Welcome back! Previously the 12 contestants were on their
way to the Smole house when those ungrateful mascots decided to hijack the van
and drive it to an abandoned house in the middle of the swamp! With wits and
thinking, all of them managed to get out eventually and make it to the nearest

The contestants are on their way to the Smole house.
Prissy: “Wow! A tribal woman!”
“Apologies about that unfortunate incident 2 days ago. We’ve
fired all our llamas and replaced them. You should be safe now. But producers
have decided that that would be considered as a mission worth 120 points, which
all of you succeeded in doing. Also, there was a lone house at the end, which
only Young entered. Care to share your findings?”
Young: “It was empty, except for the word ‘ONE’ scribbled on
“We’ve decided to mark that as an exemption for Young and
his team!”
Young: “Team?”
“That’s right. This season, you guys will be grouped. Or
rather, you have been grouped. The players you worked together with to get out
will be your groupmates. Any missions you will do will be together as a group
and any exemptions earned will be shared among the group. For quizzes, your
total score will be added and averaged. The team with the lowest average will
have its lowest scoring player executed. Should 2 players from a group be
executed, the remaining contestant will be granted immunity until the twist
ends. This will commence when the next mission starts.”

Young: “I prefer to be called Hax, not Young. Otherwise
people keep assuming my father is called Hax. Anyway, I’m glad to have made it
here safe and sound, even though we ran into some difficulties. But all right!
I won the exemption for the team! Except I wish Vickness wasn’t inside. She’s
annoying. I’m not surprised that nobody could stand her in the studio back in
her deejay days.”
Dominica: “All right, this still fits! Oh, sorry there!
Didn’t see you.”
Dory: “How dare you copy my idea of wearing formal attire! I
was going to wear it for…wait, what was I going to wear it for again?”
Dominica: “Since we’re in the same group, and we got along
rather well, why not we form a coalition?”

Dominica: “Phew! We’re alive! Those stupid llamas! I hope I
don’t run into crazy psychotic fans that do that to me! I decided to form a
coalition with Dory and Jacintha, seeing as we did quite well and we’re in a group.
I also found out that Jacintha is Dory’s aunt.”

Jacintha: “I decided to join with Dory, seeing how she
enjoys the Smole so much. She has amnesia, which is such a pity, so I have to
take care of her to make sure she’s sound. Ever since my brother and
sister-in-law died, Dory’s been acting strange. That’s also when she started
losing some of her memories. For the better I guess.”
Dory: “Ok…what was I going to do again? Wait, why am I
standing up? Have I eaten dinner yet?”

Jonathan: “I’m so glad to have made it to the correct
Rick: “You were really such a midget earlier.”
Jonathan: “Stop calling me a midget!”
Rick: “Midget! Midget! Mid…oh my, what happened to your eyes
Dory: “What do you mean?”

Dory: “I need to go find a mirror….what for again?”

Young: “Sponge baths are always so thrilling. I’m too lazy
to get into the bathtub anyway. A simple scrub will suffice.”
Jacintha: “I heard you’re interested in my fashion sense.
Well, I’m proud of it myself, actually. My native tribe is the best. They excel
at cooking too!”
Prissy: “Yawn. Why are you telling me this? All I hear is
boring boring boring I’m so boring.”
Jacintha: “How dare you!”
Prissy: “I just think you look hilarious, that’s all.”
Jacintha: “Such audacity!”

Prissy: “My name’s Prissy, but you can call me Pris. I hope
I shone in there, despite it being super dim. It was terrifying! Luckily I’m in
the same group as my brother Isaiah. He’s always there to protect me. I can’t
wait for his next play and then I want to perform in it! It’s all about me,
after all.”
Rick: “You don’t have to shout in my ear.”
VIckness: “Want to watch me spin some discs, Rick? I may
work in a radio station but I’ve done live deejaying before too.”
Rick: “No thanks.”
Vickness: “Why?”
Rick: “Cannot is it?”

Prissy: “I can’t wait to win this!”
“Attention everyone. I hope you guys had a relaxing day now,
because you’re going to take the quiz. One of you will be executed tonight.”
All: “What?”
Young: “Call me Hax.”
“Hax, Vickness and Ellie are safe but will still have to
take the quiz. Good luck.”
Young and Vickness use their exemption.

