Welcome to the Season Finale of the Smole! Last
time the contestants threw and catched, and with that exemption from catching
the most, Bloom made it in to the final 3 safely. However, Henrietta was out.
Now only 3 remain.
Who is the winner? Who is the Mole? Find
out now.
“Good luck to all of you. May the best
“Same here.”
“I’m so excited for the final mission. Are
you guys?”
“Of course! Finally, after so long, we can
get out of here richer!”
“Or not.”
“Or not.”
“Yeah, but I believe I will win.”
“You think so, Bloom.”
“It’s getting late, we should go to bed now
so that we can perform the mission to the best of our abilities.”
“I kind of miss Henrietta. She was such a
good friend. I could trust her. I’ll admit, I once suspected her of being the
Mole, with her moleish and unmoleish behaviour. But now that she’s gone, I know
I’m wrong. At least I’m one step closer to my goal.”
“I realise that Michael is an early riser.
I always wondered what those noises were. Now I know.”
They start by eating breakfast on this
final day…
Some look out nervously, missing home.
Some decide to try something new and have
fun before it’s too late.
Obviously, some read their journals.
“Alright guys, it’s your final mission. You
guys have 1730 points in your pot, translating to 1730000 Simoleons. You guys
can add to that amount. You guys will be going down to fish for a box with a
note. On it has four numbers that you need to enter at the TV station to enter
the room you guys weren’t allowed to enter the last time. Once done, you guys
wait in one of the other rooms until the time comes. This mission is worth 320
points. 200 for fishing the note up, 100 for entering it and 20 for not entering.
You have 2 hours.”
“It was the last mission. I had to win
this. I’ll win, Scarlett, you’ll see.”
“What? A mike?”
“I’ve got the real box with the notes
inside. Let’s go!”
“This place’s changed a little.”
“Who should open it?”
“Michael, you were the one who found it.”
“All right.”
“0134…Yes, it works!”
“Now what?”
“We wait?”
“No, you three will do the Mole quiz. There
are computers here.”
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