Wednesday, 17 April 2019

44.02-God doesn't exist

In the previous episode...

Contestants will get to enjoy the beautiful snow white view of Aurora Skies, right on their very first day.

However, things are never as they seem.

They will of course be taking part in their very first mission.

And activate the twist this season.


"You have 20 minutes to decide. Thereafter, you will each personally say who you would want to play alongside."
Lindsey: "No frickin' way."


Howard: "I personally don't want the past winners or the Mole returning."
Clarice: "They could be useful if we ally with them."
Howard: "Assuming they're willing to."

Clarice: "We can't forget about the Mole's picks. Which two do you think the Mole picked?"
Howard: "It doesn't matter. We must pick someone who will benefit us in the long run, even if that costs 50 points."


Clement: "Chris Winters."
Clarence: "Him? But he's so...old. As in, very detached from the game. He's from a single-digit season."

Clement: "What the... Where's that ringing sound coming from?"
Clarence: "There's a phone under the seat. Someone is calling us."

Clarice: "Hello? This is Clarice Sanford and Howard Babarossa d'Kellie. We would like to pick Jane Plain. The rest are too formidable and out of the question."


Tiffany: "Cheers Moon, to the start of something great."


Lindsey: "L and L here. We're here to convince you to vote for Vera."

Richard: "Vera? No way. She's useless."
Melinda: "Don't say that. Is that what you think about the rest?"
Richard: "Not Chris, but yes to the rest."

"20 minutes are up. Ignatius and Maximillian, who do you wish to bring back to the Smole?"
Maximillian: "That was fast. Shall we go with Jane?"
Ignatius: "I think Vera really wants this. We should give her another chance."
"I need an answer now."


"Vera Control, you have received 4 votes. Congratulations. You are the last contestant of Season 44 of the Smole, and will receive your very first exemption!"


"Unfortunately, you lost 50 points, because you were one of the Mole's picks."
Vera: "Who cares about that? At least I'm selected!"

Vera: "I'm back, bitches. Vera Control is going to slay all of you. What's not to love about this bitch?"

Vera: "WOO!"

With 4 votes, Vera Control became the last contestant to join Season 44, and she brought an exemption along with her. Unfortunately, 0/50 points were earned as the contestants picked one of the Mole's two choices. Nonetheless, some are feeling triumphant while others aren't as pleased to have her back in the game...

Vera: "Why is nobody cheering for me? I'm expecting fireworks and cannons and catapults."

Clarice: "Congratulations but I don't think anyone was expecting another contestant."
Vera: "Stop reading your book, you that the Bible? Oh my god, God doesn't exist. Don't buy into their bullshit."

Ignatius: "Do you dare defame Him like that?"

Ignatius: "Forgive the insolent lady, O' Watcher. She is too young to fully comprehend your presence."

Ignatius: "There is a Watcher looking over us. Our every actions are being controlled by Him."

Ignatius: "We do His every bidding. Your eating, your breathing, they are all under The Watcher's control."

Clarice: "Look what you've done."
Vera: "He's gotten 10 times more interesting in the last five seconds."

Vera: "Well, Mr. Priest, is the Watcher controlling this?"
Clarice: "Ew, that stinks! Where are your table manners? Ugh, I can't believe there are two oddballs in the house."

Clarice: "Happy isn't the word I'd use to describe Vera coming back to the game. Another contestant means more competition, and while it's been a while, Vera is the one with the most experience. Not to mention she has the first exemption already by doing nothing other than twerk, show some cleavage and point middle fingers. Even if she's not a threat she's going to be annoying to have around."

Richard: "Why is Vera here? Everyone here is an idiot for picking an idiot like her over a potential ally, like Lisa Brown. Fuck, I'd have taken Chris Winters too. At least he's a winner, even if ages past. But Vera? Really?"

Tiffany: "I discovered something very interesting about Moon in the mission...she uses...A DICTIONARY. A PAPERBACK DICTIONARY. Like, ew, who uses paper books any more? In fact, the journals we're given should be laptops. This is the digital age. Where was I? Oh, right. Moon doesn't just use a dictionary, she uses it to translate her sentences. Mind blown. Apparently she's some Japan gal or something and can't really speak proper Simlish without a dictionary. Noob."


