Friday, 22 November 2019

48.Bonus-Spoil yourself silly

In the previous episodes the final 3 had to take a train to Bridgeport during a full moon night. They had to deliver packages to three stations along the way. They did, but Noel failed to return to the train in time and Derrick was bitten by a zombie, leaving only Maya unscathed and 30/80 points. The pot is now at 480/1000 points. Who will take home the pot? Who is the Mole?

Maya: "Huh?"

Maya: "Where?"

Maya: "Where this?"

Maya: "New house?"

Maya: "Ooh..."

Maya: "Ooh..."

Derrick: "Urrghh..."

Derrick: "Why does my arm feel so sore? And I have this sudden urge to talk like a pirate."

Derrick: "What happened?"

Derrick: "What is this place? How did I get here?"

Derrick: "Was it all a dream?"

Derrick: "Maya!"

Maya: "Huh?"

Maya: "Derrick!"

Maya: "You no scary!"

Derrick: "It's good to see you too. I don't quite remember what happened after you left to deliver your package...or was that also a dream? Point is, do you know where we are right now?"

Maya: "I no know."

Derrick: "Let's look for Noel."

Derrick: "What a view...Noel!"

Maya: "Noel!"

Derrick: "Do you think he's alright?"
Maya: "Yes?"

Noel: "What..."

Noel: "Oh good morning guys."

Derrick: "Do you know how we got here?"
Noel: "Of course. I ran away to safety after being chased by zombies. I eventually reached a different station that was zombie-free and boarded the train there."

Noel: "I wanted to go back and find you guys but they assured me you would be fine."
Derrick: "So it wasn't a dream..."

Derrick: "I'm alive! I'm alive!"

Noel: "No you're not. We're all very much dead."

Derrick: "Oh..."

Noel: "I'm just pulling your leg. Of course we're alive."

Derrick: "But I was bitten by a zombie."

Noel: "They force-fed you some elixir. You should be fine now. As for Maya I heard she collapsed from stress and exhaustion."

Maya: "Nice."
Noel: "Huh? Oh yeah the view is stunning. A little too smoggy though."

Derrick: "Woah...this house rocks."

Noel: "By the way, in case you're unaware Derrick, we earned 20 points thanks to Maya."

Maya: "No me."

Noel: "Yes you. And as a reward you get to pick a bed first for being a survivor."

Maya: "No. I sleep outside."

Derrick: "Are you kidding? We're in a mansion. There's nowhere to sleep outside."
Noel: "Maya, it's time to spoil yourself silly."


Noel: "I took a look at the house before you guys arrived. There are 3 rooms."

Maya: "Ooh."

Maya: "Ah..."

Maya: "Ohh.."

Noel: "I quite like this one because it's not everyday I get to sleep in a thematic room but the choice is yours. If you want this room, it's yours."

Derrick: "This is pretty cool. I want to know where they got that car bed."
Noel: "So Maya, what will it be?"

Maya: "Any."

Noel: "Maya Hennessey, I am  hereby ordering you to choose a room. I forbid you to let us choose first."

Maya: ""
Noel: "The first room? Excellent choice. What about you Derrick?"
Derrick: "I'll take the second one."


Maya: "Everybody good. I happy. I want father and mother sleep this house."


Derrick: "So we arrived at Bridgeport despite a few hiccups. The view is amazing and we have a pool. It's really a step up from the previous house. Even I am a little overwhelmed by this place. With the finale in sight, I need to focus on who the Mole is now that it's not Emily."


Noel: "Man, being in the final rocks. It would be sweeter with Noah here. The main objective I had joining was to get some quality bonding time with my son but that clearly didn't work out. I haven't been there for my family enough. Leaving Paige to join a circus was my biggest regret, and to think I did the same in the last mission when Maya and Derrick were in danger. I pretend to be jolly and good but deep down I really loathe myself for being such a coward and thinking of myself first. Maya has shown throughout the season that she will put herself last and Derrick sacrificed himself to save Maya. Me? I ran away as soon as I can. Everyone, I vow to never be so selfish again. If I do, may my tongue be cut off. And Paige, Noah, you better be damn sure that I'm taking you on an extended holiday after this. Nobody said I had to choose one or the other. I can pursue my dreams with those I love."


