In the first episode of the season, the 10 contestants met their partners in the game before being quickly split up for the first mission. Though divided they had to work together as one to complete the mission, but Roxanne slipped up after the 37th match, leading to 185/260 points in the pot. The celebrities failed to match the remaining cards by themselves, so the remaining points were not earned. Gwen also got to take the first exemption of the season, something that several contestants are very bitter about. Will this cause a wedge between the contestants?
Roxanne: "Sigh..."
Evelyn: "Are you still upset about the first mission?"
Roxanne: "I let the group down."
Evelyn: "You did nothing of the sort. That was a difficult mission to begin with. I'm surprised we even made it this far. A large part of it was thanks to you, Roxanne."
Roxanne: "I'm being silly, aren't I? It's just a game. It's just that I feel like we could've done better. I could have done better."
Evelyn: "Do you want to talk?"
Roxanne: "I'm good. You don't have to worry about me. It's just a small setback. Nothing to fuss over."
Evelyn: "You must have had a smooth sailing life, huh?"
Roxanne: "What makes you say that?"
Evelyn: "You seem like the sort who always succeeded. Betcha had straight 'A's through university, didn't ya?"
Roxanne: "Well...not all the time."
Evelyn: "Called it."
Evelyn: "Lucky you. I was dying in uni. Medicine is a nightmare, you know."
Roxanne: "I know."
Evelyn: "Huh?"
Roxanne: "Oh, did I say that out loud?"
Roxanne: "Well, the truth is...I changed courses after the first semester. I originally studied medicine."
Evelyn: "You made a good choice. Maybe I should have just dropped out."
Roxanne: "What? Why?"
Evelyn: "I'm thinking of changing careers. Sitting at a desk waiting for sick patients to come and then send them away hoping they'll get better just isn't my cuppa tea."
Roxanne: "What are you planning on doing then?"
Evelyn: "A firefighter. It was actually my childhood ambition, but growing up I was dissuaded from it. Everyone said a girl shouldn't be doing that kind of job. And I let them get to me. But now I've wisened up."
Roxanne: "You don't know what's good for you. At least you graduated."
Evelyn: "Because I wasn't going to let myself be beaten by a few books and anatomical terminology. I mean, the pay's good, the job's nice, I don't hate it, but it's not what I want to do, y'know?"
Evelyn: "Screw the sexists. They're just jealous of these guns. See these? I've been training."
Roxanne: "Heh."
Gwen: "Hey...are you still upset about my exemption?"
Glenn: "I'm not that petty."
Glenn: "Did I sound like an asshole in the mission?"
Gwen: "Well, yes. A huge asshole."
Glenn: "Hey! It's only because I wanted us to win money. And this was something that could easily be done. And of all contestants to screw up it was Roxanne."
Gwen: "You're in it for the money?"
Glenn: "Yeah. Promised my girlfriend that I'd buy her a house and propose to her with it the moment I make my first million."
Gwen: "A million? How far are you from that?"
Glenn: "A couple hundred grand. But I'm really close. If I can win the Smole, then I can finally give my girlfriend a good life."
Gwen: "That's so sweet. You're like from a fairy tale."
Glenn: "Don't you have a boyfriend too? Does he not do nice things for you?"
Gwen: "Well, he doesn't intend to propose with a house and a million dollars in cash. But that's fine. I'm not after that anyway. I'm quite content with our current lifestyle."
Glenn: "Enough about our personal lives. Because my success hinges on yours, we're going to study together for all the quizzes so that you don't screw things up."
Kyle: "Hey, Phoebe right? Can I ask you something?"
Phoebe: "...What do you want to ask?"
Kyle: "It's about my celebrity, Nicholas. Is he some really famous guy?"
Phoebe: "Oh...I'm afraid I don't know. I don't come from here."
Kyle: "Oh, same. Where are you from?"
Phoebe: "England."
Kyle: "Which part?"
Phoebe: "'s not important."
Kyle: "Okkayy..."
Isaac: "Couldn't help but overhear the conversation. You trying to snatch my girl, Underwood?"
Kyle: "What?"
