Friday, 8 November 2019

48.11-Very drama

Last time, the final 7 had to do a relay of sorts with book lines and paintings of book covers. They earned nothing because of Jay's incorrect conjecture, leading to the pot being 190/500 points. However, that was not the only incorrect conjecture Jay had as proven in the execution ceremony when he was executed. Who is this slippery Mole? Has any of the contestants found the Mole yet?

Contestants will be treated to a midnight movie...

...outside the cinema. They will be visiting the drive-thru cinema and watching two scenes, one at a time. Each scene is on another contestant. The moviegoers must determine if either of the scenarios presented actually happened, or if both or none happened. Each of them must get both scenes correct to earn 20 points. This mission is worth 120 points.


Emily: "I'm not sure what kind of sorcery or movie magic they used or if they blew their budget to find lifelike actors, but all of the actors resembled us 100%. This made it harder to determine if the scenes were real or not."



Carleigh: "Yes! I made it to the top first!"

Derrick: "Then press the buzzer."

Carleigh: "I win! Now you have to keep your promise of being a one-week servant."

Carleigh: "Wait...what is that?"

Carleigh: "Derrick, is that..."

Derrick: "Carleigh, I will keep all my promises to you. I promise to always love you like I never have, to always lend a shoulder for you lean on, to be someone to share your joys and worries with. You have conquered my heart."

Derrick: "Carleigh, will you marry me?"

Carleigh: "Oh my god..."

Carleigh: "...yes! YES! YES YES!"


Emily: "Aw, so romantic. It reminds me of my own proposal..."


Oscar: "Papers, please."

Sergio: "I have very important business to attend. Be quick."

Oscar: "You are missing some of the required documentation, sir. I am afraid I cannot let you through."

Sergio: "You have to. My business is very important."

Oscar: "I need you to complete all documentation before I can let you through."

Sergio: "This is absurd! I do not have time!"

Sergio: "What if...what if I gave you something in return, to make up for the missing documentation?"

Oscar: "Like wha..."

Sergio: "How many packets do you want?"

Oscar: "Enough to last me a lifetime. This job gets very dull."

Sergio: "That is impossible...but I can provide you three day's worth."

Oscar: "Cleared. Next please."


Emily: "I can't believe Oscar would do that."

"Emily, you have watched two scenes of Derrick and Oscar. You must now determine how many of them are true, if any. You have 5 minutes."

Emily: "They both seem true. I saw both Derrick and Oscar. But surely they can't both be true...what if both of them are false?"

Emily: "I know Derrick is married but did he propose to his wife while rock-climbing? I feel like he would have mentioned it if that was true. As for Oscar, I don't know him too well, but he seems like a law-abiding man. He works as an immigration officer. There is no way he could be involved in bribery. My answer is that both are false."

Emily: "I would lose my respect of Oscar if his turned out to be true."

"You are correct. Both scenes did not actually occur."
Emily: "Yes!"




Maximillian: "Oh, my first scene is about Oscar. It would be interesting to know more about him."



Man: "HE'S GOT A GUN!"

Guy: "We are going to die!"
Terrorist: "Everybody get down! DOWN!"

Woman: "Please spare me. My family is waiting at Ersting."

Oscar: "Fuck."

Oscar: "Everybody duck!"

Terrorist: "AUGH!"

Oscar: "This is Officer Griffin. There has been an attempted attack at the Karzottas checkpoint. The threat has been subdued but I need reinforcement to clean up the mess."

Oscar: "No day is ever dull in my job..."

Man: "Oh my god!"
Woman: "Is he dead?"


Maximillian: "Pfft, this is like something straight out of an action thriller. This can't be real."


Derrick: "Emily, you have to tell me what is going on between you and Joyce. It's like you hate her."

Emily: "She's remarried. She doesn't truly love you."
Derrick: "Why does that concern you?"

Emily: "Because..."

Emily: "Don't you feel it, Derrick? Don't you feel...something...between us?"

