Friday, 17 January 2020

50.04-Not Chris-old but Dad-old


Lloyd: "Does anyone know how to make a chatbot?"
Brianna: "I know programming, but I'm not sure if it applies here when a chatbot is a literal robot."


Brianna: "Lloyd 2.0, introduce yourself."
Lloyd 2.0: "Hi, I'm Lloyd Smart."
Lloyd: "Short and sweet. Sounds like me."


Sydney: "Fucking hell! The goldfish was Chris?"
"Unfortunately, you are wrong. The green alien is the chatbot."
Sydney: "No way. It sounded so real. It could even engage me."


Noel: "Oh my god. That was the most horrifying thing I've ever seen."
"Unfortunately, the chatbot was the goldfish."


Sydney: "Chris, it's me, Sydney. I'm a real Sim."

Chris: "Yeah right you are."


"Unfortunately, the chatbot was the goldfish."
Chris: "Should have realised Sydney was really trying to tell me it was her."


Lloyd 2.0: "I am the real Lloyd Smart."


"Sue, you have identified the chatbot. You have earned 20 points."


Sydney: "Can I play?"
Noel: "Not after my turn."

Noel: "I can't be the only one disappointed with what happened."

Sydney: "What, you mean the mission? I'm pissed too. Surprised that Sue was the only one who got it right. She's lucky the mission didn't require good eyesight."

Noel: "What the hell are you talking about? I'm talking about the pool balls. I can't believe they don't even levitate."
Sydney: "Oh, good one. Had me there for a minute. You sneaky rascal, you. Tryna make me divulge some top secret info?"

Noel: "Nah, you'll just blabber it out yourself."

Noel: "Seriously though. You have something against Sue?"
Sydney: "It's just a joke, mate. I thought you understood."

Noel: "I do, but Sue clearly doesn't like it, and neither do some of the others."
Sydney: "They're just boring old blokes who haven't a funny bone in them. Besides, I'm genuinely glad that Sue earned something. I have to admit that the bot was good, so she was even better. At least it wasn't a total disaster. Brianna, Lloyd and Claves could have gotten an exemption."

Sydney: "I wish this house was more fun. I wish we could go out of the house. I miss the sunny beaches."
Noel: "In due time, grasshopper. They can't coop us in here forever. I'll riot."

Sydney: "It would be better if everyone was like you. Honestly I thought we wouldn't click at first because you're old. Not Chris-old but still Dad-old. But you're more fun than I thought. In fact I wish my own Dad was as fun as you."

Noel: "He still around?"

Sydney: "Considering we're in the future? Probably not. But if we're talking about the present then yeah. Dread visiting him though. Always telling me to get a good job."
Noel: "Tell him all your assets are a natural godsend and make all the women jealous."

Sydney: "Are you talking about a boob job?"

Noel: "Only if you want it to be. I don't know what part of your face or body he wants you to get, or where plastic surgery went wrong that he decided it was a bad job."

Sydney: "Heh. I knew I liked you for a reason."

Noel: "Seriously though. Do pay him a visit more often. Gotta count your blessings."


Brianna: "Is the guitar any different from what you already have?"
Lloyd: "Yeah. It's louder and the sound is more crisp."

Brianna: "It's like music is your whole life. I don't know how much dialogue about music I programmed into Lloyd 2.0."

Lloyd: "It's my passion. Speaking of music, did you try the Laser Rhythm-o-Con?"
Brianna: "What?"

Lloyd: "This babe."
Brianna: "It sounds like someone is dragging a guitar across a speaker."

Lloyd: "My kind of music."

Lloyd: "Watch this. It's so awesome to see how music has evolved in the future."
Brianna: "Devolved."

Lloyd: "You just don't appreciate music."

Brianna: "I definitely don't appreciate your life choices. Learning about you from the mission, I realise I really don't get you. You had a great headstart in life. Why did you give that up to pursue some rockstar dream? You aren't even that famous and aren't earning a lot of money."

Lloyd: "Life is more than money. I would regret it my whole life if I didn't at least try. I didn't want to disappoint my parents, but when they bit the dust I saw it as a sign. That I was finally free."

Brianna: "You are entitled, spoiled and stuck-up."
Lloyd: "I don't expect you to understand. But that doesn't mean I'm any of those things."

Brianna: "Aren't you? You're just annoying everyone with the cat-scratching music you're playing. You're not the only one using this room."

Lloyd: "I was when I came in."
Brianna: "I'm here now."

Lloyd: "...I suppose I could use some improvement. I should rest my fingers anyway."


Brianna: "Lloyd now irks me. He had a good life and a good job and he threw that all away.  He's not a kid anymore. I can't believe how he can be so immature and irresponsible. The rest of his band may be kids but he's over 30. Why is still acting like a teenager? His life isn't his alone. His decisions affect those around him, and he has to be more considerate about the repercussions. Like, he called off a wedding the moment his parents died with no explanation. Imagine how the fiancee felt. And that sweet, sweet Simoleon...yes, I'm salty that he had a high-paying job. So what? My point still stands."



