Monday, 5 August 2019

46.08-Teacher's pet

In the previous episode of the Smole, the contestants took part in a rowboat race, to which Benedict and Peggy won. They received the exemption. After switching partners, Maria and Tyler ended up as the second pair. Sierra and Hailey came in third, after the time limit, and Louis and Sandra were dead last. Only Svetlana managed to bring in points and was responsible for the 20/80 points in the pot, making it 160/550 points. Will the group be able to catch up or is the Mole fated to win this season?


Sandra: "It was so weird that Louis and Svetlana missed Edith when the rest of us clearly saw her. It's hard to miss something pink atop a hill of green and even harder to miss the cantankerous old lady. Yes, I'm in a coalition with Louis and Peggy but Louis isn't easy to trust. I just hope he doesn't spread lies that mislead me."


Sandra: "Woo!"
Hailey: "Not getting past me that easily! Unless you try and ram me. In that case, bring it on!"

Sandra: "Do I look like a dirty cheater to you?"
Sierra: "What's so fun about a racing game? Was yesterday's race not enough?"

Sierra: "Especially you, Sandra. I did not see you as one to play video games, especially racing ones."
Sierra: "Why? Is it because I'm a traffic cop?"

Hailey: "Haha, I get it! In real life you'll give them speeding tickets! Haha, Sierra, you're so funneh!"

Sandra: "Sierra's gone."
Hailey: "I win! Alright, I'm tired of this. Sandra, what do you say we ditch this place and sneak out?"

Sandra: "Sneak out? I don't think that's a good idea."

Sandra: "We don't want to get into any trouble, especially the kind that will jeopardise our stay here."

Hailey: "Boo! You're no fun."

Hailey: "I know you're a cop and all but you don't have to be such a stick-in-the-mud."
Sandra: "I'm just playing it safe."

Hailey: "Playing safe won't get you anywhere."
Ulrich: "Is Hailey acting out again?"
Sandra: "I can handle her."

Sandra: "Hailey, don't do anything foolish or I will have to report you."

Hailey: "Oh and now you're not going to let me have fun either. Hey cameraman, does she suck your dicks around here? Why is she such a teacher's pet?"

Sandra: "That was uncalled for."
Edith: "What's with the brouhaha so early in the morning? Can't I just get a peaceful and quiet morning?"

Sandra: "Sorry Mrs. Wickham."
Hailey: "Oh come on. You're sucking up to her too? I thought you were a badass with that tattoo of yours but guess I was WRONG."

Sandra: "It's precisely because I've gone down that path before that I know it's not a good life. Being a 'badass' has real consequences, Hailey."
Hailey: "Boo. I'm older than you. I have more life experience than you."

Sandra: "I was young and foolish, wanting an adventure of a lifetime. I met a boy and fell in love with him, and got sucked into his gang of illegal street racers thereafter. I thought I would be able to fit in but ultimately I realised I don't belong to that life."

Sandra: "I don't mean to preach but just stay away from trouble, okay? Don't let my advice fall on deaf ears. I don't want that to be the reason someone else strays down the wrong path."

Hailey: "I'm not interested in talking to you."


Edgar: "We tried to keep Edith and Sierra for days because when fire and fire come together...kaboom. Unfortunately the inevitable happened, and the two clashed and talked to each other..."


Ulrich: "Good morning Mrs. Wickham."
Edith: "Finally someone with manners. The rest of you treat me as though I'm invisible."
Ulrich: "Mrs. Wickham, it's a rare sight to see you in a robe."

Edith: "I don't want to dress like the rest of you scumps either, but my bathtub is broken and nobody is going to fix it. They want me to stink like the rest of you. Svetlana must have broken the bath with her long, hot baths."

Maria: "Are you sure? Svetlana is the one who takes quick showers. You're the one who takes long baths."
Edith: "Shut up. Nobody was talking to you. Go be a maid or something. It's unbecoming of a woman to be so into the physical form. You're not a man and you better not be a transvestite."

Sierra: "Personal hygiene is extremely important."
Edith: "I agree."
Edgar: "Woah, what just happened?"

Edgar: "Did the two of you just agree with each other?"

Sierra: "I speak to reason. I only give my most truest, genuine opinion."
Edith: "Likewise, whoever is speaking. But you need to learn manners and face me when you're talking to me."
Edgar: "This is spooky. I never thought the two of you would get along."

Sierra: "It's me. I'm the one talking."
Edith: "Surely you don't expect me to turn my head and look for you."

