Keith Summers, Morgan Ivy and Abbie Cielle Defghi. Three of them beat nine others to be part of the final three. One is the winner, one is the runner-up and one is the Mole. The question is, who is who? The pot has 929/1500 points, but how much more will be added, and who will bring home this money? Find out now, on the finale of the Smole, Season 38.
"Welcome to the finale of the Smole, Season 38. We are here in Appaloosa Plains. A challenging but fulfilling few weeks have passed by. In the blink of an eye, we are now down to the final three. Who will win? Who is the Mole? All will be revealed shortly, but first, let us invite our executed contestants back."
"Looks like someone has reached. Who is it?"
"First up, we have Shirley DeSota!"
Julie: "Hff..hff..."
Shirley: "You can do it!"
Julie: "Who...who's author..."
Shirley: "Take it easy. Slow, deep breaths."
Julie: "I'm not smart."
Shirley: "It doesn't matter. This should be well-known."
Julie: "Sorry to have upset you."
Shirley: "I'm not upset. Just try your best, okay? It doesn't matter if you're wrong."
Julie: "Then...Yale. I think it's the most prestigious."
Shirley: "I would. Even though we've only just met, even though I don't know you, I will miss you. I will have to live with the knowledge that someone had died tonight."
"Who's behind this wheel?"
"It is Collin Ybarra!"
Collin: "There is no way I can remember. I'll pick the easiest question not used yet."
Collin: "Concentrate. Focus."
Collin: "And swing!"
"Our third contestant has arrived. Give it up for Benjamin Brenner!"
Benjamin: "If my memory serves me correctly, it's D, The All-American Rejects."
"That is correct."
Benjamin: "Yeah!"
Keith: "Woohoo!"
Keith: "Well, yeah, but aren't you married?"
Benjamin: "So? A man keeps his right to admire beauty when he sees it."
Benjamin: "Wait, why am I aiming for the signboard?"
Benjamin: "I'm an idiot."
Morgan: "All in agreement?"
Benjamin: "I don't agree. I think I should be the hostage. If he's the bomber, then we can't let him cross over to the other side."
Ivy: "Let us put this to the vote. I agree for Keith to go as hostage."
Morgan: "Me too."
Julie: "I'm fine with that."
Keith: "You know my vote. It's a majority."
Benjamin: "No. We need a consensus."
Benjamin: "I'll begin. I'm willing to exchange Keith for Carl."
Quinn: "I'm afraid if you want to get anyone, it has to be Robert."
Benjamin: "Then the deal is off. Let fate decide."
Quinn: "Are you sure you want to do that?"
Benjamin: "Carl, or nothing."
"Ladies and gentlemen, our next contestant."
"Let us give a warm round of applause to Robert Smarter!"
Ivy: "A is 105, B is 206, C is 307 and D is for 408."
Robert: "I do not receive a lot education. I do not know."
Robert: "We had no money for school. I wish for my kids to not be like me."
Robert: "Let me try to count."
Robert: "1...2...3...4...I only count 4."
Robert: "I did it!"
Robert: "I am not good with mind games."
Carl: "Welcome to the Smole, where you'll get mindfucked at every instance."
Robert: "My family need money."
Carl: "Robbie, do you see me as a friend?"
Robert: "Yes."
Carl: "Good. Then as a friend, I shall help you. I have a good mone-making venture for you."
"This lovely lady has entered the scene."
"A warm welcome to Hannah Voltremore!"
Hannah: "My strategy is to do my best and earn points. I'm curious to see if I'll still be suspected regardless. Paranoia is quite a dangerous bug."
Hannah: "Morgan, how many tentacles does Squidward have? A is 6, B is 4, C is 7 and D is 8."
Morgan: "How interesting. I think it should be 4 legs."
Hannah: "The question is on tentacles."
Morgan: "Oh. Then it probably is 8, right? But that's a question that would insult my intelligence."
Hannah: "It's about Squidward."
Morgan: "Squidward...I hardly watch the show. But it does seem like 8 was too many. He was odd. My final answer is A: 6."
Hannah: "Thanks for the proposal but we'll wait it out. You already may have a coalition with Abbie."
Hannah: "I don't like that idea. That's too complicated."
Hannah: "Okay, but you should speak to Abbie about this first."
Hannah: "Only 2 balls lying around, and 37 out of 45 points earned? I say I did great."
Hannah: "I guess I'll tell you my role. I'm not the bomber, but I'm part of that team. But I want to earn the points."
Keith: "Can we trust you?"
Hannah: "I guess only time will tell."
Quinn: "A little birdie told me you're a criminal."
Quinn: "But you're clearly lying. Because I'm the criminal."
Hannah: "You are? Then I hereby arrest you because I'm the policeman."
Quinn: "Wait, what? But I'm the police too."
Hannah: "What? Then why did you try to claim that you're the criminal?"
Quinn: "Why did you try to claim you're the criminal?"
Hannah: "We messed up."
Hannah: "Found it. It looks like 5 minutes is up. Abbie, here you go. As promised, the phone for the next 5 minutes."
Abbie: "Thank you. Oh! I23."
Keith: "Hannah! Are you okay?"
