In the last episode of the Smole, three random contestants were chosen each round to compete, with two contestants being eliminated each round. Tyler lucked out in the final round and got an exemption and the group's prediction led to 60/100 points for the pot, making it 220/650 points. It is a far cry from what they could have earned. Was the Mole responsible for the missing points?
Hailey: "It's not my fault I lost. It's Svetlana! Don't blame me when you can't figure out who the fuck is better at an arcade game."
Edith: "I am not deaf. Do you not know what an indoor voice is?"
Hailey: "I'm tired of your shit, granny."
Edith: "That hand is not coming anywhere near me."
Edith: "Ms. Charleston, you are the rudest, most immature, worst lady I have ever met in my entire life."
Hailey: "Hey pot, meet kettle."
Edith: "Do some self-reflection before you accuse others."
Edith: "I wish for you to die."
Hailey: "Hey granny, I'm not the one with one foot in the grave!"
Tyler: "I can't believe it. My first ever exemption! Well, okay, I had one in the first episode too but that doesn't count. I actually worked to get this. I didn't expect my bowling skills to be able to beat the other two. I was trying to figure out who the rest voted for and if I can't win, I might as well bring in points. But I won! I actually won! Edith is just jealous and I don't care about her. She's not the one making it through to the next episode. Oh my goodness, I'm tearing up."
Sandra: "Is that Louis? I wonder what he's doing in there?"
Sandra: "Is he listening to something?"
Louis: "Tyler's confessional is uninteresting. He's not telling me anything useful."
Sandra: "Oh my God, did he bug the confessional area?"
Louis: "Fuck."
Sandra: "Crap! He saw me!"
Louis: "Sandra, did you need to use the bathroom?"
Sandra: ""
Sandra: "Be honest with me. Did you bug the confessional area?"
Louis: "I don't know what you're talking about."
Sandra: "I could hear you. You said something about Tyler's confessional."
Louis: "Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag. Yes, I bugged the place. Why not? I can get more information that the rest won't share. I'm even willing to share it with you and Peggy. We'll have an upper hand."
Sandra: "Louis, that's illegal."
Louis: "Is it? I didn't see anything in our contracts that said it was."
Sandra: "You're exploiting a loophole. That's not the point. You're invading other contestants' privacy."
Sandra: "It's supposed to be a sacred space for everyone to share their inner thoughts. Nobody is allowed near the area when someone is talking there. I'm afraid I'm going to have to report you to the producers."
Louis: "You can't do that."
Louis: "Are you really going to try and do me in? I'm part of your coalition, Sandra, not a criminal. Stop looking at me like that."
Sandra: "I...I'm sorry."
Sandra: "I have to do the right thing. That's what my Dad taught me."
Louis: "You're not your Dad's puppet. You have the right to live your own life on your own ideals."
Sandra: "I thought that too, but every action has its consequences. It was precisely because I was immature and defied my Dad that I went out to look for adventure and got to know the wrong crowd. This tattoo is a reminder of that."
Louis: "You told me that before. They were illegal street racers. You loved the adrenaline rush that kicked in when you rode in the racecars."
Sandra: "I loved it when the wind swept across my face whenever I rolled down the window. I thought I could have the best of both worlds but I had to choose. And I chose them. I couldn't just do them in. That would be betraying their trust. They were nothing but good to me. I couldn't just throw that away and tell my Dad, hey, there are a group of illegal street racers. Go nab them."
Sandra: "I'll never forget the look of disappointment on his face. To protect them I betrayed my Dad's trust. And that's the last I ever saw of him."
Louis: "What happened to him?"
Sandra: "He got into an accident. The same way my Mom died. I thought it wouldn't happen again, but..."
Sandra: "And you know what? My Dad's always by the book. He taught me to live life guilt-free and never do anything to let my conscience down. He found out I was hanging out with them, and to protect me he betrayed his own morals and withheld the information. He got found out and was fired."
Louis: "I'm sorry for your loss."
Sandra: "You're not sorry. If you're sorry you would have been remorseful and taken the damn bug down first thing."
Sandra: "We loved each other. Ever since our Mom died we depended on each other. And then one day, we just lost each other, just like that. And then, one day, I lost him for good."
Sandra: "If I had been more patient, none of this would have happened. I was upset because Dad didn't want to teach me how to drive. I was envious of the racers, and they could teach me all their skills. Before he found out, one day he finally decided he wanted to teach me how to drive. I couldn't be happier but it was too late. My heart was already with them."
