Wednesday, 15 January 2020

50.03-It ain't pretty


Lloyd: "Now that we're done with the first mission, we might as well get to know one another better."


Sue: "Shut up."
Sydney: "Is that the best you got? Or did they not teach you insults 101?"

Chris: "Break it up. One of you will have to leave."
Sydney: "Of course it's Mrs. Chin Chow."


Lloyd: "Sue, have you been crying?"
Sue: "No."

Lloyd: "I won't buy it, you know. Playing victim may have won you the sympathy of your season but it won't get my trust."


Claves: "Descendants...I would like to meet them one day. To find out how it all ends."


Sue: "Lloyd, I was thinking about us..."

Lloyd: "I have a girlfriend."
Sue: "What? No, I meant a coalition."

Sue: "Everyone here is smart. The only way to beat the rest is to work together."
Lloyd: "Hmm...I'll consider."


"Unfortunately, Philo Nickelworth, you are the first to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Philo: "Fuck...whatever. I don't care. I'm the biggest fool anyway. Go ahead and make me a bigger laughingstock by executing me first."


Sydney: "This season I decided to go with my gut and stick to it. I watched too many seasons where contestants had the right Mole but switched later on and got executed. After winning Season 31 I've gotten better at sleuthing. I also happen to be the only one with experience with an 8-Sim cast. I pretty much have this in the bag."


Sue: "Even if Philo does come back, it's going to be obvious he is definitely not the Mole. There is no chance as a group we scored a high average enough to oust the Mole. 


Contestants rest up before getting ready for the next mission. Lloyd, Claves and Brianna have to program a chatbot to pass the Turing test, conducted by the others. If the chatbot can fool the "judges", the programmers earn themselves an exemption each.. For every judge that correctly identify if they talked to the chatbot, 20 points would be earned. This mission is worth 80 points.


Lloyd: "Does anyone know how to make a chatbot?"
Brianna: "I know programming, but I'm not sure if it applies here when a chatbot is a literal robot."

Claves: "We will need to decide the features it should have."
Lloyd: "It needs to sound natural and pass itself off as a contestant."
Claves: "Naturally. But which contestant?"

Brianna: "Obviously it's got to be one of us."
Lloyd: "Meaning that we need to put all our life experiences into this robot."

Claves: "How about you, Brianna? Since you know how to make a chatbot."
Brianna: "Not the futuristic kind. But I can try."

Lloyd: "I'm more tempted to put all of us inside. We have to send this robot to battle four times. We won't be able to tweak anything once the first judge begins."
Claves: "It will be less believable. None of us are know-it-alls. So this robot cannot know everything about all of us."

Brianna: "We only get 2 hours to program this. Let's just see what we can do and then decide from there."

Brianna: "So, let's see what we can do with you. We need to come up with a believable self-intro."

Claves: "Do not make it sound like Chris in the first mission."
Lloyd: "Yeah, that was cringy as hell."

Brianna: "So who's this robot going to replace?"
Claves: "Not me."
Lloyd: "I suppose it can be me. I'm not afraid of being open."


Brianna: "We decided to call the chatbot Lloyd 2.0 because it was going to pretend to be Lloyd. Claves helped fine-tuned the language while I tried to program the bot. We tried to add as many features as possible into the robot but there just wasn't enough time. I finally understand why game devs need to pull features out of a game."


Brianna: "Excellent. It can mimic me."

Lloyd: "Is this even necessary?"
Claves: "You'll never know."

Claves: "Are we done here?"
Brianna: "I think so."
Lloyd: "Let's do a few more rounds of testing. We still have a bit of time before we send him off."

Brianna: "Lloyd 2.0, introduce yourself."
Lloyd 2.0: "Hi, I'm Lloyd Smart."
Lloyd: "Short and sweet. Sounds like me."
Claves: "I think we can change it. He should say that he's 'the real' Lloyd Smart."


Claves: "We spent the final minutes improving Lloyd 2.0 and doing testing. I think we can succeed in fooling the rest."


Brianna: "You're good to go."
"Time is up."


Sydney is the first judge. She will be talking to Chris, Claves and Lloyd 2.0. She can earn 20 points if she identifies Lloyd 2.0 within 10 minutes.