Hannah: "Yes, I just suddenly felt faint is all. Recently I've been getting a lot of headaches too. I guess I haven't been resting well. Maybe it's the intensity of the game."
Keith: "Hannah, I think you're pregnant."
"And look who came. It is Carl Shipley, everyone!"
Carl: "That old geezer barely ran."
Carl: "He better not stand in the way of me and my money."
"That is correct."
Carl: "I'm on to you."
Collin: "Who are you again?"
Ivy: "You know what to say to get attention, I'll give you that."
Carl: "Ai..."
Carl: "Something is up here. You guys have been really pushy about who you wanted. We're not going to let you control this. I want Ivy to be the hostage. I will rep her. Trust my public speaking skills."
Hannah: "I support Carl. That means that Julie, you are the deciding vote."
Quinn: "Perhaps Ivy is trying to protect Morgan's identity while ensuring he doesn't get killed by the bomber."
Carl: "That is plausible. And we are low on time. So..."
Quinn: "We compromise. Morgan and Abbie should be our hostages."
Carl: "I used to be poor like you, too, till I discovered Armwey. Armwey is a gift to me, to help me find purpose in life. Through selling their products, I have earned much more in one month than one year in my previous job. It's really lucrative."
Carl: "Gasp!"
Morgan: "I know you saw me. Come out."
Carl: "Why don't you come in?"
Morgan: "There is only one reason why you would want to hide. So I suggest you come out or I'll go around telling every single player I meet that you're the criminal."
Carl: "25 candles. Are you positive? Final answer? Okay."
Carl: "So...25?"
Julie: "There's nothing we can do but trust them."
Carl: "But this isn't just anything. It's the cream of goddesses! It uses a special formula--"
Ivy: "Maybe you can't take the hint, but I'm not interested."
Carl: "Don't be so quick to reject it. Just give it a try. I'll even give you a free sample if you want."
Ivy: "No means no."
Carl: "Don't be like that, Ivy. Aren't we friends? You have to support me and try this."
Ivy: "If we really are friends, then you wouldn't be treating me like a consumer or an ATM machine. So you better stop trying to sell me your junk or I'm cutting off our friendship."
Morgan: "Carl, are you ESTJ by any chance?"
Carl: "As a matter of fact, I think I am."
Morgan: "Then you're the one I've been looking for the entire time."
Carl: "Me? But that's impossible. That means we didn't have to move at all."
Morgan: "Or we did, but eventually needed to return. They're playing with us, Carl."
Carl: "If you don't want to buy then scram. You're not my friend. Dozens want to buy from me and support Armwey's cause."
Quinn: "If you want to continue leading a destructive life, alienating everyone you know, I can't stop you. But don't brainwash Abbie and Julie."
"Who just arrived in time for the finale?"
"Ladies and gentlemen, Quinn Harley!"
Quinn: "Twhack!"
Quinn: "What the..."
Quinn: "It got in, but not the one I was aiming for."
Quinn: "Abbie got 0. ZERO. I can see it now. 'Innocent Girl Ends Up As The Mole'."
Hannah: "But don't you think it's a little too obvious? I think we should be wary of tunnel vision. To me, the Mole this season is someone who is working very hard and being very fanatical. He or she is trying to blend in to avoid detection."
Quinn: "You're so adamant that you're either the Bomb Leader of the Mole, Ben."
Benjamin: "Keith must stay, and I must stay. That's that."
Quinn: "No. I'm not letting you have your way."
Benjamin: "Then you shall not rep us. I'll do it."
"Welcome, contestants, to your next execution ceremony. This lovely evening, one of you will be executed."
"It won't be Quinn or Robert, for they are exempted."
Quinn: "This is getting boring."
Abbie: "Oh no! Stay away from me."
Quinn: "But I'm on your side."
Abbie: "You're a henchwoman too?"
Quinn: "No. I'm a policewoman."
Abbie: "You said you were on my side!"
Quinn: "I guess I was wrong."
Keith: "It's hard to keep track of what we've called out already."
Quinn: "We should have been more systematic. Or you should have been more systematic."
Quinn: "Hey, witches and wizards are real."
Abbie: "Sure, but your obsession with them is a little scary."
Quinn: "Obsessed? I'll have you know that I'm that close to creating an elixir that will grant me the powers of magic."
Quinn: "In fact, I also have a wand that I've been practising with. Watch this."
Quinn: "Abra-kadabra!"
Quinn: "DO NOT ENTER!"
Quinn: "Maybe kicking and pounding on the door on top of yelling will work."
Quinn: "As a teacher, it is important that I set a good example for my students, who will indubitably watch the show. But today, I threw my image all out the window."
Quinn: "Where is it, where is it..."
Quinn: "It's not my business to probe, but with the two of you sleeping in the same bed every night, there better not be a tryst going on. Don't be unfaithful to your wife. I can't tolerate infedility."
