In the previous episode...
Clarice: "How are you able to eat that? I need proper food to function."
Richard: "Back in my days, you'd be glad to even have food."
Maximillian: "It gives it the extra crisp."
Lindsey: "Ew, it reeks of testosterone in here."
Clarice: "I'm here, you know."
Lindsey: "Oh, I know. That looks revolting. Who made it?"
Lindsey: "I feel like puking just looking at it."
Clement: "You don't like it, don't eat it."
Lindsey: "What makes you think I will? I don't just eat anything, you know."
Melinda: "That's dangerous to be out at dark."
Lucy: "Not really. Darkness can be beautiful. You just need to know how to appreciate it."
Tiffany: "So glad we decided to sneak away from Lindsey. She's way too serious."
Vera: "She needs to back off a little. We'll be fine. We won't get executed so quickly."
Lucy: "It's nice to know that you're not a nice guy though. Neither am I."
Lindsey: "That was evident when you flat-out rejected the coalition. Now I'm stuck with two bimbos who ran off to who-knows-where."
Lindsey: "But if you're not a nice woman, have you, I don't know, considered changing?"
Lucy: "For what? I'm not a good woman. And I accept that."
Howard: "Amen."
Clement: "Y'know, crazy lips aside, you're not too bad after all."
"Tiffany Etsoos, Vera Control, Lindsey Lorraine Shaw...the three of you are still awaiting your fate. It should be worth noting that there was a 3-way tie this time."
Lindsey: "No way."
"However, as your scores are cumulative, there is a clear distinction between the bottom and the rest."
Lindsey: "What?"
"Lindsey Lorraine Shaw, Vera Control, both of you have been executed in a surprise double execution."
Vera: "This is horrible."
It came as a shock to everyone that there was a double execution, but especially to Lindsey and Vera, the two victims of the twist. Tiffany is left alone now but can she cope? Or does she not need support all along? With 50/100 points in the pot, how well will the group be inspired to continue adding to it?
Tiffany: "Oh my gosh, this is a disaster. Both my besties are gone in an instant. How will I survive now? I depended on them. They're like the air to my water...water to my lungs? Anyway, I can't do without them. Why did they have to suck?"
Tiffany: "Moon, I bet it's you!"
Charlemagne: "Nani?"
Tiffany: "You're like...a jinx! You caused Lindsey and Vera's execution!"
Charlemagne: "I did not do anything. It is necessary to cheer up."
Tiffany: "You're right. Take that!"
Charlemagne: "Hello!"
Tiffany: "You mean 'hey!'"
Tiffany: "Let me hit you some more. I need to get it out of the system."
Tiffany: "Thanks. You're a great friend."
Charlemagne: "No problem."
Charlemagne: "復讐の時です。"
Tiffany: "What?"
Charlemagne: "I will make the last laugh!"
Tiffany: "No, I will. Hahaha! See?"
Charlemagne: "Fun."
Tiffany: "Why didn't we work together from the start? We should totally do it."
Charlemagne: "I am okay."
Charlemagne: "最初からペアになったのは運命でした。 It was destiny that I paired from the beginning."
Tiffany: "You mean that it's fate that we were paired together from the start? I'm totally understanding you now. It's settled then. We work together!"
Tiffany: "Thankfully I had Moon to cheer me up. Now we're in a coalition. This one will last longer. Until the end!"
Howard: "In every room was a note that said the first four to make it to the mailbox will get a special role for the next mission. I don't know when that was placed but I rushed out of there as soon as I saw it."
Howard: "Here, right?"
Howard: "Oh, there's an instruction card."
Howard: "I feel all-powerful."
Clarice: "Why did Howard come out here? What did he retrieve from the mailbox?"
Richard: "I don't think anyone else saw the note before me."
Richard: "An instruction card. There are only two left."
Richard: "Interesting."
Lucy: "How did I not notice it earlier? I hope I'm not too late."
Ignatius: "We must be thankful for all that we have. Everything is under the Watcher's control. He plays it how He wants. We are but mere Sims under his power, controlled by a floating green diamond. Everyone has a purpose on the Smole. I am thankful that Melinda is here. She makes the effort to get up early to make breakfast for us every morning. I truly appreciate that."
Melinda: "I made a vegetarian option."
Ignatius: "That's so thoughtful of you. Let us all say a prayer of thanks."
Richard: "I'm so glad I didn't meet someone like you in service. Back in my day we didn't have time to waste on food. You finished it in 5 minutes or someone would make you."
"Contestants, it is time for your next mission. The six of you will be brought to a more rural part of Aurora Skies. You have 3 and a half hours to search for as many eggs as you can. After a 10-minute headstart, Howard, Clarice, Richard and Lucy will try to catch you. If any of you are caught, you must stay in position until another one of you comes to rescue. Each egg is worth 10 points. You have to find at least 5 eggs to earn points, otherwise you will not earn anything. If all six of you are frozen at any point in time, the other four will receive exemptions. Good luck."
Clement: "Running around in the snow...sounds like fun. It'll warm me up."
Maximillian: "Utter chaos. The moment we reached everyone started running everywhere."
"Your time starts now."
