Saturday, 17 August 2019

46.13-Twists and turns

Previously on the Smole, the final 8 were paired off for the next mission. Ulrich put 30 points on himself winning while Sandra put 30 points on Peggy. Benedict chose not to use the 20 points and instead looked at Ulrich, who declined a chance for revenge. Unfortunately, the information was not enough as he was executed. To the surprise of everyone, there was a double execution and in the end it was Tyler who joined Benedict as joint-8th. There are currently 220/730 points in the pot but hopefully that will change. But the question is: for better or for worse?


Ulrich: "There are just so many twists and turns in the season. Benedict should have invested the points in me or at least somebody instead of looking at my quiz results. Nobody is wiser because of that and he got himself executed. I hope that is the end of multiple executions, or should I expect it to become the norm?"


Sierra: "But then some of her actions not make sense if she is the Mole."
Ulrich: "You must look at the big picture."

Sierra: "But you cannot ignore all the small actions she did! As they say, the devil is in the details. The Mole will try to sabotage in tiny things, and will also slip up at tiny things. That is how we catch the Mole!"

Ulrich: "What is the Mole's job?"
Sierra: "Do you take me for a fool? It is to sabotage! Why are you asking me this obvious and stupid question?"

Ulrich: "The Mole is to sabotage but also to hide and not get caught. The Mole will thus try to do some things that do not make sense so that we think he or she is not the Mole."


Edgar:" Aw, crap."

Edgar: "Da da da..da?"
Sandra: "What happened, Edgar?"

Sandra: "Can I help?"
Edgar: "I'm trying to find it back."

Sandra: "You lost something? Have you tried retracing your steps?"

Edgar: "That's a brilliant idea! I'll go backwards and head back to bed. Maybe I can remember the tune I had in my head when I woke up."
Sandra: "Oh, you lost..a tune?"


Peggy: "Edith acts like she's my in-law. Even my in-laws don't act like that. She always complains about what I do and that I'm doing everything wrong. I've never felt so useless in my life. I only give in to her because she's an old lady but my patience is wearing thin."


Edith: "Put on some clothes, Ms. Das Auto. You don't want to be accused of sleeping with Ulrich."

Sierra: "But I do sleep with Ulrich."
Edith: "Pardon me? I did not need to know that!"
Sierra: "It's just like how you slept with Svetlana and Megan, or how Sandra and Peggy are sleeping together."

Edith: "Watch your tongue! I am a respectable woman, unlike you. What are you standing here for? Shoo! Go and wear something less risque."
Sierra: "Can't you see I'm busy?"

Edith: "Have you been the one preparing the food all this while? Not Mrs. Vox?"

Sierra: "Peggy Vox cannot produce superior quality food. Be thankful I am still here to feed you."
Edith: "...No wonder the food tastes like pig's ass."

Sierra: "What did you just say?"

Sierra: "My food is impeccable! Perfect! Magnifique! Kostlich!"
Edith: "Throwing around foreign languages doesn't make you sound smarter. In fact, it makes you sound like you should go back to your own country and stop polluting the rest of the world."

Sierra: "You are the pollution!"

Sierra: "If you do not know how to appreciate good food shut your mouth and don't eat!"
Edith: "It is my mouth. I can do whatever I want with it."

Edith: "I do not give a rat's ass about what you think especially when you are wrong."

Edith: "Even a rat's ass is better than you!"
Edith: "Is that really the best insult you can come up with?  You're such a copycat. You have no originality."

Edith: "Don't even get me started on your hair. Are you trying to look like a tomato?"
Sierra: "Tomatoes are good ingredients!"
Edith: "You are a rotten tomato!"

Edith: "Clearly your parents didn't raise you properly. No wonder you're left on the shelf at your age."
Sandra: "Oh dear. Can we break it up?"

Edgar: "Is someone watching the oven?"
Sandra: "Oh my gosh! They forgot to turn it off!"
Sierra: "Ulrich told me to endure you but I cannot take it any more!"


Sierra: "A fire could have broken out, guys. Can we put the fighting aside?"

Sierra: "You are an old woman! Know your place!"
Edith: "Excuse me? You should be the one to know your place. I know my place very well! How dare you keep talking back to me?"

Edith: "Aah! Don't you dare pull on my hair!"

Edgar: "This is how World War III started."
Sierra: "Do you have a problem?"
Edgar: "Gulp. No ma'am. Not at all."

Edith: "I will teach you a lesson on respecting your elders!"

Edith: "No wonder you don't have a boyfriend. Not with that attitude."

Edith: "I need to take a bath to get rid of your filth."
Sierra: "And I need to go back to making my food! It must be horrible now!"

Edith: "It always has been."
Edgar: "Run?"
Sandra: "Yeah, let's."


