Friday, 4 January 2019

42.07-Stranded at sea

Previously on the Smole, the contestants were grouped into trios. Irene, Roger and Charlene were the fastest trio to complete the mission so they each got a hidden exemption. 60/80 points were earned to make the pot 303/580 points. Dwight struggled in the mission but even more in the quizzes because he was the next to be executed. Only one of the Picksmarts remain. Did he fool his other half?

Alvin: "I look different."

Alvin: "I look so tanned."


Alvin: "Good morning...hey, I'm talking to you."

Duane: "I know. I'm ignoring you."

Alvin: "You...ugh. It must be hard to have your brother leave just like that."

Duane: "You think you know me? Guess what? I'm used to it."
Alvin: "Used to it? What do you mean?"
Duane: "Nothing. Just shut the fuck up and eat your waffles."

Duane: "Again, my bro left me."

Duane: "I knew too much studying would do more harm than good. I know my bro. He was never good at school. The Picksmarts were generally bad at acads. That's partly why he enlisted. It's up to me to bring glory to the Picksmart family."


Duane and Chelsea are currently on a boat. They have one hour to search for the other contestants who are stranded at sea. Each contestant found is worth 10 points as long as the group can make it back to shore before time is up. This is worth 90 points. Hidden exemptions will be given to anyone who fails to be found.

Duane: "Keep an eye out for any contestants."
Chelsea: "It's hard to when you're going so fast."

Chelsea: "I'm getting a little seasick."
Duane: "You're going to be real helpful."

Duane: "Hey, I think I see someone."
Chelsea: "Where?"

Rome: "There's the boat! I should go towards it. I could get an exemption for being the first to be found. At the very least I'll help earn points."

Chelsea: "It's Rome! You're good."
Duane: "Of course. The Picksmart brothers are good at sea."

Rome: "Ouch my ears."
Duane: "Come on board now or else."

Roger: "I hope I'll be found soon."

Roger: "I think I see the boat! I should swim towards it."

Alvin: "Oh no. It's headed this way."

Chelsea: "Do you see anyone?"
Duane: "No. Let's just keep going straight."

Chelsea: "I think I see someone."

Roger: "Over here!"

Roger: "It's not stopping! It's gonna crush me!"

Roger: "AAAH!"
Chelsea: "That was a close call."

Roger: "Don't hurt me!"

Roger: "I'm alive! I'm alive!"
Duane: "Don't waste our time, Roger. Get on board."

Chelsea: "This place is huge. How are we going to find anyone?"
Duane: "Never say never. We aren't the type to give up."

Jamaica: "La la la la, I'm swimming in the ocean~"

Duane: "There. Up ahead."

Chelsea: "Don't hit him!"

Jamaica: "Oh hey. What are you doing here?"
Duane: "To pick you up. Hurry up and board the boat."

Duane: "Do you think we should sabotage a bit?"
Chelsea: "That's not a good idea."
Duane: "We forsake those who are not as suspicious to make them more suspicious."

Penny: "I think I see the boat."

Dexter: "Swimming for one hour straight is ridiculous."

Chelsea: "I feel like we're going in circles."

Irene: "It only took them forever to get here."

Irene: "Hey! Where is it going?"

Irene: "I need to get their attention."

Chelsea: "There's Irene."

Irene: "I'll come with you. Just stop blaring the blasted horn."

Chelsea: "Can we slow down?"
Duane: "What's that? You want to go faster? Hang on tight."

Chelsea: "Excuse me. I think I'm going to throw up."

Duane: "How much time do we have left?"
Chelsea: "Slightly over 20 minutes."
Duane: "Fuck. We need to make more progress."

Dexter: "I see the boat."

Dexter: "And now it's gone."

Duane: "I can't remember if we've been here before or not."

Charlene: "I'm getting all wrinkly and tired. I think I'll sing the Sunset Valley National Anthem again to bolster my spirits."

Harriet: "What's that? Yes, yes. I sense the boat approaching too."

Harriet: "I think it is right behind me."

Duane: "Put your hands up and climb on board."

Harriet: "I am not a criminal."

Charlene: "For the shining sun~"

Duane: "Where is Charlene swimming off to?"
Chelsea: "We need to prevent her from escaping."

Charlene: "Aah! Oh. It's just you."

Alvin: "It's a great time to clear my head and really reflect."

Chelsea: "We're running out of time."
Duane: "Then don't blame me for speeding up."

Duane: "Keep your eyes peeled."
Chelsea: "I think we should just head straight to shore. We don't have enough time to pick another contestant up."

Duane: "We're here."

Duane: "Just in time."

"Duane, Chelsea, you have found and rescued six contestants, so you have earned 60/90 points. The pot now has 363/670 points. Alvin, Penny and Dexter earn hidden exemptions for not being found."
Duane: "Fuck. I knew that would happen."

Three more contestants are safe. Are the Moles among them?

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