Lora: “We didn’t win, but oh well. We still have that
fighting spirit!”

Rick: “Isaiah was being so unfair! He obviously voted for
The Arts as that was his group and Pris was inside! I demand a revote!”
VIckness: “It’s all your fault dumb Ellie!”
Ellie: “What?”
Vickness: “You ruined our chances of winning. It’s like you
running my purple lipstick! Outrageous!”
Ellie: “I’m sorry…”
Vickness: “Don’t try to act pitiful! I hope you’re out next,
Ellie: “Don’t call me that…”
Vickness: “Elephant, Elephant!”

Ellie: “I was hurt when Vickness suddenly accused me of
causing the team to lose. Even worse, she called me elephant! That brings back
so many painful memories. I was called that when I was younger because I was
fat. I feel depressed again. I think it’s another mood swing.”

Jonathan: “Hey Hax.”
Young: “What is it?”
Jonathan: “We were wondering if you wanted to form a secret
coalition. You know, just us guys.”
Rick: “We’re severely outnumbered and can’t turn against
each other now.”
Young: “Alright. As long as you don’t fight.”

Young: “How many coalitions am I in now? 3? It’s not my
fault though. I never initiated any of them. I guess I’m that popular. I guess
it helps with more ideas on the table though.”

Pris: “I’m willing to bet the Mole is in the minority. So it
must be either Hax, Jonnie or Rick! I wonder who I should pick…it doesn’t
matter anyway. I’m safe!”
Quiz time. Pris and Shanice use their exemption.

Q1: Is the Mole male
or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Did the Mole dye his/her
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: In Mission 3, was
the Mole a representative?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: In Mission 3, did
the Mole represent the team before or after songs were revealed?
A: Before
B: After
C: The Mole was not a
Q5: In Mission 3, which
song did the Mole’s team pick?
A: Need you now
B: I’m Yours
C: Wake me up inside
D: Lemon Tree
Q6: In Mission 3,
where did the Mole go to?
A: Park
B: Community Gardens
C: Home
D: Salon
Q7: In Mission 3, in
which order was the Mole’s video shown?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
Q8: Has the Mole
earned an exemption?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: Has the Mole used
his/her exemption?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole has not
earned an exemption
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Young Hax
B: Dominica Kaliton
C: Rick Kenton
D: Jonathan Chauver
E: Prissy Chrissy
F: Ellie Phante
G: Vickness Shapiro
H: Shanice Whalen
I: Lora Alsee
J: Dory Neo
“You guys have earned 160/160 points, or 340/420 points.
Also, there is yet another tie.”

“Vickness Shapiro.”
Vickness: “VickNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS in the house!”

“Please use the staircase to your left.”

“Jonathan Chauver.”
Jonathan: “Third time in a row!”

“Please use the staircase on your right.”
Jonathan: “Again.”

“Rick Kenton.”

“Please use the staircase to your left.”

“Lora Alsee.”
Lora: “So exciting!”

“Please use the staircase to your right.”

“Dory Neo.”

“Please use the stairs to your left.”

“Ellie Phante. I hope you haven’t forgotten about your

“Please use the staircase to your right.”
Left: Unsafe. Right: Safe

“Let’s see who will be going home tonight!”

Dory: “Ooh, green all over…”
“That means that unfortunately Vickness, you have been
executed. Please pack your bags and head outside.”

Vickness: “Bummer.”

“How does it feel being executed?”
Vickness: “Terrible. I had expected to last longer. I mean,
what fun is it if VickNNNNNNNNEEEEESSS isn’t in the house?”
“What do you think your fatal flaw was?”
Vickness: “It’s probably choosing those I didn’t really
like…who happen to be my groupmates. I thought they were suspicious enough to
be the Mole.”
“What do you think the winning strategy will be?”
Vickness: “With this exemption twist, I’m surprised nobody
has done this yet: Form a coalition with everyone except the one you want out.
Ensure they all get exemptions and not use it. When everyone has it, use it all
at once. It’s very likely your target will be eliminated.”

“I see. Thank you for your time Vickness and thanks for
Vickness: “VickNNNNNNNNEEEEEESSSSSS signing out!”

Prissy: “I have so much more fashion sense than you,
Ellie: “I wish this was cooked better.”
Prissy: “EEEEKKK! What’s that…rat doing in here?
Vickness is the next to go? Who will follow after her? Who
is the Mole?
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