Thursday, 2 January 2020

49.15-No holds barred

Ten contestants: five celebrities, five bodyguards, one Mole. Today: three finalists, three celebrities, one  Mole. There are 629/900 points in the pot, and one of them will take it home: the winner. Who will it be? Who will be the runner-up? Who is the Mole?


Roxanne: "Coming here, I learned to manage my expectations. I don't have to excel at everything and busy myself until I'm struggling to cope. I'm glad to have made a good friend in Evelyn. Deep down, I knew what the right choice was, but she was the one who gave me the push to do what's right. She has been inspiring to me. Being around her has made me feel more confident in return, and less frazzled. I'm not scared. Not by the mountains in front of me, or the challenges that I will face in the future. Because all I have to do is take a step back, and then I realise what I once thought were mountains but are small hills that I can overcome, one by one."


Steven: "The house was full of snakes, all trying to bring one another down to advanxe themselves. I managed to avoid it. I survived this long. I had the Mole extremely early. I'm going to win the season."


Nicholas: "This season has been interesting with its twist. Despite being celebrities, we essentially have no power compared to the bodyguards. I think this twist killed off many worthy bodyguards and kept many useless celebrities afloat for longer than deserved, but I think the other two alongside me here in the finale could prove to be worthwhile. Not that they will stand a chance while I'm still around, obviously. It's the final rush. No holds barred."


Steven: "I altered the composition. The effects should set in much faster for Penn."

Nicholas: "What about Penn?"
Steven: "What long have you been standing there?"

Nicholas: "I always wanted to learn how to cook like you. Can you share with me your secret recipe?"

Steven: "Shut...shut up! There's no secret recipe. I'm just making ordinary waffles."
Nicholas: "Then why so jumpy?"

Nicholas: "I told you before. Nothing gets past me. Did you really believe I actually ever ate your food once you started adding the serum as an ingredient?"
Steven: "You..."
Nicholas: "I know you added something to Evelyn's food to weaken her. And I know you've been dying to do the same to me. You must have been so surprised that there was no reaction from me."

Nicholas: "Have you heard of the saying 'if you can't beat them, join them'?"

Steven: "You may have gotten to where you are by sucking up, but I'm not a sellout. I have backbone."
Nicholas: "Big talk for a scrawny boy."

Steven: "I am older than you."

Nicholas: "Okay, okay. You have backbone, eh? Can't wait to see what backbone you have left after I'm done with you."

Nicholas: "Go to hell."

Steven: "Urk!"
Steven: "I'm sorry, was that little kick too painful for you?"

Nicholas: "Let me help you with that."
Steven: "Urgh!"

Nicholas: "I had enough of you."

Steven: "Stop..."
Nicholas: "What was that? You're gonna have to speak up, boy."

Steven: "Stop..."

Nicholas: "Go on. Beg for forgiveness."

Nicholas: "BEG!"

Nicholas: "What's the matter? Why aren't you fighting back?"

Nicholas: "Weren't you so smug? Thought you could outsmart me?"

Nicholas: "Hmph. Weakling. Went down too fast."

Steven: "Why...why?"

Steven: "He...was supposed to get...payback...not's not's not fair..."

Roxanne: "Where was Nicholas going?"

Roxanne: "OH MY GOSH!"

Roxanne: "Steven!"

Roxanne: "Steven, wake up! What happened? Help!"


"Steven, it has come to our attention that you were brutally assaulted this morning. As you are the victim, you have the right to choose if you want to expel Nicholas."
Steven: "No."

Roxanne: "You can't let him off that easily. I found you battered and crying on the floor. He deserves to be expelled."
Steven: "That would be letting him off too easily. I want to wipe his smug smile off his face when I defeat him on the Smole."

Steven: "He has to pay for what he did, drip by drip."
Nicholas: "I will offer to pay for your medical bills. And offer free training lessons."

Roxanne: "Snip it with the sarcasm."
Steven: "I don't want your money. I just want him to eat all my food."
Roxanne: "What?"
Nicholas: "And if I don't? Are we going to court?"

Roxanne: "After all you've done to him, he's giving you an easy way out. Don't be an ingrate. The least you should do is an apology."
Nicholas: "You're right. I wholeheartedly apologise. I went overboard."

