In the previous episode the final 6 watched a late-night movie involving their fellow contestants. They then had to identify which events portrayed actually happened. Maya was the only one who failed to earn points so 100/120 points were earned to make the pot 290/620 points. With more information about one another, will the Mole's cover be blown?
Derrick: "I finally understand what happened to you, and why you're acting this way."
Emily: "You saw my scene? What did they show?"
Derrick: "It was Maya. You had been kidnapped by some ex-contestants. That must have been terrifying."
Emily: "No...of all things to show they chose that?"
Derrick: "You're really brave, Emily. I'm sorry that happened to you."
Emily: "I didn't want to remember it. I didn't want anyone to know...but now you do."
Emily: "Ben chose me. He let Shirley die."
Derrick: "She's dead?"
Emily: " don't know. We ran for our lives after being freed. I don't know what happened to her."
Derrick: "You didn't think to alert the police?"
Emily: "We did. But I worried that it was too late. Part of me felt really guilty for leaving her behind. I wanted to ask Ben if we should have turned back and rescued her, but I was afraid."
Derrick: "Naturally. It wasn't the time to play hero. You did the right thing."
Emily: "That wasn't what I was afraid of. I was afraid that Ben may still have feelings for her, or feel guilt or whatever. I was afraid he would leave me for her if she was still in the picture. I was so so selfish."
Derrick: "Did you ask him?"
Emily: "Huh?"
Derrick: "Did you ask Ben if he loved Shirley?"
Emily: "I didn't think to."
Derrick: "What you lack is communication. As a couple, communication is one of the most important things to have. There should be no secrets. You should be able to feel comfortable talking to each other about personal issues."
Emily: "We didn't...both of us wanted to sweep it under the carpet and hope all our problems would magically disappear. He seemed unaffected by the loss of our child, and that really hurt me. It was like he didn't care."
Derrick: "See, you didn't tell him. Maybe what he wanted to do was to be the stronger one in the relationship, to be someone you could lean on and cry on. But we don't know because you didn't ask, and he didn't tell."
Emily: "I suppose."
Derrick: "I know this isn't my place to interfere but as a married man myself I want you to have a successful and blissful marriage."
Emily: "Thank you."
Emily: "Derrick...I'm sorry. I was jealous of you. You seem to have the perfect life. The life I wanted. You're in a happy marriage with a kid on the way. The truth is it's not easy for me to conceive. And I was afraid of failure. And everything that happened made me feel like I was drifting away from Ben and what we wanted."
Derrick: "Oh, sorry! I didn't think about your feelings. But I'm glad you told me."
Emily: "Please forgive me."
Derrick: "Of course I'll forgive you."
Emily: "Derrick is right. The problem in our marriage is the lack of communication. If back then I had told Ben how I really felt, maybe we wouldn't have run into so many problems. I always told myself that actions speak louder than words, but what it really was was an excuse to not bring up difficult issues. We have to be honest with each other from now onwards, and I have to be honest with myself. I still want to keep this marriage. Back there, he chose me instead of Shirley. I think we still care for each other. All we need to do is just say it out."
Noel: "Hey Maya. It's a rare sight to see you lingering in the house."
Maya: "No house. My house out there."
Noel: "Don't be a silly goose. This is all our houses. It's shared. I doubt you've explored upstairs much. Come, I'll give you a tour. I'm quite knowledgeable, if I do say so myself."
Maya: "No."
Maya: "No nice."
Noel: "Yes nice. There's nothing to worry about."
Noel: "The first stop is the study. You should be quite familiar with this place. But have you played the piano?"
Maya: "No."
Noel: "Well neither have I. But there's a first for everything right? This piano is so old and dusty, the 'HA' in 'YAMAHA' is peeling off. Ha! How ironic."
Noel: "Am I a good player?"
Maya: "Err...yes. You good. I no good."
Noel: "You're too modest because I actually suck. Maybe this isn't your scene. I'll show you something you haven't seen before. Next stop: my room."
Noel: "Welcome to my room. Apologies for the unmade bed. I thought you would want to see a natural habitat."
Maya: "Huh?"
Noel: "Ooh, ahh, ooh, ahh?"
Maya: "Huh?"
Noel: "I'm just pulling your leg. Please don't pull the racism card."
Maya: "Huh?"
Noel: "...This isn't going anywhere. Righty-o. I like this room a lot. It has a lot of charm and there's a small nook for reading too."
Maya: "Bed...messy."
