Last time on the Smole, 12 contestants got abducted by
llamas on their way to the Smole house and had to find a way to escape. All of
them did so successfully, earning 120 points for the pot. Young earned his team
an exemption each as well. In the execution ceremony, Jacintha was the first to
be executed and she expressed her shock and disdain. Who is next?
Prissy: “Hey bro.”
Isaiah: “Good morning Pris.”
Pris: “You should have called me to join you. So, when’s
your next play? Can I be a part of it?”
Isaiah: “I haven’t decided. I currently can’t work on it
since I’m here.”
Prissy: “True.”

Isaiah: “Pris is a nice girl, but sometimes she can get a
bit annoying and clingy. And boy, she is one heck of a diva! She expects to be
the queen!”

Rick: “This chair is of inferior quality. I mean just sit on
it and feel it! Change it when I’m done here. Anyway, who does she think she
is? Pris Chrissy. She thinks she’s the queen. Well I’m the queen! I mean king.
I should be getting the centre of attention, not her! I think I need to show
her who’s boss.”
Rick: “I’m going to win this and show everyone! I need to
start revising and memorizing though.”

“Attention everyone. I hope you guys spent a lot of time
with each other and especially your group members. Your first, or second,
mission is up. In each group, there will be 1 guesser and the rest will be
tellers. The tellers must tell a truth or a lie, and it is up to the guessers
to determine whether the statement is a truth or a lie. If they guess
correctly, 20 points are added. This is worth 140 points.”

These are our 4 guessers. They will wait while the rest
think of a statement pertaining to themselves.

Dory: “I can’t wait to win this. I’ve got an easy job!”
Prissy: “I can’t believe it! It’s so unfair! You only need
to guess one statement while the others must guess two!”
Young: “Lighten up Pris.”
Rick: “Hey Dory, come in here for a while.”

Rick: “Come sit down here.”
Dory: “Um, no. Bye.”
Rick: “All I wanted you to do was to test the quality of
this chair…”
And it’s time to guess!

Dominica: “I sing.”
Dory: “Hmm…Dominica…what does she do again? I can’t
remember…I think she’s a chef or something, right? If so, her statement is a

Isaiah: “I’ve written 13 plays so far.”
Shanice: “I was part of the band ‘Kidz Rock’.”
Prissy: “I know Isaiah will never lie to me, so that’s a
truth. As for Shanice…I remember she said something about being a child
rockstar, so I think the statement is true.”

Vickness: “My favourite phrase is
Ellie: “I once entered a psychiatric ward.”
Young: “I’ve heard enough of Vickness to know that her
statement is true. Ellie’s so nice. Even though she looks so messy and
distraught I don’t think she’s ever entered a psychiatric ward. So that’s

Rick: “I have a private jet.”
Jonathan: “When I was young I was often bullied.”
Lora: “I recall Rick wanting a private helicopter and jet to
get him out, so it should be true. Jonathan’s one is probably true too, since
he seems very nice.”
“We shall have the others to say for themselves whether
their statement is true or false.”
Shanice: “My statement is true.”
Ellie: “My statement is unfortunately true.”
Rick: “My statement is false, as much as I would like it to
be true.”
Isaiah: “My statement is true.”
Dominica: “My statement is true, obviously.”
Jonathan: “My statement is indeed true.”
Vickness: “My statement is false. If you listen carefully,
it’s VickNNEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS in the HOUSE, not room.”
“With that, 60/140 points were added, which is pretty
pathetic if you ask me. The pot now has 180/260 points.”

Dominica: “Really? I tried making it so easy for Dory
already and she tells me my statement is false? She’s not just brainless,
stupid and amnesiac, she’s the Mole too. It’s so suspicious! I chose her last
quiz, and even though Jacintha says that Dory has a condition, I don’t think
Jacintha chose her and thus was executed. So there! Dory is the Mole!”

Prissy: “Eek, this is so slippery I can hardly stand

Ellie: “You don’t mind if I sit here and revise my journal
with you, do you?”
Isaiah: “Not at all.”

Lora: “Why were you locked up in an asylum, if you don’t
mind me asking?”

Ellie: “Well, it’s not a cuckoo house, it’s a psychiatric
ward. Doctors thought I was crazy.”

Lora: “What happened?”
Ellie: “I was on a big diet plan. I was obese when I was
younger and thus suffered much ridicule and laughter. I decided to be skinny,
so I ended up skipping meals and whatnot. I became bulimic and aneroxic and my
mind started going crazy and hallucinating until one day I fainted. Neighbours
called the doctor to come and I was told my condition was so severe I needed to
be put under observation in the hospital. And then stuff happened that made
them think I was crazy enough to be put in the ward.”
Lora: “Must be hard for you to say it out, huh?”
Ellie: “Not really. You get used to it and accept the past.”
Isaiah: “I admire your courage.”
Ellie: “I admire your ambition and passion for theatre.”

Jonathan: “Well, that mission didn’t go so well.”
Rick: “You midget!”
Jonathan: “What did I do?”
Rick: “We did terribly this time round!”
Jonathan: “Is that my fault? No, right? I was one of those
she guessed correctly! Unlike you!”
Rick: “Grr!”
Young: “You’re one to talk.”
Rick: “Excuse me?”
Young: “You can’t go around calling others names! You did
not help at all! You misled Lora! I know you’re rich and can own 50 mansions,
but that doesn’t give you the right to be snobby and critical of everything and
Rick: “Who told you I was rich?”

Jonathan: “Erm…”
Young: “It doesn’t matter! You better watch your back. You
don’t want to know what I can do.”
Rick: “Sorry.”
Young: “Apologise to Jonnie!”
Rick: “Fine! Sorry midget!”

Rick: “Hmph!”

Jonathan: “Thanks for helping me Hax.”
Young: “Don’t sweat it. I couldn’t stand bullies like him.
He needs to be taught a lesson. You can’t just stand there like an idiot taking
his insults too. You need to retaliate.”

Jonathan: “I’m used to all this. Midget doesn’t really get
me anymore.”
Young: “You can’t just let it rest like that! If he calls
you that, then call him something back!”
Jonathan: “Like what?”
Young: “I don’t know, Kentucky or something? You think of

Jonathan: “Shall we form a coalition?”
Young: “Ok, but why?”
Jonathan: “Because you helped me and we’re both in the
sports career.”
Young: “What’s a floorballer anyway?”
Jonathan: “It’s someone who plays floorball. It’s like
hockey, except not on ice.”

Young: “So, who do you guys think the Mole is?”
Young: “You were revising your journal earlier Ellie. Care
to share what you wrote?”
Vickness: “Yes, share.”
Ellie: “Erm…”
Young: “You should tell us who you think the Mole is since
you’ve got so much to write. We’re in a group.”
Vickness: “If you bottle it up you’ll go mad again.”
Ellie: “What?”
Young: “You shouldn’t have said that.”

Ellie: “I’m not crazy. I’m just depressed, that’s all.”

Dory: “I think the food was bad. I need to puke…oh what’s
the shower doing here?”
Dominica: “There you are Dory. I need to tell you something.
I know we’re in a coalition, but I find you very suspicious.”
Dory: “Why me?”
Dominica: “Your aunt said that you have amnesia, and I
sympathise, but you should work towards recovering and not let it worsen! I
mean, how could you forget I’m a singer? That’s so Moleish.”
Dory: “Okay. What’s this conversation about again?”
Dominica: “Nevermind.”
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