"The lady with the specially rented car is here."
"Welcome, Julie Kanzing!"
Julie: "I have a story to tell--"
Shirley: "Shh. Let Abbie finish first."
Abbie: "Anyway, so this one time I felt really lazy..."
Julie: "Fine!"
Abbie: "What happened to her?"
Shirley: "I'll go check up on her."
Julie: "I suck."
Julie: "I'm the President."
Carl: "And you didn't think to tell us that earlier?"
Ivy: "She's just attention seeking. Ignore her."
Morgan: "Julie, you were very quiet and unparticipative during the last mission. I'd like to hear a reason why."
Julie: "I did try to speak up but it was pointless. You guys wouldn't listen to me."
Morgan: "Blaming your problems on others isn't a good trait to have."
Julie: "Huh?"
Julie: "I shall just stay in here."
Julie: "He's running away. He must be a criminal! Wait, that doesn't make sense. Wasn't Hannah the criminal?"
Julie: "Don't tell me Hannah lied."
Carl: "Come on, Julie. Aren't we friends/"
Julie: "Friends? You consider us friends?"
Carl: "Well, yeah, I guess."
Julie: "That makes me so happy. You're the first friend I made here. Do you like shopping?"
Carl: "I do, but it depends on what I'm buying."
Julie: "Me too! We have common interests!"
Quinn: "Julie, do you believe in magic?"
Julie: "No."
Quin: "You're missing out. I can't believe anyone would actually disbelieve in magic."
Julie: "Sorry. I believe in magic. Please don't hate me."
Quinn: "I hate those who suck up."
Julie: "Why does this world hate me? When Shirley was nice to me, she was executed. When Hannah was nice to me, she was executed."
Keith: "Quick, guys. Think. What could be related to royalty? Gods, kings...planets? A lot of planets are named after gods. Anyone has a favourite planet which isn't Earth?"
Julie: "Not me. I have zero interest in astronomy."
Julie: "I may be thinking of quitting."
Carl: "Why?"
Julie: "Nobody likes me. I should just disappear off the face of existence."
Julie: "It's all up to me now. I feel so important suddenly."
Julie: "I don't know. I like them all. They make me feel great. I'm so touched that you were willing to do all this for me. And here I thought none of you liked that."
Julie: "What the hell is wrong with you? You're the one who hates me the most, and you're the one who doesn't want me to quit?"
Morgan: "Give me a chance to prove my love to you. Come over to my room. Our room."
"Last but not least, let us welcome our drama momma..."
"...Ivy Waxes!"
Ivy: "Now did it hit the target?"
Ivy: "Oh."
Ivy: "Oops. I hope nobody caught that."
Morgan: "I think some Russell Jimmies will really enhance the atmosphere."
Julie: "Russell Jimmies?"
Morgan: "It's a clothing brand. Don't rustle your jimmies over fashion. Ever heard of it?"
Ivy: "I have, but I never understood the concept or appeal. It's such an oxymoron that you have to spend a lot of money to look poor."
Ivy: "What the..."
Ivy: "Ugh. I'm at a dead end!"
Ivy: "I really appreciate how there are only two of us in this room. We get to know each other on a...personal level."
Ivy: "Hey, I see them!"
Ivy: "Even though it was at night, this mission was very different from the previous two. It was really beautiful from where I was. And then I could see little figures running around, lighting candles. It was breahtaking."
Morgan: "Cepheus used to be my ex-fiancee's favourite constellation."
Ivy: "I happen to be lukewarm about it. My favourite is the Big Dipper. It was the first one I knew about. It's like my first love."
Ivy: "It sounds like someone is pounding on the door."
Keith: "Are you sure it's not just the wheels of the train?"
Ivy: "It could be. But if it's someone knocking, we must not let them in."
Ivy: "In fact, we should be quiet so that we can listen more carefully to determine the source."
Ivy: "Fine. You want to see my belly?"
Ivy: "Nothing. I don't have a birthmark. I'm not your fiancée."
Morgan: "Sorry. I shouldn't have doubted you."
Ivy: "It's too late for apologies. I think we need some time apart to cool off. I'm moving the the vacant room."
Ivy: "I think I'm lost."
Ivy: "I'll just stop and ask for directions."
Ivy: "Times have changed. If you want something, you do all you can to get it, or you will live to regret it."
Morgan: "We need to write this down. Its too hard to try and visualise."
Ivy: "No, it's not that hard, given the time limit."
Morgan: "I would think that 15 minutes is a very long time to solve a puzzle."
Ivy: "But there are four of us. And we need to get ready by 15 minutes. So the actual puzzle solving takes lesser time."
Morgan: "Ivy, don't be like this. What I'm suggesting is for the good of the pot."
Ivy: "Is it really?"
Julie: "I don't think we can depend on them for this mission. Looks like we have to solve it ourselves."
Ivy: "I forgive you, Morgan. And i want to believe you. I have to protect myself first and foremost."
Morgan: "Ivy..."
Ivy: "I think we need some time to cool off."
Ivy: "My name isn't Ivy Waxes. It's Ada Fleming."