Noel: "Yes, I thought we went through that already, unless you would like to help? I always wanted a daughter like you to help clean up around the house."
Maya: "You want me clean? Okay."
Noel: "Hey, I'm just kidding! I'll do it myself! I don't want to be accused of bullying you."
Noel: "How about we visit the toilet instead? It has a bathtub! Betcha never seen one of those."
Maya: "Er..."
Noel: "Yeah, that sounded as bad as I thought. Since you're up here feel free to explore the rest of this level. Just be sure to ask Derrick for permission if you want to enter his room. Try not to touch anything you wouldn't want others to touch...I mean my undies. You can touch my journal if you really want to. See ya!"
Maya: "Wait!"
Maya: " good father?"
Noel: "I like to think that way."
Noel: "Why the sudden quest...oh, they showed you the time I ran off to join a circus, didn't they?"
Noel: "It's not my proudest moment. I was young and had so many unfulfilled dreams. I just got wed and knocked a girl up. I wasn't even 20 yet. Can you expect a young boy to not panic? I was afraid of being shackled by commitment, one that I wasn't fully sure I wanted to keep."
Noel: "But it was only a few months before I realise it wasn't right of me to gallivant while Paige suffered. I know pregnancy isn't easy. So I turned around and decided to become a good ol' family man. Do I wonder what the grass on the other side is like? Sometimes. But I don't regret it. Paige and Noah are two of the best things to have happened in my life."
Noel: "So to answer your question...yes, I believe I am a good father."
Noel: "Trust the Smole to dig up dirt about our past and use it to inject new drama. It's not a good feeling when you're at the receiving end."
Oscar: "I am disappointed in you."
Derrick: "Why?"
Oscar: "You cheated to win."
Derrick: "What? Since when?"
Oscar: "In the surfing competition. You poisoned your rival's drink to win."
Derrick: "Oh...that. Look, it was dumb. I know I shouldn't have done it."
Derrick: "Also, I did not poison Chaz. He's still very much alive...I think. I haven't seen him after he got discharged."
Oscar: "But that shows you will do anything to win. It is very clever of you, Derrick. You pretend you are an open book and tell everyone everything, but in reality there are so many things you are hiding from us and you do not want others to find out."
Derrick: "I think you've got it mistaken. That was just a one-off thing from so many years ago. I can't believe they dug it up. If you wanted to ask about that I would have admitted it to you. I just didn't think it was worth bringing up."
Derrick: "On the other hand, you seem like the one with the most to hide."
Oscar: "Nonsense."
Derrick: "You seem a little nervous."
Oscar: "Do not try to deflect."
Derrick: "Fine. You can keep your secrets. But don't say I didn't warn you: the bigger it is, the worse it will be for everyone if you aren't the one to divulge it."
Noel: "Hey faker."
Maximillian: "Who you calling faker?"
Noel: "You, of course. Does it look like anyone else is here? Or do you want me to call you Albert instead?"
Maximillian: "What? My name is Maximillian Caulfield, not Albert."
Noel: "You don't have to pretend, dear Maxim. Where do you think a writer gets his inspiration? Whatever happens in this place is privy to all of us."
Maximillian: "I don't know what you're talking about."
Noel: "That's what someone who does know what I'm talking about would say."
Maximillian: "...What do you want?"
Noel: "I'm not blackmailing you, gosh. I'm just saying...things aren't as private as you think they are."
Maximillian: "What do you know?"
Noel: "Well, Oscar has called you Albert a few times, and I happened to see the two of you walk into a garage one day...I know it wasn't for woohoo. Do I need to carry on?"
Maximillian: "Shut your trap and everything will be fine."
Noel: "That's not a nice language to be using on me, Albert."
Maximillian: "Stop calling me Albert."
Noel: "Get out of my face first. I don't like to be threatened."
Maximillian: "I've got my eye on you."
Noel: "It doesn't pay to be kind."
Maximillian: "I thought I was safe once I had a hold over Oscar, but then Noel freaking McAllister had to come and screw it up. I don't know how much he knows but I have to be careful around here. What if Noel is the real Ma...the one who's after me?? And Noah is an accomplice? They never looked or behaved like father-and-son."
Oscar: "It seems that nobody found out the truth I do not want anyone to find out, which is good. It means you did not find out either. If you found out, then the government would have found out too. They already think I have betrayed them. I do not want to give them more 'evidence'. I need to settle logistics with Alfred quickly or everyone will suffer, including my family."