Isaac: "I'm just kidding. You're asking about Nicholas Penn?"
Kyle: "Yes. Do you know anything about him?"
Isaac: "Only that he's one of the biggest names in the banking industry today. Heard he single-handedly closed a multi-million dollar deal recently. He's the acting CEO of Acorlong."
Kyle: "Acting CEO?"
Phoebe: "Is he the current CEO's son?"
Isaac: "No, actually. The current CEO is childless. Last I heard he's planning on retiring. The board is looking for a replacement."
Kyle: "So he's trying to bootlick his way to the top."
Isaac: "You catch on fast. Sure you ain't local? Those are exactly what the rumours have been saying."
Phoebe: "Sorry. If I may ask, how do you know so much about this?"
Isaac: "I like to keep ahead of current affairs, especially when it's kind of related to my industry."
Isaac: "You know, you could have easily gotten all this info from Nicholas yourself. Minus the rumours, of course."
Kyle: "Yeah, but he seems really cocky and unfriendly. He parades the fact that he has money every chance he gets."
Phoebe: "That is true. Have you seen the suit he wears? Or the tie? Even my Dad is reluctant to wear this other than on very important occasions."
Isaac: "So you're rich too? That's nice to know."
Phoebe: "Er..."
Isaac: "Don't worry. I'll keep it a secret."
Phoebe: "...Thank you."
Phoebe: "I don't know what to make of Isaac. I thought he was a very intimidating man, but then he voluntarily approached me and Kyle, and even offered to keep a secret for me. Maybe I was wrong about him, but I'm still not sure if I can trust him yet. Oh, why did he have to be my bodyguard?"
Jade: "Hmm..."
Jade: "I don't see an on switch on him."
Jade: "Does this work like a slot machine? Do we have to insert coins somewhere?"
Steven: "Have you tried checking below the table?"
Jade: "Oh! There it is."
Steven: "There's a light coming from it."
Jade: "It's green."
Jade: "It's EeeEevVVIiiIiiILLlLLll."
Steven: "Just sit down and play."
Jade: "I must admit I've never played blackjack before."
Steven: "Then we'll start the first round with no money. Treat it like a warm up."
Steven: "Damn this machine sucks. Should have bet money on it. I'd make it big. Then I wouldn't even need to play the Smole for money."
Nicholas: "Pfft."
Steven: "Hey Nicholas, do you want to play?"
Nicholas: "I know better than to squander my money. And they wonder how the rich-poor gap doesn't shrink."
Jade: "What was that supposed to mean?"
Steven: "He has a stick up his ass. He's just a beefcake."
Jade: "Is that one of the cakes you make?"
Steven: "What? Ugh, nevermind."
Steven: "Since it's just the two of us, let's talk shop. I think the Mole is Kyle. What about you?"
Jade: "Kyle? What makes you so sure?"
Steven: "Call it a hunch. There's something off about that guy. I have a good judge of character. And right now I'm 90% sure he's the Mole."
Jade: "I'll go along with you since I'm your hired muscle."
Steven: "Shut up about that. You don't even muscle."
Jade: "I have more than you."
Steven: "...That was uncalled for."
Jade: "Sorry."
Glenn: "Who should we give the penalty to?"
Jade: "Nobody?"
Glenn: "No, that would be incredibly stupid. This is our only advantage over the celebrities. We must make it count."
Evelyn: "I say we give it to Nicholas. I don't like that guy."
Kyle: "Vetoed. He's my celebrity."
Evelyn: "So? He's not a nice guy. You don't like him. Nobody does. Why not use this chance to get rid of him?"
Jade: "I agree with Evelyn."
Glenn: "I think Nicholas is a good choice. You have to give us a good reason not to penalise him."
Kyle: "I just don't feel comfortable throwing him under the bus. He's my celebrity. I can't do that to him."
Jade: "Why is he like that anyway?"
Kyle: "Maybe he doesn't even realise he's got such an abrasive personality. When put in a position of power, you will end up resorting to tactics and end up in a grey area. Worst of all, you may not even know it."
Evelyn: "You're just finding excuses for him, Kyle. That's no reason for him to treat everyone like shit. You're too nice."
