Wednesday 11 March 2015

18.02-Take 'pushup' to a literal level

Vivian: “Does the Mole need to wear spectacles?”

The contestants proceed to make their guesses. The human shield was Nathaniel.



“And welcome to your first execution ceremony! When your name is called, take the elevator down to the ground floor. You will then find out if you are executed or safe.”

“Craig Gulf. You are….


“Nathan Clinton, you are…”

Nathan: “Oof!”

Nathan: “AAH! Oof! Never thought I’d take ‘pushup’ to a literal level…”

Nathan: “Great. That stupid elevator left marks on my hand.”
“Turn around.”
Nathan: “Why…wait why is it red?”
“I’m sorry Nathan, but you are the first to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”
Nathan: “You’ve got to be kidding me!”


Craig: “Ah, I love a good drink.”

Nathan’s the first to run! Who will follow in his tracks?

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