Thursday, 31 October 2013

1.20-The Mole is...

Q1: Is the Mole Male or Female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: How old is the Mole?
A: 21
B: 26
C: 34

Q3: What is the Mole’s occupation?
A: Scouts Leader
B: Unemployed

Q4: What colour shirt does the Mole wear everyday?
A: Purple
B: Red
C: Yellow

Q5: In Mission 2, did the Mole jump?
A: Yes
B: No

“It could be anybody really. Maybe it’s Victor. Henrietta had given me this lead to work on. He’s smart and he acts like he’s forgetful. Perfect for deflecting suspicion. So Mole-like. He uses his journal a lot, but who knows whether he really writes in it? Then again, Henrietta must have banked on him so much that she lost, so maybe he’s not the one.”
“From another perspective, Bloom fits the criteria too. Shady, Mysterious, seductive. She can charm the men and women to believe that she’s innocent. She has done her fair share of sabotages, like Victor, and anybody who forms a coalition with her is out. Including Henrietta. I’m at a loss.”

Q6: Did the Mole catch a fish in Mission 3?
A: Yes
B: No

Q7: What order did the Mole catch a fish in Mission 3?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: The Mole did not catch a fish

Q8: In Mission 5, did the Mole build or describe?
A: Build
B: Describe

Q9: In Mission 6, what order did the Mole stop exercising?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd

Q10: In Mission 7, which door did the Mole take to enter the house?
A: Left
B: Middle
C: Right

“I’m quite confident on my answer, even more so with Henrietta’s eviction. For one, there’s Bloom Phine. A mysterious rose, appealing yet dangerous. She can easily sneak past anyone going undetected. Except for me. She’d make a perfect mole.”
“For two, there’s Michael Mullard. He’s strong, yet his muscles seem just for display. He’s been rather Mole-ish, sabotaging some, doing well in others. He’d do well as well. But I have my answer.”

Q11: In Mission 8, what position did the Mole reach the destination?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
Q12: In Mission 10, how many catches did the Mole get?
A: 11
B: 30
C: 32

Q13: How many exemptions has the Mole gotten so far?
A: 0
B: 1-2
C: More than twice

Q14: In the final Mission, what did the Mole catch?
A: A microphone
B: A note
C: Nothing

Q15: Who is the Mole?
A: Bloom Phine
B: Michael Mullard
C: Victor Pluck

“I’m really second-guessing myself, but to have made it this far is remarkable. There’s Michael. He’s really not that noticed, and hasn’t worked his guts out to make it to the top 3. I suspect something. His friendship and coalition with Henrietta may have also caused her to be out.”
“However, I can’t forget Victor. He’s smart and dorky, and intelligence is important in here. He’s also got wits and a strategy. He’s also friends with Henrietta and was in her coalition until the day Henrietta left. He may have been the Mole too. I’m feeling confused. I just have to go with my gut feeling, especially when I received the most clues. I think.”


The finale room. What better place than the TV station? To satisfy their curiosity. Plus, it’s on national television. It makes perfect sense! Anyway, let’s welcome 5 of our guests to find out who’s the winner and the Mole.


First up, the 3rd to last place Sim, Amy Vine!
“Aloha everyone!”

Next is Whitney DeGraz!
“Thanks for letting me out of my family for one more time.”

“Then it’s Jonathan Griar!”
“Time to hunt down the mole!”

“Next is Reginald Black, 5th place Sim!”
“Good to be back!”

“Hello there Jonathan. Don’t mind right?”
“Not at all. You lost anyway.”
“You went before me.”
“Because of that stupid exemption!”

Followed closely by last but not least, Henrietta Hitchcock!
“So close! But hello again!”

“Take a seat Henrietta.”

“In each of the rooms, there is one Sim waiting. The Mole, the winner and the runner-up. I’m sure you’re dying to know who the winner is and more importantly, who the mole is. But let’s keep everyone waiting first.”
“First let’s watch the sabotage of each of the remaining players.”

“Firstly, Bloom Phine.

·         Mission 1 & 2: She did what was required of her.
·         Mission 3: She caught a fish, which was normal.
·         Mission 4: She swam too, so she’s generally not sabotaging in the early stages.
·         Mission 5: This is where she started, to earn her first exemption, by misleading Michael and Diana with wrong or vague descriptions.
·         Mission 6: After being suspected for sabotage earlier, Bloom went low profile again. Only this time it was way obvious because she was the only one who completed the mission. This led to suspicion, though more on those who didn’t complete.
·         Mission 7: She manipulated Whitney and dumped her at the top floor, heading down to find the secret exemption. Her 2nd hidden exemption caused her to be suspected again.
·         Mission 8: Bloom was originally 4th in running, but because of Jonathan and Michael, she ended up being 2nd. Nothing wrong here.
·         Mission 9: Claiming her 3rd hidden exemption here, Bloom ruined her team’s chances of getting points by saying something completely unrelated, even though they had no clue in the first place.
·         Mission 10: Anxious for another exemption, Bloom caught the most. No suspicion was raised.
·         Mission 11: She didn’t catch anything. Perhaps she wasn’t trying and was stalling for time.

