The last time on the Smole, the final eight had to listen to songs, identify the singer's ethnicities, then identify the official languages spoken by that ethnicity's nation. They correctly had 13/16 languages and thus earned 130/160 points for the pot, bringing it to 300/560 points. Everett was executed next and he took it in his stride. Who will be executed next? Who are the Mole candidates?
"A midpoint check-in: how do you think you are doing so far?"
Llama: "I think I've been doing quite decently considering I am still in the game. I laid low and I don't think anyone suspects me, not even the other Mole candidates."
"I can confirm that at least one Mole candidate has been executed."
Llama: "Good. Good. That means I can sabotage more."
Arnold: "I had the most amazing foreplay yesterday with Beatrix. She's so kinky and I love it. It was mindblowing and I got blue-balled so hard. I can only imagine what the real woohoo will be like. Got a few bruises on my body but it's worth it."
Augustine: "My room is so empty now. Now that Everett has been executed, Arnold and I have to find a new Mole suspect. I think it could be Beatrix but Arnold does not agree. I think he is just crazy about her to see the truth."
Desmond: "All rise."
Agatha: "Today we are gathered here to discuss a special case of a suspected murder. The suspects; Beatrix Domma, a 24-year-old spy from France, and Arnold Dacinda, a 34-year-old graphic designer."
Agatha: "We have two court-sanctioned investigators on the case. They are gathering evidence for us as the proceedings proceed. At the end of the three-hour proceeding, I will make my judgement. There are 130 points to be earned if the criminal is caught, and an exemption for the criminal and the representing lawyer otherwise. Ms. Villegas, you may state your case."
Desdemona: "Your Honour, my client is a misunderstood woman. Everyone uses their biases to prematurely judge her. But I can tell you that my client is innocent. Just because she looks like a criminal and has history does not mean she committed this murder. She will not be that stupid to commit a crime overseas. I hope you do not prematurely judge her as well, Your Honour."
Desmond: "Your Honour, my client is an everyday man, just enjoying his time hanging out with friends and doing recreational drugs. When not doing that, he is busy working hard at his job. He makes an honest living as a graphic designer. There is no motive for him to commit murder."
Claire: "We need a code for each piece of evidence."
Augustine: "The code might be in one of these archives."
Claire: "There are too many to even begin."
Augustine: "We have to start somewhere."
Augustine: "The archives are sorted. I took one from the section called 'Relationship with deceased'."
Claire: "We can watch the proceedings in the court room. Maybe they will give us some clues as to what sections we should focus on."
Desdemona: "Ms. Domma, where were you on the 8th of August 2022 at 11.53PM?"
Beatrix: "I was at home asleep."
Desdemona: "Do you have an alibi?"
Beatrix: "No. I live alone."
Desdemona: "What is your relationship with the deceased?"
Beatrix: "I never met him before. I don't even know his name."
Desdemona: "This was a very difficult mission for everyone as we were all finding out the events along the way. We had no information as lawyers. Only the suspects knew whether they were innocent or not. We had to rely on the evidence provided by the investigators as and when they arrived which could suddenly change the course of events. The only evidence we started out with was an autopsy report."
Desmond: "Mr. Dacinda, what is your relationship with the deceased?"
Arnold: "We were smoking buddies. He was a good friend of mine. Always willing to share. I can't believe Beatrix would do such a thing!"
Desmond: "What is your relationship with Ms. Domma?"
Arnold: "We're passionate lovers."
Beatrix: "We were never lovers."
Arnold: "But we had such a passionate roleplay session last night."
Agatha: "Order in the court. I can...confirm that Arnold was involved in a roleplay session last night. I found him tied up in his bed."
Desmond: "Your Honour, Ms. Domma is already lying. Her credibility is thrown into question."
Desmond: "Mr. Dacinda, what is your impression of Ms. Domma?"
Arnold: "Hot."
Desmond: "Besides that?"
Arnold: "Sexy."
Desmond: "Anything else other than her appearance?"
Arnold: "Well she's a skilled fighter. She knows self-defence. She also really likes kicking others. The other day we were boxing and she decided to kick instead of punch."
Desmond: "Would you say she has had to kill for her career before?"
Arnold: "Yeah definitely."
Desmond: "Your Honour, I present to you Exhibit A. It is an autopsy report. The cause of death is blood loss due to a sharp force. As you know, things like knives constitute a sharp force. Ms. Domma has a history of violence."
Desmond: "Your Honour, it is an open and shut case. Ms. Domma is the murderer. She stabbed the deceased!"
Desdemona: "Objection! This is just a conjecture."
Desmond: "We have nothing to go on right now other than conjectures. The investigators are not providing us evidence."
