The last time on the Smole, the final 7 had to play a game of minesweeper. They failed to complete the board successfully and thus earned no points. The pot now stands at 250/690 points. It was the end of the journey for Matthew as he became the Mole's next victim. Who will be next? Can the group beat the Mole?
Randall: "Sorry I took the last hot dog but I'm not going to wait for food."
Elaine: "A shower is so refreshing. It takes my mind off things."
Elaine: "This game is very stressful. Almost on par with my day job. I must be resilient."
Lloyd: "I'm feeling beasty today."
Lars: "Can the camera see me?"
Randall: "My coalition partner is gone. Now what do I do?"
Randall: "I'll have to survive on my own from out here."
Lloyd: "Perfect. Looking great there."
Jasmine: "What the hell, Lloyd? You look like a freak?"
Lloyd: "You look like a bigot."
Elaine: "Let's not fight."
"Good morning. Your next mission is to perform at The Wannabe. Use whatever means you may to attract a crowd, because for every Sim you get to watch you perform, other than you six, 10 points are added, to a maximum of 200 points. Beyond that, it's all bonus points. This is a really good chance for you to recoup your losses."
Lloyd: "Lisette and I will perform, definitely."
Jasmine: "Me too."
Elaine: "You can rock?"
Jasmine: "Don't underestimate me."
Lisette: "Let's practice for a while before heading out."
Jasmine: "Must look perfect."
Lloyd: "This mission is my cup of tea. We had to perform and get an audience. Jasmine, Lisette and I were in charge of performing while the rest looked for an audience. Apparently they stuck together to prevent any sabotage, though I felt that wouldn't get as many people to come. All in all, this was a fun and exciting mission."
Elaine: "Is she real?"
Elaine: "Erm, hello madam..."
Jody: "No."
Elaine: "I haven't even asked you anything yet."
Jody: "You calling me old?"
Elaine: "Huh?"
Jody: "I know you insulted me. Don't think that I can't hear you just because my ears are suffering from age."
Elaine: "I should just leave."
Elaine: "Hello. We are on a show called The Smole, and I'm on a mission to get the residents of Zimmaport to come support us by watching us perform at The Wannabe at 6pm tonight. It's right next door so do stop by."
Travis: "You got it."
Lars: "I should approach that funny man in a green hat."
Brent: "Give me a kiss."
Alyson: "One kiss coming--"
Brent: "Less talking, more smoochin'."
Alyson: "MMMFFF!"
Alyson: "MMMFFF!"
Brent: "Mmm..."
Lars: "..."
Brent: "Confetti, ah? Coolio."
Lars: "I did not mean to intrude."
Alyson: "Can you please show some respect to me and yourself? One short kiss for 5 Simoleons, not 5 minutes for 5 Simoleons."
Brent: "Aww, upset?"
Brent: "I think we need to make out to make up. You're a much better kisser than my fiancee."
Alyson: "NO!"
Lars: "I am sorry to interrupt, but..."
Alyson: "Please! Take him! He's all yours!"
Brent: "Whaddya want? Can't you see we're busy?"
Lars: "I was wondering if you want to see us perform at that building next door."
Brent: "No. I have other stuff to do. Now where were we..."
Randall: "Thank you. It'll be a pleasure to see you.and your huge bust."
Randall: "To really outdo myself, I need to take the initiative."
Randall: "Excuse me! Wait up! Please come to The Wannabe at 6pm! I beg you! Be there or be square!"
Clint: "Er...okay?"
Randall: "Time to enter the gym."
Randall: "Hello there. I'm on The Smole. We're having a rock concert at The Wannabe at 6pm. When you're done exercising you can pop by for a visit."
Chad: "Will do, thanks. By the way, where is Michelle?"
Randall: "She's been executed."
Chad: " don't mean literally, right?"
Conan: "Even my grandma can do better than me! Wait, no, she's my ma."
Wendy: "Oof!"
Conan: "I take that back."
Randall: "Conan! Nice to see you here. I'd like to stop and chat but I'm filming now and you have to come to The Wannabe at 6pm. You won't want to miss it. Our bonuses hinge on this!"
Edgar: "How do you like this aura? Scared?"
Jasmine: "Who's that talking?"
Jasmine: "Oh, hey fatso. Didn't see you there."
Edgar: "What is that horrid smell?"
Jasmine: "Lloyd, he's right."
Lloyd: "It's cologne. The scent of rock. You won't understand."
Lloyd: "Would be nice is Michelle was here."
Jasmine: "No iffy ifs. Michelle isn't the only one with contacts."
Lloyd: "But you're performing."
Jasmine: "And? Can't I do both?"
Lars: "So you will come?"
Holly: "I'll see if I can make my schedule fit."
Lars: "Thank you. Have a nice day."
Elaine: "Hello little boy. I'm looking for a man with big spectacles. Have you seen him?"
Dan: "Nope."
Elaine: "Okay. Nevermind. I'm Elaine, and I'm on The Smole. I'm doing a mission right now. I'm trying to get as many residents to come to The Wannabe at 6pm to watch our performance. Please tell your family to come."
Dan: "No!"
Elaine: "Why not?"
Dan: "You have to beat me in a pie-eating contest first before we'll come."
Elaine: "Say what now?"
Lloyd: "It's coming. I can feel the, that's just a pee shudder. But I can't wait."
