Welcome back! Previously the 10 contestants went to shoot
music videos based on 2 songs, one they selected and the other being random.
They all succeeded in incorporating the songs into the music video, thus
earning full 160 points, making the pot 340/420 points. Shanice and Prissy also
earned an exemption for exceptional quality, according to Isaiah, the judge,
and Vickness was executed. Who could be the Mole?
Dominica: “I’m trying to shower here.”
Young: “I’m trying to fix it. Get your giant ass somewhere
Dominica: “How dare you!”
Young: “I’m not feeling particularly happy today so don’t
provoke me.”

Dory: “Yes, I have short-term memory. That’s why I can
remember I have short-term memory, because I have had it for the long term.”

“Attention everyone! Pick a number from 1-9. The number will
correspond to a fear you need to overcome. For every fear overcome, 30 points
are added. One fear is worth 60 points because there are 2 parts to it, so
altogether this is worth 300 points.”
Fear of becoming fat-Ellie
Fear of being nude-Jonathan
Fear of insects and rodents-Prissy
Fear of the dark-Dominica
Fear of being alone-Lora
Fear of heights-Hax
Fear of death-Rick
Fear of being embarrassed in public-Shanice
Fear of getting wet-Dory
Jonathan’s fear has 2 parts to it.

Jonathan: “Here goes nothing…”
Jonathan: “Oh my god what am I doing?”

Jonathan: “No, I’m not going to do this.”
“You have a second part. Take a little rest and watch the
others first before you make your decision.”
Dory: “Getting wet…not a big deal.”

Dory: “Wait, what am I doing out here in the rain? I should
be going in! I don’t want to get sick!”

Dory: “I honestly forgot we were doing a mission. Sorry

Dominica: “It’s just the dark. It’s nothing scary, really,
even though I’m used to the lights.”

Prissy: “Ugh. Why was I so unlucky to get this fear? I

Prissy: “I was not going to touch any rodent or insect.
Never. You can’t make me. I don’t care if I lose points. I mean, gross! Who
wants to touch that! I’m sure Rick will agree with me, though he’s been giving
me the cold shoulder. I wonder what that’s all about. I should ask him. Also,
focus more on me next time. And I think I need to be noticed more by viewers so
I’m coming in here more often…say, everyday?”
Lora: “Being alone for 10 hours isn’t that tough.”

Ellie: “I’m going to have to finish all this……..sigh.”
Young: “You can do it Ellie! For the team!”

Young: “I have a sudden desire to protect Ellie. I also have
a strange connection with her. It’s funny. Maybe it’s because I was obese back
in my days too. Touch soccer practice helped shape me up and keep me fit. I
guess I empathise with her. And she’s very brave for being able to face her
fears and be willing to finish all the food producers give her. As for me….I
didn’t complete my fear not because I was acrophobic, but because it was
raining outside. I didn’t want to get wet and fall sick! I’ve heard stories of
not being taken care of well in here.”

Young: “Are you kidding me? No! It’s wet out there!”

Lora: “I’m getting a bit hungry…must persevere. I can’t step
out of this room or I’ll fail.”
Rick: “Come on Rick, you can do this…don’t let others think
you’re a wimp…”

Rick: “No, I’m not goint to step foot into that thing!
Mommy! Where’s my maid? I want to go back to my comfy mansion! Why am I
subjected to this torture?”
Shanice: “All right. I’m here now. So I just have to keep
playing the keyboard? That’s easy. I won’t embarrass myself like that.”
Brown horse: “Oh my ears!”
Black horse: “The music is scary! Too rocker for me!”
Brown horse: “Don’t worry. Hush little pony, don’t be
afraid…I know the perfect song for you: What does the horse say?”
Black horse: “Neigh!”

Shanice: “I need to pee. Can I stop?”
“No. We want you to pee yourself in public, or you’re going
to fail this fear.”

Jonathan: “I decided to complete the second part of the
fear, seeing as our performance was dismal. But it was so embarrassing!”

Jonathan: “I’m beginning to regret my decision.”
Jonathan: “Wait, why are there people streaming in? Is that
Shanice? What’s she doing here?”
“It wouldn’t really be a fear if people weren’t watching
you, would it? Shanice is here because we were looking for available woman and
townsfolk complained about her rocker music so we moved her here to complete
her fear.”

Jonathan: “Here goes nothing…you can do it Jonnie. Believe
in yourself. I’m going to ace this.”
For the sake of the viewers, we've photoshopped him to wear undies :)
Jonathan: “Oh gosh there’s DeAndre Wolff! Great, he’s seeing
me like this!”

“Do a little wave as you walk down the catwalk.”

Jonathan: “Do we have to do this? There’s a toddler here!”
“Meh, she knows nothing. She’ll forget this.”
Jonathan: “Okay….don’t snap photos of me!”
Phoenix: “See? Coming here instead of a gay bar was the
better choice. Say hi to the cameras Pansy!”

“Now strip!”
Jonathan: “What?”
“Do you want to earn the points or not?”
Jonathan: “…Ok..”
Jonathan: “This is so embarrassing…”
“But you did it, so congratulations! 30 points are earned!”

Jonathan: “It better be worth it. I just want to go home
Oliver: “Flowers for my biggest idol.”
Shanice: “Oh, thank you! White is my favourite colour!”
Oliver: “Pure and gentle on the outside, wild on the inside.
I like.”
Rich: “My whole family’s your fan too! We watched you when
you were young! You were awesome!”
Shanice: “Thanks…oh dear.”
Buddy: “Ohmygawd! Shanice Whalen peed herself in public!
Must put this on headline news!”

Shanice: “Well my job here is done. Goodbye. Remember to say
that I’m treated like a slave on the Smole and am forced to do this.”
“You can come out now.”
Dominica: “Excellent!”
Lora: “Just last a little longer, Lora.”
“You can come out now.”
Lora: “Yay! We did it! I told you we could do it, Lora! I
know Lora, good job to you! Oh, you too Lora!”
“Okay…maybe sending you inside there alone wasn’t the best
Lora: “I’m starving.”
Dory: “Don’t tempt Ellie. She’s looking pretty hungry.”
Lora: “She’s doing a mission.”
Dory: “Mission? Oh, I think I was supposed to do something
Lora: “Sometimes Dory, you need to be less suspicious.
You’re overdoing it.”
Dory: “Overdoing what?”
Lora: “I never suspected you were the Mole anyway.”
Dory: “Who’s that?”

Dominica: “Time to record all my suspicions. I really need
to revise since I couldn’t observe the others.”
Ellie: “Done!”
“No you’re not. You still have one more bowl of canned soup
to finish.”
Ellie: “Now I’m done.”
“See, you have the same figure.”
Ellie: “No need to comfort me.”
“Go take the quiz. Execution will occur tomorrow. Oh, you
also earned a hidden exemption for the group for finishing that Brain Freeze
ala Mode.”
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