relax."
Matthew: "That sounds dangerous. And the truth is, I'm afraid of water. I tried to conquer my fear so many times but it failed. I can't do it."

Lars: "Be a man."
Matthew: "I'm not a man."

Matthew: "We do not even have swimsuits right now!"
Lars: "You do not need a suit to swim."

Matthew: "You could get hypothermia."
Lars: "Stop trying to excuse yourself."

Matthew: "Are you kidding me right now, Lars? We are on a mission right now, thousands of feets above the ocean, with the possibility of drowning and a malevolent dinosaur watching our every move and other bodyguards on the prowl, and all you care about is swimming?"

Lars: "My ears hurt."
Matthew: "Are you trying to get me killed?"

Lars: "I am sorry for offending you. I merely wanted you to relax."

Matthew: "I'll relax when the job is done."

Matthew: "But you're right. Let's do this."

Matthew: "I'm having cold feet."
Lars: "You are wearing shoes."
Matthew: "It's an expression."

Lars: "Just follow me."

Matthew: "That was scary."

Sherman: "Cowabungaaaah!"

Sherman: "Why is it so wet?"


Sherman: "I'm okay!"

Matthew: "I think I'll take a drink instead. I missed the bar."


Lisette: "Shall we dance, please?"
Chad: "Okay."

Lisette: "Oh! Sorry."
Randall: "I'll be going to take a nap. I'm beat."

Lisette: "Thanks for dancing with me. My boyfriend recently dumped me, and--"

Randall: "Hey! Who turned on the lights? Why did I think I could sleep in this noise?"
Lisette: "Talk about killing the mood."

Randall: "I'm going downstairs to grab a bite."

Randall: "Hey bartender, I'd like some chips."
Stewart: "The name's Stewart. But you can call me Patrick."
Randall: "So, Patrick Stewart?"

Randall: "I nearly thought he was going to pick me up."


Elaine: "I haven't been sleeping well recently."

Elaine: "But I can't lose concentration now."

Randall: "I'm sure Lisette will be fine. If she's not, call it fate. Let me look for the others."
Jasmine: "Elaine! He's gone."
Elaine: "Perfect. Stay here and shout if you need me. I'm going in."

Elaine: "There she is. Unattended. Vulnerable."

Lisette: "Delicious."

Justin cameo.

Elaine: "Maybe I can use this to knock her out. Then I can creep closer and tap her out."

Elaine: "Can't miss now."

Justin: "Watch out!"

Elaine: "Damn it!"

Justin: "Ow!"
Lisette: "What was that?"

Elaine: "How could I miss?"

Lisette: "Oh no! Where's Randall?"

Lisette: "Help!"
Elaine: "You're not getting anywhere. You've been tapped."

Jasmine: "The disc was meant to eliminate bodyguards, not celebrities! What was she doing? She wasted a perfectly good disc. And to top it off, she hit an already eliminated contestant. Maybe I've been wrong about her."


Randall: "Hmm, nobody's out here."
Lloyd: "Ha. Cornered."

Lloyd: "Hello Randall. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Pass me the key to Lisette's room and I won't have to use this disc on you."
Randall: "She's not here."
Lloyd: "Oh yeah?"

Random teenagers exercising in the dining area.

Randall: "You can't catch me!"

Lloyd: "So we're doing this the hard way, eh?"

Lloyd: "The path is straight. I can easily get rid of him now."

Lloyd: "Steady now."

Lloyd: "Just keep going straight, Randall. Straight into my trap."

Randall: "Oof!"
Lloyd: "I really would have liked to keep this disc but oh well."


Elaine: "So...tired..."

Jasmine: "Huh?"

Jasmine: "What the hell, Elaine? Sleeping on the job? I'm not hiring you to be my real-life bodyguard."

Lloyd: "Who is that? Wait, if Elaine is there..."
Jasmine: "Who's there?"
Lloyd: "Hello Jasmine."

Jasmine: "I am not letting you touch me. Or I'll scream molest."
Lloyd: "Too late."

Jasmine: "I wanted that exemption!"
Lloyd: "So do I."
Elaine: "Huh? Hey, wait!"
Jasmine: "You're too slow, Elaine. Useless."
Elaine: "How could I have failed?"

Twenty minutes left.

James: "Excuse me, old lady."

Catherine: "You think I'm old?"
James: "Oh, sorry. But the way you dress makes you look pretty old."
Catherine: "Maybe it's time I dolled up."

Lars: "Follow me!"

Mathew: "Be careful, Lars! I can't survive without you!"

Lars: "I must tread quietly. This is a library."

Lars: "I think Lloyd and Catherine would be here."

Catherine: "I just need to last a little bit longer."

Catherine: "Oh dear."
Lars: "I found you!"

Catherine: "Cover for me!"
James: "Not going to get involved in this."

Catherine: "I have to quickly put this book away first."

Catherine: "Stay away!"

Lars: "You are a fool."

Lars: "I will touch you now. It will be all over."

Lloyd: "I'm back. I hope Catherine survived."

Catherine: "Look up!"
Lars: "What is up there?"

Catherine: "Bye!"

Matthew: "She just tricked you!"

Lloyd: "Aha. Matthew's still around."

Lars: "Come back here."

Catherine: "I think I'll hide ini the bathroom. He can't come in."

Lars: "Cunning."

Lars: "I'll just wait outside."
Wendy: "Excuse me."

Catherine: "Miss, can you help chase him away?"
Wendy: "I will try but let me use the toilet first."

Lloyd: "Tap! You're it!"

Matthew: "What?"
Lloyd: "You're out."

Lloyd: "I tapped you, like this."
"Five minutes left."

Matthew: "Lars failed."
Lars: "Matthew! Oh no."

Lloyd: "Let us strike a deal here. I've already gotten Matthew out so I really don't want to use my disc on you."
Lars: "I have mine as well."
Lloyd: "This is a library. You don't want to hurt anyone."
Lars: "That is true. Okay."

Catherine: "Is he gone yet?"
Lloyd: "Not yet. Just stay inside. I hope brinkmanship plays out."

Matthew: "Time is running out! If they get the exemption, we have a higher chance of going home!"

Catherine: "Okay, I'll just continue dwelling in here."

Lars: "If there is anything I learned, it is that promises dissipate with the wind."
Lloyd: "Ow!"

Lloyd: "What was that?"

Lloyd: "A red...Lars, you liar. All I can do now is keep calm and hope Catherine stays in there."

Catherine: "It should be safe to come out now. The time is almost up."
Lars: "Hello."

Lars: "You have been eliminated, Catherine."
Catherine: "Lloyd! Why didn't you protect me?"
Lloyd: "He lied to me and eliminated me."
"The time is up! Nobody survived, so no exemptions are awarded, though on the bright side all 80 points have been earned, making the pot 250/590 points."

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