Morgan: "What the hell? Did you just try to claw me?"

Morgan: "You'll pay for that. What are you rummaging for?"

Ivy: "And you'll pay for everything you did to me in the past."

Ivy: "Wait, what?"

"Yesterday, we learnt some very disturbing news. Ivy Waxes tried to murder a fellow contestant. While we welcome drama, we do not tolerate it if it involves the planned demise of another contestant. Henceforth, Ivy will be removed from the game."
Ivy: "Someone did me something wrong."
Abbie: "Did he apologise? Everything can be solved if they say sorry."
Ivy: "Things aren't that simple. What he did was unforgiveable."
Ivy: "What's that smell?"
Ivy: "I don't feel so well."
Ivy: "Why are there fumes rising?"
"Contestants, in the mission, Ivy has earned 48 points. Keith has earned 32 points. Abbie has earned 28 points. Morgan has earned 35 points."
"On top of that, Ivy has earned the final exemption this season."
Ivy: "Yes! I'm in the finale!"

Morgan: "What the hell? Did you just try to claw me?"

Morgan: "You'll pay for that. What are you rummaging for?"

Ivy: "And you'll pay for everything you did to me in the past."

Ivy: "Wait, what?"

"Yesterday, we learnt some very disturbing news. Ivy Waxes tried to murder a fellow contestant. While we welcome drama, we do not tolerate it if it involves the planned demise of another contestant. Henceforth, Ivy will be removed from the game."
"It is great to see all of you back. It's definitely been an eventful season. I hope you are excited for what is to come. But first, let us find out how all of you have been doing."
"Ivy, you definitely made an impression, and an exit. How are you faring in terms of your mental health?"
Ivy: "Good, just good...I was too reckless, and I apologise. I was consumed by hatred and revenge that I made a foolish mistake. One that caused me to lose out on the finale."
"Indeed. It just goes to show that nothing is set in stone. An exempted player can leave at any time too . But for the safety of all present, we have security deployed around so that you don't try to kill anyone else."
Ivy: "Understood."
"I understand that someone has been working very closely on your case, and that someone is here with us today."
Shirley: "I'm not allowed to disclose her health."
"Do not worry. That is not our intent. We just want to know how you spent your time out of the Smole, seeing as you were the first one out."
Shirley: "As you said, I was the first to go. It was disappointing, but it happens. So life resumed as per normal. There was minimal disruption, or just a small hiccup to be precise. I hoped to explore the realm of psychology here, and it's just so interesting. I do hope I can return for another season someday."
"Maybe that can be arranged."
"Collin, you look very lost. Do you remember why you're here?"
Collin: "Vaguely...but my memories of the Smole have been a blur. I really don't remember much."
"It is only natural, since you left second."
"Hannah, I recall that you discovered you were pregnant just before you were executed. How must that have felt, knowing you were expecting?"
Hannah: "It was magical when it all clicked. Those that found out were telling me to watch myself, be careful...they were even more nervous than I was! But I don't regret joining. It was such an adventure, and I knew myself well enough to know I could carry on. And it was our first adventure together, before he was even born. I suppose it's all fate trying to make sure I take care of myself. That's why I left when I did."
"Congratulations once again."
"Quinn, you were extremely serious about the game, and that was evident. It was like you never stopped talking about it. Do you have anything to say to Abbie, your coalition member who made it to the finale?"
Quinn: "I really am an obsessive fan. It was really cool to be a part of the experience. It's no secret that I was distrustful of Abbie from the start. But did I leave because my suspicions were wrong? Or because I led her onto the right path by mistake? Or was it because I just didn't know her well enough to secure my placing? We won't know."
"Some of those questions will be answered shortly."
"Ben, you were also a very enthusiastic player, and you were very close to Keith. Did you ever think he could be the Mole?"
Benjamin: "No, not really. He was as crazy about the Smole as I was. We fed off each other's energy. When he answered correctly in the first mission, and then trashed it at the golf mission, I felt it couldn't be him. He was always trying his best to win. So no, it couldn't be him. And now that I say that, I will probably be blindsided and it will probably be Keith. Ha."
"We shall see if you are right."
"Carl, you were very influential in the house, and pretty much had everyone under your thumb. But everyone began to hate you. Any comments to that?"
Carl: "I tap on my talents. I know I'm quite persuasive, and I am very social. So I was liked, but then slowly I was becoming disliked by quite a lot of you. I can't stop you from feeling whatever you want, but I don't think I did anythig wrong. Some are just uncomfortable with how I do things, but you gotta step out of your comfort zones to achieve the things you really want."