Sierra: "Just hang on a moment, will you?"
Edith: "Don't you know it's rude to walk and talk at the same time? Also, the nerve of you to ask me to wait. I am your elder. I should be the one asking you to wait."

Edith: "Oh, it's you. What in the world do you think you are wearing, young miss? Do all Germans dress like hookers?"

Sierra: "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? For your information, I have more class than you can ever have."
Edgar: "It's starting, it's starting! Take cover!"

Edith: "You think you can speak to me abut class? From head to toe you look like you crawled out of a dumpster. Your hair is so messy."
Sierra: "I use special gel. It is a style. The only style you know is frump."

Edith: "Is 'seducer' a new style? I can see your panties! It's like you're not even trying to deter men from getting into your panties."

Sierra: "How DARE you imply I am a slut! I am very choosy about a partner."
Edith: "I couldn't tell."

Edith: "All I can see is that you are an ill-bred girl who thinks she can storm into another country and corrupt it with her dodgy values."

Edith: "The more you argue with me, the more obvious it becomes."
Siera: "It is funny. It appears you are talking about yourself."

Sierra: "I do not want to talk to someone as boorish as you."
Edith: "Boorish? Did you just call me boorish?"

Edith: "You are the uncultured swine here, young lady. The nerve of you to insult me."

Sierra: "It is only because you insulted me first."
Edith: "Stop being a meek flower and take the truth. It is not my job to babysit your feelings."

Sierra: "You are beneath talking to."
Edith: "Did you just call me short?"
Sierra: "I did not say that but it is a fact."


Edgar: "I am honestly more surprised that a catfight didn't occur."


Benedict: "Time to use you."

Benedict: "I wish to find a partner while on the Smole."

Benedict: "All I need is just one right?"

Benedict: "Time to put it to the test."

Benedict: "I seriously paid to use a tissue to wish for a girlfriend. I must be desperate."

Benedict: "Who's there?"

Maria: "Maria. Why are you so jumpy today?"
Benedict: "Oh, it's you."

Benedict: "No reason."

Benedict: "You looking for me?"
Maria: "Yes."

Maria: "I was wondering if you are of some special nationality."
Benedict: "Ha, what a strange question. I'm pure-bred."

Maria: "Do you travel overseas a lot?"
Benedict: "Once in a while. I like to explore new things and try different things. What about you?"

Maria: "I go to many countries too to compete. I have been to the USA, UK, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Germany...I think those are it so far. Just last year I also went to Holland for a holiday."

Maria: "Why is there a box of tissue on the floor?"
Benedict: "What tissue? Oh that? Don't mind it. I knocked it over by accident. Is there anything else you want to ask me?"
Maria: "Actually yes. I want to know all about you and see if we have a connection."

Benedict: "A connection between us?"


Benedict: "I just made a wish and Maria talked about a connection. Is it working already? Is Maria destined to be my girlfriend?"


Svetlana: "Hey Peggy, I always wanted to ask you something."
Peggy: "What is it?"
Svetlana: "Do you feel like we have a connection?"

Peggy: "In what sense?"
Svetlana: "I don't know. I feel like the two of us can talk for hours."

Peggy: "Talk about what?"
Svetlana: "Ooh, I just saw a plane fly by."

Svetlana: "Maybe holidays? What's your most memorable holiday?"

Peggy: "I don't go travelling a lot. I can't remember the last time I went overseas."

Svetlana: " about animals? Which animal do you like?"
Peggy: "I don't have a preference."
Svetlana: "You have to like one animal more than others."

Peggy: "Why are you being so pushy? What's your true reason for asking all this?"

Svetlana: "Was I that obvious?"

Svetlana: "I'll be honest with you. There's some rumours that we are all here because of something we have in common except the Mole.
Peggy: "Who started those rumours?"

Svetlana: "Edith did, actually. That's why I don't know whether to believe her or not but she did say that she overheard Hailey getting this clue."

Peggy: "You've gotten me interested. What do you think the common point is?"

Svetlana: "I don't know."
Peggy: "Let's brainstorm. The first unusual thing I noticed is the diversity of the cast."

Svetlana: "Oh, that is true. Maria is Filipino, Sierra is German and Ulrich is Swedish. I think Henry was European too. But the rest of us don't fall into the category."

Peggy: "Maybe not directly, but it's possible that all of us have been to Europe before. I know I have."
Svetlana: "Didn't you just say you never travelled?"

Peggy: "I said I don't remember the last time I travelled, but I do remember where. It was to Europe."
Svetlana: "I've been to Europe too as well as Africa. That's where I usually travel to. If not I'm at some third-world country helping the needy."