Sydney: "Alrighty y'all. Each of you tell me a joke."

Claves: "I'm not good at jokes."

Chris: "What's brown and sticky?"

Sydney: "A stick. Lame. I heard this before. C, can you do better, mate?"

Lloyd 2.0: "Knock knock."
Sydney: "Who's there?"
Lloyd 2.0: "Good eye."
Sydney: "Good eye who?"
Lloyd 2.0: "Good eye mate."

Sydney: "This must be Noel."


"10 minutes are over. Sydney, can you identify the chatbot?"
Sydney: "I sure can."

Sydney: "This goldfish here is the chatbot."

Sydney: "I caught you right when you told the cliche joke...wait, you look familiar."

Sydney: "Your's morphing!"

Sydney: "EW!"

Sydney: "Fucking hell! The goldfish was Chris?"
"Unfortunately, you are wrong. The green alien is the chatbot."
Sydney: "No way. It sounded so real. It could even engage me."


Noel: "What would trip the robot? Ah, I got one. Tell me your dirtiest and darkest secrets."

Sue: "I have none."

Lloyd 2.0: "I danced on my parents graves the night they were buried, while nobody was looking."

Lloyd: "Hmm...I have split personality disorder. Hope that sounds convincing."

Noel: "All of you failed my test. I asked for dirtiest and darkest. And you, Mr. Red especially, didn't even have a secret. Mr. Green, your secret wasn't even dirty or dark."


"Time is up. Noel, who do you think the chatbot is?"
Noel: "I think it's the last one. Mr. Green. He sounds so fake and pun intended. Well okay, some pun intended."

Noel: "What are you anyway?"

Noel: "Oh my god. That was the most horrifying thing I've ever seen."
"Unfortunately, the chatbot was the goldfish."


Noel: "A Lloyd face on a green alien me, it ain't pretty."


Sue: "Let's start with an introduction so that I know who I'm dealing with."

"You there, the red fox. Introduce yourself."

Lloyd 2.0: "I am the real Lloyd Smart."

Sue: "Hmm...interesting. The goldfish, are you the fake Lloyd?"

Brianna: "My name is not Lloyd. My name is Brianna."

Sue: "Sounds faked. What about the last one?"

Noel: "I am a bot."


"Time is up. Sue, who is the chatbot?"
Sue: "The first one is a little weird and says things that are slightly irrelevant. The second one tries to be a robot. The last one is a toss-up."

Sue: "I think I'll go with this one."

Sue: "Am I right?"

Sue: "Your face is changing."

Sue: "You look like the Terminator."

Sue: "A very cute Terminator."
"Sue, you have identified the chatbot. You have earned 20 points."

Brianna: "Damn it. She ruined our streak."


Chris: "I don't care how cute you look. That won't fool me. Can each of you tell me what you said when you won your season?"

Claves: "I said that I was thankful for the journey."

Lloyd 2.0: "I cannot remember."

Sydney: "Chris, it's me, Sydney. I'm a real Sim."

Chris: "Yeah right you are."


"Time is up. Chris, who is the chatbot?"

Chris: "The third one."

Chris: "Uhh...what? You look like Sydney. Was I wrong?"

"Unfortunately, the chatbot was the goldfish."
Chris: "Should have realised Sydney was really trying to tell me it was her."

Altogether, 20/80 points have been earned, making the pot 132/192 points. As Sue managed to identify the chatbot, it failed the Turing test and thus the programmers do not get an exemption. Will this be the end of the road for one of them?

Pot: 132/192


Not Chris-old but Dad-old

Claves: "Isn't this what we've been fighting for? Peace? Regardless of where we stood, this is the end goal all of us wanted."


Brianna: "I definitely don't appreciate your life choices. Learning about you from the mission, I realise I really don't get you. You had a great headstart in life. Why did you give that up to pursue some rockstar dream? You aren't even that famous and aren't earning a lot of money."


"Contestants, it is time for another execution ceremony. You know the drill."


Sue: "You sound like you miss the you wish you were back at home? Like Philo?"
Chris: "I miss a lot of things, sure. But I wouldn't trade anything I've done. Everything I did was with purpose. To achieve my goal."


"Please pack your bags and leave."


Claves: "Too bad you were the only ones to survive the journey."

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