"If you are certain to keep Nicholas in the Smole, we will settle the punishment after the season ends. If you are certain that you can still participate today, we will proceed with the mission. Today's mission serves to remember the season. The executed contestants will return again and you will be replaying all the missions that has appeared this season. However, this time you are defending the pot. The three of you can decide on who who takes part in each mission. If you win 4 missions, you earn whatever points that mission was worth. If you lose 4 missions, 100 points will be taken from the pot and distributed among the executed contestants."


Roxanne will be taking part in the first mission. She can earn 26 points. Her and her opponent must memorise a stack of 52 cards, taking turns to call out card positions. However, instead of matching cards, they must now instead recite the location and the face of the card. The mission also ends if a contestant takes more than 10 seconds to answer.


"Roxanne, you may begin."
Roxanne: "6 of hearts is at location 15."

Glenn: "Ace of spades at location 27."

Roxanne: "Queen of hearts at location 1."


Roxanne: "Err...9 of diamonds is at location 12."

Glenn: "10 of hearts at location 10."


Roxanne: "King of clubs at location 39."
Glenn: "And the last one. 2 of diamonds at location 40."

"Roxanne, you have beat Glenn to claim 26 points. Whether you win this depends on the overall performance of your fellow finalists."
Glenn: "Yes! I did it."

Roxanne: "Good game."
Glenn: "You too."


Nicholas will be playing the second mission. He can earn up to 10 points if he is able to score higher than his opponent. Othewise, the opponent gets the points scored.

Nicholas: "Who's my opponent?"

Phoebe: "Oh!"

Phoebe: "Hi Nicholas..."
Nicholas: "Long time no see, Phoebe."

"Question 1: what did the Apple company create first?
A: An assembled circuit board
B: A music player
C: The Granny Smith"

Nicholas: "It surely can't be C and I gave the music player answer so it should be A."

Phoebe: "I think it's B."
"The correct answer is A: An assembled circuit board."


Nicholas: "It's C."

Phoebe: "I think it's A."
"The correct answer is A: a can of tuna."


"The correct answer is B: A quill. Nicholas has a narrow lead."


Nicholas: "Last question. I think it's A."

Phoebe: "It should be B."

"The correct answer was B: two million cents. With a 6-4 score, Phoebe wins."
Phoebe: "Nicholas...thank you."


Steven is playing the third mission. He must be seated by the end of 10 minutes to earn 14 points.

Steven: "Who are they?"

Steven: "Is someone missing?"

Jade: "Hey celebrity! We're almost good to start. We're just waiting on..."

Zed: "I'm here! Sorry I'm late. We can begin now."

Steven: "Blow wind blow."
Jade: "Blow what?"

Steven: "Blow the women."

Steven: "That seat is mine."


Steven: "Damn it. They keep targetting me. Blow wind blow."
Jade: "Blow what?"
Steven: "Er...what's left...blow those wearing glasses."

Steven: "Don't pull a Nicholas Penn!"

Viktor: "You slowpoke!"
Nick: "I'm older than you guys!"

Nick: "Damn."

Nick: "Blow wind blow."
Steven: "Blow what?"

"Time is up. Steven earns 14 points."
Jade: "Oh. I wanted those points."
Steven: "Too bad."


Nicholas is playing the fourth mission. He can earn 10 points if he is able to correctly determine if his opponent is lying. However, if his opponent can as well, then the points goes to the Mole.

Nicholas: "Who am I up against?"

Gwen: "Good thing I'm wearing gloves."

Nicholas: "Oh, it's you."

Nicholas: "Gwen, did you suspect me when you were executed?"

Gwen: "Yeah. Did you suspect Evelyn in your last quiz?"

Nicholas: "Yes."

Nicholas: "Hm. She didn't even need to think about that one."

Gwen: "Ow!"

Nicholas: "You hit me."

"Gwen, were you lying?"
Gwen: "Yes."

"Nicholas, were you lying?"
Nicholas: "Yes."
"The 10 points goes to the Mole."


Evelyn: "I won't go down without a fight."
Roxanne: "Wouldn't expect you to."