"Eloquently put, as expected."
"Robert, you came here to win money. How do you feel now that your hopes have been dashed?"
Robert: "Dashed?"
Robert: "Oh. I worked very hard. It felt like a school, and I was doing an exam, but I failed. I am sad, but I know what could happen and I readied me for that. If I lost, I would go back to my factory and work more hard. There was nothing to lose."
"We could all learn from your work ethic."
"Finally, Julie, I know it took a lot to get you to sign up."
Julie: "Yes, definitely. I like staying at home. It wasn't even my idea to join. But since I was here, I thought I would make the most out of it."
"What challenges did you face?"
Julie: "A lot. It was so difficult to navigate the social landscape. Everyone was hiding stuff, not being honest, not heing open or friendly. It was stressing me out. Truth be told, I didn't enjoy it. I much prefer watching the Smole."
"And watch you shall."
"Let us view some statistics."
"This chart took into account the name put down on each of your last quizzes. As we can see, everyone died because of the final four. But the real question is: were you executed because of your suspect, or in spite of your suspect?"
"We also gathered your inputs on who you think the Mole is and added it to the public vote. You can see your faces in the corresponding pieces of the pie chart. The public feels that Keith is the Mole, but it seems that you lot are more inclined to think it is Abbie."
"We've been holding off the suspense long enough. It's time to welcome our finalists."
"Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for our finalists: Morgan Lowell, Keith Summers and Abbie Cielle Defghi!"
Julie: "Hey, why did it suddenly get dark?"
Quinn: "Look! Up in the sky! It's a blimp!"
"The answer you all have been waiting for...who is the winner?"
Hannah: "That's not the answer we've been waiting for."
Robert: "The balloon is gone."
Carl: "And now it's reversing! It's gonna get dark again."
"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the winner of the Smole, Season 38: Morgan Lowell!"
Hannah: "No way! I was wrong about the Mole! And the blimp needs to decide where it wants to go. My eyes are going crazy if it keeps alternating between light and dark."
Ivy: "He just isn't fair."
Shirley: "Ooh, congratulations! I didn't really expect him to win, to be honest."
Carl: "Of course he won. He brought in a lot of money. My Mole brought in the least. But good job Morgan."
Morgan: "It has been a pleasure to be here, to get to know all of you, to have been a part of this shared experience. I was strategising at every point, keeping my friends close and my enemies closer. I am glad to say that it has paid off. Being seen with the Mole all the time made it difficult to pinpoint who was responsible for the suspcious activity. I like to thank my competitors and the Mole for a job well done too."
"Thank you, Morgan. You earned the 929/1500 points in the pot. However, for every time the Mole's name was put down in the quiz, 1 point would be transferred from the Mole's pot to yours. The Mole's name was put down 13 times. Hence, you now have 942/1500 points, or 94.200 Simoleons! That is a really high amount, so congratulations."
"We now know who the winner is, but who is the Mole?"
"Is it innocent-looking Abbie?"
"Or is it fanatic Keith?"
"Hannah, Collin, the two of you thought Morgan was the Mole. We all know now that it is false. We are giving you another chance to identify the Mole."
Collin: "I forgot what they did already. Since everyone picked Abbie, it has got to be Abbie."
Hannah: "I'll go with Keith just because. He's someone who wasn't on our radar."
"So this means that half of you think Abbie will lose, while the other half thinks Keith is the runner-up. Who is right?"
"The blimp is back. Ladies and gentlemen, the runner-up of Season 38 is..."
"Abbie Cielle Defghi!"
Abbie: "I was so confident I was right. And I was. I just didn't win. But I am content to lose to Morgan. He is smart and sharp. He probably caught on to Keith before I did. It's been a blast, regardless. If you want to walk fast walk alone. If you want to walk far, walk together. I am glad to have my sisters Quinn and Hannah during this. I shall keep this short, so I want to end this with a shoutout to my idol, Poppy La Tootie! Without you, I would never have embarked on this journey and made it to where I am today."
"Thank you for participating, Abbie. It was a pleasure to have you with us."
"Ladies, and gentlemen, the Mole of Season 38, Keith Summers!"
Keith: "Boy, you guys made my life hell this season. And that's good. Right from the start all of you did so well, I realised I needed to be very careful to avoid tipping anyone off. But a careful Mole isn't fun to watch, and I realised that I had the trust of the majority, so that emboldened me to be more brazen. But it was never easy. You guys were just too good, sometimes I couldn't find a place to sabotage. I sincerely congratulate Morgan, and thank everyone for giving me hell."
"You fought valiantly, Keith. You have 558/1500 points in your stash, which amounts to 55,800 Simoleons."
"Keith, would you like to walk us through your journey as the Mole?"
Keith: "Gladly."