Peggy: "Perhaps we shouldn't think too much into this. You did say they were rumours."
Svetlana: "Yeah, we're thinking too hard about something that may not even be true."


It is time for the quiz.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Does the Mole wear makeup?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: In Mission 4, did the Mole ride in a boat?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: Did the Mole row a boat in Mission 4?
A: Yes
B: No

Q5: Which boat was the Mole initially in in Mission 4?
A: White boat
B: Green boat
C: Brown boat
D: Yellow boat
E: No boat

Q6: In Mission 4, who was the Mole originally partnered with?
A: Peggy Vox
B: Benedict Foreman
C: Hailey Charleston
D: Sandra Rius
E: Maria Gonzalez
F: Edgar Ellin
G: Louis Chamberlain
H: Svetlana Partridge
I: Nobody

Q7: In Mission 4, who did the Mole switch positions with?
A: Tyler Jackson
B: Sandra Rius
C: Sierra Das Auto
D: Edgar Ellin
E: Ulrich Zimmer
F: Svetlana Partridge
G: Nobody
H: More than one contestant

Q8: At the end of Mission 4, in what order did the Mole finish the race?
A: First
B: Second
C: Third
D: Fourth
E: The Mole was not part of the race

Q9: In Mission 4, did the Mole succeed in one of the four tasks?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole did not attempt a task
D: The Mole switched positions halfway throughout a task

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Tyler Jackson
B: Sandra Rius
C: Sierra Das Auto
D: Peggy Vox
E: Benedict Foreman
F: Edgar Ellin
G: Hailey Charleston
H: Maria Gonzalez
I: Ulrich Zimmer
J: Louis Chamberlain
K: Edith Wickham
L: Svetlana Partridge


"The next execution ceremony begins now."

"Sierra Das Auto, with a quiz time of 4 minutes and 1 second..."

" are safe."
Sierra: "Hmph."

"Edgar, please stand by the lotus."

"Ulrich, you are..."

" as well."
Ulrich: "I had a scare."

Ulrich: "Thank the lucky stars."
"You took 3 minutes and 17 seconds on the quiz."

"Tyler, please stand by the lotus."

"Tyler Jackson, you took 3 minutes and 29 seconds on the quiz. You are..."

Tyler: "Phew."

"Svetlana, please stand by the lotus."
Edgar: "That's 4 safe already, no wait, more."

"Svetlana Partridge..."

" are safe. Your time was 3 minutes and 5 seconds."
Edgar: "And I just stood through one more trial. Things aren't looking good for me."

"Edith Wickham, please stand by the lotus."

"Your time on the quiz was 8 minutes and 23 seconds."
Edith: "Hurry it up. I haven't got all day."
"You are..."

Edith: "This is pointless suspense."

Edith: "I definitely know I am correct about who that disgusting traitor is."

"Louis Chamberlain, you are the next to be..."

" Your time was 3 minutes and 7 seconds."

"Sandra Rius, please stand by the lotus."
Edgar: "Ho boy."

"Sandra Rius, you took 3 minutes and 51 seconds. Therefore, you are the..."

" to be safe."

Edgar: "I guess this is goodbye~"

"Hailey Charleston, please stand by the lotus."

"Hailey Charleston, you are not..."

Hailey: "What? How dare you execute me! Oh wait, not executed?"

Hailey: "Yipee! What a huge relief. Thank you thank you thank you!"
"Your quiz time was 2 minutes and 25 seconds."

Edgar: "D'ohhhh..."

"Maria Gonzalez, Edgar Ellin, one of you will be executed tonight."

"Edgar Ellin, you took 3 minutes and 19 seconds on the quiz."
Edgar: "I know, I know, I'm dead meat."

"Maria Gonzalez, yours was 2 minutes and 19 seconds, a full minute lesser."

"Maria Gonzalez, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Edgar: "Wait I'm not dead? That was a good scare."

Maria: "I knew that exemption was important but it still slipped from me."


Edgar: "You're stressing yourself."
Maria: "Stress is motivation. This is something I should get an exemption in."


Edgar: "What is Sandra doing?"
Maria: "Focus on one thing at a time, Edgar!"


Maria: "I am not giving up the exemption."


Maria: "I can't change things now. It's a fact that I lost. I wish good luck to the rest."
"Thank you for joining."

Speedy Gonzalez has been executed! The Mole is on a killing spree. Who will the murderous Mole execute next?

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