The final four needed to mine for points. They managed to find 143/240 points. Ivy found an exemption and it seemed as id she was one step closer to obtaining the 859/1400 points in the pot, but her flouting of the house rules cost her her spot in the final three. Out of the three remaining, one made it by chance. Which one? Will this lucky one end up winning? And who is the Mole?
As the finale approaches, some study hard...
Some reflect on themselves...
And some review the events this season.
Abbie: "I knew it! I had the Mole, and me being in the finale just proves it. I won't disappoint Quinn and Hannah. I know good will prevail eventually. In fact, we have already won with the current pot. Will I win? I can't confirm, since my competitor definitely suspects the same contestant. But I have a good feeling about this."
Abbie: "I believe I will win, so I will return with glory and pride. And money, of course. Nobody believed I could do it, but I believed in myself and here I am. I will donate some to charity and also fly to visit Poppy La Tootie because she has been my main inspiration. And I also want to learn how to be more socially aware. I didn't realise I wasn't liked until very recently, and I am sorry for doing unlikeable things. I want to improve on that."
Morgan: "That's good to hear that you've finally wisened up."

Morgan: "That's good to hear that you've finally wisened up."

Morgan: "You don't sound very sure of yourself."
Keith: "Because I am honestly not. I chose med because I could. Being on the Smole made me realise how time flies. I'm becoming less sure of whether this is the path I want, or whether this is the path for me. It will be long, tiring work hours. It's highly stressful. The money is a big bonus, but I don't know...I can kind of see myself wearing a coat, but I can't say that I definitely will."

Morgan: "You are already halfway through university. Don't you think it is a little late to be unsure?"
Keith: "But I don't know what I want to do."
Morgan: "Resume life. I imagine things will be a mess at the company in my absence. Maybe pay my respects to some passed loved ones. I will also be thinking about things, especially with my wife. Regardless, there will be major damage control I have to prepare for."
Contestants will be going to decorate a room. They have to ensure the two rooms match exactly.

There are 50 items, so every two items that are in identical spots in each room will fetch 2 points for the pot, making this final mission worth 100 points.

However, every two items that are not exactly the same in each room will result in a penalty of 2 points. Points may be lost from the current pot too. Contestants have 30 minutes.

There are 50 items, so every two items that are in identical spots in each room will fetch 2 points for the pot, making this final mission worth 100 points.

However, every two items that are not exactly the same in each room will result in a penalty of 2 points. Points may be lost from the current pot too. Contestants have 30 minutes.

Keith: "Let's enter the first room. See what it's like."
"In the room on the right, the lights are higher than that on the left. Two errors right from the start."
"The cat picture and the clock are higher in the room on the right as well. Furthermore, the timing on the clocks differ. However, you will only be penalised once per object, meaning to say that there are 2 additional errors here."
"In the room on the right, the carpet is only touching one wall, yet in the room on the left, it is touching two."
"The orientation of the light fixture is also different. Furthermore, the base plate is removed and hidden under the carpet in the right room, but it is clearly visible in the left room. So far, 6 differences have been spotted."
"The table is placed too far to the back of the room in the left room."
"If you observe carefully, the orientation of the rug also differs in each room. Since there is one rug, one table, 4 chairs and a light, there are 7 additional differences."
"The handicraft is hanging higher on the wall in the right room than it is in the room on the left."
"Lastly, one of the glass ornaments is facing different directions in the two rooms."
Keith: "How many? One?"

Keith: "Or two?"

Abbie: "Oh. He's asking how many contestants I need. That's two."

Keith: "Two..."
Ivy: "That side? The one on your right? How many?"