Keith: "In the first mission, I was going to do well. I wanted to lay low. I just didn't expect everyone else to do well too. In the second mission, I wanted to seal the deal that I wasn't the Mole. I picked up golfing for the Smole in order to make all the shots. My success was less effective though, when Quinn managed to do the same. Still, I believed that I had successfully taken any targets off my back, allowing me more leeway to sabotage in future missions."
Keith: "If I get this, I get 45 points and an exemption."
Keith: "Awesome. What can I say? I'm a perfectionist. I strive for excellence."
Keith: "For the mission after that, I wanted to further reinforce that I was not the Mole by deliberately being a bad liar. I told lies that could quickly be exposed. It was a psychological game I was playing."
Keith: "I have something to confess. I'm the Bomb Leader."
Robert: "Oh no. I want to get out."
Abbie: "Why are you telling us this?"
Keith: " believe the President is in this room."
Quinn: "You'd be incredibly stupid to tell us that then."
Keith: " it. I didn't think this through enough."
Keith: "I also wanted to protect the identity of the Bomb Leader, who I knew was Ben. I knew Ben well enough to know that he would fight his way to be a hostage. Hence, I tried to make him go second to reduce the chances of the mission screwing up, since there would only be one more chance for Abbie to escape Ben's clutches. Everything seemed to be going well when Ben ended up in the same room as Abbie, but damn it, Quinn and Carl had to ruin things."
Keith: "I'm willing to go as hostage."
Benjamin: "Well damn. I was wondering why you wanted to be a hostage. And here I thought you could never be the !ole."
Keith: "That was my main goal."
Morgan: "I remember looking at Hannah, who kept talking about being pro-pot, but yet she was constantly lying and confusing everyone. But at the end statistics showed you brought in quite a bit of money."
Hannah: "It was just a weird way of mine to contribute to the pot while trying to find out the identities of everyone else. I did it in the next mission too, and that blew up in my face."
Quinn: "Oh I remember. I was so pissed. I majorly felt that was sketchy, although youlater explained so I believed you."
Keith: "In Mission 4, I knew Carl was the leader. My plan was to gain his trust and be his bodyguard. That way, nobody else could try to do a role reveal with Carl. Fortunately or not, Morgan had the same plan as me, so I switched my plan. I tried to look really eager to find the criminal leader, but in actual fact I kept tailing Morgan and Carl to make sure there was backup in case Morgan was separated from Carl."
Hannah: "Carl, why didn't you stop when I told you to? Have a guilty conscience?"
Carl: "What? Of course not."
Hannah: "Then tell me who you are."
Carl: "Never."
Hannah: "I guess I'm forced to--"
Keith: "Carl! There you are."
"Time is up."
Morgan: "I hope I'm not too late."
"Carl is the criminal, but Hannah was just a minute too late in arresting him, so 0/30 points have been earned, making the pot 519/750 points. That also means that Carl gets an exemption."
Hannah: "Nice job, Carl. I was so close."
Julie: "I remember that mission! Morgan was acting so shifty."
Morgan: "I really expected to get a reward for helping Carl. In retrospect it probably was a stupid thought. How are they going to define who helped Carl?"
Keith: "But then you still managed to lose him halfway."
Carl: "That was my fault. I was getting more anxious as time ticked away, so I began walking really fast. The doors would swing to close automatically so Morgan was slowed down by that."
Keith: "In the fifth mission, I texted random numbers I heard. This made things messy and would result in Quinn and I repeating a lot of numbers. Hannah and Abbie would also waste time searching for the corresponding candles only to realise they had previously been lit. I also deliberately texted L42 using lowercase L, so that Abbie and Hannah thought it was I42. It was an 'accidental' typo that somehow wasn't enough to stop the points from flowing in. I remember being quite pissed about that."
Keith: "I heard an I42."
Hannah: "Wait, I hear a buzzing in my pocket. Keith texted I42."
Hannah: "Oh my god. I didn't even realise that! Fortunately Quinn called out L42 later, although now I know you tried to stop her from calling that one out several times. I'm curious how Morgan and Ivy could tell it was Cepheus though. Watching the show, it looked like a Pac-man or jellyfish."
Morgan: "Luck, I suppose. It looked like a constellation, so we were heading in that direction. And Ivy was with me. She reminded me so much of my ex-fiancee Ada, who liked Cepheus. So I thought: why not give it a shot? Then I later counted which candles formed Cepheus while excluding those that were accidentally lit."
Keith: "Mission 6 was when my sabotage actually led to something. Abbie's misinterpretation was the golden opportunity for me to enter a cabin of two. Ivy stopped me but luckily she said the words 'you go', giving me the green light to sabotage. Hey, I may have been the one to enter a cabin of two and forfeit that cabin's points, but I was following instructions!"