Lars: "Are you from North Korea? Are you here to take me back? I will never return!"
Lars: "Help! Their army has found me!"
Randall: "Hello? Yes, you're coming, right? At 6pm? You're not free? Can't you just stop by for a teensy while?"
Lisette: "People are streaming in. It's time to change and get ready."
Lisette: "Thank you all for coming! Tonight, we will kick off this concert with a solo by our very own guitarist Lloyd Smart!"
Cameron: "Jasmine babe, it's so good to see you."
Jasmine: "You could have showed up in nicer clothes."
Cameron: "I was out jogging when you called."
Gregory: "Is nobody going to care about me? I murdered a man and smeared his blood all over my face!"
Jasmine: "That's nice, dear. I'm so proud of you. You really take after the family."
Lisette: "Jasmine is hogging the space and distracting the audience. I hope this won't count against us."
Adrian: "Oh, Jasmine, dear, I'm here...great, her husband is here. And so is Lisette."
Lars: "Who called the police? Did we do anything illegal"
Elaine: "That's my husband. I thought he would be working today. It is a weekday, after all."
Randall: "Let's just sit down and enjoy the show."
Lisette: "Watch his solo! Jasmine, stop talking to the audience!"
Lillian: "Not bad."
More guests arrive. Smart of them to invite ex-contestants.
Lars: "Aah! That North Korean general in disguise is back!"
Randall: "What? There's a North Korean invasion here?"
Cameron: "I can't catch what you two are saying but am I really that horrifying?"
Catherine: "Lloyd, oh Lloyd, I missed you so much."
Lisette: "Just great. Who invited her in?"
Catherine: "It feels so good to be back. I really hope I can make things better."
Lisette: "Get off the stage, little boy."
Gregory: "No! I want to be famous!"
Elaine: "Jasmine has a lot of clout."
Conan: "I'm not a fan of rock but I'll donate to your cause. Which is aligned with mine."
Looking good so far.
Autumn: "This sucks."
Autumn: "Boo!"
Lisette: "Autumn, get off the stage. It's time for me to perform alongside Lloyd."
Lars: "That man has a funny shirt."
Randall: "Magdalene, I'm so glad you're here."
Magdalene: "Well, I had to know what was so great that I had to be kicked off my own houseboat."
Herman: "Herman is back. Muahahaha."
Martin: "Thanks for inviting me, Jasmine."
Jasmine: "Yes. I must get ready now. "
Martin: "Elaine, I trust my sister is in good hands with you?"
Elaine: "Of course."
Herman: "Oh, she didn't bring her band along? Then my plan can't be executed."
Catherine: "Lloyd, can we speak for a moment?"
Lisette: "Lloyd is busy performing."
Lloyd: "Don't get distracted, Liz. Focus."
Clint: "I better head home now. It's getting late."
Jasmine: "It's just a drum. How hard can this be?"
Lisette: "Don't screw up."
Cameron: "Go Jasmine! I know you can do it."
Cameron: "Er...maybe not. That sounds horrible."
Elaine: "Honey, they know."
Martin: "They do? How much?"
Elaine: "Not much. Only that he existed. I'm sorry."
Martin: "I know you've been under a lot of stress lately. It's okay. They don't know too much anyway. He deserved to be punished."
Elaine: " bugs me."
Martin: "Don't think about it. Try to enjoy this...atmosphere."
Tabitha: "I'm so posting this on my blog when I get home."
Joshua: "That's my sis up there. It's no fair why she gets to move out and live on a houseboat playing music but I have to stay at home and study and get good grades."
Stewart: "That's my girl. I'm so proud of you for following your dreams."
Lars: "You are blocking me, sir."
More are coming in.
Chad: "I hope I'm not too late."
Justin: "I heard the Smole cast is here."
Lars: "This looks fun. I should join."
Randall: "Watch me shake that booty. Shake shake shake."
Autumn: "Shake it off, shake it off!"
Tabitha: "Wrong genre, miss."
Autumn: "Hey, you're quite famous right? Maybe you can help me."
Zoe: "So you're Casey's friend? Your choice of music and fashion is...interesting."
Randall: "Come donate!"
Autumn: "Erm, okay."
Catherine: "Anything for this show."
Tamara: "Why are you behind me?"
Magdalene: "Observing how you prepare food. Not very well, from what I observe."
Lisette: "Thank you! Now, let these three take you through the rest of the night! Whew, I'm tired."
Elaine: "Hello there. You are Lisette's father?"
Stewart: "Anything the matter?"
Tamara: "Are they going to stay on forever? I have to close up soon. Why did Patrick Stewart have to apply for leave today?"
Elaine: "Bye."
Adrian: "You. Get off the keyboard. You're ruining the show."
Lars: "I am having fun. And attention."
Adrian: "Like I care. At least with Jasmien you can't complain because she's famous."
Jasmine: :"Woo! See? I'm musically inclined."
Lloyd: "And that's it, everyone. Thanks for coming! We hope you had a great night."
Lloyd: "I'm beat."
Lisette: "Get used to it."
Elaine: "It's not as great a turnout as I had expected."
Cameron: "Love you, Jasmine!"
Jasmine: "Love you too."
"You did well tonight. Altogether, 17 Sims came to watch, so that's 170/200 points. You brought your pot up to 420/890 points. At least it's past the halfway mark. Now go get some rest."