Louis: "Especially that one boy."
Sandra: "Yeah. When he learned my Dad was a cop he just upped and left. And so did the rest of them. I had the world and then instantly I had nothing."
Sandra: "I told myself to never let him down again. So I have to stop you, Louis. Or I'll be letting him down, and you'll be letting yourself down. We can still win without cheating."
Louis: "Your story moved me, Sandra. I didn't know the full story behind your past. But everyone deserves a second chance. What your Dad should have done was to forgive you. Are you really going to make the same mistake as he did?"
Sandra: "...Go. Louis, I trust you will do the right thing. Destroy the bug and I'll pretend I don't know any of this."
Louis: "Sandra caught me. She found out I bugged this place. She was going to report this to the producers and try to get me expelled but I managed to convince her to give me another chance. But she's an idiot to think I'll get rid of this trump card. This is a special fibre that can record and transmit information. I use that to grant wishes. How else do I know what everyone wished for? Do you think it's really magic? No, it's just futuristic technology. And I realised, if I could listen to Henry and Ben, and so many others without them knowing, I can listen to the whole house. So I put it here too. I know you don't review this footage until the season wraps up so by that time there'll be no evidence. At most, I'm a loony because this technology is unheard of. You'll never be able to find me or track me down after this, so why should I be scared of a little traffic cop? All I need to do is to tell her that I destroyed it. She'll believe me."
Hailey: "Edgar is such a lovable goof. He's just so funny and is sometimes out of the loop. You can't ever think he's the Mole. Ulrich is also actually more fun than I thought too. He's very charismatic and knows what to say to make you laugh."
Svetlana: "Have you ever tried Google Translating one of your songs and then turning it back to Simlish, and then sing it out?"
Edgar: "No...should I?"
Svetlana: "Yeah! It's boatloads of fun."
Edgar: "Svetlana, you're a genius! Why didn't I think of that? I could use Google Translate to write my next song and then I'll be famous across the globe! I won't forget you when that happens, Svet."
Ulrich: "I still think your story is amazing. You were a nobody, and then one day you released a song on Simtube and became famous."
Edgar: "I know right. It's mind-blowing. Who needs agents when you have the world at your fingertips? I became a one-hit, correction. First-hit wonder."
Ulrich: "I don't understand the difference?"
Edgar: "A one-hit wonder is someone who writes a really popular song and gets famous but that's his only good work and then everyone forgets about him sooner or later. A first-hit wonder means that this is the first of my many hits. And I'm capitalising on that fame right now. Not gonna let my star fade."
Ulrich: "That makes me a first-hit wonder too, right?"
Edgar: "Uh, I guess? I never heard it outside of music so I don't know."
Svetlana: "Don't be silly, Ulrich. You're the founder of the mega furniture mall Uzos. If anything, you're a forever-hit wonder. Uzos and furniture aren't going anywhere any time soon."
Edgar: "Why is it called Uzos anyway?"
Ulrich: "They are my initials. And I was born in Orebro. The S is for Stockholm, the most famous Swedish city."
Edgar: "Oh...mind-blown."
Svetlana: "You think it's something really unique or special and then you realise it's so simple you could have gotten it but didn't, just like his furniture. I really love that series of ultra-minimalistic furniture."
Ulrich: "You do? That is good news because lately I have been wanting to release its sequel: ultra-ultra-minimalism. Tables are going to just be a wooden plank, no polishing done to it. Consumers will love the raw touch. Chairs will just be a stone block."
Svetlana: "You're kidding, right?"
Ulrich: "You don't think it's an award-winning idea? Shelves can just be many tables stacked together. It's multi-purpose. Consumers will love it. I even have the name thought up: Full Circle."
Svetlana: "I love you guys. I can't imagine what will happen if any of us are executed."
Edgar: "So you gotta do what you love doing before it's too late."
Svetlana: "I can get behind that. That's why I'm a zookeeper. I was originally going to be a vet but being around just sick animals sounded depressing. Besides, I like to move and get my hands dirty."
Svetlana: "I'm going to miss you guys when the season ends. Gosh, I'm thinking so far ahead already. I can imagine so many fun get-togethers. Promise to keep in touch?"

Ulrich: "Only if you buy my newest designs."
Svetlana: "I'll do you one better. I'll get it for free. It's called using natural resources."