Abbie: "I think Morgan said two."
Ivy: "That means that the cabin over there has only one contestant."

Keith: "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"
Ivy: "Wait!"

Ivy: "Only one of us can go over."

Keith: "One of us should stay and one of us should get Abbie to come over and discuss."

Ivy: "You go. I'll stay."
Keith: "Fuck."
Keith: "In addition to that, I didn't want to admit I was a hands-on learner, instead saying a lot of nonsense like how I could kearn via any method. In the end, everyone figured out where they had to be, so I had no choice but to accept the fact that I was indeed a hands-on learner."
Keith: "I'm quite the visual learner too. I actually can learn in any way."
Abbie: "My bad. I thought they were asking how many contestants I needed in my cabin. But Ivy, why did you tell Keith to go?"
Ivy: "Huh? I don't quite remember. I think I wanted to talk to you privately. I remember Keith being really weird about his answer about how he learns, however. I didn't quite trust him, but I lied and said I did so that he would obediently head to the right cabin."
Keith: "For the mission after that, I appeared to be trying really hard. I was the first there to give myself an advantage. I answered as quickly as I could since only the first answer to each question would count. I gave several wrong answers, ensuring those questions failed to earn points."
Julie: "Keith and Abbie were all rapid-fire. They didn't respond to me. I didn't know what questions they had completed and which were not answered. They didn't cross it off the list or anything. So what I did was chose questions I had confidence in answering."
Keith: "Could Jake Huez drive in Season 30? No. In which season were there two Moles? Season 30. What was the first mission of Season 32 about?"
Keith: "I had half-expected to be put into the role of the puzzle solver for the next mission, but if they suspected me, they would have blocked it. That didn't happen though, signalling that I was still trusted within the group. Hence, I decided to do the opposite of what I was supposed to do. I made a lot of logical fallacies and assumptions under the guise of trying to predict how the rest would answer. I never felt so alive when only a quarter of the points were earned."
Keith: "I am aware I committed a heinous amount of logical fallacies. But the point of the mission wasn't to solve the puzzle; it was to solve it as what the others would solve. I have faith in Morgan to give the correct solution, but he's outnumbered over there. This means I have to try and predict what they would do, and most likely they would go for what they want."
Keith: "We went to the mine for our next mission. There, I told a half-lie to Morgan. I did, in fact, leave behind ores on purpose, but only when I felt nobody was looking. I also chose corner piles to clear because I didn't want to ne the one to accidentally reveal a new part of the mine. I also broke a few ores and chided Abbie for collecting anything that wasn't colourful or lustrous, even though some of the metals were actually worth points."
Keith: "Too much strength isn't a good thing at times. It's so hard to find the balance between picking hard but quick, and gentle but careful."
Keith: "Finally, for my last act, I confused Abbie one minute in, making her do things that Morgan found odd. I also emphasised the need to be careful when moving stuff to be slow, as well as to use the excuse to scold anyone who wasn't careful and make it look like they were trying to break the objects."
Keith: "Could the placement of these chairs be an issue! must be these glass figurines. They look so upsetting being asymmetrical."
Abbie: "There is a lot of china in this cabinet. How will we arrange them?"
Keith: "Additionally, I arranged the glass figurines differently from the other room. Someone went to switch the orientation in the right room, however, so I secretly turned one of them around in the right room."
Abbie: "Morgan! Come here!"
Morgan: "What is it?"
Morgan: "We did not place the carpet properly. That is why there is such a small gap between the table and the sofas."
Keith: "Thanks for the distraction, Abbie."
Keith: "Finally, I took out the batteries from one clock, making time stop. That way, the times would never match. I did all this under the noses of the other two finalists. I was feeling brave that day."
Keith: "I remember the clock is on the other side. While nobody is watching, I should remove the batteries. Now the two clocks will never be identical."
Morgan: "I realised that someone could go to the room on the right and change the positions of the furniture. I noticed that the figurines did not align, so instead of alarming you, Keith, I secretly made the figurines in the 'model answer' room match that of the other room. Unfortunately you still managed to sabotage right under our noses, despite me watching you closely."
"Let us now view the hints. How did production clue the viewers about Keith's identity this season?"
"The first clue was in the very first mission, in the very first episode. Every single question was a clue to Keith.
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The four seasons are: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. What is another name for Autumn?
This question is about seasons. Keith's last name, Summers, is related to one of the four seasons.
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Which of the following is an author? |
Joseph Heller is the answer to the above question. Joseph Heller wrote Catch-22. Keith is 22 years old.
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How many inches is equal to 12 centimeters? |
The question asked about 12 centimetres. There are 12 letters in Keith's full name.
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What is another name for tungsten? |
Robert asked a chemistry question. Chemistry is often a prerequisite subject to study medicine, Keith's choice of study.
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Which of the following are not chess pieces? |
Chess improves the logic skill. Logic is an important factor in promotions in the medical career.
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How many players are there in a water polo team? |
The question on water polo is relevant because water polo is a water-based sport, like kayaking, which Keith used to do.
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Who sang Dirty Little Secret? |
The answer to this question is The All-American Rejects, a punk rock band. Keith likes punk rock music.
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Which of these is an Ivy League School? |
All the options were universities. Keith is currently a university student.
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When was Marilyn Monroe born? |
Marilyn Monroe is blonde, just like Keith.
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How many bones are there in the human body? |
The human anatomy is a subject one would expect a med student like Keith to know or learn about.