"Contestants, it is a lovely day to enjoy the sights and sounds and get acquainted with Barnacle Bay. Today, you will be running a route. Whoever finishes the route can earn points. This mission is worth 120 points. Good luck."

Edith: "Running? Seriously? I am not running."

Edgar: "Let's just screw her."
Ulrich: "Let's not. Mrs. Wickham, come on. There's a lovely breeze. It's so cooling. We won't run very fast. You can brisk walk. It's good exercise."

Edith: "...Fine. It is rare to be able to get out of the house and enjoy a good stroll."

Sandra: "We should all stick together. We want the most points."

Edgar: "Wow, Edith can brisk-walk really briskly."
Edith: "Beautiful flowers."


Edith: "It is a rare chance to enjoy nature. There were so many beautiful flowers. I always go for a morning stroll but this house is so restrictive with its rules and regulations. We can't go anywhere without permission. This is a house, not a prison. At least someone in production has half a brain to let us out today."


Peggy: "Is she secretly a marathon runner?"
Sierra: "The further away she is, the better. Seeing her angers me."
Peggy: "I know how you feel."

Edith: "My grandmother can run faster than you! And I'm supposed to be the old one here."

Edith: "Ew, a dirty peddler."

France: "Someone please buy my apples."

France: "I need to feed my family of seven."

Edith: "Ignore her. There are many scammers and crooks like her all over the streets in Britain. They are out to con you of your money."

Sierra: "Wait, stop. I want to sample the local food."

Edith: "Of course it's the crazy-haired girl who tries to sabotage us."

Sierra: "Shut up granny. You don't have refined taste."

Ulrich: "Let her buy her apple. The faster she does the faster we can move on."
Edith: "It's her own money. She's an idiot who deserves to get cheated."

Sierra: "How much for an apple?"

France: "3 Simoleons."
Sierra: "So cheap?"
France: "I just want to sell my apples. They are freshly picked from my orchard."

Sierra: "I would like to buy an apple."
France: "Thank you so much, dear."
Ulrich: "I hope there isn't a time limit."

France: "Good deeds will be rewarded."
Sandra: "Is the apple good?"

Sierra: "Let me try."

Sierra: "Hmm..."

Sierra: "It is but an ordinary apple. I expected something better from Barnacle Bay."

France: "I'm sorry dear. I've been out all morning."
Sierra: "What? That is unhygienic! The apples can spoil!"

Peggy: "Let's move on. We shouldn't be stopping for anything."

Sierra: "I feel cheated."
Edith: "Serves you right."

Sandra: "Are we moving too slowly?"
Ulrich: "It is nice for everyone to do something together. We should all reach together or nobody does."

Edgar: "Oh, there's an old man who looks like he needs help."

Adam: "Will someone help me cross the road? It's so scary. There are no traffic lights."

Edith: "He is a pathetic excuse of a man. I use a cane but I don't walk like an amputee."
Peggy: "There's no traffic. He doesn't need help. Let's not get distracted."

Edgar: "Are you sure? I think he needs help to cross the road."
Peggy: "Don't waste time, Edgar. Unless you are a Mole trying to sabotage."


Peggy: "I usually play quite competitively because I play to win. As a result I sometimes ignore my surroundings and everything else just so I can win. If money wasn't at stake here I would have stopped to help the old man."


Edgar: "Sorry mister. We're on a tight schedule."

Kidd: "Hey!"

Kidd: "My friends and I want to play a game but we need one more."
Edith: "Shut up child. We have no time for games."

Kidd: "Will anyone other than the mean old lady play with us? Pretty please?"

Edgar: "Sorry kiddo."
Kidd: "I guess we have to cancel our playdate..."

Edgar: "Oh, alright. How can I resist that face? I'll play with you."
Sierra: "What are you doing?"
Edgar: "It'll be quick. I'll catch up."

Edgar: "Go on, Ulrich. I'll just play one round. This poor thing looks so sad. I'll be sad if someone took away my guitar or nobody listened to my music too. I know how he feels."

Ulrich: "I am sure he can find someone else. Kid, sorry but we are in the middle of something. Be a good boy and find someone else to play, okay?"
Edgar: "It's fine, Ulrich. He's so cute. He reminds me of me when I was younger. I'm playing with him and that's that."
Ulrich: " quick."


Edgar: "We were jogging in the mission until we were stopped by a kid who needed someone to play with him. He reminds me of myself when I was younger with that blonde hair and pale skin. I'm an only child so I often got bored and lonely. My parents were always too busy to play with me so I often had nobody to play with. I can understand how it feels to be him, man. I couldn't do that to him. I couldn't deny a kid the chance to play."


Kidd: "Yay! Thank you!"
Edgar: "What game are we playing?"
Kidd: "Gnubb!"

Edgar: "Don't run so fast, uh...what's your name?"
Kidd: "Kidd!"
Edgar: "Oh, you want to be called a kid? Fine by me. You can call me adult!"

