This season will mark the 50th season of the Smole...
Claves: "No, I see...another dimension. This is incredible."
Noel: "Is this the future?"
Sue: "Alright, I didn't think I would be doing this this season, but it looks like I'm going to have to...extract information from the rest."
Claves: "pppaullack, which country do you want to visit the most?"
Chris: "pppaullack is a hard one, but if the rest are right, I think it's either Brianna, Claves or Lloyd."
"All of you have identified one another correctly, so all 112 points have been earned. A job well done. Hopefully this bodes well in your journey towards finding the Mole. Since all of you were identified however, no exemption will be handed out."
Lloyd: "Now that we're done with the first mission, we might as well get to know one another better. I'll go first. I'm Lloyd Smart from Season 26. I came back because it's been a while, and it was fun. I won once so I figured I would be able to do it again."
Sue: "What have you been doing after your win?"
Lloyd: "I joined my girlfriend's band, but there's just way too much drama. I couldn't handle it, and neither could Lisette. She left for a while to Season 40 while I held the fort. The moment she left everyone showed their true colours. It was really toxic. So when she returned I decided it was time to take a little break myself. I explored the world and then I got the invitation to return."
Noel: "Sounds like we've all been doing some travelling lately."
Sue: "What have you been up to?"
Noel: "As I promised, I brought my family on a road trip. Although I had other agendas I wanted to fulfil concurrently as well. It's been a while since I saw my own parents. Back then they were disappointed in me. When I won my season, I thought that maybe they can finally be proud of me, and maybe it was time for be to be a son again."
Chris: "That's so sweet."
Sydney: "You mispronounced 'sappy'."
Claves: "So did you reconcile?"
Noel: "...No. I went back to my childhood home. Drove all the way down to Oregon. The house was empty."
Brianna: "They moved?"
Noel: "That's what we guessed. So I'm back to tell my parents that I want to make things right. I came here looking for my folks."
Lloyd: "On a show?"
Sue: "I think it's smart. This is an international show. His parents may very well be watching this now and reach out to him. I support you, Noel."
Noel: "Thanks, but I smell a foxy odour."
Sue: "I smell?"
Noel: "Oh don't act dumb, dear. Your reputation precedes you."
Sue: "Oh...yes. I should have known you guys would know. But know that I won't be pulling the same trick twice. I know none of you will fall for that. And I want to change my reputation. I really am a sweet girl."
Sydney: "Please. You're fake all over. I bet your boobs are fake too."
Sue: "What is it with you and my boobs?"
Sydney: "That was just a joke. Can't you take a little joke?"
Sue: "I know a joke when I hear one. That wasn't a joke."
Sydney: "Guess they should have included that in your curriculum, 'cause that's the only thing you guys do."
Noel: "Loving the burn."
Brianna: "If you're going to side with a racist then you're our enemy."
Noel: "Alright, alright, Sydney you're a bad girl. Go stand in the corner and think about what you said."
Philo: "Sure. Turn the bloody intro into a shitshow. 'Cause more needless drama is what we need."
Philo: "What?"
Lloyd: "...Wow."
Claves: "Are you back here for another shot at fame, Philo?"
Philo: "No, fuck that. I gave up hope a long time ago. Shouldn't have listened to that skank Shirley and her bullshit. I did everything I could to stay current but my fame was short lived. Not only that, but I was also viewed as a public enemy online. In the pursuit of fame, I descended further into nothingness. I gave everything up, and for what? Everyone has their backs turned on me now. My god disowned me."
Sydney: "So why did you return?"
Philo: "I want to tell the world never to listen to Shirley DeSota. She ruined my life. I don't even know why. I never offended her."
Noel: "The reason is because we have something between our legs that she doesn't."
Chris: "Oh yeah, I heard about that. She really tried to ruin everyone's lives."
Claves: "She was trying to reclaim her own life."
Philo: "She used me. Like a fool. She used Damien too. She got him to stab Autumn in Season 40! How the fuck is that reclaiming her life?"
Noel: "Oh, now the movie that happened in my season makes more sense. No wonder she was kidnapped by that Damien guy."
Philo: "Good. I hope she's dead."
Sue: "She was raped. By her friend. Sure, she shouldn't have tried to turn the world upside down but have a little sympathy. All she did to you was to make you less likeable."
Philo: "She did more than that. She made me disavow my own religion. She made me lose and betray every fucking thing about myself. I often find myself looking at myself in the mirror and being unable to recognise myself. And I'm not being dramatic."
