Wednesday, 23 January 2019

42.13-Feed me

Previously on the Smole, Penny, Rome and Alvin had to fire arrows to pop the hot air balloons the other contestants were in. They managed to pop all five, losing 200 points in the process and keeping the pot at 374/1000 points. After discussion the archers decided to let Penny have the exemption but it later proved to be useless as Chelsea decided to quit the game and return to her family. She was not a Mole. Who are the Moles?

Penny: "What? You're telling me that my exemption was useless? Can't I carry it forward? It's not my fault she couldn't handle the game and quit. I can't believe it. My mouth went dry trying to convince the two men that I deserve the exemption only for her to ruin everything. I think I deserve some compensation, don't I?"


Alvin: "Her children are so fortunate to have a mother who's willing to drop everything to be with them. I'm such a useless father. I don't even know what my child looks like."

Alvin: "This isn't right. I have to find him. Or her. I need to see him at least once."

Harriet: "You were looking for me?"
Alvin: "How did you know? Nevermind that. You say that your crystal ball gives you all the answers. I was wondering if you could help me find some answers."
Harriet: "Help comes at a price, you know. I don't think you can afford it, especially since you don't seem fully convinced of my powers."

Alvin: "Wait!"

Alvin: "How much is it? I don't have a lot of cash but if it's within my means I'll pay you. Here. Is this enough?"
Harriet: "It'll suffice. What is troubling you?"

Alvin: "When I was a teen I got a girl pregnant. I heard she kept the baby. I want to know where they are right now."

Harriet: "I see. Describe them to me. If I get a clearer picture of what they look like my powers will be stronger."

Alvin: "I don't know what the child looks like but he should be 27 years old this year. The last I saw the mother was years ago. Back then she had long blonde hair and big blue eyes. She had a round face...what else...her voice was quite squeaky back then..."
Harriet: "Mmm, I am beginning to see something. Feed me more information."

Alvin: "She had big tits. A nice figure too."
Harriet: "Uh-huh..."

Alvin: "That's all I remember of her. Can you see her?"
Harriet: "Do not disturb me. Any interference will make the vision foggier. Do you have her name?"
Alvin: "It was Alyssa, I think. Alyssa Springfield."

Harriet: "Alyssa to me..."

Harriet: "Oh...I sense her presence..."

Harriet: "How could you? How could you abandon us like this?"

Alvin: "Alyssa? Is that you?"

Harriet: " hurt caused my death..."

Alvin: "Death? You're dead?"
Harriet: "Aah!"

Alvin: "Alyssa? Are you still there?"
Harriet: "Oh...oh my goodness...her force was really strong. I nearly lost myself. I'm sorry. I can't help you any more. I need to rest."

Alvin: "But I need to find out where they are! Is she really dead? What about my child?"
Harriet: "That is a question for another day. I cannot risk trying to contact her again. Not so soon. She has a great vendetta against you. Be careful, Alvin."


Irene: "What are you doing? I made hot dogs."

Roger: "Yes I'm aware but I don't really eat hot dogs for breakfast."

Irene: "Eat. My Wiener."

Roger: "Yes ma'am."

Irene: "Good boy. Now come and sit with me. I feel lonely."

Irene: "Don't they taste nice?"
Roger: "Yes they do."

Irene: "Ack!"

Irene: "I think I ate an eggshell."

Roger: "Yes. I think there are eggshells in here."
Irene: "Excuse me? Are you saying I'm a horrible cook?"

Roger: "Yes! I mean, you are a wonderful cook!"

Irene: "You better mean that."
Roger: "I do."
Irene: "That's good to hear. You know, I thought Chelsea was my only friend in this house but then she quit, leaving me all alone. But I'm glad I found you. You're an easy friend to have."
Roger: "Yes I am."

Irene: "Who knew making friends was this easy?"


Roger: "Ack! I can't cough the shell out. I can still feel it in my throat."

"Good morning. Only half the original number remains today. Today, I need one seeker, three hiders who want points and three hiders who want exemptions."
Harriet: "The seeker sounds like an important role. I think Dexter should it. I trust him. Do we all agree?"