Maximillian: "Are we not going to discuss this first?"
Charlemagne: "吹雪だった。卵を探すのは干し草の山の中で針を探すのと同じです。It was a snowstorm. Looking for eggs is the same as finding a needle in the mountain of hay."
Charlemagne: "Where is the egg?"
Tiffany: "How am I supposed to see in this weather? It's so cold."
Maximillian: "It is, isn't it? What if we get frostbite?"
Tiffany: "When did you get so tall?"
Maximillian: "Nevermind that. Why not we work together for this mission? We stick together and search for eggs."
Tiffany: "Sounds great."
Maximillian: "Good choice. Stick with me. Let's go that way."
Tiffany: "We can save each other if we're caught too."
Maximillian: "Do you see anything?"
Tiffany: "Yeah, a lot. I see the sky, the snow, trees..."
Maximillian: "I meant eggs."
Clement: "I can't see anything."
Ignatius: "Something tells me they will hide it in the bushes."
Ignatius: "Time to dig."
Maximillian: "Take that one. I'll try to see if I can see any more nearby."
Tiffany: "Do I really have to? It looks so icky."
Maximillian: "Fine. I'll do it. Keep your eyes peeled."
Tiffany: "Okie-dokie."
Maximillian: "How many eggs are there in total?"
Tiffany: "I don't know, but the lesser the better. They are so gross. You're my saviour."
Maximillian: "Let's keep moving, or we'll get cold."
Melinda: "Where is it?"
Melinda: "Ignatius is there so I'll go somewhere else."
Maximillian: "I see something sticking out of the snow."
Tiffany: "You're right!"
Tiffany: "Yay! But there is something else here too. It's round and white."
Maximillian: "Just take that too. It could be an egg."
Maximillian: "That is our second egg."
Maximillian: "Tiffany and I found a baseball. There was a small sticker on it that said we could use it to throw at any of the catchers, stunning them for one minute. It was unfortunately valid for only one use but it was very useful."
Melinda: "Could they hide it in a building? It's not out of bounds."
Charlemagne: "This looks like a house."
Charlemagne: "How do I enter? I know."
Charlemagne: "Aha."
Charlemagne: "I always have hair pins to open doors."
10 minutes have passed. The four catchers are now free to enter the mission.
Ignatius: "A baseball? Hmm..."
Clement: "How do get in? Err...hello? Is anyone there?"
Clement: "I saw some Lord of the Rings houses in Aurora Skies. I didn't realise they filmed here."
Charlemagne: "Eek!"
Charlemagne: "Oh no."
Charlemagne: "A dog!"
Charlemagne: "I do not like dogs."
Charlemagne: "I cannot go back inside."
Charlemagne: "所有者が戻ってくる前に私は去るべきです。 I ought to leave before the owners come back."
Clarice: "So many dwarf houses."
Clarice: "Anyone home?"
Clarice: "I shouldn't have done that. If one of the others is hiding in there they'll recognise my voice. I'll just knock."
Clement: "Goddammit."
Clarice: "Is that a shadow?"
Clement: "I need to get outta here."
Clarice: "I hear something."
Clarice: "You can't run from me!"
Clement: "You're just a girl. You ain't outrunnin' me."
Clarice: "You'll regret saying that."
Clement: "Ah...ah....achoo!"
Clarice: "Gotcha. Now stay put."
Richard: "If I was hiding from enemy, where would I hide? The building? It's a bit obvious, but there's just open space otherwise."
Howard: "There's an egg. I'll just lay low nearby and wait for someone to come."
Lucy: "I don't see anyone. The area we can cover is humongous."
Lucy: "I'll check inside."
Melinda: "Phew. She didn't see me."
Melinda: "I have to go before she comes back out."
Melinda: "I was very detailed, spending at least 10 minutes in each area to make sure I don't miss a spot. As I was about to leave I saw Lucy. I hid and didn't even dare to breathe. Fortunately she didn't see me and I escaped. That was more adrenaline than I'll ever need in a lifetime."
Ignatius: "Is this the famed egg?"
Ignatius: "It is shaped like one."
Ignatius: "Thank you Watcher for letting me find one."
Tiffany: "Found one. I'm not touching it."
Maximillian: "It really isn't that bad, Tiffany. Just try touching it."
Tiffany: "And risk...I don't know, cancer? No way."
Maximillian: "Fine. We'll both go together and reach for it, okay?"
Tiffany: "Did you touch me, Max?"
Maximillian: "I'm over here. How would I have touched you withou..."
Howard: "Surprise."
Tiffany: "Noooo! I'm frozen!"
Maximilliann: "I've got something. Take that!"
Howard: "Ow! What the hell is that?"
Maximillian: "It stuns you for a minute."
Tiffany: "Haha!"
Howard: "What?"
Howard: "These things exist in the mission?"
Howard: "I got stunned by a freaking baseball. I should have known things weren't that simple. At least it made things more thrilling."
Tiffany: "Save me Max!"
Maximillian: "Rescued."
Tiffany: "Yay! Thank you so much."
Howard: "And you guys are doing it right in front of my face."
Maximillian: "Let's get going before the minute is up."