Kidd: "Guys! I found someone! We can play!"
Trixie: "Yay!"

Edith: "Are they going to just leave me here? I needed a rest. Millennials have no patience."

Ulrich: "I couldn't stop Edgar. He really wanted to play."
Peggy: "He really can't get his priorities right. We are doing a mission. There is money at stake! Nobody should be stopping. We have to push on."
Sierra: "I will scold Edgar when we get home."

Peggy: "I hope there isn't an exemption for the first one to reach."

Sandra: "We're doing great. Should we slow down a little for those at the back to catch up?"
Sierra: "No. Not for the old woman. If there really is an exemption I want it."

Sandra: "What the...someone is fighting over there!"
Peggy: "Ignore them! We already lost Edgar. We don't want to lose 20 more points."
Ulrich: "Peggy is right. It is unwise to lose 20 points just like that." 

Sandra: "Some things are worth more than money or games, like relationships."
Ulrich: "We do not know them enough to solve their problems. We won't be of help."
Peggy: "Don't be stupid, Sandra. Ulrich is right. You're sticking with the rest of us."

Sandra: "I have to stop them. I feel bad not stepping in to stop the fight between Sierra and Edith earlier this morning."
Ulrich: "Don't be. There's nothing you could have done. You would have gotten injured yourself."
Sandra: "I have to do something. Dad will be disappointed in me if I only care about myself."

Ulrich: "Sandra!"

Jeff: "Hey, watch where you're going! Do you want to get killed?"
Sandra: "Sorry! That was a close shave...but also kind of a kick. Brings me back to my younger, those were days of regret."

Sandra: "Stop fighting!"

Sandra: "Why are you fighting?"

Sandra: "Can you two stop and tell me why you're fighting?"

Sandra: "Guys, stop! I'm a cop!"

Tobias: "Did someone say cop?"

Tobias: "Ow! I got distracted."

Sandra: "Why are the two of you fighting?"
Morgan: "None of your damn business."

Sandra: "It is now. I'm sure there's nothing that can't be resolved peacefully. You look like a man of sophistication. Why would you resort to your fists?"

Morgan: "I don't want to either, but he's an Goldbeard! He's our sworn enemy! His family is responsible for the loss of our wealth!"

Tobias: "You're just jealous of our riches! The Inkbeards have been eyeing our riches for centuries!"
Morgan: "Your family is full of dirty crooks. Admit it. You stole our money, you thieves!"
Sandra: "Oh dear, an age-old feud?"

Morgan: "Don't think I'm just going to overlook how your family built their wealth so quickly. There clearly is some dirty business going around. And it just so happens that our family fortune was stolen. Coincidence? I think not!"
Tobias: "My family had nothing to do with this! It's your problem for losing the fortune!"

Morgan: "You're a cop, right? Arrest him!"
Tobias: "He thinks everyone is a thief."
Sandra: "Gentlemen, break it up."

Sandra: "It's an age-old feud. The problems of the previous generation have nothing to do with your current generation. You don't have to hate each other just because your parents or grandparents did."
Tobias: "But...but..."
Morgan: "There's no need to talk so much with him. Just throw him into jail, or make him walk the plank, Inkbeard style!"


Trixie: "My turn!"

Trixie: "Huh? Where did it go?"

Trixie: "Ow!"

Trixie: "My head..."

Edgar: "Hahaha!"


Edith: "Huff...huff..."

Edith: "Stop!"
Ulrich: "Guys, we should stop."
Sierra: "Not for her."
Ulrich: "We're not leaving anyone else behind."

Sierra: "Fine."
Peggy: "What do you want, Ed..Mrs. Wickham?"

Edith: "I need a break. My legs are tired."
Sierra: "Seriously?"

Edith: "Finally I can get some rest."

Peggy: "Hey, isn't this the Spanish song that was really popular a long time ago?"
Ulrich: "I've never heard a female Despacito before."
Sierra: "I can appreciate talent when I see it."

Juliet: "Despacito~"


Edgar: "Guys, I have to go now."

Trixie: "You can't!"
Kidd: "If you go we can't continue to play."
Edgar: "But I said one round. We played more than that already. I promised my friends I would join them."

Kidd: "You're not going anywhere."


Sandra: "I finally caught up."

Sandra: "Were you guys waiting for me?"
Sierra: "No. We were waiting for Edith to stop being lazy."
Ulrich: "In the mean time we are appreciating the music."

Peggy: "The three of us tipped. Want to tip too?"

Sandra: "All three of you tipped?"
Peggy: "Yes. She's really good."
Sandra: "Well, I guess why not."

Ulrich: "Sandra, you come at a perfect time. Perhaps we should get moving again."