Noel: "Lovely conversation. So, who wants to go next? Brianna, how about you? What brings you back again?"
Brianna: "My house burned down."
Noel: "Man, does anyone here have a normal life?"
Brianna: "There was a huge fire. The row of houses on my street were badly burned. I had to use the money to repair it, and then I found myself back at square one. I still have a shitty job. So I'm going to win again and use the money to retire. Surely my house won't burn down a second time."
Noel: "Don't jinx it."
Chris: "You don't want to retire that early. Trust me on this. You'll be bored."
Lloyd: "Is that why you returned?"
Chris: "Probably. Honestly, it was my wife who begged me to join. Couldn't say no to her. She was so happy when she found out I won, as well as when I shared with her about the various occult. She expected for me to see more supernatural this season."
Sue: "I would say stepping through a time portal is very supernatural."
Sydney: "I saw the look on your face. I could finally see your eyes for once."
Sue: "Shut up."
Sydney: "Is that the best you got? Or did they not teach you insults 101?"
Chris: "Break it up. One of you will have to leave."
Sydney: "Of course it's Mrs. Chin Chow."
Sue: "It's Sue May."
Sydney: "She agrees. Anyway, since I haven't shared, I'm going to do it now."
Sue: "Fine. Whatever."
Lloyd: "I'm leaving too. I didn't sign up for pointless catfights."
Sydney: "Anyway, I made amazing friends on my journey. I beat one of the toughest Moles in history. So watch out guys. I'm about to kick all your asses. I'll win all over again."
Claves: "We'll see about that."
Brianna: "I'm surprised you're here, actually. Weren't you part of some super covert operation?"
Claves: "It's over."
Noel: "It is? Isn't Poland still in political turmoil? Or is the Wikipedia page not updated?"
Claves: "...I meant my stint as a spy. I'm now officially working for the government."
Chris: "What?"
Claves: "I was banished after revealing myself to be part of the PRF in Season 41. So I've formally pledged my allegiance to Witos. I realised I had been fighting on the wrong side the whole time. The government isn't corrupted; it's the resistance groups."
Noel: "You know what, Brianna? You were right to reject the idea of ice breakers. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to get a breather before I suffocate under all this tension."
Lloyd: "Sue, have you been crying?"
Sue: "No."
Lloyd: "I won't buy it, you know. Playing victim may have won you the sympathy of your season but it won't get my trust."
Sue: "I understand. I just wish everyone would stop viewing me as the vixen who manipulated. And that Sydney would stop being racist. I won and controlled the whole group in Season 19 for crying out loud. And she tries to demean me."
Lloyd: "Ignore her. She's just insecure. All you have to do is prove you're better by outlasting her."
Sue: "Thank you, Lloyd."
Chris: "Is this a chess table?"
Claves: "I still can't believe that this...the future...exists."
Brianna: "Neither can I. I'm still not entirely sure if we even are in the future. I mean, everything looks so different, yet so familiar. Like this holographic easel."
Brianna: "Wow. This is a very interesting experience. It's so digital."
Chris: "I never thought I'd live long enough to see the future with my own eyes."
Claves: "Do you think any of us survived? In the future?"
Biranna: "I see a bunch of funny-looking Sims running around, so I would say mankind hasn't been wiped out yet."
Claves: "Not mankind in general. I"
Brianna: "As in descendants?"
Chris: "I have a daughter. She still hasn't found a boyfriend yet but I didn't build up an empire for it to end at my generation."
Claves: "Descendants...I would like to meet them one day. To find out how it all ends."
Noel: "Elevators suck in the future."
Noel: "That's an inspiring picture."
Philo: "Inspiring? It's just trying to lull you into a false sense of hope. Nothing ever looks so perfect."
Noel: "We're in the future, don't forget. Anything is possible. We could be living in utopia currently."
Philo: "We're trapped in this house. I can't see how this is utopia."
Philo: "At least they have whiskey."
Philo: "They feel pretty real."
Noel: "Damn, I gotta try it myself."
Philo: "Doesn't even taste close to the real thing. The future sucks."
Noel: "Yes, I'm the type of guy to order grape juice at a bar. Don't judge."
Noel: "Whoa, a robot!"
Noel: "Bleep blop?"
Robot: "I can speak Simlish."
Noel: "No. Way."
Philo: "At least someone is trying to enjoy the experience."
Brianna: "They even have the cake the Season 45 gang made for my birthday."
Lloyd: "If they can access our memories this is starting to turn into Big Brother-level of creepy."