Edgar: "I'll invite you to my next concert! Or if I flop and don't get one, then my next Simtube video, I suppose. I still rock a decent following there."
Hailey: "I love you Ben-boo."
Benedict: "I love you too babe. You're the best thing to have ever happened to my life. I can't describe it but I somehow know that you're the one."
Hailey: "Really? Me too!"
Benedict: "Eh, this may sound silly, but I already put a pop-tart ring on my finger. To tell the whole world that I'm taken. I'm all yours, babe."
Benedict: "Let's make out."
Hailey: "Slow down there, horsey."
Benedict: "My eyes!"
Benedict: "What's wrong, babe?"
Hailey: "Don't you know? In the movies, the guy and the girl always end up woohooing after making out on the couch. You're already half-naked and a wet dog from swimming."
Hailey: "I love you, Ben-boo, but we only just declared our love for each other."
Benedict: "You think I'm that kind of guy? I'm not gonna take advantage of you or force you to do something you're not comfortable with."
Hailey: "I know, Ben-boo, but we're progressing too fast."
Benedict: "Oh..."
Hailey: "I'm sorry, Ben-boo. This hurts me too but don't you think we should take it one step at a time?"
Benedict: "I get it, babe. I was too anxious to make you mine."
Benedict: "Sorry babe. I hope I didn't make you think I was a creep. I can't think of anything worse than being shunned by the woman I love most."
Hailey: "Oh Ben-boo, we'll get to it eventually, but at this stage we aren't even a couple yet."
Benedict: "If that's the case, then will you be my girlfriend, Hailey?"
Hailey: "Oh my gosh yes! A trillion times yes!"
Benedict: "Oh, hey."
Hailey: "What happened? Do you not love me any more? Are you going to break up with me immediately? Why Ben-boo? WHY?"
Louis: "I hope I didn't interrupt anything."
Louis: "Nah, we're good. I just didn't want to gross everyone out with our PDA."
Hailey: "Oh, you were just shy? Teehee. My Ben-boo is so thoughtful."
Benedict: "Bro, I can't believe it worked! Let me introduce you to my girlfriend Hailey."
Louis: "Oh? Congratulations. I'm happy for you."
Benedict: "It's awesome, man. The Miracle Wipes really does wonders! I should have believed it from the start. Thank you, man."
Louis: "No problem. I just hope you can make it last."
Hailey: "Ben-boo, why are you still talking to him? You're supposed to keep me company. I'm your girlfriend, remember?"
Louis: "Sounds like you got your hands tied up there. I wish you eternal bliss."
Benedict: "Thanks bro. Babe, don't get mad..."
It is time for the quiz.

Hailey: "Oh my goodness, this is terrifying! Why am I still here?"
It is time for the quiz.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Which floor does the Mole sleep on?
A: First floor
B: Second floor
C: Third floor
Q3: Does the Mole sleep in a single-sized bed or double-sized bed?
A: Single
B: Double
Q4: In Mission 5, in which round was the Mole first selected?
A: Round 1
B: Round 2
C: Round 3
D: Round 4
E: Round 5
Q5: For how many rounds was the Mole selected in Mission 5?
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
Q6: In which rounds did the Mole succeed?
A: Round 1
B: Round 2
C: Rounds 3 and 4
D: Round 5
E: The Mole did not succeed in a round
Q7: Who was eliminated in the same round as the Mole in Mission 5?
A: Sandra Rius
B: Edith Wickham
C: Peggy Vox
D: Benedict Foreman
E: Edgar Ellin
F: Ulrich Zimmer
G: Hailey Charleston
H: Louis Chamberlain
I: Sierra Das Auto
J: Svetlana Partridge
K: The Mole was not eliminated
Q8: In Mission 5, among the three selected, did the Mole perform best, average or worst?
A: Best
B: Average
C: Worst
D: Best and Average
Q9: In Mission 5, was the Mole predicted to win?
A: Yes
B: No
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Tyler Jackson
B: Sandra Rius
C: Sierra Das Auto
D: Peggy Vox
E: Benedict Foreman
F: Edgar Ellin
G: Hailey Charleston
H: Ulrich Zimmer
I: Louis Chamberlain
J: Edith Wickham
K: Svetlana Partridge
"Contestants, I hope you took every question in the quiz seriously because at this point, your results and time matters the most."
