Tuesday, 20 August 2019

46.14-Sorry, not sorry

In the previous episode, the final 6 went for a run, unaware that they needed to answer questions based on what was going on around them during the run. Fortunately they had 4 questions correct. However, Sierra's apple purchase and the tips from Sandra, Sierra, Ulrich and Peggy lost 20 points. Edgar managed to get 10 bonus points back for playing a game with children and could get a bronze exemption if he could guess how many questions the rest got correct. Unfortunately he underestimated them and did not get it. Still, there has been an addition of 70/120 points to the pot to make it 290/850 points. Does everyone know who the Mole is yet?

Edgar: "I had to guess how many questions you guys got right. I thought you would get none, or maybe at most one, but instead you got 4. Too bad I don't have the exemption but it was fun playing with a younger version of myself."
Peggy: "It makes me feel better that you didn't get the hidden exemption. Sorry, not sorry."
Sierra: "Which one was called Kidd, which one was Trixie and which one was Celeste?"
Edgar: "Who? I didn't get any of their names. There was one kid who refused to tell me his name."

Sandra: "Guys, I have some big news to share."
Edgar: "You're pregnant?"
Sandra: "What? No! I don't know how true it is but I heard that Hailey had a clue right from the very first mission. All of us have a common link except the Mole. We need to figure out what that common link is."

Ulrich: "What? I did not know this."
Peggy: "Sandra, what are you doing?"

Edith: "You mean you didn't know? You are slow."
Peggy: "Why did you tell everyone this? Now they all know."

Sierra: "You mean everybody here already knows it but us?"
Ulrich: "This is very interesting. It could reveal the Mole immediately."

Edgar: "Hey, I didn't know too. Don't forget about me."
Sandra: "I'm telling everyone because we need to work together. If this is true, we have to show hand to find the missing link."

Ulrich: "I don't think anybody will be willing to reveal everything."
Sierra: "What do you have already?"

Edgar: "Hang on. Let me get my journal. I want to write this down."

Sandra: "So...anyone got any ideas? Mrs. Wickham?"
Edith: "I am not sharing anything until you go first."

Ulrich: "Don't look at us. We didn't know about this till you told us. We're still trying to process."
Sierra: "I am a highly accomplished, real food critic in Germany. My reputation is very good in Germany and many restaurants want me to critique their food."
Peggy: "Tell us something lesser known about yourself."
Sierra: "I never entered a relationship. I do not have time for that. I also lived in Holland before."

Sandra: "Oh, so have I! The Netherlands, that is. I stayed in Rotterdam for a semester for an exchange programme back when I was studying in uni."

Sierra: "That is our link!"
Peggy: "I travelled to the Netherlands before too, but we can't be too quick to jump to conclusions."

Edith: "The one wise thing you said. That is definitely not the link because I for one have never been there. I know I am not the Mole."

Ulrich: "There was a question in the previous quiz about our university degrees. Maybe that is a clue to us."
Peggy: "I have 3 degrees: Business, Accounting and Simlish literature."

Edith: "Did your parents never teach you to be humble?"
Peggy: "It is a fact that I have 3 degrees. I strived to be the best. I went with Literature first but later realised a degree in business and accounting would be more useful in my career."
Edith: "And where is that now?"
Peggy: "I quit to take care of my children."
Ulrich: "Why? Career mothers are very common."

Peggy: "I thought I could handle everything too but I realised that between family and career, I could only choose one. They were both taking too much time for me to manage both well so I had to make sacrifices. It was a painful period. It was hard for me to leave my job especially when I had made a mark and was valued. I also earned more so it made no sense for me to give up my job. I argued with my husband a lot. He was always unhappy that I earned more than him. He used that as a reason for me to quit and take care of the kids."

Edith: "That is your job in the first place, not the working world. Shame on you to humiliate your husband for years."
Peggy: "Edith, nobody needed your opinion."

Edith: "The nerve of you to talk back to me in that manner. Is sitting next to Ms. Das Auto destroying your brain and manners?"
Sierra: "OI!"

