Last time on the Smole, the 7 contestants played a simple
game of “Concentration”, to which Ellie won and earned herself an exemption.
However no points were earned and the pot remained at 550/900 points. Everyone
chose to use their exemptions. Lora was executed at the execution ceremony. Who
will follow in her footsteps? Who is the Mole?
Rick: “Did I mention the food here is so cheap?”
Jonathan: “Then go make a high-class meal yourself.”
Rick: “I don’t cook. My maid does it for me. You’re awfully
bold today. Did you forget nobody is here to help you?”
Jonathan: “...”
Rick: “Say sorry and you’re a midget who deserves to die.”
Jonathan: “I’m a midget who deserves to die.”
Rick: “Good dog.”
Prissy: “Did you hear ‘Finding Dory’ is going to be out in
Rick: “Really? OMG, can’t wait!”
Prissy: “Neither can I! I heard the leading voice actor is
Rick: “I know! I’m like ‘what?’ I heard the turtle’s
actually some old man!”
Prissy: “Oh-em-gee!”
Jonathan: “I feel like I should help around the house to
redeem myself, even If I did nothing wrong. I don’t know why I’m willing to
take Rick’s bullying and insults. I could easily beat him to a pulp. I guess
I’m looking for my old me and not wanting to repeat the same mistakes.”
Contestants are going to the community pool to swim 5 laps
in the pool. The first one to finish wins an exemption! Anyone who finishes all
5 laps will earn 50 points for the pot.
Dominica: “I always wondered what rain tasted like.”
Dory: “Hmm…should rain harder.”
Dory: “This flying fish will win!”
“Ready, set, go!”
Prissy: “Hey, you’re swimming into my lane!”
Dory: “No, you are!”
Prissy: “Oh.”
Who’s the first to finish?
Dominica wins!
Dominica: “Yay!”
“Followed by Dory!”
Dory: Yay I win!”
Jonathan: “No you’re 2nd.”
Dory: “Oh.”
“In third place is Ellie!”
“4th is Jonathan!”
“5th is Prissy!”
“In last place is Rick!”
Rick: “I blame the oxygen tank.”
“Only the first 4 finished all 5 laps though. Prissy
finished 4 laps before getting out while Rick only finished 2. As such, 260/300
points were earned.”
Ellie: “Is it strange that Dominica, the fattest one, can
win? She was the slowest at the start! Either she was saving energy, her lung
capacity was humungous, or the others slowed down or sabotaged. And really?
Pris and Rick are such sore losers! They didn’t even bother finishing the lap!
No sportsmanship at all! What I also noticed was something scrawled at one end
of the pool…it read ‘always last’ or something. Could that be a clue?”
Contestants get a treat by watching a magic show before
heading home.
Des: “Remember, life is like a magic show. Tricks are abound
and you don’t know who you can trust and what is real and what is not. You can
never really believe your own eyes.”
Ellie: "So true!"
Dory: “He’s levitating!”
Des: “Thank you!
Terry: “Thank you for that fantastic trick, Magnus the
Fantastic. Next up, we have Hydrogen Squared Added to Oxygen, or HSATO for
“Okay guys, time to head home.”