Agatha: "He's right. Overruled."
Augustine: "I found a code: 1964."
Claire: "In the meanwhile I'll search for the books about murder weapons."
Augustine: "Your Honour, I present to you new evidence. These are photos of the deceased and Arnold."
Desmond: "Perfect. This clearly shows that my client is telling the truth. He is a cooperative man who, like the rest of us, wants to find out the truth and clear his name."
Claire: "I should check the 'Relationship with deceased' section. Maybe Beatrix also has a relationship with the deceased and is lying...aha, I see another code: 2431. What evidence will this unlock on the computer?"
Claire: "Your Honour, please check the TV screens around you. I have found camera footage of Beatrix...Ms. Domma beating up the deceased outside a brothel."
Agatha: "Ms. Domma, please explain yourself."
Beatrix: "He was harassing me."
Desmond: "Your Honour, this contradicts her earlier statement of not knowing the deceased. She has something to hide."
Beatrix: "I still don't know him or his name. He thought I was an escort and tried to get handsy with me."
Desmond: "So you attacked him because he wouldn't leave you alone."
Beatrix: "You're making things up."
Desdemona: "Objection!"
Augustine: "Your Honour, I present to you new evidence. It is a bank letter to Mr. Dacinda asking for a repayment of debt. 130,000 Simoleons."
Desdemona: "Coincidence? I think not."
Desmond: "Objection. This is irrelevant to the case."
Desdemona: "Oh shut up. Maybe he killed the deceased for money!"
Arnold: "No I didn't. He's not a rich guy. I'm just bad with finances."
Desdemona: "But it's a 130 grand debt."
Arnold: "It was a home loan. You know graphic designers earn shit. That's why I'm on the Smole. So I'm not able to repay the loan."
Desdemona: "Then why did the bank approve the loan in the first place?"
Arnold: "How would I know? I'm not the bank. It's probably because of my good credit score."
Claire: "I found something interesting. This is what we had to answer last night before we went to bed."
Augustine: "Who is least likely to be a Mole candidate, who is most likely to be a Mole candidate, who is most likely to have discovered a Mole candidate?"
Claire: "Yes exactly. But there is a note. If we take a look to see what everyone answered, we lose the 130 points immediately."
Augustine: "Then don't. It is a big loss of money."
Claire: "What if there is something useful in there?"
Augustine: "It will not be useful. Focus on the mission at hand Claire. Do not let them tempt you into bankruptcy."
Agatha: "It is time for an intermission. Lawyers, please take the time to gather your thoughts and compile the evidence."
Beatrix: "That went badly."
Desdemona: "Would never have guessed. Did you do it?"
Beatrix: "No."
Desdemona: "Ok then tell me whatever you know."
Desmond: "It doesn't matter whether or not you're innocent. We just need to make sure Agatha finds Beatrix guilty at the end."
Arnold: "Agatha has quite the fertile imagination."
Desdmond: "Yes I'm aware. We can use that to our advantage. Just do as I say."
Augustine: "It is intermission now. Any evidence we find will be sent directly to the lawyers first to prepare."
Claire: "Maybe this one...aha, a code on the first page. 3010."
Claire: "Oh my...I stumbled upon a very important piece of evidence. Augustine, we can narrow our search to focus on only one suspect."
Desmond: "Is that a dick pic?"
Arnold: "Let me see. Oh yeah that's mine."
Desmond: "How did the producers get your dick pic..."
Arnold: "I may have had some fun with Beatrix last night."
Desmond: "That wasn't part of the roleplay?"
Arnold: "Depends on which roleplay you're talking about."
Desmond: "...We'll settle this later."
Agatha: "Welcome back. Ms. Villegas, you may begin your cross-examination."
Desdemona: "Thank you. In the first half Mr. Dacinda here portrayed himself as a holy man who was innocently dragged into this court case. It obviously isn't that simple. Our investigators found something that calls his character into question."
Desdemona: "I present to you a text log between my client and Mr. Dacinda."
Agatha: "This is deplorable Mr. Dacinda."
Desdemona: "My sentiments exactly Agatha, I mean your Honour. The text logs clearly show him harassing my client repeatedly and even inviting her to his room."
Desmond: "Objection. My client is fond of your client but he's not a murderer. This isn't relevant to the case."
Agatha: "Sustained."
Desdemona: "But it shows my client may really have been harassed by the decea..."
Agatha: "I said sustained."
Desdemona: "Grr. Mr. Dacinda, I see you have bruises on your wrists. How did you get those?"
Arnold: "I told you. Beatrix and I had a mindblowing..."