Abbie: "I think Morgan said two."
Ivy: "That means that the cabin over there has only one contestant."
Abbie: "Hey, didn't we agree on entering this room?"
Morgan: "No we didn't. And splitting up will be a more efficient use of resources."
Keith: "Whatever. Leave him be."
Keith: "This room looks quite white."
Morgan: "This room looks decorated, so that means we need to make the left room look like the right room."
Keith: "Could the placement of these chairs be an issue! must be these glass figurines. They look so upsetting being asymmetrical."
Abbie: "There is a lot of china in this cabinet. How will we arrange them?"
Keith: "Does it look right now?"
Morgan: "This room is...neat too."
Morgan: "Keith, we need to make this room look like the other one."
Keith: "Are you very sure that is what we need to do?"
Keith: "What we were told was to make the two rooms identical. So why must it be your room?"
Abbie: "Oh, the clocks are not aligned. That must be an issue to fix."
Morgan: "Because my room looks more organised. By changing only one room, it will make things easier. And you two have already started. I don't know how, but you have. Are you sure you are not the Mole?"
Keith: "I swear. Not that it matters."
Abbie: "Why is there a random light here? I think this should go on that table."
Morgan: "Abbie, what are you doing?"
Abbie: "Trying to arrange the furniture. I'm looking for what does not seem to be in place."
Morgan: "Do you even understand the mission?"
Morgan: "Guys, just follow me to the other room. Things are simpler to mimic there."
Abbie: "Oh. It definitely looks more spacious."
Keith: "Okay, we shall take cue from this room, Morgan."
Abbie: "I need to spend some time memorising."
Morgan: "Yes, we should be careful and precise."
Keith: "I've gotten a few things down. I will start with those."
Keith: "Time to move all these small stuff out of the way first. We don't want to risk breaking them."
Keith: "I'll push all these to one side first."
Keith: "Unsurprisingly, I was the muscleman in the mission. I was in charge of moving all the bulky and heavy furniture. Occasionally Morgan would help. Abbie on the other hand...she just ran around doing her own thing."
Abbie: "Almost there...there!"
Abbie: "I just need to check if it's facing the right direction."
Morgan: "Abbie, what are you doing? We need to move these blocks to the corner. The light might fall off and break if we try to move them all together."
Abbie: "Alright, I'll take it down. Sorry."
Keith: "I remember the clock is on the other side."
Morgan: "It'll be much faster if you carry it instead of pushing them, Abbie."
Abbie: "But they're so heavy."
Keith: "Are you sure the table is here? I think it was facing the door."
Abbie: "I'll go check. Be right back."
Morgan: "Could you lend me a hand, Keith?"
Keith: "Nah, you look strong enough to lift it on your own."
Morgan: "You're joking, right? There's no way I can shift this all by myself."
Keith: "Joking. I'll help. But let's remove everything from the shelves first."
Morgan: "I'm not used to doing all the manual labour myself."
Abbie: "Oh, Keith was right. And I didn't realise there were kerosene lamps hanging by the door."
Keith: "I know the cabinet is aligned to the table. Let's wait until Abbie gets back with confirmation on its position."
Morgan: "We should keep an eye on her."
Keith: "When she returns. Let's work on the rest of the room first."
Abbie: "I'm back, guys. The table is facing the door."
Abbie: "I just realised something. What if the door isn't in the same position?"
Keith: "...Nah."
Abbie: "Higher, higher...stop! Perfect."
Morgan: "Okay, I've got the order of the paintings down. Now it's time to go back."
Morgan: "Hold on...what if someone tried to change something in this room?"
Morgan: "Throughout the mission, I was trying to prevent any possible sabotage as much as possible. Hence, I started off by splitting off from the group, so that I knew what the other room looked like before anyone else had a chance to alter it. I also chose to fix one room as the 'ideal' room. I also wanted the group to stick together as much as possible, but I concede that is a time-waster. I suppose it's impossible to ensure each mission is 100% Mole-proof."
Keith: "How were these arranged? I think this was facing that direction."
Abbie: "Are you sure it's supposed to be here? It looks so wrong."
Keith: "I'm sure. The centre of the coffee table is in between the first and second seat for the three-seater."
Keith: "Why are there two fairy lights? One is already on the table...we must've missed the location of one of them."
Keith: "Where exactly was this statue supposed to be?"
Keith: "I don't think this was a very smart idea. How do we know where to put objects like this statue, with no clear marker?"
