Welcome back to the Smole! Our 9 contestants had to take
orders from Shawn as they tried to locate objects. Some left their positions
while two objects couldn’t be found at all, resulting in 0/200, or 100/400
points for the pot. Eleanor had to move some furniture around to earn a
correction, which she did, albeit at the expense of confusing poor Bonnie, who
was the next to be executed. If even she was fooled, who could come out top?
And who really is the Mole?
Mission 3-Hang it On the Right Wall
Eleanor: “I heard that you depend on your wife for money…tut
Zachary: “Malcolm must have told you that. Well, he’s lying.
I…I have a job! A wonderful one! And a car!”
Zachary: “I refuse to believe that I’m out of a job! I was
never fired. It was just a horrible dream. I’m still happily married with
children and with a job and a car. We continue our routine Sunday shopping and
buy whatever we like. Because we have the money. Because I hold a job.”
Shawn: “It’s time to start recording stuff. I hope I haven’t
forgotten any details yet.”
Herb: “Oh Tina, why did you never come? We promised to meet
by the tree once our chores were done. You left me alone and heartbroken. I
never dared married because my heart belongs to you. It’s been so many years,
Tina. I waited by you for that tree on that day at that time every year. But
you never came. I hope you’re still alive and remember me. If you’re watching
this show, know that I’ll be waiting.”
Eleanor: “Why are you crying? Crying is a sign of
vulnerability; a sign of weakness.”
Herb: “Nothing. I should go.”
Eleanor: “Did you just dress in front of me? And why did you
hang your clothes on that tree?”
Herb: “There’s no clothesline to dry my clothes.”
“Contestants! Please head to Noveau Gallery for your next
Lisa: “Already? Ugh, why am I so stressed out? Forget about
Bonnie. She didn’t know what she was saying. It’s better to depend on yourself
than to be weighed down by others.”
“Welcome to the art gallery. It’s a new gallery and works
will be completed soon. There is an empty room over there, however. Your
mission is to memorise all the paintings here and hang them in the exact same
order in that room. You have 30 seconds to remember everything before you head
to the other room. There are 61 paintings and wall artwork in total. If you
manage to hang at least 15 of them correctly, 50 points will be earned. Hang 46
of them and you earn 100 points. Hang all 61 of them right and you earn 200
points. This is worth 200 points. You may return to this room when in doubt for
10 seconds. However, 10 points will be deducted for every time you choose to do
so, so use it wisely. You have forty-five minutes in total, not including the
thirty seconds in this room. Good luck.”

Herb: “Hung on the tree was a note that I found before
Eleanor came. It was typed out. At first I thought it was by Tina, but then I
realised its contents. The Mole wanted me to revisit the room and remove 10
points once to earn a correction, and revisit the room thrice to earn 2
corrections. I’m still deliberating. The corrections would help, but from 16 to
46 is a pretty big jump, as is from 46 to 61. I’m worried that I may take too
much from the pot. This Mole is evil, making us do his dirty work for him.”
“Your thirty seconds starts now!”
Lisa: “Okay, we should discuss how to go about doing this—“
Zachary: “There’s no time for that! We only have 30
Herb: “I suggest we just split up to cover more ground.”
Eleanor: “Agreed.”
Lisa: “Wait! Ugh, that’s such a Mole action.”
“Time’s up!”
Shawn: “So fast?”
“Please enter the other room now. Please take the paintings
by the door with you.”
Shawn: “Wait, I don’t think anybody was at this wall
memorizing stuff!”
Malcolm: “Oh boy. Failure is not an option, Malcolm
MacKenzie. You can do this.”
“45 minutes begins…now!”
Lisa: “Let us just go focus on our own walls.”
Donovan: “Which is my wall…ah! That one!”
Shawn: “Don did you see the wall nearest to the door?”
Donovan: “Yeah, yeah, don’t make me forget.”
Eleanor: “My mind is a total blank!”
Lisa: “This doesn’t bode well.”
Moxie: “I think that one goes there…”
Zachary: “Did anyone take the wrong set of paintings? None
of them look like mine!”
Malcolm: “Okay, since we are in a coalition. We should work
together. Smart idea, right?”
Moxie: “Yes, except I never looked at your wall.”
Malcolm: “But I did, so I can help.”
Eleanor: “I’m pretty sure this isn’t your wall. The door is
over there, so by right your wall should be on that side and this is my wall!”
Donovan: “Well, did you notice, Ms. Smarty-pants, that the
doors are in different positions but the walls aren’t? By that logic this wall
is mine!”
Eleanor: “I do not take insults well.”