Desdemonda: "Spare the details dude."
Arnold: "Yeah we had some rope-play involved. She was a very willing party."
Desdemona: "The text logs say otherwise."
Desmond: "Objection. We already said the text logs are irrelevant."
Agatha: "Sustained."
Desdemona: "Grr. Then I have no further questions your Stupidness."
Agatha: "Can I hold her in contempt of court? No? Fine. Mr. Mulder, you may begin your cross-examination."
Desmond: "Ms. Domma, your lawyer has pointed out a piece of evidence that was not submitted by the investigators but point to an important fact. Did you tie him up?"
Beatrix: "Yes."
Desmond: "Why?"
Beatrix: "He deserved it. I told him to stop calling me 'babe'."
Desdemona: "Objection! If this isn't evidence then it shouldn't be brought up."
Desmond: "You brought it up first. As you can see Ms. Domma has admitted herself to her history of being violent towards others. My client's bruises are her very work. She has no qualms about abusing others. With the deceased, she went one step too far and ended his life."
Desmond: "I would also like to present you with evidence that Claire gave us. A cracked black stiletto was found disposed of near the victim's place of death. The forensic report has returned that it is the murder weapon. Look at what our client wears Your Honour."
Desmond: "Can you explain why your stilettos were found near the crime scene?"
Beatrix: "Who says they were mine? I am wearing a perfect pair of shoes right now. If I did it, I will not be so stupid to throw it near the crime scene. Only Arnold will be that stupid."
Arnold: "Hey!"
Augustine: "That was not a code."
Claire: "Keep looking. I'm trying out a code works. Let me bring the evidence to the court."
Claire: "Your Honour, I found a stack of receipts of Beatrix's past shopping history. Of note is a recent purchase: a pair of black shoes, just one day after the murder took place."
Desdemona: "Stop it Claire."
Desmond: "The odds are stacked against you Beatrix."
Beatrix: "I liked them so I bought them."
Desmond: "What a convenient excuse. What really happened is that you stabbed, or as Arnold said earlier, kicked the victim with your stilettos. You stiletto'd him to death, then threw away the shoes and bought a new one to replace it."
Beatrix: "That's not true. Even if the cracked shoes are mine, Arnold could have stolen it from me. Don't forget I was in his room the night before the event."
Desmond: "So you are admitting that the shoes are yours."
Beatrix: "I said 'even if'."
Desmond: "You can judge for yourself your Honour. I have no further questions."
Agatha: "Thank you. May both of you provide a closing statement, starting with Mr. Mulder."
Desmond: "Gladly. Your Honour, what we have is a clear cut case. My client is harrowed by the tragic and sudden death of his good friend. A friend that shared with him, a friend that cared for him. He was robbed of that genuine friendship by Ms. Beatrix Domma. All the evidence shows that she stabbed him to death with her stiletto and then tried to cover the fact up. You can clearly see from the evidence and fill in the gaps yourself."
Desdemona: "Your Honour, Mr. Mulder is constantly defaming my client. My client is a professional woman with a strong work ethic. She will not kill and definitely not so carelessly. Let's not forget she is a trained spy. Unfortunately, her beauty is a double-edged sword and attracts a lot of unwanted attention, even from Mr. Dacinda. She only does enough to protect herself. My client was at Arnold's place and she left in a hurry after he tried to assault her. You can surely empathise as a woman yourself your Honour. She would not be in the right frame of mind to care about her shoes, so she bought a new pair two days later while Arnold made use of her shoes to kill his good friend and frame her for it. Empathise, your Honour."
Agatha: "Thank you. We will gather back here in a few minutes for the final verdict."
Agatha: "Hmm...the facts all strongly point to Beatrix. Is it that simple? There are Mole candidates present. Surely someone will try to sabotage. I could also be overthinking things."
Augustine: "I found another evidence with 3748. It is Arnold's bank statement history. There was a huge deposit into his bank account 3 days after the murder."
Claire: "Oh. It's too late for that now. The court is adjourned. We now have to watch Agatha make her decision."
Agatha: "I have made my decision. After reviewing all the evidence and testimony, the one I find guilty is..."
'...Beatrix Domma."
Desdemona: "Damn it."
Arnold: "Exemption baby!"
Desdemona: "Exemption?"
Arnold: "That's right. Sike! I'm the culprit! Beatrix was right. She forgot to wear her shoes so I took them and killed my friend for that sweet sweet moolah to repay my debts and more. You did an awesome job defending me Desmond."
The wrong verdict was given and as a result, Arnold and Desmond get exemptions but lose 130 points. The pot is at 300/690 points. Were the Mole candidates working hard to keep the points away?