“Then there’s Michael.
·         Mission 1 & 2: Like Bloom, he did what was expected of him…and more.
·         Mission 3: He first started his sabotage here by not catching a fish. Unfortunately it was too big of an issue to go unnoticed as Michael was supposed to be outdoorsy and an angler as a scouts leader. He also soured the relationship between Diana and Jonathan by accusing her of taking his journal.
·         Mission 4: Again, he chose not to swim past 50m, thus raising suspicion again, but some thought he was being too obvious.
·         Mission 5: He tried building to the best of his abilities. No sabotage, other than the fact that he purposely misread some stuff. In the meeting afterwards, he agreed with Henrietta, thus deducting points.
·         Mission 6: Michael quit in the end, but there was lesser suspicion this time as Jonathan and Henrietta had quit first and he had been encouraging Reginald to go on.
·         Mission 7: He was not suspected here, nor did he sabotage.
·         Mission 8: Michael purposely slowed down to 3rd, not losing points or receiving suspicion as Jonathan followed suit.
·         Mission 9: Michael was wasting a lot of time here, arguing with Reginald, but more focus was put on Reginald because it seemed as if he started it.
·         Mission 10: Michael was the 2nd highest, you’d expect him to be 1st. Sims started thinking he was all show, relieving some suspicion.
·         Mission 11: Michael got the note. He didn’t sabotage.

“And last but not least, Victor.
·         Mission 1 & 2: Victor completed Mission 1 fine, but didn’t do Mission 2.
·         Mission 3: Victor caught a fish, so no suspicion raised.
·         Mission 4: Victor chose not to swim at all, putting a lot of suspicion on him, but some thought he was just hydrophobic.
·         Mission 5: There was sabotage here in order to earn a hidden exemption with vague or wrong descriptions.
·         Mission 6: Victor was one of the last few to quit, which was remarkable and went unnoticed.
·         Mission 7: Victor managed to find Jonathan. He did what was required. No sabotage.
·         Mission 8: Victor tried to go last with the fact that he was skinny and not athletic, but Reginald went last instead, so he had to settle with 5th, and not gain exemptions. His attempt at sabotage failed.
·         Mission 9: He was slightly suspected as he stalled for time.
·         Mission 10: Victor caught the least. It surprised some but not others. 11 was too low a score but it was expected from someone like him, especially when he had been brought so far away.
·         Mission 11: Victor caught the wrong box and attempted to mislead, but blurted out the truth instead.

So there you go! Who do you guys think is the Mole?”

·         “Henrietta-Michael.”
·         “Reginald-Bloom.”
·         “Jonathan-Michael.”
·         “Whitney-Victor.”
·         “Amy-Bloom.”

“All right then. Let’s see who’s the winner of 2050 points, or 2,050,000 Simoleons. And the winner is….

“Victor Pluck!”

“This comes as a total surprise to me. I never thought I would win really. I’d like to thank everyone for their support and help, from my parents to you guys, for letting me know you were not the Mole.”

“Speaking of which, this must be a dying question for all of you. Who is the Mole? You think you got it Victor?”
“Yep. The Mole is…

“Michael Mullard!”
“You stink!”
“That’s the smell of man.”
“Actually, it’s the smell of pee.”
“Ew! Information overload!”

“So, I hope I did a fairly well job. It wasn’t easy, but I tried. Good job to you Victor, for finding me out.”
“Let’s not forget about our 2nd place star…

“Bloom Phine!”
“Great. I tried, but I couldn’t get it.”
“There’s always next time. 2nd is fantastic already!”

“Well, I did have fun I guess. I also got a nagging feeling it was Michael really, but my answers contained a small portion of Victor.”
“Let’s see the hints so that viewers won’t feel cheated. Some are abstract, some are obvious.

·      -   Michael was always seated on the 4th chair from the left. Mole has 4 letters.
·      -   Michael was never called during execution.
Episode 1-The plumbob was on Michael, indicating he was the Mole. 

-When asked who’s the mole in the mole quiz, Michael was E, one of the letters in his name as well in the word Mole.

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Scarlett Phine
B: Bloom Phine
C: Henrietta Hitchcock
D: Jonathan Griar
E: Michael Mullard
F: Reginald Black
G: Victor Pluck
H: Amy Vine
I: Diana Blanche
J: Tulip House
K: Harry Johns
L: Whitney Degraz

-Michael knew he was going to be safe.

“I hope I’m safe.”