Donovan: “Shut up. Don’t try to sabotage. I know what’s on
your mind.”
Shawn: “Herb, I think your cats should be lower.”
Herb: “Are you sure?”
Shawn: “…I think so.”
Lisa: “Is this in the correct place? Think, Lisa, think!”
Zachary: “I really can’t remember what my paintings were. I
must be getting old.”
Eleanor: “Guys! Can you stop your work and come here for a
Eleanor: “Don thinks this wall is his but I’m certain this
is mine. We need to check so we’re asking if anyone else would like us to help
them check.”
Malcolm: “10 seconds isn’t enough for one person to see the
entire gallery.”
Lisa: “We should send in 2. That way one can watch over the
other too.”
Herb: “I’ll go.”
Moxie: “You? You’re an old fart. You won’t remember
anything! And you’re too slow.”
Zachary: “I’ll accompany him. We don’t have much time to
“10 seconds starts now!”
Zachary: “You just see your wall. I’ll help Eleanor see
Herb: “Oh, Shawn is right.”
Zachary: “Hmm, ah yes. Okay, now I need to see the wall
Eleanor: “Darn. I can’t see. The doors closed too fast.”
Donovan: “This looks right.”
Eleanor: “So, which wall is which?”
Zachary: “That’s Don’s wall. The door is flipped, so the
entire room is flipped.”
Eleanor: “I don’t believe you.”
Zachary: “Oh Lisa, I took the chance to see yours too. Your
four paintings over there are too low.”
Lisa: “Really? Thanks for telling me.”
Zachary: “Lisa is smarter than that. How could she make such
a mistake? If we want those 200 points every painting counts! And Eleanor was
just wanting to waste points. She refused to believe me.”
Herb: “Sorry I doubted you. You’re right.”
Malcolm: “Is this narwhal higher or lower? Grr…I can’t waste
any more points going back there…but it’ll be a worthy investment if we get it
all right.”
Malcolm: “What? How cruel.”
Moxie: “This is ridiculous.”
Malcolm: “You can say that again.”
Moxie: “I’m missing an apple!”
“Your 10 seconds starts now!”
Eleanor: “Someone said they didn’t memorise the wall so I’ll
do it. Uh-huh, okay. Should be simple enough. Now if the door is here and that
door is there…”
Lisa: “I hope this is the right spot.”
Malcolm: “This looks so wrong.”
Herb: “I don’t think you’re supposed to be here.”
Eleanor: “That’s because he’s not. Your wall is closest to
the 2 doors, so it should be over there.”
Donovan: “Oh, you’re right.”
Donovan: “Eleanor and I argued about whether one wall was
mine or hers. We were both sure of ourselves. Good thing Eleanor went to check,
because it turns out that I was wrong. My sense of direction isn’t exactly
fantastic, I guess. But a lot of time has been wasted. We were down to only
half an hour and we only just orientated ourselves.”
Herb: “This looks so empty.”
Eleanor: “What the…who did my wall?”
Lisa: “I took the liberty to. You are the only one who
hasn’t started.”
Eleanor: “I’m pretty sure I can handle it myself. And isn’t
the pink frame supposed to be below?”
Lisa: “Trust me. I’m a detective. I remember details. I
looked at your wall and this is what I saw. You already went there once. Don’t
sacrifice more points.”
Eleanor: “I guess I have to trust you.”
Lisa: “I’m done so I’ll help you as much as I can.”
Eleanor: “I’d prefer doing it alone but whatever. Just don’t
get it wrong.”
“15 minutes left!”
Malcolm: “Are you sure it’s missing?”
Moxie: “Yes. I visualized this as a vase holding apples!”
Zachary: “Is this right? Oh I feel so old.”
Lisa: “We’re missing one of this! I remember there were
Eleanor: “So do I.”
Lisa: “I’ll go find it.”
Lisa: “Is it in this pile?”
Donovan: “Why is this wall empty?”
Donovan: “Someone forgot about the wall nearest to the door.
We had eight Sims, but our distribution was horrid. Everyone dispersed to the
far ends. We have congregations like Shawn and Herb. So I had to secretly
sacrifice another 10 points to save the entire wall.”
“Your 10 seconds begins now!”
Malcolm: “The apple isn’t here.”
Moxie: “Have you seen a painting of an apple?”
Zachary: “Nope.”
Moxie: “Are you sure? If you’re lying I will sue you to
Zachary: “I really haven’t, but with your attitude, even if
I have, I won’t tell you.”
Moxie: “How dare you! Are you trying to jeopardise our
chances of winning?”
Shawn: “Something is missing. It’s so empty.”
