Last time, Chelsea and Duane had to search for the other contestants who were stranded at sea in one hour. They found all but Penny, Dexter and Alvin, earning 60/90 points. The pot now has 363/670 points and the lost trio got an exemption out of this. Duane failed to learn from his brother's execution and as a result he became the next one to be executed. Who are the Moles who eluded the four victims? How many more victims can they execute before being found out?
Harriet: "I expected a lot of critics but slowly everyone is coming round thanks to Charlene. She has been spreading the word that I predicted who would be executed next. Now there are more and more believers, which means more and more money...I mean, more people I can help."
Rome: "Harriet, I heard you're great with predictions."
Harriet: "As I've been saying since the start, but nobody seemed to believe me."
Alvin: "You've got to admit that it's a little hard to swallow. You can see the future? Then why not just tell us who the Moles and winner are right now?"
Harriet: "You know that's impossible for me to say. I want to win too. Revealing who the winner is will also indirectly eliminate one possible candidate as the Mole."
Charlene: "Guys, did you hear? Harriet foresaw Duane's execution!"
Roger: "Yes we heard. You've been saying that over and over again."
Rome: "I'm sure there's a more logical explanation for this. I wish I could say I was swayed but it's still a bit hard to believe."
Roger: "Yes, that's very true."
Rome: "Can you grow your own opinion for once, Roger?"
Rome: "I'm sure there's an explanation...I think Duane's pretty stubborn. So he failed to see he was wrong even when Dwight was executed."
Harriet: "He suspected Dwight. I'm pretty sure he had to change his suspects."
Charlene: "Woah. You even knew that."
Rome: "How did you know that?"
Harriet: "My powers are like hypnosis: if you don't believe in them, it doesn't work. You're going to accuse me of working with them or peeping into their journals or something."
Rome: "No offence Harriet. I really don't believe in this nonsense."
Irene: "This is quite a nice room. It would be such a shame to let it go to waste. I lay first claim on it."
Irene: "It even has a TV! That's it. I'm taking this room. No more having to squeeze with Charlene and Chelsea."
Dexter: "Hey Penny. I see you're here early."
Penny: "I hope this coalition will be useful."
Dexter: "It's usefulness will depend on us. The previous mission didn't really have much to go on, so let's backtrack to the mission before that."
Penny: "Oh, you're waiting for me? Why not you start first? You're the one who initiated this coalition."
Dexter: "Okay. Jamaica blamed the only failure on me, and I do take up some of the responsibility, but after a long, hard thought and talk with Harriet, I realise that Jamaica was trying to push the burden to me. That is highly suspicious. If you didn't know before, Jamaica listened to Talking To The Moon and Thriller. He had to guess Telephone and We Will Rock You."
Dexter: "Your turn."
Penny: "O-kay...erm...I heard Wrecking Ball and Chandelier."
Dexter: "...Anything else?"
Penny: "Nope. That's all I have for you."
Contestants will be participating in a spelling bee for the next mission. They have split themselves into two groups: the first group is better at spelling while the second group is worse. They have also paired themselves up with each pair consisting of contestants from both groups. There are 13 words to guess. Each is worth 10 points. For each word, its usage in a sentence can be asked but it would cost 5 points. They can further ask for its definition if needed but that would cost an additional 3 points. Contestants can press the buzzer to answer, but if they fail to answer within 5 seconds or answer incorrectly, they must switch positions with their partner. The pair with the most correct answers gets an exemption.
"The five of you have claimed to be stronger at spelling. Let's see how good you really are. Your first word is: CHAUFFEUR."
Irene: "Chauffeur. C-H-A-U-F-F-E-U-R. Chauffeur."
"That is correct."
"Your next word is: SOLILOQUY."
Roger: "Can I get that in a sentence?"
"Shakespeare's most famous SOLILOQUY is arguably the one said by Hamlet."
Irene: "What's the definition?"
"SOLILOQUY: an act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers, especially by a character in a play."
Rome: "Soliloquy. S-O-L-I-L-O-Q-U-Y. Soliloquy."
"That is correct."
"The next word is: METAMORPHOSIS."
Charlene: "Can I get that in a sentence?"
"Caterpillars undergo METAMORPHOSIS to become butterflies."