Sandra: "Guys!"

Peggy: "Anyway, if I can't be the best in my career I can only hope my man and children will be."

Sandra: "Before anyone says anything else, let's get back on topic. I have one degree only but that is in biochemistry. I know Louis studied material engineering and Tyler had a double degree in business and accounting."
Sierra: "I have one degree only in journalism."
Ulrich: "I also have a degree in business."

Edith: "This is nice to know but you are deviating. This cannot be it either. I do not have a tertiary education. Women aren't meant to be smart. They should know their place in society as caretakers and nurturers and not try to dilute the working population."

Peggy: "Then maybe you're the Mole."
Sierra: "You are our Mole."
Ulrich: "Everything does point to you."

Edgar: "Hey guys, I finally found my journal. What did I miss?"


Sierra: "This is a work of art."

Ulrich: "It is, but why did you want to talk here?"
Sierra: "I needed to be surrounded by things that will make me happy. The thought of Edith makes me angry. I don't know why you are so polite to her."

Ulrich: "There's no reason for me to be mean to her. Just think of the big picture. Sims like her don't matter. Speaking of her, do you think she is the Mole? She is the only one without a common link."

Sierra: "She is the one contestant I do not suspect. She is rude but not suited to be the Mole."
Ulrich: "You suspect me too?"
Sierra: "...Yes. You have done strange things. But I do not suspect you as much as the rest. I am still here so I believe I am right in my judgement."
Ulrich: "I see. Thank you for being honest."

Sierra: "Edgar does not have a degree either. That means that is not the link. He also never travelled to the Netherlands and neither have you so that cannot be it either."

Sierra: "What is the link then?"

Ulrich: "I think we don't need to worry too much about it. We must be right if we are still here and we don't even know how true this is. It could be Sandra trying to confuse us. Why would she want to share the clue at this time? She should have done it right from the start or never shared at all."

Edgar: "Oh, hey guys. I hardly get company."
Sierra: "What are you doing here?"

Edgar: "What do you mean? I sleep here."

Ulrich: "Why? There are so many empty beds and better rooms."
Edgar: "Eh, I've grown used to this place. It's a pretty room, don't you think?"

Edgar: "Are you guys having a secret meeting?"

Sierra: "Yes we are. Please get out."
Ulrich: "Sierra, we can't kick him out of his own room."

Edgar: "Nah, it's fine. I think I'll jam a little before taking the quiz. Can't be too stressed over it."


Sandra: "Peggy seems to be very irritable lately. I don't know if it's the stress of the game or Edith getting to her. She's hard to deal with and I think Peggy has to deal with her the most because she treats her like her daughter-in-law or worse, a maid. I thought I switch beds with Peggy and give her the bigger one. It's more comfy and hopefully she'll get a better night's rest."


Sandra: "I hope you don't take what Edith said to heart."
Peggy: "It's hard not to. She really gets on my nerves. It's like she enjoys picking on others. But I'm fine. I don't regret my decision but sometimes I just wish I can have the best of both worlds."

Sandra: "I understand. I also thought I could manage two lives but I was forced to make a decision between one too. It's not easy but at least you have it better than me. I regret my decision."

Sandra: "For what it's worth, I think you're a great woman."

Peggy: "Thank you Sandra."
Sandra: "Wait, since we're here we might as we talk about the clue. Ulrich and Sierra seemed really shocked that there was this clue. Edgar didn't react like I thought he would."

Peggy: "Do you think it's Edgar? He's too immature to be the Mole."
Sandra: "I'm really not sure. I am beginning to think more and more that it really is Edith. Whatever we threw out, she was the odd one out."
Peggy: "Would she really be the Mole?"
Sandra: "She's still here."