“10 minutes left!”
Malcolm: “Who’s supposed to be working on this wall? Why is
it still empty?”
Donovan: “I’m on it!”
Malcolm: “Hurry up! Why are you so slow?”
Malcolm: “Don has been very suspicious the moment we joined.
He was so slow in hanging the paintings. He couldn’t have been hanging 3
paintings in half an hour! I think he was being deliberate. And because
everyone was so caught up, nobody noticed his sabotage. He also stole Moxie’s painting,
creating chaos among us. He’s in my coalition, but I fear that if he’s the
Mole, he can forget about any future partnerships.”
Shawn: “What could be missing?”
Herb: “Should we go back again?”
Shawn: “No! Don’t waste our points!”
Eleanor: “It’s futile.”
Lisa: “I couldn’t find it, but it must be somewhere. Or
maybe we imagined things. I’ll go and check.”
Zachary: “Something is wrong. I can’t tell what. Should I go
Herb: “I remember what we missed! It’s one of those silver
sculptures! I think it’s over there.”
Donovan: “Done.”
Moxie: “Ugh! Where is that apple! I’m going insane! Wait,
aren’t those my apples?”
Donovan: “What are you doing?”
Moxie: “Removing it! This is mine!”
Donovan: “No, it’s mine! I had an apple painting.”
Moxie: “So did I!”
Donovan: “We’re supposed to be working together.”
Moxie: “Okay, then I go and look for you.”
Donovan: “…Fine. But it’s a horrible waste.”
Moxie: “Why are you going there?”
Lisa: “I have a missing painting.”
Moxie: “It’s not an apple, is it?”
Lisa: “Nope.”
Moxie: “Oh, good.”
“Your 10 seconds starts now!”
Moxie: “I do have
an apple!”
Lisa: “There are
two of them. But then, where is the missing painting?”
Moxie: “Wait. There’s an apple here too! He’s not lying.”
Eleanor: “I haven’t even started on this wall yet.”
Eleanor: “Something is missing here.”
Moxie: “Okay, I think I see an apple in here.”
Lisa: “I don’t remember seeing this here!”
Eleanor: “It was over here earlier. I just moved it.”
Lisa: “So that’s where it was hiding?”
Moxie: “I finally found the apple!”
Malcolm: “Good. Is it really placed like that?”
Zachary: “This doesn’t look right. It’s so empty! Who’s in
charge of this wall?”
“5 minutes left!”
Lisa: “Okay everyone. We should just check one last time.
Who will be the last one to go through that door?”
Shawn: “I haven’t gone through it yet.”
Malcolm: “You unlucky dweeb! No way are you going there!”
Herb: “Don didn’t go either, if I recall.”
Shawn: “But I need to check my wall! Unless you want Herb to
Eleanor: “Okay. But I’ll go with you to check all the other
Lisa: “Chop-chop!”
Lisa: “I figured that the Mole would want to sabotage at the
very last minute when there’s no time to change anything. If that wasn’t
possible, then the Mole would try to waste points by leaving. So I gathered
everyone to make sure I didn’t miss anyone who tried to sneak out. Shawn and
Eleanor took the bait.”
Malcolm: “Why are there so many trinkets here? We need to
hang them somewhere!”
“You have 10 seconds!”
Shawn: “Oh, it is
that sparse. I’m so proud of myself for getting it right.”
Eleanor: “Okay, everything looks right from here.”
Eleanor: “Everything’s perfect.”
Malcolm: “No it isn’t! We have a few paintings by the door!
Were you even paying close attention?”
Zachary: “Okay, we just need to shove them or something.
Pretend they weren’t there.”
Donovan: “You’re being ridiculous. Just hang them somewhere.
At least we’ll still stand a chance then.”
Zachary: “This wall is pretty empty to me.”
Moxie: “It doesn’t look right. It’s too empty.”
Eleanor: “I just had a feeling something was wrong. Now that
I have this thing here, everything makes more sense.”
Shawn: “Guys! Help me move these paintings! I think this
goes here!”
“Time’s up! You have hung a total of…54 paintings correctly!
This would earn you 100 points. However, you went through the door 8 times,
some more than once, meaning 80 points are deducted, leaving you with a net
total of 20/200 points, or 120/600 points.”
Zachary: “At least it’s something?”
Malcolm: “It’s all your fault! We made such a loss because
you went back thrice!”
Eleanor: “Thrice? I only went there twice!”
Malcolm: “Save it. I can count. I didn’t go through that
door and neither did Don. You went through more than once!”
Donovan: “Er…actually…nevermind.”