"Benedict Foreman, your time on the quiz was 4 minutes and 46 seconds."
Benedict: "Damn, that's long."
"Benedict Foreman, you are safe."
Benedict: "Yeah."
"Sandra, please step to the lotus."
"Ulrich Zimmer, your time was 5 minutes and 7 seconds."
Ulrich: "Ack! I hope that does not cause my doom."
"Ulrich Zimmer, you..."
"...are safe."
"Louis Chamberlain, your time was 3 minutes and 39 seconds. Sandra Rius, your time was 5 minutes and 28 seconds."
"Louis Chamberlain, unfortunately..."
" are executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Louis: "Fuck."

Louis: "I think Peggy will do the best. She is the housewife, after all."
Sierra: "If I was selected it would be me, but since I am not there I agree with your choice."
Louis: "Hailey, surely you won't bear a grudge just like that? Ben helped us to win 20 points by losing."
Louis: "I threw the ball over the machine."
Louis: "The journey is just too short. There was still so much I wanted to do. It wasn't enough for me but the least I can hope for is that my coalition can benefit from my execution and gain insights."
"Thank you for joining Louis."
"Sandra Rius, do you remember what your box contained in the first mission?"
Sandra: "A triple execution. Don't tell me..."
"Louis Chamberlain is not the only one who will be executed tonight. Two more will join him. Sandra, are you one of them?"
"Sandra Rius, you are safe."
Sandra: "Guys? Bad news. The triple execution is now."
Edgar: "What? Damn, I wasn't ready for it."
Sierra: "Nobody was. We should have remembered it."
Hailey: "That's horrible. It's all your fault, Sandra."
"Hailey Charleston, Peggy Vox, please step to the lotus."
Svetlana: "This is ten times scarier now."
Peggy: "Let's go, Hailey. You'll do fine."
Svetlana: "Good luck Hailey."
Edith: "As I said, I hope you die."
Hailey: "Oh dear..."
Hailey: "I hope I don't have the wrong Mole."
"Peggy Vox, the time you took on the quiz was 5 minutes and 20 seconds. Hailey Charleston, you were faster with 2 minutes and 49 seconds."
"Peggy Vox, you are joining..."
"...Benedict, Ulrich and Sandra in the house."
Peggy: "Phew."
"Edgar Ellin, please step to the lotus."
"Edgar Ellin, you took 1 minutes and 58 seconds on the quiz. You are..."
Edgar: "What? Yes! I survived a triple execution!"
Hailey: "Oh dear, I'm really scared now."
Edgar: "Sierra, it's your turn."
Svetlana: "Good luck."
Sierra: "Luck is useless."
"Sierra Das Auto, while you took 3 minutes and 23 seconds, you are the next..."
" be safe."
Hailey: "Oh my goodness, this is terrifying! Why am I still here?"
"Svetlana Partridge, Hailey Charleston, there are two possibilities here: one of you goes home, and the other one will be Edith, or both of you are executed tonight."
Hailey: "Please not me."
"Svetlana Partridge..."
"Hailey Charleston..."
"...both of you have been executed. Svetlana, your time was 3 minutes and 32 seconds. Please pack your bags and leave."
Hailey: "NO!"
Svetlana: "We've lived with them for a while and the only one among the three I've seen cook is Peggy. It's not too bad. But we don't know how well the other two can cook."
Hailey: "My point exactly. I think we should always go for the least obvious option."
Hailey: "I will win, Ben-boo! Watch me!"
Benedict: "I never told you this but my heart skips a beat when I see you."
Hailey: "Really? Me too! It's like our hearts are skipping together."
"Svetlana, your score is 75. The contestants predicted you will have the highest score."
Svetlana: "I hope I don't disappoint them."
Svetlana: "I win!"
Svetlana: "I'm coming after that exemption."
Svetlana: "It was a lot of fun. I got to see beautiful Barnacle Bay and made quite a few friends. I had a tiny feeling this was coming to me and I couldn't avoid it. Thanks for having me here."
Hailey: "I can't believe it. Something must be wrong here. I'm executed and separated from my Ben-boo. I think I'm going to cry."
Svetlana: "All the best guys! Catch that Mole!"
"Thank you for joining."
Hailey: "Ugh, I hate this game. Coming here was the worst decision of my life."
Three contestants executed in one fell swoop. Only eight contestants remain. Which one of them is the Mole?
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