Roger: "Metamorphosis. M-E-T-O-M-O-R-P-H-O-S-I-S. Metamorphosis."
"That is incorrect. Roger, please switch places with your partner."
"Contestants, your next word is: PERENNIAL."
Rome: "Perennial. P-E-R-E-N-N-I-A-L. Perennial."
"That is correct."
"Your next word is: PESTILENTIAL."
Dexter: "Can I get that in a sentence?"
"The sea breeze is often laden with PESTILENTIAL effluvia from the lagoons."
Dexter: "Can I get a definition?"
"PESTILENTIAL: Relating to or tending to cause infectious diseases."
Dexter: "PESTILENTIAL. P-E-S-T-I-L-L-E-N-T-I-A-L. Pestilential."
"That is incorrect. Please switch places with your partner."
Dexter: "Really? I was sure it was correct."
"Your next word is: FERRULE."
Penny: "Ferrule. F-E-R-A-L. Ferrule."
"That is incorrect. Please switch places with your partner."
Penny: "Huh?"
"Your next word is: ANFRACTUOUS."
Irene: "I need it in a sentence."
"It took the group five hours to get to their destination via the ANFRACTUOUS route."
Chelsea: "I'll give it a go. Anfractuous. A-N-F-R-E-C-K-T-O-U-S. Anfractuous."
"That is incorrect."
Chelsea: "Well I tried."
"Your next word is: TROGLODYTE."
Irene: "Give me the sentence."
"Archaeologists have found remains of what they think to be a TROGLODYTE in a cave."
Dexter: "Troglodyte. T-R-O-G-L-O-D-I-T-E. Troglodyte."
"That is incorrect. Please switch places with your partner."
Dexter: "Not again."
"Your next word is: REQUIEM."
Rome: "Requiem. R-E-Q-U-I-M. Requiem."
"That is incorrect. Please switch places with your partner."
Rome: "I was so sure I had it."
Irene: "We suck at spelling. We need to buck up."
Roger: "She's right."
"Your next word is: METONYMY."
Alvin: "Can I get that in a sentence?"
"The name, arising from this unusual sound, has been by METONYMY translated into 'God's Voice'."
Dexter: "Can I get its definition?"
"METONYMY: The substitution of the name of an attribute or adjunct for that of the thing meant."
Irene: "I'll give it a go. Metonymy. M-E-T-A-N-O-M-Y. Metonymy."
"That is incorrect. Please switch places with your partner."
Irene: "My partner is Jamaica. There is no hope with him. Don't let him answer, guys."
"Your next word is: EPIPODIAL."
Jamaica: "Epipodial. E-P-I-P-O-D-I-A-L. Epipodial."
"That is correct."
Alvin: "Wait, what? How?"
Roger: "Is Jamaica secretly a spelling guru?"
Jamaica: "Naw man, I injured that bone recently and the doctor kept repeating it until it stuck with me. Or was it a different bone..."
"Your next word is: TRYPANOSOMIASIS."
Dexter: "There is no way anyone can get this right."
Roger: "I think so too."
Alvin: "Hey, maybe Jamaica will surprise us again."
Jamaica: "What was the word again?"
Charlene: "Oops. I pressed it by accident."
"You did not give an answer. Please switch places with your partner."
"Your last word is: SCHERENSCHNITTE."
Roger: "That's it guys. Game over."
Alvin: "Scherenschnitte. S-C-H-E-R-E-N-S-C-H-N-I-T-T-E. Scherenschnitte."
"That is correct."
Alvin: "Good to know I still remember it."
"That concludes the spelling bee. Of the 13 words, 5 were correct. However, after taking into account clues used, 11/130 points have been earned. Alvin and Rome have answered the most questions correctly, so they get the exemption."
Alvin and Rome have won the spelling bee but will they win the Smole? Or will the Moles get to them first?
A quick summary:
Strong: Rome, Roger, Irene, Dexter, Charlene
Weak: Alvin, Penny, Jamaica, Chelsea, Harriet
- chauffeur
- soliloquy
- metamorphosis
- perennial
- pestilential
- ferrule
- anfractuous
- troglodyte
- requiem
- metonymy
- epipodial
- trypanosomiasis
- scherenschnitte
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