Brianna: "You know production has footage right?"
Chris: "I have to have a go at this contraption."
Chris: "This is incredible."
Chris: "Argh!"
Chris: "What the hell?"
Chris: "This is disgusting."
Chris: "It seems like old Sims and technology don't mix well."
Chris: "I doubt this is even edible now."
Chris: "...Patricia would love the future."
Sue: "Is it even edible?"
Lloyd: "Surprisingly. It's good too."
Lloyd: "It's not just eating holographic air."
Sue: "You're tempting me."
Lloyd: "It's like a personal butler mixed with a highly efficient dumbwaiter."
Sue: "Can I have a bite?"
Lloyd: "Sur...actually, you should get your own."
Sue: "Oh. That's alright."
Sue: "Lloyd, I was thinking about us..."
Lloyd: "I have a girlfriend."
Sue: "What? No, I meant a coalition."
Sue: "Everyone here is smart. The only way to beat the rest is to work together."
Lloyd: "Hmm...I'll consider."
It is time for the first quiz. 10 questions about the Mole's identity. The lowest scorer will be executed.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: How many seasons has the Mole participated in in total?
A: 2
B: 3
Q3: Which season did the Mole win?
A: Season 9
B: Season 19
C: Season 26
D: Season 31
E: Season 40
F: Season 41
G: Season 45
H: Season 48
Q4: In which order did the Mole reach the time portal?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
Q5: Which holo-orb did the Mole take in Mission 1?
A: White and brown
B: Purple
C: Grey
D: Blue and white
E: Black
F: White and yellow
G: Yellow and brown
H: White
Q6: In Mission 1, what was the Mole's alias?
A: Ursula
B: xXLuciferXx
C: -|-|-Kuo-te-yu-|-|-
D: HappyWilly
E: Mrs.Motherly
F: 065106097120
G: .:Varya:.
H: pppaullack
Q7: In which order did the Mole first respond in the chatroom in Mission 1?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
Q8: Was the Mole standing on grass during Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: Where was the Mole during Mission 1?
A: Level 1
B: Level 2
C: Level 3
D: Level 4
E: Level 5
F: Level 6
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Chris Winters
B: Sue May
C: Lloyd Smart
D: Sydney Wellington
E: Philo Nickelworth
F: Clavés Vann
G: Brianna McWinner
H: Noel McAllister
"Contestants, in your respective seasons you never had to deal with a single red screen. Unfortunately, that will change."
"When your name is called, approach the controller. The landscape in front of you will change, and from there you will know your fate."
"Let us begin with Brianna McWinner."
Brianna: "There is no way they would execute the first to be called."
"Noel McAllister."
Noel: "I like green. Show me some green."
Noel: "Excellent."
"Lloyd Smart."
Lloyd: "Nothing's happening."
Sue: "Be patient."
"Philo Nickelworth."
Philo: "I have no clue, so I could only rely on speed to keep me afloat."
"Unfortunately, Philo Nickelworth, you are the first to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Philo: "Fuck...whatever. I don't care. I'm the biggest fool anyway. Go ahead and make me a bigger laughingstock by executing me first."
Philo: "Speed didn't help me out here. There was nothing for me to go on. I'm glad I didn't harbour any expectation because at least I can't be disappointed. I already played the roles of Mole and winner. And both times I was humiliated doing so. At least this time my suffering is swift."
"Philo, see that light in front of you? You have to go there. However, even though you have been executed, you can still return to the game if you can score better than the lowest scorer by at least 2 in the quizzes. Not all hope is lost."
Philo: "Don't try to console me."
Chris: "Philo has had a rough time. Things just don't seem to go well for him. I hope he can take it easy."
Brianna: "Philo reminds me of a grumpy teddy bear. I'm sure he's a big softie inside. If only we got to know each other better."
Sydney: "It is too bad but he can still the cost of one of us."
Philo: "This is so poetic."
Philo: "It's almost as if I have no future."
Philo: "If only I could turn back time, and go back further into the past. All the way back to Season 40."
"Thank you Philo for joining. We hope to see you again."
The Mole-turned-winner has turned into the first boot! Will he make a comeback or will he be gone for good?
Pot: 112/112
It ain't pretty
Lloyd: "Does anyone know how to make a chatbot?"
Brianna: "I know programming, but I'm not sure if it applies here when a chatbot is a literal robot."
Brianna: "So who's this robot going to replace?"
Sydney: "Alrighty y'all. Each of you tell me a joke."
Noel: "I am a bot."
Sydney: "EW!"
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