Wednesday, 9 July 2014

11.04-VickNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEESSSSSSSS is still in the house!

Time to take the quiz. Ellie does not use her exemption.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Before Mission 2, was the Mole standing or sitting while eating?
A: Standing
B: Sitting

Q3: In Mission 2, was the Mole a guesser or teller?
A: Guesser
B: Teller

Q4: In Mission 2, where was the Mole seated?
A: 3-seater
B: 1-seater
C: The Mole was a teller
Q5: In Mission 2, how many statements did the Mole feel was true?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: The Mole was a teller
Q6: In Mission 2, how many statements did the Mole get correct?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: The Mole was a teller
Q7: In Mission 2, was the Mole’s statement true or false?
A: True
B: False
C: The Mole was a guesser
Q8: Where was the Mole when the statements were being revealed in Mission 2?
A: Inside
B: Outside
Q9: How many members are in the Mole’s group?
A: 2
B: 3
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Young Hax
B: Dominica Kaliton
C: Rick Kenton
D: Isaiah Chrissy
E: Jonathan Chauver
F: Prissy Chrissy
G: Ellie Phante
H: Vickness Shapiro
I: Shanice Whalen
J: Lora Alsee
K: Dory Neo


There’s yet another tie.
“Jonathan Chauver.”

“Please use the staircase on the left.”
Jonathan: “This is so worrying.”

“Prissy Chrissy.”
Prissy: “Finally I get the limelight!”

“Please use the staircase on the left.”

“Isaiah Chrissy.”

“Please use the staircase on the right.”

“Vickness Shapiro.”

“Please use the staircase on the right.”

Left: Safe, Right: Unsafe.

“You guys know the drill.”

Vickness: “VickNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEESSSSSSSS is still in the house!”
Isaiah: “I kind of knew it was coming.”


“How do you feel about being second?”
Isaiah: “Sad, of course. I was expecting to make it further but I kind of knew I was going to be out since I was called twice.”
“What do you think was your biggest mistake?”
Isaiah: “I’m not sure actually. I guess I was on to the wrong Mole. But I’d think it’s more of luck.”
“Do you think your sister will win?”
Isaiah: “I hope she does.”

“Thank you for your time Isaiah and thank you for joining.”


Prissy: “I will avenge you, Isaiah! I will sniff out the Mole and make them pay!”

Everyone’s a bookworm this season, all diligently revising their journals. Which of them will be out next?

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