Abbie: "Keith was right. But I just feel so uncomfortable seeing that off-centre table."
Morgan: "Light is emanating from behind the stereo. That must be it."
Abbie: "How sneaky. Did the Mole put it there?"
Abbie: "It should be around here."
Keith: "The picture better be in the right spot, or we will incur double the penalty."
Abbie: "I also double-checked in terms of the number of steps. Move aside and let me count the number of steps from here to the wall."
Morgan: "I think the gap is too narrow. Yes, I'm pretty sure it is. I shouldn't be able to hit the chair. Don't tell me the door is really something we need to watch out for."
Morgan: "We should spend the last few minutes checking, as a group."
Keith: "Hey, was anything moved here? It doesn't look right..."
Morgan: "Oh? Then make a mental note first."
Abbie: "Oh, the carpet is right against the wall."
Abbie: "Morgan! Come here!"
Morgan: "What is it?"
Abbie: "We did not place the carpet properly. That is why there is such a small gap between the table and the sofas."
Keith: "I need to clear out everything and just focus on the arrangement of the crockery..."
"1 minute left."
Keith: "Shit! We need to run back!"
Abbie: "We need to move the carpet and the lights."
Morgan: "That would require redoing the entire corner."
Morgan: "Keith! Help us!"
Keith: "Later! I'm verifying the position of the crockery."
Morgan: "But there is a clear error here that we must fix ASAP!"
Keith: "Okay, okay. I'm done soon. You two start first."
"Time is up."
Keith: "That was such a mad rush."
Abbie: "I think we did quite well."
Morgan: "I think so too."
"Let us spot the differences now."
"In the room on the right, the lights are higher than that on the left. Two errors right from the start."
"The cat picture and the clock are higher in the room on the right as well. Furthermore, the timing on the clocks differ. However, you will only be penalised once per object, meaning to say that there are 2 additional errors here."
"In the room on the right, the carpet is only touching one wall, yet in the room on the left, it is touching two."
"The orientation of the light fixture is also different. Furthermore, the base plate is removed and hidden under the carpet in the right room, but it is clearly visible in the left room. So far, 6 differences have been spotted."
"The table is placed too far to the back of the room in the left room."
"If you observe carefully, the orientation of the rug also differs in each room. Since there is one rug, one table, 4 chairs and a light, there are 7 additional differences."
"The handicraft is hanging higher on the wall in the right room than it is in the room on the left."
"Lastly, one of the glass ornaments is facing different directions in the two rooms."
"Therefore, there are 15 differences in total. Otherwise, the two rooms are identical. Hence, you could have earned 100 points, but after the penalty of 30 points, 70/100 points have been earned. The pot has a grand total of 929/1500 points from all the missions this season. That is quite a good pot, so be proud of yourselves."
Keith: "Damn it. The Mole always manages to screw things up right under our noses."
Abbie: "There were so many mistakes. How did we notice any of the height errors?"
Morgan: "In our rush, we placed the carpet wrongly again. And we failed to take note of its orientation."
Keith: "Our biggest problem was with the table. Morgan, you were the one who moved them because of the gap, and then forgot to move it back."
Morgan: "We didn't have time."
Abbie: "Let's not argue, guys. It's over. 70/100 is still a good score. Although I thought we had this in the bag."
Keith: "Hey Morgan, I'm sorry about the way I acted this morning. I was a bit harsh."
Morgan: "I understand. We all tried very hard to make it work, but somehow things still went wrong."
Keith: "Do you wonder who the lucky one is? The one who wouldn't have been here if not for Ivy?"
Morgan: "'s such a pity. I think she would have done quite well. And I owe it to her."
Keith: "Owe what?"
Morgan: "Nothing."
Keith: "The other night...the one she was tring to harm was you, wasn't it?"
Morgan: "I shan't say."
Keith: "But you realise this looks really bad on you, right? She answered the door bottomless. Did you...try to force yourself on her? Because that's not cool, man."
Morgan: "The truth will come to light when this airs. I just need to mentally prepare myself for it. One part of me feels guilty and thrown aback, but another part of me knew I had to focus on what was in front of me. For all I know, it could have been a ploy to distract me and make me lose."
Abbie: "Keith, Morgan, there you are."
Keith: "What?"