Clarence: "Your son must be so lucky to have such a wonderful chef as a mother."
Melinda: "You flatter me."

Melinda: "He's embarrassed of my cooking. I never did learn how to cook. I had to peep at the chefs in the restaurant to learn a few tricks."

Melinda: "Ow!"

Melinda: "I'm fine."

Melinda: "It feels so weird, honestly. My son is a famous rapper and my husband is a retired stuntman but I'm a nobody."
Clarence: "You're not a nobody. You're Richie Rich's mom."
Melinda: "Oh shucks."

Clarence: "What are you making anyway?"
Melinda: "Ssuhi."

Clarence: "Sushi? My favourite! Can I have one?"
Melinda: "Of course."

Clarence: "Why do I taste blood?"

Melinda: "Oops. Sorry."


Maximillian: "This is highly unsafe. The temperature here is ridiculously high and the small enclosed space spells doom if there is any combustion."

Charlemagne:熱は快適です. Heat is comfortable."

Howard: "Hello to you too. Come and join us."

Maximillian: "Fine."

Howard: "I'm Howard by the way. This is Charlemagne but she prefers to go by 'Moon'."
Maximillian: "Maximillian Young. But you can call me Max for short."

Maximillian: "Moon, was it? You really shouldn't be baring it all. Not in front of another man."

Howard: "Are you a prude? There's nothing wrong with being a wild child. Not with what we were planning on doing."

Maximillian: "Oh, dafuq? TMI man."

Maximillian: "I'm getting out of here."
Howard: "That always gets 'em."

Maximillian: "I'm a lawyer. And unlike the rest of them here, I'm here on a mission to end the Smole and its unethical practices. They abet killers, rapists, lunatics and terrorists. Their safety protocols are non-existent. How many fires have started on the Smole? How many innocent contestants had to get stabbed or nearly get injured before they take things seriously? It's my responsibility to end this, so I'm here to experience the dangers for myself. Regret casting me now, eh?"


Howard: "I hope you don't mind sharing a bed."
Clarice: "Shh. Clarence is fast asleep."
Howard: "Already?"

Clarice: "I don't mind sharing. Just keep your hands to yourself."
Howard: "What kind of guy do you think I am?"

Howard: "It looks like he didn't lock the drawer. Look what's in here."
Clarice: "I don't think you should do that. That's an invasion of personal space."

Howard: "I already did."

Howard: "Besides, what is this concept of 'personal space' you're talking about, roomie?"

Clarice: "If you're really doing this...can I take a look?"

Howard: "I thought you weren't keen on invading personal space, hmm? Wow, this kid sure wrote a lot. It's only been one mission."

Clarice: "If you're already peeking you might as well share."

Howard: "Alright, we can look at this together."

Clarice: "Does this mean we're working together now?"


Clement: "Time to get ready for bed."

Clement: "It's been a long day. I can't believe the quiz and execution is tomorrow already."

Lindsey: "Oh, hello there."

Lindsey: "My, my, perky butt."
Clement: "Aah!"

Lindsey: "You're not shy, are you?"

Clement: "This is embarrassing."

Clement: "Cover your eyes. I'll put something on."

Lindsey: "That won't be necessary. You don't have to make yourself uncomfortable. I'm gonna change too."

Clement: "I'll face the other side until you're done."
Lindsey: "You can take a peek if you dare."

Clement: "Are you decent yet?"
Lindsey: "Yes..."

Clement: "You sure?"

Lindsey: "Oops, forgot to put a tampon in. I need to undress again."
Clement: "Sorry sorry sorry!"

Clement: "Take all the time you need. I'm going to head out...damn, my clothes are inside."

Lindsey: "Oh lighten up. I was just pulling your leg. I'm fully clothed. Unlike you. See?"

Lindsey: "I hope there's room for one more."
Clement: "Err, I guess. It was just Max and me but if you need a room..."