“I’m not willing to get evicted so early.”
“I’m sure that I’ll be fine.
“Don’t get cocky, Michael.”

·         Episode 2-The mission was fishing, something Michael would do as a scout, since it was outdoors.

·         Episode 3-The mission was swimming, a basic skill an outdoorsy Sim needs.
·         Episode 4-The first picture had a longer M. This could be interpreted as Man, Michael or Mullard. They all give hints that Michael is the mole.

-Michael was up early in the morning, receiving instructions from the producers.

“Why you up so early Victor?”
“You know, just thinking about stuff. You?”
“I’m cooking a meal for breakfast tomorrow…today. Whatever.”
We’re the only two awake. Want to chat?”

There was a sun badge described. Badges are associated with scouts.

Victor-There’s a round window on my picture at the center. Beside it is a yellow metallic sun badge. Below them is a bed with cow prints, blue and black. To the left is a wooden table. On it are a small plant with a metal pot and a tissue box that’s white.”

·         Episode 5-During the execution, the light was shining on Michael, indicating he was the Mole.

·         Episode 6-The secret compartment Bloom found had 9 M&M chocolates. M&M refer to Michael’s first and last name. The yellow also refers to the colour he always wears. They were also arranged in a square, referring to the checkers on Michael’s shirt.

“The others must be furious that I keep earning exemptions. Don’t blame me. I’m just good at finding them. Inside the magazines was a slip of paper with the words ‘Exemption’. Also, there was a secret compartment. Inside were 9 yellow M&M chocalates, arranged in a 3x3 square. It must be a clue…but what?”

-The light turned yellow the first time for Henrietta during the execution. It shone on Michael again.

“What? This yellow seems off.”
“Oh, must be a technical difficulty. This is yellow, not green. Try again.”

·         Episode 7-Michael was standing 4th from the left, referring to the number of letters in the word Mole.

-During dinner the contestants ate either chicken or Mulard, referring to Michael Mullard.

“Anyway, today we’re having Mulard.”

·         Episode 8-Once again, Michael stands 4th when receiving instructions.

-During the mission, the letters actually spelled out “Michael Mullard, the Mole” if some letters are used more than once.

“I see U.”
“What, Victor?”
“The letter U.”
“Oh, I see M.”

“Hmm! Oh, there’s an L!”

“I found a D!”

“Well, yeah. Oh, there’s an R!”
“A T!”

“Found anything?”
“Just a C.”
“I’ve got H.”


“Hey guys, an A!”

“Is that an O?”

-There was actually a shelf in the forbidden room. It consisted of a notepad, a flower, a bunny in a black bowtie and a logic cube. They each referred to Henrietta, Bloom, Reginald and Victor respectively, leaving out only Michael.

-Bloom said Bears, wolves and cubs. These are all titles in terms of scouts, Michael’s profession.

Bears, wolves and cubs!”

·         Episode 9-There were no clues other than the fact that the teams played outside.

-During execution, Michael was the only one scowling during Victor’s turn.

·         Episode 10-Victor found a mike, short form of Michael.

“What? A mike?”

-The numbers for the keypad are actually related to Michael. 01 refers to the 1st episode, where Michael was the 1st to be introduced. 34 is the age of Michael.

0134…Yes, it works!”

Congratulations to everyone and thanks for participating and viewing.

“Aargh! I could have won!”
“So could I. Go cry to your parents, blondie.”
“I can’t! They’ll kill me! They’ve already started their punishment! And you’re blonde too!”
“But I’m not dumb like you.”
“Oh, this is disappointing. I disgraced the Phine family.”
“Now that I look back, I could have won!”

“How could you win, Victor?”
“I’m so happy right now I’m ignoring you.”

“I swear I’ll kill you, Victor, and rob you of all your money!”

“Meh. Weirdos fighting for peanuts.”

“I want to cry…ew, what’s that stench. It starts from me and ends with…


“I’m actually smiling for once. It’s over and done with and I got some money.”

“Victor Pluck, I will rip you into pieces, you hear me?”

“I’ll give you a knuckle sandwich!”

Epi 1
Victor Pluck
Michael Mullard
Bloom Phine
Henrietta Hitchcock

Reginald Black

Jonathan Griar

Whitney Degraz

Tulip House

Diana Blanche

Amy Vine

Scarlett Phine

Harry Johns

*Low means the player got the same score as the evicted player, but was faster in sending the quiz.
*In means the player is not executed. Out means the player is executed.
*Green means exemption.
*As you can see, without the exemption, Henrietta, Reginald and Bloom could have been evicted earlier.
*Bloom received the most exemptions, receiving 5 out of 7 of the exemptions.

1 comment:

  1. Just thought to mention, the final 4 mission was probably supposed to be a bonus mission but due to the large number of points earned, i'll make it capped at 310 points. This means Michael won 3000-2050 points


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