Emily: "Neither of us want to admit it, but we both want each other. I can see the look of hunger in your eyes."

Derrick: "Let me lock the door."


Maximillian: "What the fuck did I just watch. A homemade porn flick?"

"Maximillian, you have watched two scenes of  Oscar and Emily. You must now determine how many of them are true, if any. You have 5 minutes."

Maximillian: "Emily's must be fake. That's guaranteed. There is no way someone like her would cheat, especially not with Derrick. Derrick was complaining about how Emily went crazy and accused him of cheating with Joyce."

Maximillian: "But that means Oscar's must be true...while unbelievable, it is less unbelievable than Emily cheating. After knowing that he's involved in some serious shit...I'm going to say that Oscar's is true while Emily's is not."

"That is correct. Oscar's scene did in fact occur. However, Emily's did not."
Maximillian: "Imagine Emily's face when she sees 'herself' getting down with Derrick."



Suzy: "You look like you need a pick-me-up. Had a rough day?"
Maximillian: "Mmhmm."

Suzy: "I won't be having any of that at my pool party."

Suzy: "Here, have a snack. It's your favourite cashews. They always cheer you up."

Maximillian: "You know me so well, Suzy."

Suzy: "Come on, Maxxy. Come take a dip with us!"

Maximillian: "I'm coming, I'm com..."

Maximillian: "Ugh, why am I suddenly getting a splitting headache?"

Maximillian: "Everything's spinning...I can't seem...can't stand straight..."

Suzy: "Night, night, Maxxy."


Oscar: "This is good. I need to know all about him as possible."


Derrick: "I have to win. I have to. My dignity is on the line here."

Derrick: "But...there's no way I can beat him. He's a four-year champ."

Derrick: "Damn it! Why did I make that stupid bet with Chaz?"

Derrick: "There's no backing out now."

Derrick: ", that's not fair. And I'll be disqualified if I get caught."

Derrick: "But if I don't do this, I definitely won't win. Nobody will know. Nobody's watching."

Derrick: "Go on, drink up..."

Announcer: "Competitors, take your places!"

Announcer: "Who will win the Regional Surfing Competition? Will Chaz get another win under his belt or will the newcomer Derrick surprise us?"

Announcer: "Competitors, on your marks..."

Chaz: "Wait! I suddenly feel..."

Announcer: "Ohh, disgusting! Looks like Chaz is getting seasick before riding the waves!"

Derrick: "He may have gotten heatstroke! He needs medical attention, stat!"

Announcer: "Man down! Man down! It looks like our winner didn't drink up. Unfortunately, that means he is disqualified. I guess the winner of the Regional Surfing Competition goes to our underdog Derrick Wyland!"


"Oscar, you have watched two scenes of  Maximillian and Derrick. You must now determine how many of them are true, if any. You have 5 minutes."

Oscar: "It must be false, because everything that Maximillian has told the rest is false...but would they know that? Maybe the correct answer for his is true."

Oscar: "But regardless, as a supposed secret agent he cannot be so careless. I do not believe he nearly drowned and he definitely could not have fallen prey to others. I cannot entrust such a big task to someone like that."

Oscar: "Derrick...he does not seem like a cheater. I believe he is a surfer but not a cheater."

Oscar: "They cannot both be false. One of them must be true. I think it is the more unbelievable one. Maximillian's scene is fake but Derrick's is real."

Oscar: "I hope I did not make a mistake."

"That is completely correct. 20 points have been earned."



Paige: "Noel, you can't be serious. We only just got married and you're planning on walking out on us?"

Noel: "Don't put it like that. It's more like...going on an extended work trip."

Paige: "I can't believe you!"

Noel: "Don't act like I'm the bad guy here. At least I'm discussing it with you!"

Paige: "Discussing? More like informing! I'm pregnant, Noel. With your son. You can't just walk away from your future."

Noel: "If I don't follow my dreams I'll be walking away from my future." 