Lindsey: "Well, I could always sleep on the sofa, or maybe sleep outside in the raging cold like this."
Clement: "You may have to ask Max if he's willing to share a bed with you though."
Lindsey: "Oh, I'm sure he won't mind. Unless he's an evil sadist who wants to see women suffer."
Clement: "Err..."

Lindsey: "Anyway, cute undies. Is that something else or are you just happy to see me?"

Clement: "WHAT?"
Lindsey: "You're so fun to play around with."


Clarice: "Morning Richard."
Richard: "Morning. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who understands the importance of morning exercise."

Clarice: "I want to keep in good shape and look my best."
Richard: "Exercise is proven to combat ageing."

Clarice: "Is that your secret to looking youthful? I couldn't tell that you're 55 at all."

Richard: "Years in the army definitely helped. Later when I retired keeping a positive mindset and staying productive was important too."

Richard: "Now I enjoy lazy Sundays sipping coffee and doing crossword puzzles."
Clarice: "Alright, now you're sounding like an old man."

Clarice: "No offense."
Richard: "None taken."

Richard: "Being the oldest in the house, I see everyone as my children. I've always believed in the concept of family, even if they're not by blood. It definitely gets you through the tough times and keeps your mind from wandering..."


Tiffany: "How are y'all not freezing to death yet? I need 200 more blankets to stay warm."

Lindsey: "Personally that's good news to hear. The lesser contestants still alive the better."
Tiffany: "Are you like a secret murderer or something?"
Lindsey: "No...or am I?"

Lindsey: "I'm gonna have loads of fun with this cast. It was fun making Clement embarrassed and making Max frustrated last night. When he came in he was shocked to see me in his bed and wanted me to go room with the other gals. I'm not les and I have more self-control than he ever has, given that he made that remark."

Vera: "Ooh, burn! I like you."
Lucy: "Where's your marshmallows?"
Vera: "What marshmallows? I want to try swallowing fire. I'm trying to burn this stick."

Lucy: "I've been thinking about why the Mole chose you and Lewis Stewart."

Tiffany: "Gurl, don't bother. It's like totally random."

Lucy: "How do you know?"

Lindsey: "If it wasn't random the Mole would give itself away too easily. I personally don't want to play a season with such an amateurish Mole."


It is time for the first quiz of the season. 10 questions about the identity of the Mole. Whoever knows the least is executed.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Is the Mole fair, tanned or dark-skinned?
A: Fair
B: Tanned
C: Dark

Q3: Is the Mole a returning contestant?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: What is the Mole's height?
A: 1.51m
B: 1.55m
C: 1.59m
D: 1.60m
E: 1.63m
F: 1.64m
G: 1.65m
H: 1.70m
I: 1.72m
J: 1.74m
K: 1.77m
L: 1.86m

Q5: Which Disney/Pixar movie is the Mole's favourite?
A: Snow White
B: Zootopia
C: The Incredibles
D: Tangled
E: The Princess and the Frog
F: Wreck-it-Ralph
G: Beauty and the Beast
H: Coco
I: The Lion King
J: Cinderella
K: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
L: Sleeping Beauty
M: Mulan

Q6: In Mission 1, who was in the hot air balloon with the Mole?
A: Lucy Neuwark
B: Lindsey Lorraine Shaw
C: Melinda Rich
D: Richard Xyz
E: Clarice Sanford
F: Howard Babarossa d'Kellie
G: Maximillian Young
H: Ignatius Fandango
I: Clement Oakley-Wakefield
J: Clarence Winston
K: Tiffany Etsoos
L: Charlemagne Moon
M: Nobody

 Q7: What colour was the Mole's hot air balloon in Mission 1?
A: Pink
B: Red
C: Red and white
D: Orange
E: Teal
F: Black
G: Green and white

Q8: In Mission 1, who did the Mole vote for?
A: Vera Control
B: Jane Plain
C: Lisa Brown
D: Lewis Stewart
E: Chris Winters
F: The Mole did not vote

Q9: Where was the Mole's hot air balloon in Mission 1?
A: By the hospital
B: At the beach
C: Near the farmhouse
D: At the fishing park
E: In the cemetery
F: None of the above

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Lucy Neuwark
B: Lindsey Lorraine Shaw
C: Melinda Rich
D: Richard Xyz
E: Clarice Sanford
F: Howard Babarossa d'Kellie
G: Maximillian Young
H: Ignatius Fandango
I: Clement Oakley-Wakefield
J: Clarence Winston
K: Tiffany Etsoos
L: Charlemagne Moon
M: Vera Control


"Contestants, congratulations. You are the first group of contestants to undergo the execution ceremony this season."

