Sunday 20 July 2014

11.09-Shut up midget

We are back on the Smole! The 9 contestants went to overcome fears, whether it was their own fear or not. Only 5 Sims completed it, and Jonathan did not complete both parts of his fear, so only 150/300 points were earned, bringing the pot to 490/720 points. Ellie found a hidden exemption in her food and used it, thus sending Shanice home. Who will be next?

Rick: “I had a feeling Shanice would go. Also, I find Hax very suspicious. No wonder he’s been picking on me, accusing me of bullying. It’s because he knows I’m onto him! He told us that the Mole was Vickness, so we guys all put that down I think, and then Vickness goes home, proving him wrong. I chose him as the Mole because it’s super obvious at this stage. Honestly though, I’m scared of him a bit because I’m afraid of what he can do. His voice for one gets really scary when he shouts.”

Prissy: “YES! I’m immune until this twist is over! I’m so happy Shanice left! You can think it’s a scheming ploy to get rid of her, I don’t mind, if that means choosing me and being executed. Yipee! I don’t think we got along well anyway. I will avenge you Isaiah. But if I were to think who the Mole was, I would say it’s from the only intact group: The Survivors. They really survived, but not for long! So Hax isn’t the Mole then.”
Prissy: “Why are you guys reading your journals? Relax!”
Jonathan: “Easy for you to say.”
“Your next mission is here! You guys will be completing another leg of the Amazing Race. This time however, road blocks must be completed by the pair and detours must be completed alone. First team wins an exemption! This is the last time you will be working as a group. Prissy will be paired with Lora. For every team that makes it to the pit stop within 8 hours earns 20 points for the team. This is worth 80 points.”

Crazy-currently leading. Survivors-currently 2nd. Double-D-currently 3rd.

Prissy: “Okay, I’m ready to go.”
Currently last. They are to go to a place with a million words.

They all managed to get it: The library. The road block for them is to read finish a book. At the end of every book is a clue to the next destination.

Ellie: “Hax?”
Young: “Yes?”
Ellie: “I can’t read with your body thrown in my face.”
Young: “Oh, sorry. I’ll stand over here and read.”

Dory: “Oh I need to pee!”
Ellie: “I’m done!”
Rick: “Finally!”
Young: “Finished!”
Lora: “Excuse me, but I really need to go.”
Prissy: “You better not make us lose.”

Lora: “Have I ever been in here? I feel like Dory now…anyway, Pris sure is acting more relaxed now that she’s immune. But that’s for this week anyway. Next week onwards, this twist ends. I really hope the Mole isn’t one of my group members. What I did notice was that there was a scribble on the first page of the book I read. It read ‘FIRST’. I wonder what it could mean.”

Prissy: “Done! So, the clue is the H2O + Propertier +12pm =?”

Crazy-currently leading.
Dominica: “Done!”
Jonathan: “I never really enjoyed reading, but at least it’s over.”

These are the only 2 to not finish. Who will be the first to finish reading?


They found the correct place. The detour here is to either drink a round or dance for 2 hours.

Survivors-currently 2nd.
Rick: “You took forever to read!”

Charmaine: “You are the one who is doing this detour?”
Ellie: “Yes.”

Rick: “I say we order some drinks!”
Jonathan: “What?”
Rick: “Shut up midget. There’s no room for negotiation. Neither Hax nor Lora is here to help you now.”

Ellie: “You’re waiting for drinks?”
Jonathan: “Yup. What’s taking her so long?”
Ellie: “She walks one round giving drinks to everyone first. You have to order 4 times.”
Jonathan: “Thanks for the heads up.”

Lora and Prissy-currently last.

Prissy: “Hey I want to dance! Don’t you dare steal that!”
Lora: “Okay, chill.”
Dominica: “Dory, only one is supposed to do this. Stop dancing.”
Dory: “Oh sorry, I forgot.”

Ellie: “Finally! My second drink!”

Dominica: “Done!”
Charmaine: “Next round coming up! The next pit stop is at Guppy Gills!”

Prissy: “That is too fast!”


“Congratulations Double-D! You are the first team to arrive! You earn an exemption each!”

Jonathan: “I’d like a drink please. That propertier is too slow.”
Tim: “This is what I can give you.”
Jonathan: “Oh, it’s a hidden exemption!”
Tim: “To be shared with your group.”
Charmaine: “There you are!”
Jonathan: “At last!”


“Congratulations Prissy and Lora, you are…the 2nd team to arrive!”
Lora: “Great.”
Prissy: “I’m still safe anyway. It’s just important I got attention.”

Who will be the next to arrive?

Team Crazy?

Or Rick and Jonnie?


“Team Crazy, you are the…3rd.”
Ellie: “At least we’re not last.”

“Team Survivors, you are…the last to arrive unfortunately. You earn a penalty not only for yourselves but also for Lora. Unfortunately, you exceeded the time limit too. Go take the quiz. Execution will happen tomorrow." 

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