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What comes next: shack, shark, stark, _____? |
The correct answer was 'stork'. A stork is commonly associated with delivering babies, or bringing life. Similarly, doctors are also seen as life givers. Keith is studying to be a future doctor.
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How many tentacles does Squidward have? |
Squidward is a character in the cartoon Spongebob Squarepants. In that cartoon, there is a character called Larry the Lobster. Keith loves lobster thermidor.
"The next hint was in Episode 7. Occasionally the time remaining could be seen. Adding the digits of each time would give you a certain contestant's age, except for the Mole's.
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45:00: 45 + 0 = 45. This is Robert's age. |
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32:02: 32+2=34. This is Hannah's age. |
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30:00: 30+0=30. This is Quinn's age. |
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20:08: 20+8=28. This is Carl's age. |
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18:18: 18+18=36. This is Morgan's age. |
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12:13: 12+13=25. This is Julie's age. |
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04:28: 4+28=32. This is Ivy's age. Only the 22-year-olds (Keith and Abbie) do not have a related time. |
"In Episode 11, each train station had a name. The first few letters of each train station's name is the first unique word in each sentence Keith says in his introduction.
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Hinter-Maryfield Station |
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Immazuto Station |
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Somewhere Station |
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Mylita Pass Station |
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Indigo Station. |
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Andorran Plaza Station |
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Itstana Hall Station |
Keith: "Hi guys. I'm Keith Summers. I'm 22 this year. I'm a med student and currently in my final year. Some things about me: My favourite colour is green, I love punk rock and you can't pry me from lobster thermidor. My studies may take up most of my time but I still find time to keep fit and pursue my hobbies. I used to be a kayaker back in high school. And one of my hobbies includes watching the Smole, so I'm glad to finally be a part of this. It's going to be different from the hospitals, that's for sure."
"In Episode 13, there were 161 questions to be answered: 160 main questions and 1 bonus question. Taking A to be 1, B to be 2 and so on, KEITH SUMMERS would give a numeric value of 161.
At the landmark, contestants must answer 160 questions regarding the Smole, with each question being worth 1 point. They can earn an additional 10 bonus points if they correctly answer the bonus question, which is unlocked if and only if they cycle through all 160 questions first. Each contestant gets seven and a half minutes to try and answer all the questions.
"In the next episode after that, there is another clue. There was a still of a clock shown, with its hands at 3 and 8. This is a reference to the 38th Mole. And who was the one to be heard when this still was shown? Keith Summers, the 38th Mole.
Keith: "She is taking so long."
"The last clue is in Episode 15. The first Simlish letter of each clue on the whiteboard spells out HUMOLE, which sounds like 'Who Mole?'. Keith answers 'It's me', as if saying that he is the Mole."
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The whiteboard |
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The Simlish alphabet for reference. |
"Contestants, earlier I asked who the smartest one was. May that contestant please step forward."
Keith: "It's me."
"We've seen it all now: the winner, the Mole, the sabotages, the clues. It's been an enjoyable and eventful joruney for all of us. Thank you all for making this season a success."
Julie: "The fire reminds me of last season's finale. I hope nobody dies."
Hannah: "The suicide was probably why the team has become more strict with safety this season. Which is good, of course. I'm sure they've taken precautions to ensure nobody pulls a stunt like that again. Now, want some hot dogs?"
Carl: "How's life, Robbie? Made good money?"
Robert: "My friends buyed some, but not all the time. They also did not have money. So I told them how to make money."
Carl: "Good, good. You get, money, when you do that. I hope to see you in Forbes' Top 40 one day."
Keith: "So all along you got close to me because you suspected me."
Morgan: "In a sense. But that wasn't always the case. At first I formed one with you because you looked so helpless without Ben. Then I found you more and more shifty."
Keith: "Every man has his ways of winning. Good job, Morgan."
Morgan: "Good job to you too, Keith."
Benjmain: "I can't wait for the next reunion. In fact, I should probably plan the next one."
Shirley: "You're already thinking of another reunion?"
Benjamin: "Why not? It's a chance to really get to know everyone who participated. Like you, for instance. I think it's a shame you left so early. I think you're an amazing, noble woman. Like an angel."
Shirley: "Many call me their guardian angel, but they're my patients."
Benjamin: "I can be your patient too."
Shirley: "Are you...flirting with me? Aren't you married?"
Benjamin: "Yes I'm aware of my marital status. It's just...can I confide in you?"
Shirley: "Oh. Of course. Here's my namecard."
Benjamin: "And here's my number. Here's to keeping in close contact."
Shirley: "Excuse me for a moment."
Ivy: "I can't do anything while I'm being watched."
Shirley: "Ivy, you look tense."
Ivy: "I'm fine."
Shirley: "I hope you're not still thinking of revenge. It helps nobody, and only hurts yourself. After we get our revenge, will we truly be happy?"
Ivy: "I will."
Shirley: "Then you're not being honest with yourself."
Shirley: "We can't reverse what has happened. We can't bring back the dead, or erase the hurt. But by plotting revenge, you're only hurting yourself, and many other innocent parties as well."
Ivy: "It's not like I'm going to do anything, Shirley."
Shirley: "That's good to hear. Now let's mingle."
This concludes Season 38. We hope you had a great time. Till next time.
- Red means executed, black means not in game, green means exempted, italics means player scored the lowest.
- Ivy received an exemption in Quiz 9, but because she flouted rules, she was forcibly executed.
- Contestants only went out on the final four.
- The score on the final quiz for each executed contestant steadily increased from 0 to 1 to 4 to 7.
- Ivy was the first one to suspect Keith, right from the very first quiz.
- Quinn only put down Abbie as the Mole in her quizzes. Similarly, Robert only put down Ivy.
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