It is time for the quiz.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Does the Mole have dyed hair?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: Which fact about the Mole is correct?
A: The Mole is allergic to anchovies
B: The Mole gave up a good-paying job for family
C: The Mole has traditional beliefs
D: The Mole nearly went to prison
E: The Mole has an ankle tattoo
F: The Mole shot to fame because of a song

Q4: In Mission 7, when everyone started running, who was in front of the Mole?
A: Edith Wickham
B: Sandra Rius
C: Peggy Vox
D: Sierra Das Auto
E: Edgar Ellin
F: Nobody

Q5: Which of the following did the Mole do in Mission 7?
A: Buy an apple and tip a busker
B: Play gnubb
C: Be a mediator
D: Tip a busker
E: Sit to rest

Q6: In Mission 7, did the Mole get bonus points or penalty points?
A: The Mole got 10 bonus points
B: The Mole got 10 penalty points
C: The Mole got 20 penalty points
D: The Mole did not get bonus or penalty points

Q7: In Mission 7, which question did the Mole answer?
A: What will the old lady say whenever someone buys apples from her?
B: There were three children playing gnubb at the park. Name one of them.
C: There were two Sims fighting along the route. Why were they fighting?
D: Before reaching there was a couple making out. What was the colour of the woman's shorts?
E: The Mole did not answer a question

Q8: When answering questions in Mission 7, who sat across the Mole?
A: Ulrich Zimmer
B: Peggy Vox
C: Sierra Das Auto
D: Sandra Rius
E: The Mole sat alone
F: The Mole did not have the chance to answer questions

Q9: Did the Mole deviate from the group in Mission 7?
A: Yes
B: No

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Sandra Rius
B Sierra Das Auto
C: Peggy Vox
D: Edgar Ellin
E: Ulrich Zimmer
F: Edith Wickham


"Contestants, Edith Wickham and Peggy Vox are the first two to know their fates. Now, the rest of you get the luxury of finding out at the same time they do."

"Edith Wickham, your time was 6 minutes and 20 seconds. This means..."

"...you are safe."
Edith: "This is getting monotonous."
Peggy: "Be happy you're safe."
Edith: "Don't tell me what to feel!"

"Sierra Das Auto, please step to the lotus."
Edith: "Get on with it. Don't waste my precious time."

Edgar: "Our time is precious too."

"Peggy, your time was 5 minutes."
Peggy: "That's pretty average to me."

"Peggy Vox, you are unfortunately..."

Peggy: "Phew. I was really nervous."

Edgar: "It's my turn already?"

Edgar: "Sierra Das Auto, your time was 5 minutes and 51 seconds. Edgar Ellin, you took 4 minutes and 17 seconds."
Edgar: "Is that long? How long did I spend on each question?"

"Sierra Das Auto..."

"...you are safe."

Sierra: "Ja, that is good news."
Edith: "Be more mature. Stop clapping like an idiotic three-year-old. If you were not expecting a green light you should then go home."

Sierra: "I am glad I am not seated beside you. Ulrich, I would wish you good luck but you do not need it."
Ulrich: "Thanks for the confidence."

"Ulrich, your time on the quiz was 4 minutes and 36 seconds."

"Edgar Ellin, you are faster than Ulrich, but you are..."

"...the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Edgar: "Oh crap. This is it for me, huh?"

Ulrich: "That leaves me as the only man left. May the best man win."
Sierra: "I am surprised."
Edith: "Really? Did you not think he did not have the mental capacity to survive further than this?"
Peggy: "At least we're in the final 5."


Edgar: "Go on, Ulrich. I'll just play one round. This poor thing looks so sad. I'll be sad if someone took away my guitar or nobody listened to my music too. I know how he feels."


Edgar: "Hahaha!"


Celeste: "I just received news that the others have 4 correct questions."
Edgar: "What? Aw man. I underestimated them."
Kidd: "Sorry Adult. You don't get that bronze exemption."


Edgar: "I had many happy memories here. Sad ones too, but mostly happy ones. I had fun and really enjoyed the ride. This was really cool and not something I would have done. I'm also stoked that I got to play with a bunch of kids in the last mission and made them smile too. I'm leaving but I'm leaving with a smile."
"Thank you for joining, Edgar."

The rising star has fallen. Is the Mole the only man left or is it a woman yet again?

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