"Five of you could be going home today."
Clarice: "What? That's ridiculous."
Melinda: "It's going to be me, isn't it?"

"Watch the screen in front of you closely. If it turns green, congratulations. You are still part of the game. If it turns red, sorry but you have been executed."

"Ignatius Fandango, let us begin with you."
Ignatius: "May the Watcher bless me."

Ignatius: "That is a relief."

"Ignatius, please call another contestant into the room."
Ignatius: "Who should I call?"

Ignatius: "I know."


"Charlemagne, welcome to your first execution ceremony. Watch the screen in front of you. If it turns green, you are safe. If it turns red, you are the first victim this season."

"Ignatius is waiting on the other side, watching the ceremony through a different screen."

"Richard Xyz."
Richard: "Me next? I'm ready."

"Richard, please call another contestant in."


"Lindsey, welcome to your first execution ceremony. Watch the screen in front. If it turns green, you are safe. If it turns red, you are executed."

"Melinda Rich."
Melinda: "Oh boy."

"Melinda, congratulations. Please call another contestant in."
Melinda: "Phew. Good luck."


"Clarence, welcome to your first execution ceremony. If the screen in front of you turns green, you are safe. If it turns red, you have been executed."
Clarence: "Got it."

"Charlemagne Moon."

Charlemagne: "Safe."
"Charlemagne, please call another contestant in."


"Maximillian, welcome to the first execution ceremony of the season. Watch the screen in front. If it's green, you're through to the next episode. If it's red, you've been executed."
Maximillian: "Why can't you just call it an elimination like normal reality shows?"

"Tiffany Etsoos."
Tiffany: "The lucky stars are shining on me."

Tiffany: "I knew it."
"Tiffany, please call the last contestant Lucy Neuwark in."
Clarice: "I've been sitting here from the start. When will it be my turn?"


"Lucy Neuwark, this is your first execution ceremony. Watch the screen in front of you. If  your name has been called and it turns green, you are safe. If it turns red, you have been executed."

"Maximillian Young."

"Howard Babarossa d'Kellie."
Howard: "Bring it on."

Howard: "Heh. Had me worried for a sec."
Clarice: "There are only five of us left. Don't tell me we're all executed."
Lindsey: "What? Tell me you're joking."
"It is a five-way tie for 13th place, but only one unlucky chap will fill that spot."
Clement: "Thank goodness."

"Clarence Winston."

Clarence: "No!"
"Unfortunately, Clarence Winston, you have been the first to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Clarence: "I worked really hard. There are still so many things I want to do here. I can't believe my luck."

Melinda: "Oh, how horrible!"

Richard: "What a surprise. He was a very diligent man with a bright future."
Ignatius: "May the Watcher bless him."

Howard: "I talked to him and he's a really interesting fellow. He had me thinking, man, I could be friends with this guy. We clicked."

Howard: "It's too bad it was him."
Maximillian: "He seemed pretty bright. I wonder what went wrong."

Tiffany: "At least it's not me."
Melinda: "Have some sympathy. It hurts to be the first to go home."

Clarice: "Then yesterday was all for nothing."


"Thank you for joining, Clarence. We hope to see you again."

The youngest contestant has been executed first this season! Who will be executed next? Will Vera survive the next execution ceremony?

Next episode...

Clarice: "That's the game. You have to stay on top of things all the time."


Howard: "You're insufferable."


Clarice: "Aah! What was that explosion?"


Clement: "Home at last."


Richard: "I'll poison this cup."


Maximillian: "Go on. Keep doing shit like this. It just gives me more evidence that the Smole is a detriment to society."


Howard: "Shit. I'm about to throw up."


Lucy: "I've been poisoned!"
Charlemagne: "Hai!"

Episode 3-Zero egg

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