Monday, 28 January 2019

42.15-The real deal

Last time, six of the final seven wore disguises while Dexter went to find them in a library. He found three but only eliminated Rome, so 60/90 points were earned, adding to the pot to make it 434/1090 points. Harriet, Penny and Alvin got exemptions for not being eliminated. When it came to the execution, it was Rome's coalition partner Roger who went home instead. Was Rome wrong about his Moles or is he himself a Mole?

Rome: "I'm working alone now. I thought I had it in the bag, but I find it hard to believe that everyone else is on the same suspects as we were. The only plausible explanation I can think of is that Roger lied. He voiced his opinions about Alvin being the Mole but I didn't agree. Irene has become nicer to everyone so maybe I should consider having a coalition with her."


Penny: "This is too good to be true. You're helping to clean up? What's the catch?"
Irene: "There is no catch."

Penny: "It's hard to believe you'd be so nice."
Irene: "Can't I just do something for everyone for once?"

Irene: "You know, Penny? Sometimes I envy you."
Penny: "Me?"
Irene: "You're so young. Unlike me. I rely on drinking my own bottled water to keep my youth."

Irene: "Anyway I'll get out of your hair."
Penny: "Your's been said to grant you eternal youth, if you drink enough of it. Is it true?"

Irene: "Even if we live forever, so what? No one else does. Then it'd become pretty lonely."

Irene: "The past few days I've tried being really nice to others and not expecting anything in return. I was quite surprised by the results. Everyone started becoming friendlier to me too. Rome even approached me to form a coalition. So this is what friendship feels like. It's nice. Now that I've had a taste of it I don't want to lose it."


Dexter: "We were told we needed to be painted white. I've never felt so white-washed."

The contestants have to pretend to be mannequins for the next mission. One by one, the contestants will get 10 minutes to try and identify the real contestants from their fake counterparts. Each identified contestant earns 5 points for the pot. This mission is worth 150 points. Anyone who remains unidentified after everyone has had their go stands a chance to win an exemption. However, only one contestant will get the exemption, which will be determined by an unidentified judging panel who will also try to identify the contestants. Each round, the contestants and mannequins will be moved around.

Penny goes first.
Penny: "Of course she'd be domineering and be right smack at the entrance."

Penny: "Hmm...could she be the real deal?"

Penny: "It would be very much like her to be right in the front."

Penny: "I don't have that much time to spare. I must make a decision quickly."

Penny: "That's it. I'm choosing you. You are the real Irene Fletcher."

For some reason even though both their skin tones are IDENTICAL, they look different. Let's just pretend that the colour difference is a visual effect for the viewers at home so that they can differentiate the real contestants from them mannequins.

Penny: "Which one of you is it?"

Penny: "I think it's you. You are Rome Auckland."

Penny: "I think you are Dexter Umbreekt. Let me get a closer look."

Penny: "I don't see any signs of cheap work. I'm pretty sure you're real."

Penny: "They can't all be on the first floor."

Penny: "Something looks off about you."

Penny: "Nah. You aren't Harriet."

Penny: "The second floor has more mannequins. I already decided that Irene is downstairs so there's no point in me wasting time staring at her clone."

Penny: "Hey, that's me. Quite convincing."

Penny: "It seems that there are two of every contestant. If downstairs Harriet is fake, then you are real."

Penny: "I don't have much time left. I don't see the other Alvin so you're probably it. You are the real Alvin Valin."

Penny: "Oh, there the last one is. What is he doing outside? I already made my decision though."

Penny: "I'm done with my assignment. I have marked out who the real contestants are."

"Penny, you have gotten 0 correct."
Penny: "What? That's impossible."


Irene is second.

Irene: "I won't make a decision too quickly."

Irene: "Hmm...these two are very still. Let me take a look around first."

Irene: "You blinked!"

Irene: "I am very sure you are the real Harriet Sybil La'Fontaine, but I'll take a look around some more."

Irene: "From the back everything looks identical...then again I've never observed anyone that closely before."

Irene: "Let me take a look from the front."

Irene: "I know there are some things manufacturers skimp on."

Irene: "I see another Rome."

Irene: "Is he the real one?"

Irene: "If only I could touch. Then things would be easier."

Irene: "Hmm...a bit of a bulge here. Yup, you should be the real Rome Auckland."

Irene: "I never thought I'd see the day when Dexter becomes white. Maybe he can pull off a Michael Jackson."

Irene: "Unfortunately both are quite flat."

Irene: "This will be hard to decide but intuition tells me you are the real Dexter Umbreekt."

Penny: "I just talked to her this morning. Hopefully I can recognise her well enough."

Penny: "Comparing the two versions, I am pretty sure you are the real Penny St. Anniel."

Irene: "You look a bit plasticky."

Irene: "Let me see if this Harriet is real or fake."

Irene: "I'm sure the real one will slip up. She has to blink or move eventually."

Irene: "She didn't flinch. Unfortunately I don't have more time to assess her."

Irene: "Back to you again. Are you Alvin?"

Irene: "This is a little tricky. I suddenly realise how weird it is if the real men notice me staring at their crotches."

Irene: "I have to be quick. It'll have to be you."

Irene: "And you are Harriet."
"Time is up. Irene, you have all 5 correct."


Rome is next.

Rome: "There are two Harriets here. My gut is telling me to go with the first one."