Abbie: "I'm sorry. I didn't realise trying to sell things to you caused so much tension between me and everyone else."
Morgan: "You already apologised to us once."
Keith: "As long as you realise the error of your ways, we will forgive you."
Abbie: "I know, but prevention is better than cure, is it not? I should have realised instead of just pretending that everyone was friends with each other. And I wish someone had told me sooner. Then I would have stopped."
Abbie: "I just assumed the good in everyone, you know? In Carl, too. He didn't seem like a bad guy."
Morgan: "He wasn't. He had ambition. But the way he went about it may not leave a good aftertaste in everybody's mouth."
Abbie: "If everything you say is true, and Armwey is really evil...then we have all been victims. And we need to stop them. I'm sure with my volunteering experience, I can convince Red Cross to help Vietnam next."
Morgan: "Good for you. Have a goal and work towards it."
Keith: "You can do that? I mean, no offense, but you're not exactly a leader of anyone with influence."
Abbie: "I'm sure I am. My dream is to be a princess, so I learned about all the courtly matters and politics. Anyway, I shan't disturb you. May the best one win."
It is time for the final quiz.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
Q2: How old is the Mole?
Q3: What is the Mole's favourite colour?
Q4: What is the Mole's favourite music genre?
Q5: What is the Mole's favourite food?
Q6: What is the Mole's occupation?
Q7: What kind of ear accessory does the Mole wear?
Q8: What is the Mole's natural hair colour?
Q9: Name one other general fact about the Mole.
Q10: In Mission 1, what was the question the Mole asked?
Q11: In Mission 2, which target did the Mole first reach?
Q12: In Mission 3, which contestants were not initially in the same room as the Mole?
Q13: In Mission 4, who did the Mole first run into?
Q14: Before Mission 5, who sat opposite the Mole during the briefing?
Q15: In Mission 6, there was a plaque stating who needed to be in each cabin. What did the plaque say for the Mole's cabin?
Q16: In Mission 7, name one question the Mole answered first.
Q17: In Mission 8, what object did the Mole have in their possession, if any?
Q18: In Mission 9, which finalist mined the next highest amount of points, if any?
Q19: In Mission 10, which car did the Mole drive?
Q20: Who is the Mole?
???: "Morgan struggled with his question in the first mission. This was despite the question being an easy one, and the fact that he had access to all the questions before Hannah asked him the question. If it wasn't for her constant prodding, Morgan would very likely have gotten the question wrong."
Hannah: "Morgan, how many tentacles does Squidward have? A is 6, B is 4, C is 7 and D is 8."
Morgan: "How interesting. I think it should be 4 legs."
???: "Abbie chose a curveball question, which, I may add, was a question neither herself nor her partner knew the answer to. It was a lucky guess."
Abbie: "What comes next? Stark, ___?"
Abbie: "A: Stack, B: Tony, C: Stork, D: Slack."
Quinn: "I don't get it."
Abbie: "Neither do I. Let me think too."
Quinn: "By elimination, it's not Tony Stark. Is it A? Or is it...C, stork?"
???: "The first mission ddin't reveal much, because as the Mole, Keith didn't want to reveal himself too early. Furthermore, it would have been stupidly obvious if Keith failed to get such an easy question correct."
Keith: "Hit me."
Benjamin: "Let me catch my breath first. Okay, there are four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. What is another name for Autumn?
A: Fall
B: Er....Maple!"
Benjamin: "What were the others...ah! C is Equinox and D..shit, what's D?"
Benjamin: ", rise! D is Rise!"
Keith: "Is this even a question?"
Keith: "The answer is clearly A: Fall."
???: "Keith scored perfectly in the second mission. Almost too perfectly. It was a nice gesture to get him on the no-way list."
Keith: "If I get this, I get 45 points and an exemption."
Keith: "Awesome. What can I say? I'm a perfectionist. I strive for excellence."
???: "As someone who enjoys recreational golf, Morgan's performance was dismal."
Morgan: "Stupid wind. I only brought in 9 points. 8 balls wasted. And I failed to get the exemption."
???: "Even the worst of golfers earned something. Abbie scored absolutely nothing in the mission."
Abbie: "It was a good shot."
Abbie: "It's okay. Just keep trying."
Abbie: "I know I'll be able to make it."
???: "Abbie was the President in the third mission, yet she chose to keep mum about it. This nearly cost us the points."
Carl: "Interesting. I believe that Abbie is the Bomb Leader, and is trying not to get moved because she wants the President to be in the same room as her."