Charlemagne: "There is an egg here."
Charlemagne: "One more egg."
Charlemagne: "犬と一緒に家を訪問した後、私はこれ以上家に入るのが怖かった。After visiting the house with the dog, I was afraid to enter the house any more."
Tiffany: "Why are you just standing there?"
Clement: "Clarice caught me. Help me out? I'm freezin' out here."
Tiffany: "Brr..."
Maximillian: "There."
Clement: "Thanks man. You're a lifesaver."
Tiffany: "It's true. He saved my life too."
Maximillian: "Why not we stick together? One more pair of eyes will help, especially since I'm only using four eyes now. And I'm including my specs."
Clement: "Err...naw, it's fine. Don't wanna get all three of us into trouble."
Maximillian: "Tiffany ended up being more of a liability. She didn't help at all during the mission and worse still, I had to save her. After saving Clement, he also decided to run off on his own. He's just going to get caught again."
Melinda: "This is hopeless. I feel like I've been here already."
Howard: "I see someone running."
Melinda: "Aah! Stay away!"
Melinda: "Oh no!"
Melinda: "I've been cornered."
Howard: "Let me do the honours."
Melinda: "I needed a break anyway. I'm too tired to keep running."
Richard: "I see a trail of footprints."
Clement: "Nope, not here."
Clement: "Ah, at long last."
Richard: "While he's distracted."
Richard: "Caught you."
Clement: "Oi, no fair! Go catch someone else!"
Richard: "There's no such thing as fairness in war."
Ignatius: "I can't find anything."
Maximillian: "Go check indoors. I'll scour the perimeter."
Maximillian: "There's some tracks here. Someone has been here before."
Maximillian: "I think I saw an egg here."
Maximillian: "I was right."
Tiffany: "Finally, some warmth. I don't ever want to leave this place. I can't believe I just said that about a toilet."
Maximillian: "Look what we have here."
Ignatius: "May You continue to bless me with good sight."
Random ghost floating through town.
Richard: "This reminds me of Exercise Snow Leopard in Siberia...good times."
Howard: "He doesn't see me."
Ignatius: "What is this glowing disc?"
Ignatius: "Could it be a hidden exemption?"
Howard: "Any last words?"
Ignatius: "Who's that?"
Ignatius: "Yes. I have something you should be afraid of."
Howard: "That glowing thing? What does that do?"
Ignatius: "Not that but this."
Howard: "What? Another one? How many of them are there?"
Ignatius: "Goodbye."
Howard: "You can run but you can't hide. I'll get you eventually."
Ignatius: "Watcher save me."
Lucy: "Caught you. I'll be staying here to make sure nobody tries to unfreeze him."
Charlemagne: "I found it."
"Contestants, the mission has ended. How many eggs have you collected in total?"
"Maximillian, let's start with you."
Maximillian: "I have one egg."
Maximillian: "And another."
Maximillian: "ANd two more."
Clement: "Nice work."
Ignatius: "How did you find so many?"
"Tiffany, how many eggs do you have?"
Tiffany: "None, sorry. I tried really hard."
Maximillian: "No. No she didn't."
Charlemagne: "That is bad."
Melinda: "It wasn't easy. I found none too."
"Clement, how many eggs have you gotten?"
Clement: "One egg right here."
"That means there are 5 eggs already. Congratulations. This group is earning money."
Melinda: "Good work everyone! At least our effort wasn't in vain."
"Ignatius, care to share your eggs?"
Ignatius: "I have two eggs."
"Charlemagne, you're the last one left. How many eggs do you have?"
Charlemagne: "Ichi..."
Charlemagne: "Ni..."
Ignatius: "Do you have more?"
Clement: "Keep goin'."
Charlemagne: "San. I have three eggs."
Melinda: "You did great, Moon."
"There are 10 eggs in total. You have managed to find all the eggs, so that is 100 points for the pot. The pot now has 150/200 points. A very stellar performance."
Maximillian: "Good job team."
"There were also three baseballs that could be used to stun the catchers. All three were found but not all were used."
"There was also a hidden exemption to be found. Unfortunately, nobody found it."
Ignatius: "Wait, that isn't a hidden exemption?"
" just a mushroom."
The group has a keen eye as they managed to find all the eggs in the mission to make the pot 150/200 points. Can they keep this up? Nobody found the exemption so who will be leaving next?
Next episode...
Ignatius: "The Watcher leads me to what he wants to show me. There is a reason He brought me to it."
Melinda: "If you mean why I look so glum, it's because of our roommate Lucy. I try to talk to her but she keeps shutting me off. It's like she's hiding something."
Charlemagne: "Do you think she is a mole?"
Richard: "I'm sure you didn't come in here simply to exercise with me."
Clarice: "Retirement from service hasn't dulled your senses."
Richard: "I don't like the sound of this. You have one minute before I kick you out of my room."
Clement: "I don't feel good about this..."
Ignatius: "You insult the Watcher by taking this lightly."
Howard: "Light? Hell no. This story book is heavier than an encyclopedia."
"Contestants, today is the day where you bid farewell to another contestant. Half of you could have been exempted, but nobody is this time. Who will be executed?"
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