Roger: "Yes. I mean, I would have liked to have that role but I roger that Dexter will take the role."

Dexter: "If you guys are sure. Thanks for placing that trust in me."

Penny: "I have to be the hider who wants an exemption. I need it. I was cheated of my last one."
Irene: "I think the pot is pathetic enough as it is. Roger, you and I will be hiders who go for points. Rome, you shall join us."
Roger: "Roger that."

Rome: "I..."
Irene: "I will not repeat myself further. You will join us."

Rome: "Yes ma'am."

Alvin: "Who put her in charge?"
Harriet: "I think this division is quite favourable."


The setting of this next mission will be in the library. The six contestants have been randomly assigned one of the following roles: groundskeeper, tourist, librarian, magician, girl scout and cleaner. They must avoid being found by Dexter for 45 minutes.

If Dexter taps them, both of them are to run to a marked location and play kicky-bag. If the disguised contestants kicks 5 times consecutively first, they will successfully earn either 30 points or an exemption, whichever they chose earlier. If Dexter completes this first, the points/exemption will not be earned.

In total this mission is worth 90 points. Contestants not found by the end of 45 minutes will also get whatever they chose.

"Your time begins now."

Alvin: "Doo doo doo..."

Alvin: "I don't think he noticed me."

Dexter: "The library isn't very big but I don't have a lot of time either. Maybe I can ask the librarian if she's seen any suspicious characters."

Dexter: "Excuse me, have you seen--"
Harriet: "Shh!"
Dexter: "Sorry. Have you--"
Harriet: "SHH!"

Dexter: "She's really helpful."

Dexter: "I get that this is a library and all but she can't expect total silence."

Harriet: "He did not suspect a thing."

Dexter: "If I were one of them, I would hide in the toilet."

Dexter: "Oh, it's just the janitor. Hey, have you seen any suspicious characters? Like they were hiding from someone?"
Roger: "Nngh."
Dexter: "I guess he's not in a good mood today. I'll check the stalls."

Roger: "That was a close one."

Roger: "I better escape while I still can."

Dexter: "Nobody's in here...where did he go?"

Dexter: "Could she, doesn't look like anyone I know."

Dexter: "Hi, what's your name?"
Talei: "Talei. You do not look like you come from here."

Dexter: "I'm not. I'm searching for someone. Have you seen anyone who seems to be hiding from me?"

Talei: "If they are hiding they do not wish to be found. I do not want to interfere with this."

Penny: "This place is dead as hell. How am I supposed to even pretend to ask for donations?"

Rome: "Shit. He's coming."
Niles: "Speak up young man."

Dexter: "Oh, they hired a magician...but it's a Monday. There are no children around."

Dexter: "I never believed in magic. I'll use this chance to try and expose him. I can't let him con old men."

Dexter: "Hey, I want to see a magic trick."
Rome: "Ahem. This man wants to see a magic trick."

Rome: "Watch very carefully."

Rome: "Ta-da!"

Rome: "I have just pulled a coin out of his ear."

Niles: "How did you do it?"

Rome: "It is magic."
Dexter: "Your audience engagement isn't very good. You're neglecting me."

Rome: "I pulled a coin out of your ear, didn't I?"

Dexter: "That voice..."

Dexter: "I'll be on my way now...tap!"

Rome: "Damn it!"

Mary-Sue: "Aah! It's a library. Why are you running around like children?"
Rome: "Sorry!"

Rome: "I have got to get there before he does."

Dexter: "I'm here first."

Rome: "I still have a chance."

Rome: "I better hurry."

Rome: "1...2..."

Dexter: "...5!"

Dexter: "I have eliminated you, whoever you are."

"Rome has been eliminated."
Rome: "Darn."

Dexter: "I must admit that your disguise is good. I didn't recognise you. If it weren't for your voice I would probably have let you slip by. Even when I heard you I wasn't very certain so I tested you by tapping your shoulder. And you reacted."

Tinsley: "I pity your parents to have a useless son like you."

Alvin: "I will not have you insulting my family."