Quinn: "Hmm...oh. But I'm not the President. And I think Robert doesn't have a special role."
Carl: "Oh. We have two suspects for Bomb Leader and one for President. Morgan and Ivy wanted the status quo...chances are, the two leaders were in separate rooms to begin with, which is why both of them are so eager to get the status quo back."
Quinn: "Perhaps Ivy is trying to protect Morgan's identity while ensuring he doesn't get killed by the bomber."
Carl: "That is plausible. And we are low on time. So..."
Quinn: "We compromise. Morgan and Abbie should be our hostages."
???: "Keith revealed how much of a bad liar he was in the third mission. Or rather, how bad he was at following through with his lies."
Keith: "I'm willing to go as hostage."
Benjamin: "Really? Why?"
Keith: "Chances are that the President isn't in this room. That will be too easy."
Morgan: "So you want to kill the President?"
Keith: "I...I...yes, I'm the Bomb Leader."
Ivy: "I don't believe him."
Morgan: "Neither do I, but let us just play along and see what game he's playing here."
???: "Morgan was the one controlling the third mission. He was the one who came up with a plan which for some reason everyone listened to. That plan was flawed and would have cost the group a lot of points if things hadn't gone off-course in a good way."
Morgan: "How about this: Let Keith be the hostage and you be the rep. You pull over who you think should come here. Then I rep you to go to the other side so that you and Keith can meet up and discuss again. Then Ivy, you try to convince those new players to move me over so as to maintain the status quo. They shouldn't say no."
???: "Morgan was extremely eager to protect Carl in the fourth mission even though there was no clear benefit. By hiding Carl's identity and preventing the policemen from ever catching Carl, Morgan pretty much ensured that the points were kept safely out of the pot."
Carl: "Can I trust you?"
Morgan: "You can't trust anybody. But with your identity ascertained, rest assured I will try to protect you."
Carl: "But there is no incentive for you to do that."
Morgan: "I'm sure there is. Just wait and see."
???: "Abbie warned Carl, the criminal mastermind, in the fourth mission. Why? Why would she do that if she was a normal contestant who wanted to earn points. Furthermore, she was really uncooperative during the mission and eventually got herself locked in a room. It's hard to read what she intended to do."
Abbie: "Oh no."
Abbie: "Shh. Don't say a word. We never met."
Abbie: "I don't want to do reveal my role either."
Abbie: "But be wary of Quinn."
???: "Keith, in Mission 4, came at the worst possible moment. If he had entered just one second later, Carl would have been caught and points would have been earned."
Hannah: "Carl, why didn't you stop when I told you to? Have a guilty conscience?"
Carl: "What? Of course not."
Hannah: "Then tell me who you are."
Carl: "Never."
Hannah: "I guess I'm forced to--"
Keith: "Carl! There you are."
"Time is up."
Morgan: "I hope I'm not too late."
"Carl is the criminal, but Hannah was just a minute too late in arresting him, so 0/30 points have been earned, making the pot 519/750 points. That also means that Carl gets an exemption."
Hannah: "Nice job, Carl. I was so close."
???: "Mission 5 was where Keith started to show himself. He kept calling numbers that were repeated. He tried very hard at skeeballing but somehow wasn't very good at it."
Keith: "It's hard to keep track of what we've called out already."
Quinn: "We should have been more systematic. Or you should have been more systematic."
Keith: "It's too late for that. Look, you made me miss."
Quinn: "Oh, it's my fault now."
???: "Morgan had to tell Carl and Julie how many candles were lit up in the fifth mission. He failed to do that. The first time, he was impatient and did not wait until all the candles were lit. That was out of character."
Carl: "Hold up. I'm getting a call."
Morgan: "Hello? Who am I speaking to?"
Carl: "This is Carl. Julie is beside me."
Ivy: "25 candles."
Morgan: "Carl, I see...wait, let me count...23 candles."
Ivy: "Wait. I think they're not done yet."
???: "In Mission 5, Abbie hogged the phone. This meant that she could have lied about which candles to light up."
Hannah: "And that's done too. Abbie, it's time to pass me the phone back."
???: "In Mission 6, Keith was the one who barged into a cabin with already two contestants in it. Because of his actions, one cabin could no longer be worth points."
Quinn: "Huh? Oh no."
???: "I don't know why Abbie thought she had to prematurely alight in the sixth mission. But the biggest sabotage she made then was how she conveniently misinterpreted the sign language. She was why Julie's carriage failed to earn points."
Keith: "How many? One?"

