Thursday, 23 January 2020

50.06-Time is relative


Philo: "I have risen from the dead."


With Philo's return, a new mission begins. Contestants have been told to come up with a list of suspects in decreasing order of suspicion. An overall suspicion list will be drafted from it.

However, contestants are unaware what the mission entails.


Claves: "Everyone's expecting me to jump."

Claves: "I'll do it. I went through hell. I'm not afraid of death."

Claves: "This is unreal."


Brianna: "I see the target."


Brianna: "Yes!"


Brianna: "He survived!"

Philo: "I have risen from the dead...again."


"The mission has concluded. Only four of you took the plunge, so 80/140 points have been earned."



Philo: "During my time away I spent a lot of my time researching about the future and the time portal. Apparently, time portals can exist in every town and every neighbourhood. I wish I found the one in my neighbourhood. But at least I know the existence of one. I could travel between the present and the future. So that must mean I can travel between the past and the present. Time is relative, after all."



Brianna: "This just never ceases to amaze me."

Brianna: "It's so refreshing and cool. I can get clean without having to take off my clothes. It must save a lot on water bills."


Sue: "Ahh..."

Sue: "Such a lovely day to relax."

Sue: "Unfortunately I have things to do."


Sue: "Lloyd and I are working together. I can sense that he doesn't fully trust me but I think he's warming up to me. We trade information and whatever we notice. I keep a log of it in my journal. I'm honestly very surprised books still exist in the future. Some things just don't change."



Chris: "Lloyd, what the hell are you wearing?"

Noel: "That's not Lloyd. That's a robot."

Chris: "I'm old but I'm not stupid."
Lloyd: "It's a free country. I can do whatever I want."

Lloyd: "In fact, I think I'll give that jetpack a go."
Chris: "Oh, now you want to do it? The mission was over yesterday."

Lloyd: "So? I'm just doing it for fun."

Lloyd: "This is amazing! I'm flying! I'm free!"

Chris: "Youngsters just get on my nerves nowadays."
Noel: "You calling me old?"
Chris: "That's not what I meant. I just think I'm getting too old to take part in all these shenanigans."

Chris: "I don't even get why youths think freedom is sexy. They act like they've been caged up their whole life. Then they start experimenting and doing crazy and illegal stuff and then they go crying to their mommy or daddy."

Noel: "Who hurt you?"
Chris: "Nobody. I was watching the news the other day about this teen who got in trouble with the cops. And everything that happened was his fault, and his parents had to clean up the mess."

Noel: "You were young once too, weren't you?"
Chris: "I didn't behave like...that."

Chris: "You can't tell me you did."
Noel: "I didn't have a goth phase. But on some level I get where he's coming from."

Chris: "Must be a generational thing. You're closer to his age."
Noel: "Doesn't mean I agree with everything he says or does."

Chris: "I wonder how his parents taught him. Parents nowadays must be really soft on their kids."
Noel: "I think he's an orphan or something? I know his parents are dead."
Chris: "That explains quite a lot."

Lloyd: "FUCK YEAH! WOO!"

Chris: "Stop swearing, young man."

Noel: "Is he drawing a penis in the air?"

Lloyd: "Aah!"

Chris: "You're an embarrassment to yourself and your family."

Lloyd: "Oof!"

Chris: "That's where recklessness gets you."
Noel: "Boo! You suck!"

Chris: "I hope you learned your lesson."
Lloyd: "What the hell is wrong with you, Chris?"

Chris: "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Lloyd: "I'm just being me. If you can't stand it then GTFO."

Chris: "How rude! Did your parents never teach you manners?"
Lloyd: "This has nothing to do with my parents."

Chris: "Of course. I would never think any parent would let their child become...this."
Lloyd: "Why not you take your prejudice and shove it somewhere else? Just because you don't like me doesn't mean I'm wrong."

Chris: "I thought you were a studious and respectable young man. I was wrong."

Lloyd: "Back at Zimmaport all those who knew me from young disapprove of what I do. I still face judgement. I thought here, I could go wild and be free for real. But instead all of you are just trying to repress me. You all want me to fit into this little box you made for me."

Chris: "Where are your manners? Someone needs to take you into hand."

Lloyd: "And you think you're suitable? I know all about you. To build your own empire you drove away your whole family. You drove your own wife to insanity!"
Chris: "Shut. Up."

Lloyd: "You're a hypocrite, you know that? And you think you have the right to lecture me? You're not my parent. My parents are dead and should stay that way."

Noel: "That's enough!"

Lloyd: "What the hell? Why did you slap me?"

Noel: "Yes, you're right. You're absolutely right. Your parents should stay dead, because if they were alive they wouldn't want to see a son like you!"

Lloyd: "What the hell are both your problems?"


Sue: "You sound angry."
Lloyd: "It's like I can never be myself wherever I go."

Sue: "You can be yourself around me."

Lloyd: "I'm not fal..."

Lloyd: "Sorry. Just feeling frustrated."

Sue: "Talking would help."
Lloyd: "It's Chris. And Noel. And this whole goddamned world. I just want to go crazy and have fun, you know? Not be the goody-two-shoes everyone wants me to be. It's been so long. I thought that part of me should have been buried."

Sue: "In that case, you need to unwind. Play your heart away."
Lloyd: "You're not annoyed by this music? I haven't gotten the hang of it yet."

Sue: "I think you need this more."

Lloyd: "I always thought the only one who understood me was Lisette. Thanks Sue."

Chris: "Lloyd, can we talk?"

Sue: "Now isn't a good time."
Lloyd: "It's okay, Sue. You want to talk? Okay, let's talk."

Sue: "I'll leave you two to it. Remember Lloyd, I'm here for you."