Roxanne plays the fifth mission. She must complete all tasks in the castle before Evelyn does to earn 20 points.

Roxanne: "Hit a bullseye. Alright."

Evelyn: "What is this supposed to be?"

Roxanne: "Come on..."

Roxanne: "Yes! Got it in one."

Evelyn: "I remember this one."

Roxanne: "Nothing here."

Roxanne: "Oh right. I forgot about the control room."

Evelyn: "That took too long."

Evelyn: "Kick all gnomes. This is just trying to slow me down."

Roxanne: "I just need one pullup."

Roxanne: "Urghh..."

Roxanne: "Should have swapped with Nicholas..."

Roxanne: "I overestimated myself..."

Evelyn: "Nothing here."

Evelyn: "That's a photo room."

Evelyn: "Another empty room."

Roxanne: "I should get the simplest one."

Evelyn: "Not this again."

Evelyn: "I think I caught my breath. I'm ready to carry on."

Evelyn: "They had to change the recipe to brew."

Roxanne: "That was pointless."

Evelyn: "Come on, where is it? Oh, there it is!"

Roxanne: "This is the same as before."

Evelyn: "I need to hurry up."

Evelyn: "Nothing here."

Roxanne: "Come on..."

Evelyn: "Oh. Sorry."
Roxanne: "Thanks a lot Evy."

Roxanne: "So glad I started gymming."

Evelyn: "So, just yell as hard as I can? Easy."

Roxanne: "Where is the spell?"

Evelyn: "Done!"

Evelyn: "Wait, am I not done? Did I miss one?"

Roxanne: "Nope, nope..."

Evelyn: "It's not this room."

Roxanne: "I can't find it."

Evelyn: "Oh. I missed this one."

Roxanne: "Aha!"

Evelyn: "Dammit."

Roxanne: "Done!"

"The mission has ended. Roxanne, you have completed all your tasks first. You earn 20 points."

Evelyn: "Dammit. I was so close."


Nicholas is playing the sixth mission against Kyle. He must collect more odd-one-out songs than Kyle to earn 10 points.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah~"

Nicholas: "Damn. I'm not used to seeing how you perform."
Kyle: "That's great for me."

Kyle: "This one is the only song that is sung by a man."

Nicholas: "Yes, got it first."

"Just say yes~"
Kyle: "No!"
Nicholas: "Yes."

"Na na na na na na na~"
Kyle: "I'm certain this is wrong."

Kyle: "This is definitely not part of the group."
Nicholas: "How did you even get there so fast?"

"Oh baby~"
Kyle: "Are you even trying?"

Nicholas: "Come back here."
Kyle: "Is that even allowed?"

Kyle: "I got back before you could snatch it."

"Kyle has more songs. He earns 10 points."
Nicholas: "Would you give it to me if I said please?"
Kyle: "Nope."


Steven will play the last mission. He must win in a game of Coup to earn the last 10 points.

Isaac: "Howdy. I've been waiting."

Steven: "I'll go first."

Steven: "I draw 2 coins."
Isaac: "I block you with my duke."

Steven: "I'm sure you're lying."

Isaac: "Am I now? I do have a duke."


Steven: "I need to make a move to trap him. I have the assassin. I spend 3 coins to assassinate you."

Isaac: "Oh no. But I have a contessa."

Steven: "I think you're lying. That sole card in your hand is a duke."

Isaac: "Nope, it's a contessa."
Steven: "What?"
Isaac: "I guess I'm hard to read."

"Steven, you lost to Isaac. He earns 10 points. Because more games have been lost than won, 100 points is removed from the pot, with 90 to be given to the winners and 10 for the Mole."
Steven: "Fuck."

The finalists were no match for the executed contestants this season, resulting in a grand total of 529/1000 points in the pot. That means 529,000 Simoleons for the winner and 381,000 Simoleons for the Mole. The question is: who is the winner and who is the Mole?



Roxanne wins 26
Nicholas loses 10 to Phoebe
Steven wins 14
Nicholas loses 10 to the Mole
Roxanne wins 20
Nicholas loses 10 to Kyle
Steven loses 10 to Isaac

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