Paige: "Of all reasons to walk out on us, you choose a bloody circus troupe!"

Noel: "The only bloody thing is your PMSing right now!"

Noel: "Look, they're here. I have to go."

Paige: "Noel, please, I'm begging you. Don't go. We need you. Noah and I need you."

Noel: "I have to go."


Emily: "Where am I?"

Shirley: "Hello? Who's that?"

Emily: "Who are you? Why am I tied up and blindfolded?"

Shirley: "You're not the only one."

Emily: "What's going on?"
Shirley: "I wish I knew."

Damien: "I see both the ladies have woken up."

Emily: "Who are you? What do you want from me?"

Shirley: "Damien."

Damien: "You haven't forgotten me, Shirley. I would be touched, but the only thing I'm feeling right now is revenge."

Emily: "Shirley? Shirley DeSota? That slut that seduced my husband?"

Shirley: "Excuse me? Your husband was the one who defiled me."

Damien: "There's no need to fight over fact, he'll be fighting over you. Bring him in."

Emily: "Huh? What's happening?"

Benjamin: "Emily! Shirley! Let them go, Damien!"

Damien: "Not until I'm done."

Damien: "I'm sure you know what the Stewarts are capable of. If you don' me, you don't want to find out. Ma has been talking about trying to turn over a new leaf, so I'm going to listen to her for a while and be nice."

Emily: "You'll let us go?"
Damien: "It all depends on Benjamin. Benjamin, your choice: your wife or your lover."

Shirley: "What are you going to do with us?"

Damien: "One of you will be saved by your lover, while the other...let's just say she'll never see the light of day again."

Emily: "No! Please don't do this! I'm begging you! I've done nothing to offend you! I don't even know you!"

Benjamin: "Neither have I! Let us go!"

Damien: "Maybe, but our dear psychologist has done too much to me."

Damien: "She thinks she could play with me and get away with it."

Shirley: "It was a game of manipulation and deceit. You do what you have to do to get ahead. You of all should know that, Damien."

Damien: "But you were the Mole. You didn't need to do all of that. It was personal. And now I'm just returning the favour."

Shirley: "Let her go. It's me you're after. Let them both go."

Damien: "Are you really that noble? Are you sure you're okay with dying because of the man who violated you? After all that that scum has done to you, do you really want him to get his happy ending? I'm doing you a favour here, Shirley."

Emily: "Please, I beg you! Let us go!"

Damien: "Shut up! Benjamin Brenner, you have ten seconds. Your wife or your lover. Choose."

Benjamin: "I...I'm sorry, Shirley. Emily's my wife. I have to save her."

Damien: "Are you disappointed? In the end, he used you and tossed you aside."

Shirley: "My life is worthless now anyway. Do whatever you want, but you must let them both go. I want them to call and tell me that they are safe and sound. You will never harass them again."

Damien: "It's so cute. You think you can order me around like some kind of lackey."

Damien: "You're a DeSota. I'm a Stewart."

Damien: "But there's honour among thieves. I'll let them go, but before that, any parting words?"

Shirley: "None. I don't want to hear their voices ever again."

Damien: "You won't."

Emily: "You don't have to do this!"

Damien: "Shut the hell up! Unless you want to join her."

Benjamin: "I'm sorry Shirley."


"Maya, you have watched two scenes of  Noel and Emily. You must now determine how many of them are true, if any. You have 5 minutes."

Maya: "I no know...Noel is father. He no run away. He good father."

Maya: " sad. Very drama. No real."

Maya: "I think both wrong."

"That is incorrect. Both Noel and Emily have experienced what you have just seen."
Maya: "No."



Naomi: "Hey there. You alone?"
Noah: "I guess. Looks like I've been ghosted."

Noami: "That sucks. I know how you must be feeling. A round of drinks on me."

Noah: "How can I let you do that?"

Naomi: "Shush, babe. I can afford this."

Noah: "Babe? I don't think I know you that well."