Rome: "I know that Rome definitely isn't me. What about that Alvin?"

Alvin: "Hmm...I can't be sure but I don't think he's it."

Rome: "From the back this really looks like Penny. I'll take a look in front."

Rome: "Yeah, you should be real."

Rome: "This Irene looks pretty life-like."

Rome: "But she's not as fierce as she should be."

Rome: "I have my reservations about her."

Rome: "That Irene is more like it. As for this Penny..."

Rome: "Hmm..."

Rome: "You're not the one."

Rome: "Now I'm not as sure."

Rome: "But you definitely look more aggressive. You're the Irene Fletcher."

Rome: "I think the Dexters are the hardest because of the complete change in skin colour."

Rome: "You look more muscular than Dexter."

Rome: "Therefore, the real Dexter must be you."

Rome: "You are the real Alvin. That's why you're hidden out here."

Rome: "I'm done."

"Rome, you have only picked out two real contestants."
Rome: "Really? I must be quite off about some of them then. I need to observe them more."


It is now Harriet's turn.

Harriet: "I can sense a strong life presence here. It must be emanating from both of you."

Harriet: "The presence still must mean that you are also real."

Harriet: "Let me adjust myself...ah!"

Harriet: "Yes, it is coming from you, Rome Auckland."

Harriet: "My senses have gone cold. As cold as you."

Harriet: "I shall just keep walking until I feel something."

Harriet: "AH!"

Harriet: "No. It is not coming from you."

Harriet: "The force is coming from here."

Harriet: "Yes, it is very both directions."

Harriet: "Aha! You are real."

Harriet: "And so are you."

Harriet: "I have found all the contestants."
"Harriet, you have identified three contestants."
Harriet: "There must be a mistake. I believe I found them all."


It is now Alvin's turn.

Alvin: "Hmm..."

Alvin: "I think I see a bit of shininess."

Alvin: "Er..."

Alvin: "Ah! The glare got into my eyes."

Alvin: "Definitely not you. You're a phony."

Alvin: "Both of you look more real. I think the two of you are real."

Alvin: "Wow, this is quite realistic."

Alvin: "It's scary to think how they managed to make such a convincing clone of me."

Alvin: "Are you Harriet? I think so."

Alvin: "He looks more real."

Alvin: "I can't quite put my finger on it but something tells me he's actually Rome."

Alvin: "Let me go closer and see...yup, I think you're the real Rome."

Alvin: "Nope, I don't think you're Irene."

Alvin: "I don't think you're Dexter either, but just to confirm..."

Alvin: "Wait, maybe you are Dexter."

Alvin: "This is so realistic."

Alvin: "I need to decide which one of you is the real McCoy."

Alvin: "I'll trust my first instinct. The Dexter downstairs is real. You're just a phony."

Alvin: "You're Penny, aren't you? You're the bitch who goes back on her word. I think she just moved. You're the real Penny St. Anniel."

Alvin: "I should take a look at your mannequin to be sure."

Alvin: "My nose is itching. I think there's some dust on you."

Alvin: "Which means you must be fake."

Alvin: "There's still one more out here."

Alvin: "I can only observe her from the side and back."

Alvin: "Your features aren't very well-defined in my opinion. You're not real."

Alvin: "I better hurry. There's still one I'm not sure about."

Alvin: "Yes, I trust my gut. You are Dexter Umbreekt."

"Time is up. Alvin, you have identified four contestants."
Alvin: "Not bad. But who was that last one I missed? It better not be Dexter."


Dexter is the last one.

Dexter: "This is not going to be easy."

Dexter: "I wish they let me wash off the body paint. It's starting to itch."

Dexter: "Hey, did that just move?"

Dexter: "I caught you, Rome. You are definitely the real Rome Auckland."

Dexter: "I need to watch out for any tell-tale signs like that. Hmm, none here."

Dexter: "I think they all saw Rome's slip-up and now they are extra careful. None of them are moving."

Dexter: "Alvin's back is turned, so he should not be aware that Rome slipped up."

Dexter: "There's even a tattoo on this."

Dexter: "Mannequins don't have tattoos. Thus you must be the real Alvin Valin."

Dexter: "She's not moving. She must be a real mannequin."

Dexter: "This one also has tattoos. Maybe I was wrong. But he's not moving so I think I'm right."

Dexter: "There has to be one real one here. If it's not the other two it must be you. If anyone can hold still the most, it would be you."

Dexter: "I'll engage her in a staring contest. If she blinks, she's it...nothing."

Dexter: "Then the Penny downstairs is the real one. I better hurry back down before I run out of time."

Dexter: "Yes, you are the real Penny."

Dexter: "You don't dare to look me in the eye unlike the other one. That's why you're real."

Dexter: "I'm just left with Harriet. I'm losing time."

Dexter: "Sometimes you have to take a step back to get a clearer picture."

Dexter: "I don't have time go run back up. It'll have to be you. I hope you're real or it'll be really awkward."

"Time is up. Dexter, you have identified one contestant correctly."
Dexter: "Well, at least it's better than none."

Altogether the living contestants have been picked 15 times, leading to 75/150 points earned. The pot now has 509/1240 points. As all of them have been identified at least once, nobody receives the exemption. It has been a long while since everyone can be executed. Who will have the lowest overall score?

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