Sunday, 25 August 2019

46.16-You're not a doctor

Last episode showcased an unabridged version of the Smole's Liar's Dice among the final 5, to which Sandra emerged victorious with an exemption to show. 100 points could be earned if the Mole was not the last one standing. Is Sandra the Mole? Or will she fill in the pot which stands now at 290/950 points?


Edith: "Mrs. Vox and Ms. Rius are working together, and so are Mr. Zimmer and Ms. Das Auto. I am the only one working alone. I prefer it that way. I don't have to deal with those horrid personalities. I already know who the Mole is."


Ulrich: "You seem very relaxed, Mrs. Wickham."
Edith: "Why should I worry over trivial things?"

Edith: "I already know who the Mole is."

Ulrich: "I think we all have a Mole in mind but at this stage, that is not enough. We must also know everything about the Mole, like their favourite colour or the brand of shoes they wear."
Edith: "I don't need you to teach me how to play the game. I made it this far by myself."

Edith: "I am sorely disappointed in you, Mr. Zimmer. It seems like long legs were the only thing that developed in you. How could you accuse me of lying time and time again?"

Ulrich: "But sometimes you were."
Edith: "How am I supposed to know what you lot have? This is a horrible mission by design."

Ulrich: "Mrs. Wickham, why worry over trivial things?"

Edith: "Do you think it is very funny to use my words against me? That tongue of yours should be cut off."

Edith: "If you want me to forgive you, help me bring my luggage down to the bedroom on this level. Climbing up several flights of stairs every day is tiring, you know?"


Sandra: "Tyler studied business and Louis is a businessman of sorts. Henry portrayed a heir to a family business in the movie he was a part of. This ties in with Peggy and Ulrich. Yet it doesn't fit with the rest of us."

Sandra: "What else? Sanjay is a software engineer and has a thick accent, Henry is an open book, Megan is the complete opposite and has her walls up."

Sandra: "I think all of them have at least one parent still alive. Louis, Tyler, Edgar...are Ulrich's parents still alive? I need to check that out."

Sierra: "Wait, both my parents are dead. That isn't right."


Peggy: "I would be so embarrassed to ask my family to watch this season. I am a pretty strong woman mentally but throughout the season I have been constantly attacked by Edith Wickham and I feel so powerless. It seems that standing up to her is useless because she makes life worse for me. She doesn't see the problem in her. But I'm not going to give in to her. Not any more. She's a nobody to me. Why should I let her control my emotions?"


Sierra: "Don't talk to me. You are not worth talking to."
Edith: "How rude."

Sierra: "Move aside."
Edith: "I don't listen to hookers."

Sierra: "Did you just call me a hooker?"

Edith: "Aah! Get off me you vermin!"

Peggy: "Edith deserves every single bit of it."

Peggy: "Sierra has that condescending tone when she speaks to everyone else but she's more bearable than Edith."

Peggy: "Usually I'll tell my kids not to fight but boy, is it so satisfying to see her get beaten up."

Peggy: "Give it your all, Sierra!"

Edith: "Ow!"

Sierra: "Do not anger me."
Edith: "I demand a lawyer!"

Peggy: "You deserved the beating."
Edith: "Excuse me?"

Peggy: "You heard me correctly. I've endured your shit for long enough."

Peggy: "I cannot imagine the treatment you put your family through. Why are you such a horrible woman?"
Edith: "Take a look at the mirror, Mrs. Vox. You don't even deserve to be called a woman with your ethics. You must not love your family."

Sierra: "I cannot breathe the air around them. It is polluted."

Peggy: "I raised my kids as best as I can. We have a happy family now. I have given everything up for my family. You do not have the right to say that I do not love my family."

Peggy: "Did someone make you miserable growing up? Is that why you're like this?"
Edith: "You're not a doctor. Stop trying to diagnose me."

Peggy: "You think everyone around you has a problem when you are the biggest problem. You're just too dense and blind to realise it."
Edith: "I am your elder! Respect me! The nerve of you to criticise me. You're not perfect. You can't lecture me."


It is time for the quiz.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: If all remaining contestants were drowning at sea at the same time except the Mole, who would the Mole save first?
A: Edith Wickham
B: Peggy Vox
C: Ulrich Zimmer
D: Sierra Das Auto
E: Sandra Rius
F: Nobody

Q3: In Mission 8, which car was the Mole in?
A: Blue car
B: Black car
C: Taxi

Q4: In Mission 8, who was in the car with the Mole?
A: Peggy Vox
B: Sandra Rius
C: Ulrich Zimmer
D: Edith Wickham
E: Nobody

Q5: In Mission 8, how many dice did the Mole start with?
A: 2
B: 3
C: 4
D: 5
E: 6

Q6: In Mission 8, what was the Mole's total time spent on quizzes?
A: 24 minutes 11 seconds
B: 28 minutes 13 seconds 
C: 28 minutes 28 seconds
D: 30 minutes 55 seconds
E: 43 minutes 48 seconds

Q7: In Mission 8, how many rounds did the Mole last?
A: 5
B: 15
C: 23
D: 24

Q8: In Mission 8, how many dice did the Mole lose that were not stolen by anyone else?
A: 1
B: 3
C: 5

Q9: What was the sum of all the Mole's rolls in Mission 8?
A: 30
B: 187
C: 212
D: 222
E: 390

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Sandra Rius
B Sierra Das Auto
C: Peggy Vox
D: Ulrich Zimmer
E: Edith Wickham


"Contestants, it is time for yet another execution ceremony. Sandra can rest assured that she will not be executed, at least not yet, but what about the rest of you?"

"Peggy, your time was 4 minutes and 27 seconds."

"Peggy Vox, you are safe."
Peggy: "Yes! I can confirm who the Mole is now."

Sierra: "I would not have to go up if I had gotten that exemption."
Sandra: "We're still both in this!"
Edith: "Why are you not in hell yet?"

"Sierra, please step to the lotus."

"Ulrich Zimmer, on the last quiz you took 2 minutes and 56 seconds."
Ulriich: "That is quite fast."

"Ulrich, you are safe."
Ulrich: "Hm."

Edith: "What a waste of time. We all know what the result will be."

"Edith Wickham, Sierra Das Auto, one of you will be executed. Sierra, you took 4 minutes and 38 seconds. Edith, your time on the quiz was 7 minutes and 13 seconds."

"Sierra Das Auto, unfortunately..."

" are executed. Edith Wickham, you are safe."
Sierra: "NEIN!"

Sierra: "I made a tiny mistake on just one question and that has cost me the whole game. I believe I was right in who I could trust and who I cannot. There are so many questions that I want answers to and now I will not be able to get it."


Sierra: "But one of us is already working against us from the start. We just need to know who."


Sierra: "The other four will not last much longer with me around."


Sierra: "Stop asking me to steal your dice! I will not!"


Sierra: "Whatever. This time the Mole is a bad one anyway."
"Thank you for joining, Sierra."

The German critic has been executed! Only four remain. Which one of them will lose out at the last moment? Which one of them is the Mole?

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