Ulrich: "Mrs. Wickham, had a good rest?"
Edith: "Barely. These chairs are so hard my buttocks hurt sitting on them."
Ulrich: "Then perhaps we should stop sitting around and continue jogging."
Edith: "I...Mr. Zimmer, I don't appreciate that sass."

Ulrich: "Everyone is running ahead. Good."

Edith: "Disgusting!"

Dina: "Mmmff..."
Richie: "Mmm..."

Edith: "They ruined a beautiful scenery."
Sierra: "She dresses like a slut."
Edith: "That's rich coming from you."

Peggy: "We are almost there! Press ahead!"

"Contestants, I hope you had a good workout and more importantly paid attention to your surroundings. You can earn 120 points in this mission but only if you can answer the following questions. Also, for tipping the busker, you lose 10 points but Edgar managed to neutralise that by playing a game of gnubb.  10 more bonus points could have been earned if everyone ignored the fight along the run. Sierra also lost 10 points by buying an apple."
Edith: "So the run was all for nothing?"


Sierra: "I should have known it was not that easy. We were tricked. I was very angry but I had nobody to blame but myself."


"Question 1: there was an old lady selling apples along the way. What will the old lady say whenever someone buys apples from her?"
Ulrich: "Sierra, you should know this. You bought apples from her."
Peggy: "You can neutralise your penalty with this question."
Sierra: "I cannot remember."
Edith: "Useless, good-for-nothing."
Sandra: "Ignore her. Try to think of the answer."

Sierra: "I think she said something about good deeds being rewarded."
"That is correct. She says 'good deeds will be rewarded'."

"Her words fell on deaf ears as none of you chose to help the old man cross the road. If you did, perhaps you could answer where he wanted to go to. Does someone want to make a lucky guess?"

Edith: "That will only embarrass ourselves. Just move on to the next question."

"There were three children playing gnubb at the park. Name one of them."
Ulrich: "Edgar knows this."
Sierra: "Where is he anyway?"

Ulrich: "There was a boy who came to look for someone to play. He looked like a John. Is his name John?"
"That is incorrect. The three children were Kidd, Trixie and Celeste."

"There were two Sims fighting along the route. Why were they fighting?"

Sandra: "I know this one. It was a family feud."
Sierra: "I think you should be more specific than that."
Sandra: "If I remember, the Inkbeards thought the Goldbeards stole their family fortune to become rich. In the end both of them just walked away in a huff."
"Sandra is correct."

Sandra: "I knew stopping the fight was the right thing to do."
"You have encountered a female busker along the way. What song did she sing?"

Peggy: "It was Pasto or something like that."

Sierra: "No it wasn't. It was Despacito."
Sandra: "I don't know this one. What is our final answer."
Sierra: "Despacito. I know this one. She sang the word so many times, Peggy."
Ulrich: "I agree."
"Despacito is indeed the correct answer."

Edith: "Pfft, is there anything in your thick skull of yours or do you just ignore what everyone else says, Mrs. Vox? Pasto is kilometres away from Despacito."

"Your final question: before reaching there was a couple making out. What was the colour of the woman's shorts?"
Ulrich: "I didn't pay attention."
Peggy: "I don't know this one either."

Sierra: "Let me try and think...I think it was purple."

Edith: "Are you colour-blind? My dress is purple. That solicitor was wearing skimpy red shorts. I can never forget that traumatic image. Our final answer is red."
"The colour of her shorts is indeed red. Congratulations, you have gotten 4 questions correct. After taking into account all bonuses and penalties, 70/120 points have been earned."

"Two of you could have had a chance to get a bronze exemption. One of them is Edgar. He is currently in the process of trying to get it."
Peggy: "That explains why he's not here. I can't believe he can get an exemption."


Edgar: "What is this super-duper important thing you gotta tell me, kid?"
Kidd: "Adult, you can get a bronze exemption. That man told me it's a very powerful thing that can reduce your time taken in the next quiz to 1 second if you are tied for lowest either cumulatively, or for the next quiz alone, whichever happens."

Edgar: "Really? All right!"
Kidd: "Your friends had to answer questions based on what happened around them during the run. For example, one of the questions will be our names. All you have to do is guess how many questions your friends got correct."

Edgar "Hmm, they definitely won't know your names. Even I don't, kid."
Kidd: "But you just said it!"
Edgar: "Yeah right. And my name is Adult. But seriously, they were very focused on the run and didn't want to stop for anything. I think they'll maybe get 1 question correct out of luck."

Celeste: "I just received news that the others have 4 correct questions."
Edgar: "What? Aw man. I underestimated them."
Kidd: "Sorry Adult. You don't get that bronze exemption."

70/120 points have been earned thanks to the observational skills of the contestants, making the pot a tentative 290/850 points. Edgar missed out on a chance to get a bronze exemption. Will he need it?

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