Claves: "These purple roses are the only reminder of the past I have. I'm glad they survived the journey. They have such a strong will to live."

Claves: "Too bad you were the only ones to survive the journey."

Claves: "It's such a shame that none of you exist in the future. All the plants here are merely memories of what we've lost. Nature. Everything ultimately is a construct."

Sue: "What's Claves staring at?"

Chris: "Why are you just standing there?"
Sue: "Hi Chris."

Sue: "I was just wondering what Claves was doing in her room."
Chris: "What the future really needs are curtains."

Sue: "You sound like you miss the you wish you were back at home? Like Philo?"
Chris: "I miss a lot of things, sure. But I wouldn't trade anything I've done. Everything I did was with purpose. To achieve my goal."

Sue: "And what is that?"
Chris: "I honestly don't remember. When you get to my age you tend to forget what you're fighting for, only that you've got to keep fighting."

Sue: "Why not set new goals then?"

Chris: "I already am. To make my wife Patricia happy. Sometimes I feel that I...she's my responsibility."

Sue: "What about your daughter? Sorry, I don't mean to be nosy. It's just that I remember you saying..."

Chris: "I forgive you. Honestly, I have given up hope of trying to mend those fences. She wants nothing to do with me. As long as she's happy...that's all I ask for. I already have the world. That's all I ask for."


Claves: "Still, everything is so uncharacteristically peaceful."

Claves: "Isn't this what we've been fighting for? Peace? Regardless of where we stood, this is the end goal all of us wanted."

Claves: "Maybe this future isn't that bad."


It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the Mole's identity. The lowest scorer will be executed. Philo is also taking the quiz. If Philo does well enough, he can return and take the lowest scorer's place.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Is the Mole bespectacled?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: Which bed does the Mole sleep in?
A: Blue
B: Green
C: Red
D: Black
E: Yellow
F: The Mole has been executed

Q4: In Mission 2, what was the Mole's role?
A: Programmer
B: Judge
C: The Mole has been executed

Q5: In Mission 2, did the Mole earn points?
A: Yes
B: No
C: Not Applicable

Q6: In Mission 2, in which order did the Mole conduct the Turing test?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: The Mole did not conduct the test

Q7: In Mission 2, which sprite did the Mole assume?
A: Red fox
B: Yellow goldfish
C: Green alien
D: The Mole has been executed

Q8: Which sprite did the Mole choose in Mission 2?
A: Red fox
B: Yellow goldfish
C: Green alien
D: The Mole did not choose a sprite

Q9: Who was with the Mole when being chatted to in Mission 2?
A: Chris Winters and Sydney Wellington
B: Sue May
C: Lloyd Smart
D: Clavés Vann
E: Brianna McWinner
F: Noel McAllister
G: The Mole has been executed

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Chris Winters
B: Sue May
C: Lloyd Smart
D: Sydney Wellington
E: Philo Nickelworth
F: Clavés Vann
G: Brianna McWinner
H: Noel McAllister


"Contestants, it is time for another execution ceremony. You know the drill."

"Noel McAllister."
Noel: "Wish me luck guys! Or not, you selfish bastards."

Noel: "Oh yeah that's what I'm talking about. Knew I loved green for a reason."

"Lloyd Smart."

"Sue May."
Sydney: "Don't trip and fall!"

Sue: "You were saying, Sydney?"

Sue: "I'll have you know that my night vision is fantastic, and that I survived the execution. What about you?"

Sydney: "Anyone understand what she's saying? All I'm hearing is Chin chin chow chow I'm a fake slut nerd chin chow chichi."
Claves: "Where do I even begin with your interpretation of the language..."

"Clavés Vann."

"Sydney Wellington."

"Unfortunately, Sydney Wellington, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Sydney: "Fucking cunt."


Sue: "She deserves it. She's been nothing but rude and insensitive. She should never have won her original season. It was just a fluke."
Noel: "She was a fun spirit but she just couldn't adapt here. I wish her bon voyage on her trip home."

Brianna: "Sydney was someone who is smarter than you think. She's full of surprises. She is a worthy competitor in my eyes but one is that no longer a big threat."
Chris: "She can still return though. Just like Philo. Speaking of which, did Philo make it back?"


Sydney: "I thought I would listen to my gut instead of my head this time. Turns out I was wrong. Got too complacent and now I'm outta the door. I gambled way too much on one suspect. Guess I deserve it. Adios, my mates!"
"Thank you for joining, Sydney. We hope to see you again."


"Contestants, only six of you remain. If Philo scored better than Sydney enough to make it back, one empty seat will be filled again. However, if he failed, it would just be the six of you...until the next quiz, of course."

The racist beach-goer Sydney Wellington has been executed! Is Sydney the Mole? Will Philo return?

Pot: 132/192


Back to the future


Lloyd: "Hold on a minute. Is that..."


Brianna: "I wonder what this is for."


Noel: "This is heavier than I thought."


Sue: "You'll be a hero."


Claves: "This is so liberating. I feel like a bird!"


Sue: "Oh! That has got to hurt."

"Your actions will be scrutinised by everyone else. Everyone is watching you."

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