Oscar: "I have deleted the footage, not to worry. Since I have done it once, I can do it again. We are free to discuss in here as long as we keep our eye at the door."
Maximillian: "Alright...take this back."
Oscar: "I understand. I will keep it safe for you until we are out of this place."
Maximillian: "This is where you keep all your fake passports?"
Oscar: "We need to devise a codeword. Let us call them stamps."
Oscar: "I have called you in here to discuss urgent matters regarding stamp distribution. I have been making preparations, producing as many stamps as I could before I joined."
Maximillian: "And you brought all of them with you?"
Oscar: "Yes. I cannot afford to leave it unattended at home. It would be a capital punishment if it was found in my house and my family would take the blame."
Maximillian: "Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me."
Oscar: "I will try to apply for leave on the day itself. I will absent myself from the scene. How do you want to do it?"
Maximillian: "The lesser you know, the better."
Oscar: "Understood, but I need to help you make necessary preparations. We do not want innocent bystanders to be injured. The audit is happening on that day. I have yet to confirm the time, but the Leader will be making a personal inspection with the team of auditors to make sure everything is up to standard. The Liberators have promised me they will delay the crowd and prevent them from getting injured somehow."
Maximillian: "Liberators...sounds familiar. Wait a minute, they're real?"
Oscar: "They like to keep a low profile but yes, I can confirm their existence. Unfortunately it is not known who is part of the group."
Maximillian: "Are you not afraid of getting caught?"
Oscar: "It's too late for that. I must see it through. I have defended the borders once. They should trust me and my name should be clear. I have already prepared stamps for my whole family. We will make the move immediately after the plan has been executed, but first you need to tell me your plan."
Maximillian: "I haven't thought of it yet."
Oscar: "I expected more. Be quick, comrade. We are running out of time."
Maximillian: "Haste leads us nowhere. We need to be careful. We are not careful enough. I have some suspicion that Noel knows."
Oscar: "...Noted. I will test him. If he truly knows, we need to deal with this threat."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the Mole's identity. The lowest scorer will be executed.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Does the Mole wear headgear?
A: Yes
B: No
Q3: In Mission 6, in what order did the Mole watch the scenes?
A: First
B: Second
C: Third
D: Fourth
E: Fifth
F: Sixth
Q4: In Mission 6, whose scenes did the Mole watch?
A: Derrick's and Oscar's
B: Oscar's and Emily's
C: Maximillian's and Derrick's
D: Noel's and Emily's
E: Noel's and Maya's
F: Maximillian's and Maya's
Q5: In Mission 6, how many scenes watched by the Mole were actually true events?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
Q6: In Mission 6, which scene did the Mole watch?
A: Proposal
B: Kidnapping
C: Terrorism
D: Sleeping
E: Surfing
F: Surgery
Q7: Where was the setting for the Mole's fictional scene in Mission 6?
A: A rock-climbing wall
B: A checkpoint
C: A pool
D: A bar
E: The Mole's house
F: The Smole house
Q8: In Mission 6, who watched a scene that actually happened to the Mole?
A: Maximillian Caulfield
B: Oscar Griffin
C: Maya Hennessey
D: Derrick Wyland
E: Noel McAllister
Q9: In Mission 6, did the Mole sit in the front or back of the car?
A: Front
B: Back
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Emily Brenner
B: Maximillian Caulfield
C: Oscar Griffin
D: Maya Hennessey
E: Noel McAllister
F: Derrick Wyland
"Contestants, tonight the sky is overcast. It spells doom for one of you. Who will be executed next?"
"Derrick Wyland."
"Emily Brenner."
"Maximillian Caulfield."
"Oscar Griffin."
"Oscar Griffin, you have unfortunately been the next to be executed."
Oscar: "Bah! Executed at a wrong time. I am not concerned about my performance on the Smole, but what happens after that. Of course, I had hoped that I would win some money for my family but this trip has proven to be fruitful. I have found who I needed to find and we will be keeping in contact. I have also gained valuable insight on trying to stay undercover which will aid me greatly."
Maya: "Oscar good man...he no money like me...he want money like he no money."
Maximillian: "Hmm, I have to say I expected better from him. He will be missed I suppose."
Emily: "Oscar is initially an unapproachable guy but as you spend more time with him you realise that it's only his exterior that is tougher. He cares greatly for his family which is admirable. He is a very disciplined man who could definitely cope with the stresses of the game, Mole or otherwise."
Oscar the immigration officer has been executed! Who will be next? Who is the Mole?
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