Q1: Is the Mole male
or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Lora: “I can’t believe this is happening so fast. I hope I’m
not leaving tonight!”
Q2: What colour is
the Mole’s hair?
A: Black
B: Brown
C: Blonde
Q3: In Mission 1
(yes, we shall call that Mission 1 since points are awarded), which cell was
the Mole locked in?
A: Second floor left
B: Second floor
C: Second floor right
D: Bottom floor
Dory: “Right, so what am I supposed to do again? Oh right,
the quiz!”

Dory: “Achoo! Excuse me! Now, what was I going to do again?
Oh right, the quiz!”

Q4: In Mission 1, how
many other females were locked in the same room as the Mole?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
Q5: In Mission 1, in
what order did the Mole’s team escape?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th

Q6: In Mission 3, did
the Mole take the Magic 8 Ball to the inn?
A: Yes
B: No

Q7: In Mission 3, did
the Mole enter the other room at the end?
A: Yes
B: No

Q8: In Mission 3, did
the Mole’s team earn an exemption?
A: Yes
B: No
Rick: “What? That computer is so cheap, please.’
Q9: In Mission 3, did
the Mole open the secret door?
A: Yes
B: No

Vickness: “I can picture myself as the winner. I don’t see
why the host has to sleep with us though.”

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Young Hax
B: Dominica Kaliton
C: Rick Kenton
D: Jacintha Neo
E: Isaiah Chrissy
F: Jonathan Chauver
G: Prissy Chrissy
H: Ellie Phante
I: Vickness Shapiro
J: Shanice Whalen
K: Lora Alsee
L: Dory Neo
We apparently have a 5-way tie. Who will be the one to
leave? Remember anyone could leave because the twist for the quiz has not
commenced yet.

“Ellie Phante.”

“Please use the staircase to your right.”

“Jonathan Chauver.”

“Please use the staircase to your left.”

“Rick Kenton.”
Rick: “Please let it not be me…”

“Please use the staircase to your left.”

“Isaiah Chrissy.”

“Please use the staircase to your right.”

“Jacintha Neo.”

“Please use the staircase to your right.”
(From contestants’ perspectives):
Left: Safe, Right: Unsafe.

“Ellie Phante, Isaiah Chrissy and Jacintha Neo, please come
up here. When your light goes green, you are safe. When it goes red, you are
executed. Since you have no light above you Isaiah, you will be safe if one of
the other lights turn red, but executed if both lights turn green.”
Jacintha: “Hmph.”
“I’m sorry Jacintha. You have been executed. Please pack
your bags and head outside.”

Because for the last 2 seasons, the interviewers were both
old and winners, this season I will interview.

“How do you feel about leaving the Smole first?”
Jacintha: “Shocked. I wanted to stay longer. I didn’t
believe I would be out first.”
“What do you think cost you?”
Jacintha: “Being too sure of myself.”
“What would be your biggest regret?”
Jacintha: “Not being able to stay longer to take care of and
protect my niece Dory. I hope she can survive on her own.”

“Thank you for your time Jacintha and thank you for joining
the Smole.”

Dominica: “Isaiah, right?”
Isaiah: “Yup.”
Dominica: “I heard you work as a freelance director.”
Isaiah: “That’s what I put down, but I’m actually also an
actor and scriptwriter. My latest script is called ‘Drowning Sermons’ and will
be performed early next year.”

Dominica: “Interesting…I should record this. If he’s able to
do so much, why not add Mole to his list?”
Rick: “What are you doing?”

Dominica: “Check this out. Isaiah is a director, playwright
and actor!”
Rick: “That many? I find that unbelievable.”
Dominica: “Exactly my point!”

Lora: “Oh hi Jonnie.”
Jonathan: “Hi Lora. What are you doing?”
Lora: “Taking out the trash. I feel so much better in this
home. What about you? What are you doing out here?”
Jonathan: “Um..nothing. I’m going to check out the lights
they use for execution.”
Lora: “Then I guess I’ll be going inside.”

Lora: “I think Jonnie has a crush on me. I thought I made it
clear that day when we were captured.”
Isaiah: “You need to handle this carefully, Lora.”
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