Sydney: "I wish this house was more fun. I wish we could go out of the house. I miss the sunny beaches."
Noel: "In due time, grasshopper. They can't coop us in here forever. I'll riot."
Sydney: "It would be better if everyone was like you. Honestly I thought we wouldn't click at first because you're old. Not Chris-old but still Dad-old. But you're more fun than I thought. In fact I wish my own Dad was as fun as you."
Lloyd: "Life is more than money. I would regret it my whole life if I didn't at least try. I didn't want to disappoint my parents, but when they bit the dust I saw it as a sign. That I was finally free."
Brianna: "You are entitled, spoiled and stuck-up."
Lloyd: "I don't expect you to understand. But that doesn't mean I'm any of those things."
Claves: "It's such a shame that none of you exist in the future. All the plants here are merely memories of what we've lost. Nature. Everything ultimately is a construct."
Sue: "Why not set new goals then?"
Chris: "I already am. To make my wife Patricia happy. Sometimes I feel that I...she's my responsibility."
Sue: "What about your daughter? Sorry, I don't mean to be nosy. It's just that I remember you saying..."
Chris: "I forgive you. Honestly, I have given up hope of trying to mend those fences. She wants nothing to do with me. As long as she's happy...that's all I ask for. I already have the world. That's all I ask for."
Claves: "Maybe this future isn't that bad."
"Unfortunately, Sydney Wellington, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Sydney: "Fucking cunt."
Lloyd: "Hold on a minute. Is that..."
Lloyd: "Is that who I think it is?"
Philo: "I have risen from the dead."
Claves: "Oh, Philo returned."
Noel: "Philo, my man! You made it back to the future. Again."
Brianna: "What happened while you were executed?"
Brianna: "I don't mean to overwhelm you, but I'm curious to know."
Lloyd: "Philo, congratulations."
Claves: "Yes. Congratulations."
Philo: "I didn't expect such a warm welcome...thank you."
With Philo's return, a new mission begins. Contestants have been told to come up with a list of suspects in decreasing order of suspicion. An overall suspicion list will be drafted from it.
However, contestants are unaware what the mission entails.
Brianna: "After we freshened up, we were told to head outside to different areas. We didn't know what was going to happen, but it was clear that jetpacks had something to do with it, because that's what I saw when I got outside."
Brianna: "I wonder what this is for."
"Claves, you have been thought to be the most suspicious contestant. For your next mission, you must jump down to the designated point below using only the jetpack in front of you. If you do, you can earn 20 points."
"Your actions will be scrutinised by everyone else. Everyone is watching you."
Claves: "Should I jump? Or should I try and maintain my level of suspicion?"
Claves: "Everyone's expecting me to jump."
Claves: "I'll do it. I went through hell. I'm not afraid of death."
Claves: "This is unreal."
Lloyd: "She went and did it."
Claves: "This is so liberating. I feel like a bird!"
Claves: "There's not a lot of fuel in this jetpack. I must find the designated point immediately."
Claves: "And learn to control this."
Claves: "Slowly..."
Claves: "Come on...control..."
Claves: "Success."
Claves: "Easy. There was nothing to be afraid of."
Philo: "Well, I don't know about that."
"Lloyd, you have been thought to be the second most suspicious contestant. For your next mission, you must jump down to the designated point below using only the jetpack in front of you. If you do, you can earn 20 points."
Lloyd: "Not feeling it today."
Brianna: "Ugh, Lloyd. Seriously?"
"Brianna, you have been thought to be the third most suspicious contestant. For your next mission, you must jump down to the designated point below using only the jetpack in front of you. If you do, you can earn 20 points."
Brianna: "I think I'll do it. I don't know why everyone ranked me so highly. I'm not a schemer."
Brianna: "I'll do it. Especially after Lloyd bailed."
Brianna: "I see the target."
Brianna: "Here I go."
Brianna: "This is amazing."
Brianna: "I need to get a little bit closer."
Claves: "Watching her spin in the air is making me nauseated."
Brianna: "I did it! I landed safely."
"Chris, you have been thought to be the fourth most suspicious contestant. For your next mission, you must jump down to the designated point below using only the jetpack in front of you. If you do, you can earn 20 points."
Chris: "No way in hell. I'm too old for something that dangerous."
"Noel, you have been thought to be the fifth most suspicious contestant. For your next mission, you must jump down to the designated point below using only the jetpack in front of you. If you do, you can earn 20 points."
Noel: "It seems cool."
Noel: "This is heavier than I thought."
Noel: "I had a back injury. I can't carry too much weight."
Noel: "And it looks pretty dangerous. I may just drop the ground and die. I'm not ready to go like that just yet."
Noel: "Sorry guys. I'm opting out. I'll look bad, but that's a plus for my books."
Brianna: "Ugh, seriously? Are all the men wimps?"
Claves: "We could do it, so there's no excuse."
"Sue May, you have been thought to be the sixth most suspicious contestant. For your next mission, you must jump down to the designated point below using only the jetpack in front of you. If you do, you can earn 20 points."
Brianna: "Join us. Do it."
Claves: "Pretending to be suspicious is futile given your low ranking."
Sue: "I'm not highly suspected. That's good to hear. I shan't disappoint everyone."
Brianna: "Yes!"
Sue: "Gracefully, slowly..."
Sue: "Landed."
"Philo, you have been thought to be the least suspicious contestant. For your next mission, you must jump down to the designated point below using only the jetpack in front of you. If you do, you can earn 20 points."
Brianna: "Don't be like all the other guys. Your distance is the shortest."
Sue: "Nobody suspects you, Philo. So just earn the points. You'll be a hero."
Philo: "Like real. My achievements will be forgotten in an instant, just like everything else. How many of you actually thought of me while I was gone?"
Claves: "None of us, most likely. It's your choice, Philo."
Philo: "At least you're honest. I'll do it. It's literally right in front of me."
Philo: "HELP ME!"
Philo: "OW!"
Sue: "Oh! That has got to hurt."
Brianna: "Is he alright?"
Claves: "Is he even alive?"
Sue: "How did he even sink through the ground?"
Philo: "Ugh...fuck this shit."
Brianna: "He survived!"
Philo: "I have risen from the dead...again."
Sue: "Are you a zombie now?"
Brianna: "Don't be silly. Zombies don't exist in broad daylight...and I don't think they exist in the future too."
Sue: "Philo, are you hurt anywhere?"
Philo: "I'm aching all over and got a heart attack, but otherwise I'm actually fine. The future ground is so malleable."
"The mission has concluded. Only four of you took the plunge, so 80/140 points have been earned."
Despite being in full view of everyone else, only half the group chose to jump. What new information does this provide? Will Philo be able to stay for good?
Pot: 212/332
Time is relative
Chris: "I don't know how long more I can live. It's time to settle all outstanding affairs while I still can. "
Chris: "Lloyd, can we talk?"
Lloyd: "FUCK YEAH! WOO!"
Chris: "I thought you were a studious and respectable young man. I was wrong."
Noel: "Your parents should stay dead, because if they were alive they wouldn't want to see a son like you!"
Lloyd: "I always thought the only one who understood me was Lisette. Thanks Sue."
Philo: "During my time away I spent a lot of my time researching about the future and the time portal. Apparently, time portals can exist in every town and every neighbourhood. I wish I found the one in my neighbourhood. But at least I know the existence of one. I could travel between the present and the future. So that must mean I can travel between the past and the present. Time is relative, after all."
Philo: "I need to try. I have nothing left to lose anyway."
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