Chris: "I thought you had a girlfriend."
Lloyd: "Sue is just a friend. Are you going to control my love life as well?"

Chris: "Forgive Noel."
Lloyd: "Not you?"
Chris: "Ugh. Forgive me too."

Lloyd: "I should apologise as well. Look, Chris, I didn't mean to snap at you. Or say those things about your wife or your family."

Chris: "Honestly I've heard nastier. And you're right."

Chris: "I don't know how long more I can live. It's time to settle all outstanding affairs while I still can. Pretending that all the problems that happened to Patricia and Gen weren't my fault fixes nothing."

Chris: "But I wish you would see it from my perspective too. And Noel's. As parents, we see things differently from you. Parents are humans too. Parents make mistakes too. But what we do is ultimately with our children's interest in mind."

Lloyd: "My parents weren't bad parents. They were good parents. They just didn't understand me or what I truly wanted."
Chris: "Did you tell them?"

Lloyd: "Well..."
Chris: "We're not mind-readers. We don't know what's on your mind if you don't tell us."

Lloyd: "I didn't want to disappoint them. They were proud of what I've become. Or what they thought I had become. If I wasn't going to be happy, at least they should be."

Chris: "You're a good kid at heart. And well, er, sorry. I shouldn't have been so quick to judge."
Lloyd: "Apology accepted. Everyone just thinks I'm grieving or acting out, or that I can't get over my parent's death. They don't see that this is who I really want to be."


Philo: "I need to know how far back I can set this portal."

Philo: "I need to try. I have nothing left to lose anyway."

Philo: "Maybe I just need to concentrate really hard on that moment. Then I'll be transported back to that time."

Claves: "What are you doing?"

Philo: "Claves!"

Claves: "Were you planning on quitting?"
Philo: "What? No, no. Not when I made it back. I was just wondering about this time portal."

Claves: "Oh. I sometimes wonder about it too."

Philo: "You do? I knew I couldn't be the only one. Do you know how it works?"

Claves: "No, and I don't intend to find out."

Philo: "You don't?"
Claves: "No. There's a lot on my plate. I don't want to meddle and make things worse. And you shouldn't either."

Philo: "Oh...yeah, of course. Don't want to cause everyone to be stuck here."

Philo: "Promise you won't tell anyone you saw me?"
Claves: "I promise."


It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the Mole's identity. The lowest scorer will be executed. If Sydney scores high enough she can return to the game.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: How old was the Mole in the Mole's first season?
A: 24
B: 26
C: 30
D: 31
E: 32
F: 39
G: 44
H: 78

Q3: How many Simoleons did the Mole win previously?
A: §0
B: §426,000
C: §487,000
D: §525,000
E: §590,000
F: §663,000
G: §760,000
H: §813,000

Q4: Who won the season before the Mole's winning season?
A: Kay Micheals
B: Roy Dylan Osthmus
C: Madeleine Lewis
D: Hazel Jessicarnation
E: Clifford Sanchez
F: Philo Nickelworth
G: Maximillian Young
H: Monique Plaita

Q5: In Mission 3, how suspicious was the Mole?
A: Most suspicious
B: 2nd most suspicious
C: 3rd most suspicious
D: 4th most suspicious
E: 5th most suspicious
F: 6th most suspicious
G: Least suspicious
H: The Mole has been executed

Q6: Did the Mole jump in Mission 3?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole has been executed

Q7: In Mission 3, in which order did the Mole jump?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: The Mole did not jump

Q8: In Mission 3, was the Mole initially standing on grass?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole has been executed

Q9: Was the Mole wearing sleepwear before Mission 3?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole has been executed

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Chris Winters
B: Sue May
C: Lloyd Smart
D: Sydney Wellington
E: Philo Nickelworth
F: Clavés Vann
G: Brianna McWinner
H: Noel McAllister


"Contestants, Philo has reunited and gets a second chance. Will Sydney do the same? Who will take her place, if any?"

"Chris Winters."

Chris: "I won't be too upset if it's me."

"Brianna McWinner."

"Philo Nickelworth. If you are executed, you will not be returning."
Philo: "I know."

"Clavés Vann."

"Noel McAllister."

"Sue May, Lloyd Smart, one of you will be executed tonight."
Lloyd: "It's down to us."
Sue: "We'll both make it."

"Sue May."

Sue: "Confidence is half the battle won."

"Unfortunately, Sue May, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Sue: "This can't be."

Chris: "Sue is such a sweet girl. It truly breaks my heart to see her go."
Philo: "I'm just glad it's not me."

Lloyd: "I had my reservations about her initially, but I can feel she's sincere about being a truly nice woman. We worked together so there will be so many more moments where I'll feel emptier. But knowing her, she'll fight tooth and nail to return."


Sue: "I just wasn't quick and decisive enough. It was also to my disadvantage that I wasn't highly suspected. But I'll come back. Mark my words."

"Thank you for joining, Sue. We hope to see you again."

The "sweet" Sue has been executed. Will Sydney replace her?

Pot: 212/332


I got that reference

Noel: "We're not in Kansas any more."


Not everything is rosy in Oasis Landing. In the wasteland lie The Secret Hackers Society, the venue for the next mission.


Brianna: "I have to be careful. There are black hats lurking in the dark Space Web."


Claves: "Brianna is also testing me. I'll buy."


Philo: "The economy won't work if I hoard all the bitcoins, but I want that exemption."


Brianna: "The question is between Noel and Philo now. I don't know how many coins Philo has, nor Noel, but I bet they have more than me. This means if I want that exemption, I must work with the white hat hackers and fool them, or try and get more money from transacting."


Lloyd: "...Fuck."


Chris: "You're the white hat hacker who eliminated me, aren't you?"


Claves: "I never choose a losing side."

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