Maya: "What is this? Wash board?"

Derrick: "Hey!"
Noel: "That's for stealing the idea of wearing neon speedos. I should have thought of it."

Derrick: "Noel, I know it's the finale but I was wondering if you could still share everything about the last mission. My memory is still a little hazy."
Noel: "Of course. It's the least I could do for abandoning you two. And I don't want to win just because someone couldn't remember."

Derrick: "Someone's feeling cocky."


As the finale draws closer, some feast their eyes...

...some feast their minds...

...and some feast.


It is time for the final quiz. 30 questions about the Mole's identity.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: How old is the Mole?
A: 21
B: 34
C: 39

Q3: What is the Mole's occupation?
A: Teacher
B: Playwright
C: Unemployed

Q4: What is the Mole's relationship status?
A: Single
B: Married with children
C: Married with children on the way

Q5: What is the Mole's hair colour?
A: Brown
B: Blonde
C: Red

Q6: What colour computer is the Mole using to take the final quiz?
A: Black
B: White
C: Blue

Q7: Which room does the Mole sleep in?
A: Room 1
B: Room 2
C: Room 3

Q8: Name one fact about the Mole.
A: The Mole cheated in a competition before
B: The Mole is indigenous
C: The Mole joined the season with a family member

Q9: How many corrections did the Mole get this season?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2

Q10: Did the Mole watch a clip of another contestant lying?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole did not have a chance to

Q11: In Mission 1, which codeword belonged to the rogue in the round the Mole was leader?
A: Folder
B: Fairy
C: Not Applicable

Q12: In Mission 2, what was the Mole's question?
A: In Mission 1, in which round was the Mole a leader?
B: In Mission 1, was the Mole an assistant?
C: In Mission 1, how many times was the Mole an assistant?

Q13: In Mission 3, in which order did the Mole fill in the board?
A: 11th
B: 12th
C: 14th

Q14: Which artist sang the song the Mole found in Mission 4?
A: Lil Nas X
B: Christina Aguilera
C: The Mole did not find a word

Q15: In Mission 5, who was directly after the Mole?
A: Noel McAllister
B: Maximillian Caulfield
C: Emily Brenner

Q16: In Mission 6, who viewed the Mole's scenes?
A: Emily Brenner and Oscar Griffin
B: Maya Hennessey and Derrick Wyland
C: Derrick Wyland and Noel McAllister

Q17: Before Mission 7, who sat beside the Mole during briefing?
A: Maximillian Caulfield
B: Maximillian Caulfield and Emily Brenner
C: Emily Brenner

Q18: What subject paper did the Mole receive in Mission 8?
A: Economics
B: History
C: Biology

Q19: In Mission 9, in which order did the Mole board the train?
A: First
B: Second
C: Third

Q20: In Mission 9, which stop did the Mole have to delver a package to?
A: Henrick
B: Seyen Park
C: Nessin

Q21: What colour was the Mole's package in Mission 9?
A: Green and blue
B: Green and yellow
C: Blue and yellow

Q22: In which order did the Mole have to deliver a package in Mission 9?
A: First
B: Second
C: Third

Q23: In Mission 9, where did the Mole deliver a package?
A: Behind a counter
B: In front of magazines
C: By a door

Q24: In Mission 9, did the Mole get bitten by a zombie?
A: Yes
B: No

Q25: Did the Mole make it back to the train in Mission 9?
A: Yes
B: No

Q26: Where did the Mole wake up after Mission 9?
A: Outside the mansion
B: Inside the mansion
C: By the pool

Q27: In which order did the Mole awake in Mission 9?
A: First
B: Second
C: Third

Q28: Which adjective best describes the Mole?
A: Open
B: Filial
C: Generous

Q29: What colour are the Mole's shoes?
A: Brown
B: Pink
C: Black

Q30: Who is the Mole?
A: Maya Hennessey
B: Noel McAllister
C: Derrick Wyland

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