Alvin: "You better take that back or else."
Tinsley: "Or else what?"

Tinsley: "Go back and tend to your plants or I'll lodge a complaint against you."

Penny: "That was rough. And loud. Was Alvin out of his mind? He could have attracted unwanted Dexter attention."

Dexter: "There are so many here reading. I wonder if any of them could be a contestant."

Dexter: "Hmm...could you lift your head up?"
Julian: "No."

Dexter: "How rude."

Dexter: "Isn't that the janitor? Why is he putting the books away? I thought that was the librarian's job."

Roger: "Oh no. He's looking this way."

Roger: "Time to get out my cleaning kit."

Dexter: "I think he was just being helpful."

Dexter: "I better get started on the second floor."

Dexter: "Hmm, she looks like a foreigner."

Dexter: "Excuse me."
Irene: "I am busy."

Dexter: "Can you turn and look at me?"
Irene: "What?"

Dexter: "You look like someone I know."

Irene: "No I don't. I am an Indian who wants to see what Sunlit Tides has to offer."

Irene: "I want to learn more about the culture here. I should go find a book about its history."
Dexter: "I can help with that. I like history."

Irene: "How dare you touch me! Molest!"
Dexter: "I just knew you were fake!"

Irene: "How am I supposed to run in this?"

Dexter: "I better get started. She's already begun."

Irene: "5! Even this dress can't stop me."

Dexter: "Well...good job."
Rome: "Good job Irene!"
Irene: "You must be disappointed I stopped you from losing points."

"Irene is safe."

Penny: "At least we can be insured of 30 points."

Penny: "I hope Dexter leaves the rest of us well alone. I want my exemption and all the points."

Dexter: "I should take a look in the courtyard."

Alvin: "He's like a pest."

Alvin: "I better act busy."

Dexter: "Shouldn't you be using a shovel?"
Alvin: "Why the hell did they not provide shovels..."

Julian: "No I will not turn off my music!"
Harriet: "Aah!"

Dexter: "Could you turn around for me?"

Dexter: "I'll put my hands behind my back. See? Now I can't touch you."

Alvin: "Are you gay?"

Harriet: "Get your hands off me."
Julian: "YOU get your hands off me!"

Harriet: "I don't like your face!"

Dexter: "What's going on there? It seems like there's a fight going on. Where's the librarian?"
Alvin: "Huh?"

Alvin: "Oi! Get your hands off me!"

Dexter: "He's too fast. I won't be able to beat him."

Alvin: "1...2...3..."

Dexter: "Am I too late?"

"Alvin is safe."
Alvin: "Fuck yeah! I'm exempt!"
Dexter: "I'm too late."

Julian: "I hate girl scouts!"

Julian: "Ow, that actually hurt."

Penny: "You did not just slap me."
Julian: "I just did. I don't trust you thieves. You may be able to fool the world with you goody-two-shoes 'buy my cookies' ruse, but you can't fool me!"

Penny: "You are going down."
Julian: "No, your cookie scam is going down!"

Julian: "Down, you hear me! DOWN!"

Penny: "Nobody slaps me for free and gets away with it."

Dexter: "I better hurry. I think I'm seeing a trend. All the staff here are likely to be the contestants. That means I better hurry and find the janitor. He must be Roger."

Roger: "I hope he doesn't find me."

"Time is up."

Dexter: "So close. Where are the others?"


"Dexter, you found Alvin, Irene and Rome. However, you only eliminated Rome. This means that Alvin, Harriet and Penny each get an exemption, and 60/90 points have been earned. Shall we see who the others were disguised as?"

Roger: "Hi Dexter. I was so worried you'll catch me."
Dexter: "I knew it."

Harriet: "I successfully conned you."
Dexter: "I can't believe it didn't occur to me that the librarian herself was fake."

Dexter: "Penny? Is that you? Where were you hiding the whole time?"
Penny: "Out of your sight, that's where. I was watching you the entire time."

The pot finally has an increment to 434/1090 points. Among Dexter, Rome, Irene and Roger, who will be going home next?

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