Sunday, 13 October 2013

1.11-This is reality, princess

Welcome to the Smole! Previously teams were doing another mission, to work out. Only Bloom completed it, and thus received an exemption. In another meeting, nobody could agree on who the second exemption should go to, so points were deducted. Eventually Tulip was evicted. Only 7 remain. Who’s the victim? The winner? Who’s the mole?

“So, why did you join?”
“Excuse me?”
“I mean, you’re a millionaire. A rich man’s son. Why did you join?”
“To have a great experience and to make new…friends. What’s yours?”
“To get away from my parents.”
“Care to share?”
“…Not really.”
“Alright then. Go to sleep.”

“If you must know, I joined to get rid of my parents. They were so controlling, restricting everything I could do. I really ran away from home, penniless. So I’m not a rich kid’s daughter like others say. I don’t believe Reginald’s reason though, and thus I can’t confide into him. It would be nice to have a friend here though.”

“I honestly don’t believe what Whitney says. And it’s fine if she doesn’t believe me either. It’s the truth. What else would a millionaire come onto a show like this for? She refuses to share with me. Suspicious.”

If you ever wonder, this is where each remaining contestant sleeps in.


“Gather round guys! It’s the start of another day, another mission. First up, I’d like you to write on the piece of paper I’m handing to you now, who you think is least likely to be the Mole.”

“Congratulations Jonathan! You were voted least likely to be Mole!”
“Really? Thanks guys!”

“I felt happy when they said I was least likely to be Mole. Or should I be upset? Because maybe they’ve gotten the Mole, but I haven’t yet. I want the money for myself. I’m going to have to look like the Mole.”

“The rest of you get changed and meet downstairs.”
“Whitney, why are you staring blankly into the fireplace? Whitney? Hello?”
“Victor, I think she’s cuckoo.”
“Who voted Jonathan to be least likely anyway? Sure not me!”
“Who did you vote for?”
“Victor. You know, I feel like I can trust you.”
“So shall we form a coalition?”
“Sure, why not. I was pretty much kicked out of all the others I made anyway.”

“You guys will also be receiving 2 new cars for ease of travel. Henrietta, Bloom and Whitney, you take the red one. The rest, take the yellow one. Now, you guys have to find Jonathan. If you do within 30 minutes, you earn 250 points. If not, you earn nothing. The one who finds Jonathan first will get an exemption. The moment Jonathan is brought down, the game ends.”
“3 doors?”
“Interesting. Let me write in my journal.”
“Me too.”
“I say we split into pairs.”

“It leads to the same room? What the…”

“There are 3 more doors. I don’t think they’ll pull the same trick twice.”
“I’m going with Michael on the first one.”
“Reginald and I second.”
“That leaves us last.”

“We should stick together.”
“Not literally.”

“Why’d you walk in front of me, Bloom?”
“No reason.”

“I feel like I can trust Michael the best. I don’t know why. He hasn’t shun me yet. Well, neither has Victor. I’m still playing the same game, but more low profile now.”

“2 elevators…”
“We should split up, Henrietta. That way we have a bigger chance.”

“I say we stick together, Whitney.”

“A door? This must be it. I hope.”

“I had no idea Bloom was such a scheming liar! She said to stick together, yet when I didn’t notice, she went down! Ugh! I think she knows that’s not the door. Is she the Mole? Highly likely.”

7 more minutes!
“Not bad, you found me. Let’s head back down to earn those points.”

“A dead end? This cannot be!”

“Aha! I found you Jonathan!”
“I found him first!”
“Is there like a hidden door or something?”

5 more minutes!
“I think we should just give up, Michael. There’s no time left.”

“A door! I’m right!”

“I don’t know why I thought there was a hidden door…I just did. I knew that couldn’t be the end. And I was right.”
“Maybe  I shouldn’t have completed the mission yesterday. I’m aching all over!”

3 more minutes!
“So, you two didn’t find anything?”

“Yes! No sweat at all!”
“What the? Magazines? Hey, there’s a secret compartment down here…”

2 minutes!
“Why did you just give up like that! I don’t think anybody found Jonathan!”

“Did anybody call my name!”
The game is up! Now we just have to wait for Bloom to come down.

“Ah! You’re a bully! You’re all bullies!”
“This is reality, princess.”

“I’m here!”
“About time.”

“So, you guys found Jonathan and brought him down with 2 minutes to spare, earning 250 points. Victor also earns an exemption for finding him. Also, Bloom earns  a hidden exemption.”

“The others must be furious that I keep earning exemptions. Don’t blame me. I’m just good at finding them. Inside the magazines was a slip of paper with the words ‘Exemption’. Also, there was a secret compartment. Inside were 9 yellow M&M chocalates, arranged in a 3x3 square. It must be a clue…but what?”

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