Keith: "Or two?"

Abbie: "Oh. He's asking how many contestants I need. That's two."

Keith: "Two..."
Ivy: "That side? The one on your right? How many?"

Abbie: "I think Morgan said two."
Ivy: "That means that the cabin over there has only one contestant."
???: "Morgan did earn points in the train, but didn't help anyone else too. Once he had his answer, he went back to his cabin and stayed there, not choosing to help the rest. One cabin had already been forfeited, so he could have come over to freely discuss and help the rest."
Morgan: "Then you're the one I've been looking for the entire time."
Abbie: "Hi guys. Since we can all come here now, I want to ask you if any of you love royalty."
Abbie: "Quinn, you do, right?"
Quinn: "Actually I don't. As a matter of fact, I hate the monarchy."
Ivy: "That's where the party is."
???: "Abbie wasted time and effort answering questions that had already been answered in the seventh mission. Doing so may make her look hardworking, but would not have earned any points."
Keith: "There's no time to lose. I'll begin with the first question."
Abbie: "I think I see it!"
Abbie: "I'm here! Let's see. Question 1: How many completed seasons of the Smole are there? That's easy. It's 37."
Keith: "Abbie, maybe you should start from the bottom."
???: "Morgan failed to make it in time in Mission 7, thereby being unable to take part in the second part of the mission. That was the part that could actually bring in points."
Morgan: "I'm here."
"Morgan, you did not make it in time. Hence, you are unable to participate in the second part of this mission."
???: "Keith was going in rapid-fire mode in the seventh mission. This allowed him to have an advantage because he would influence whether or not the answers were correct, and hence whether points would be earned. This is beacuse only the first answer to that question counted."
Keith: "Could Jake Huez drive in Season 30? No. In which season were there two Moles? Season 30. What was the first mission of Season 32 about?"
???: "Morgan is skilful. He offended Ivy before the start of Mission 8, knowing her personality. The two wasted a lot of time arguing and disagreeing with each other, and Morgan could blame it on her."
Morgan: "We need to write this down. Its too hard to try and visualise."
Ivy: "No, it's not that hard, given the time limit."
Morgan: "I would think that 15 minutes is a very long time to solve a puzzle."
Ivy: "But there are four of us. And we need to get ready by 15 minutes. So the actual puzzle solving takes lesser time."
Morgan: "Ivy, don't be like this. What I'm suggesting is for the good of the pot."
Ivy: "Is it really?"
Julie: "I don't think we can depend on them for this mission. Looks like we habe to solve it ourselves."
???: "Keith, our resident smartypants, did not manage to solve the logic puzzle in Mission 8. In fact, he guessed a lot of the time and ignored clues that clearly pointed to a different answer."
Keith: "Hmm, I think Ivy will be wearing a bikini. She's got the best figure. Abbie will probably wear her onesie or her workout clothes. Morgan will most likely be the one with the book."
???: "Abbie was stubborn and insistent on solving the challenging logic puzzle, even though it was clear she wouldn't be able to solve it in time. The time could have been better spent discussing pyschology."
Ivy: "We are spending too much time on this. Everyone, just pick what you fancy."
Abbie: "No! We can do this. I know we can."
???: "In the ninth mission, Abbie was so afraid and made a big hooha about the experience. It's a subtle but effective way to annoy everyone else, and wish for her to stay as far away from everyone else as possible. This means she would be alone to sabotage. She also took a lot of useless, worthless rocks and debris, instead of the ores which were worth points. Most notably, she left a whole bunch of ores behind instead of collecting them."
Abbie: "I see quite a few metals. I'm sure those are worth some points."
Abbie: "I think I should just clear everything away before I collect the ores."
???: "Morgan tried to look like he was helpful but really offered little help in the penultimate mission. He left piles half-cleared and destroyed a few ores in the process."
Morgan: "We've gotten the ore. Let us move on."
Ivy: "But the rubble isn't cleared. Ack! And there's another area on the other side."
Morgan: "Oh dear. It looks like I destroyed one of the ores."
???: "In Mission 9, Keith destroyed a couple of ores by hitting too hard. He also conveniently avoided piles that blocked passageways and occasionally 'missed out' a few ores."
Keith: "Too much strength isn't a good thing at times. It's so hard to find the balance between picking hard but quick, and gentle but careful."
???: "In the last mission, it was evident that Morgan had tried to break away from the group to sabotage. He secretly shifted a few things whenever he was alone in a room, and also made everyone stop to help him redo an entire section of the room at the last minute. Not to mention that he made the most mistakes."
Abbie: "We need to move the carpet and the lights."
Morgan: "That would require redoing the entire corner."
Morgan: "Keith! Help us!"
Keith: "Later! I'm verifying the position of the crockery."
Morgan: "But there is a clear error here that we must fix ASAP!"
Keith: "Okay, okay. I'm done soon. You two start first."
???: "In Mission 10, Keith was more than happy to execute sabotages in the form of mistakes, despite being a thinker. An example of this would be the kerosene lamps. At the last moment, we had a big error that needed to be fixed, but Keith was reluctant to help."
Abbie: "Higher, higher...stop! Perfect."
???: "I had no idea what Abbie was doing for the first 5 to 10 minutes of the final mission. She appeared to have misinterpreted the mission. Ultimately, she was trying to add to our burden and was responsible for some discrepancies between the two rooms."
Abbie: "Why is there a random light here? I think this should go on that table."
Morgan: "Abbie, what are you doing?"
Abbie: "Trying to arrange the furniture. I'm looking for what does not seem to be in place."
Morgan: "Do you even understand the mission?"
The quiz has been taken. That means the finale is right around the corner. Who will pull through and win? Who is the Mole?
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