Naomi: "Then let's rectify that. I'm Naomi. What do you prefer to go by, handsome?"

Noel: "Hmm? Oh, I'm getting a text from Noah...Code Pink? What's going on?"

Noah: "Wanna hop over to my place later? Just you and me..."

Noah: "Look Naomi, you're pretty and all, but..."
Naomi: "But what? Don't you men like it when we're so willing? Come and sit down with me. I won't bite."

Noel: "Hey babe!"

Noah: "Dad!"

Naomi: "Hey sexy."

Noel: "Not you. Sit back down."

Noel: "Hey babe. Sorry I was late. Had some stuff to do, you know."
Noah: "What the fuck are you wearing?"

Naomi: "Babe? He literally called you Dad."
Noel: "After years of asking him 'who's your daddy' he finally got it right. But you're so naughty! You can't say these kinds of things in public!"

Naomi: "I find it hard to believe. You two look quite similar."

Noel: "That's why we fell in love with each other. It was like love at first sight. Who else can we love most but ourselves? In this case, since we both look like each other, we are the perfect match."

Naomi: "Prove it."

Noel: "Oh, right here, right now? I don't think this setting is appropriate."
Noah: "Let's just go, er, hottie."

Noel: "No, no, we got to prove that we really are into each other. Don't want tongues to wag now, do we?"
Noah: "Kill me now."

Naomi: "Okay, I'm out of here. You could have just told me straight you were gay."

Noah: "Thanks Dad but NEVER do that again. That was disgusting."

Noel: "Say it now. Who's your Daddy?"
Noah: "Shut up and go to hell."
Noel: "I kissed you all the time when you were a baby."


Maya: "No space in house..."

Maya: "Oh no...rain..."

Maya: "Rain good. Rain is life. No hot."

Maya: "I good, mother. You sleep in house with everybody. I sleep outside."

Maya: "If only I have money...can buy big house and cure, go sleep."


"Derrick, you have watched two scenes of  Noel and Maya. You must now determine how many of them are true, if any. You have 5 minutes."

Derrick: "Noel is the type to laugh while his son gets hit on, or even cheer the girl on. I don't believe it's real. It's too realistic."

Derrick: "Maya is extremely poor. Everyone knows that. All her clothes are her mother's, worn only on special occasions. She gave them to Maya so that she would not be looked down upon when she came here. Oh god, I'm tearing up."

Derrick: "It was something I would see in a movie. When the rain came down I nearly lost it. It was such a touching scene. Hence it's not as realistic and has to be true. Noel's is fake, Maya's is true."

"That is correct."



Doctor: "You've woken up."

Maximillian: "Pass me a mirror."

Doctor: "I suggest you get some rest first..."

Maximillian: "I said pass me a mirror!"

Doctor: "Here."

Maximillian: "I look...perfect. Nobody can tell I had a different face."

Maximillian: "Thank you doctor. I can finally begin a new lease of life."

Maximillian: "They better watch out. They won't know what hit them."


Noel: "That was just god-awful. Makes me feel better about joining theatre."


Maya: "Need water..."

Maya: "Well too far..."

Maya: "So hot...need water..."

Maya: "Ah! House have cooked water."

Maya: "Ah..."

Maya: "Uh-oh...this no water. This father's elixir!"


Noel: "Have they done film studies? Both films were so boring. Where's the conflict? Where's the drama? Where's the tension and emotion?"

"Noel, you have watched two scenes of  Maximillian and Maya. You must now determine how many of them are true, if any. You have 5 minutes."

Noel: "I always felt Maxim was a little fake. This explains why. That's gotta be true. As for Maya, her family is everything. Being poor she's extremely careful about her resources. She's also the type of girl to starve for others so there is no way she would have accidentally drunk anything. That is fiction. Maxim's is fact."

"You are correct. 20 points have been earned."

Noel: "What would the group do without me?"

100/120 points have been earned, making the pot 200/620 points. The contestants appear to know each other well enough, but how well do they know the Mole?

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