Kyle: "I think we shouldn't use the penalty for petty reasons. The best thing we should do with it is to target the celebrities we think are the biggest threat to us, so as to level the playing field. Isaac, what do you think?"
Isaac: "I have no opinion."
Glenn: "Yeah, I found that out in the first mission."
Isaac: "We could take down Roxanne though."
Evelyn: "Why?"
Isaac: "She's smart. She and Glenn are the two smartest here. And Glenn's on our side, so that leaves Roxanne."
Glenn: "Yes, that's a good choice. Take it as punishment for breaking the chain. She did stop the inflow of points."
Evelyn: "Stop it, guys. It's not her fault. She's already upset about it."
Kyle: "You're caught in a dilemma too, huh? I think if we can't decide we should just abstain."
Glenn: "No. Absolutely not."
Evelyn: "Ugh, fine. It's only the first quiz. I believe Roxanne will survive this. But we're not targetting her the next quiz, got it?"
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Is the Mole taller or shorter than the average contestant this season?
A: Taller
B: Shorter
C: Exactly Average
Q3: Is the Mole a celebrity or a bodyguard?
A: Celebrity
B: Bodyguard
Q4: In Mission 1, which car did the Mole take?
A: Green
B: White
C: Black
D: Red
E: Grey
Q5: Did the Mole drive in Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No
Q6: In Mission 1, in which order did the Mole call out a position?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: 9th
J: 10th
Q7: Did the Mole reveal a joker card in Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No
Q8: Which of the following positions did the Mole call in Mission 1?
A: 8
B: 13
C: 15
D: 23
E: 42
F: 45
G: 78
H: 85
I: 94
J: 106
Q9: In Mission 1, who stood opposite the Mole?
A: Nicholas Penn
B: Kyle Underwood
C: Steven Clyde Stevenson
D: Jade Puddingface
E: Roxanne Nimony
F: Evelyn Kohler
G: Glenn Watson
H: Gwen Dolin
I: Phoebe Holmes
J: Isaac Estrop-Lixcilark
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Nicholas Penn
B: Kyle Underwood
C: Steven Clyde Stevenson
D: Jade Puddingface
E: Roxanne Nimony
F: Evelyn Kohler
G: Glenn Watson
H: Gwen Dolin
I: Phoebe Holmes
J: Isaac Estrop-Lixcilark
"Contestants, welcome to your first execution ceremony. As a recap, if you, as a celebrity, score the lowest, your bodyguard has a 50% chance to take the fall unless you have been the victim of a penalty. If you, as a bodyguard, gets executed, it is either because you scored the lowest, or your celebrity scored the lowest."
"Gwen will not be leaving tonight as she is the recipient of the first exemption."
Gwen: "That is correct. I'm done feeling sorry for taking the exemption. All of you would have done the same."
Glenn: "Gwen! You're embarrassing us!"
"Let us begin with Roxanne Nimony."
Roxanne: "Me? O...okay..."
Roxanne: "Oh. Of course. I expected nothing less."
Evelyn: "You guys are lucky she survived."
"Nicholas Penn."
Nicholas: "Go ahead. I'd like to see what's the worst you could do to me."
Nicholas: "I'm flattered I'm still around. I'd like to thank everyone who has helped me, most importantly myself for pulling my own weight."
"Kyle Underwood."
Nicholas: "Let's see if you survive this."
Kyle: "Oh...well..."
Isaac: "And that's one execution over and done with."
Nicholas: "It is such a shame that you're leaving, Kyle."
Kyle: "Spare me the hypocrisy please. I know you don't really care about me."
Nicholas: "I'm hurt. I care about all my underlings."
Kyle: "I'm not your underling."
Nicholas: "Hmph. At least you've got backbone."
Roxanne: "Oh no!"
Evelyn: "See Kyle? If you had listened to me maybe you wouldn't be leaving. Or at least you'll know what happened if you were executed."
Nicholas: "So you bodyguards thought to revolt against me? Bad move, bitches."
Kyle: "We don't know what happened, Evelyn."
Kyle: "I may be executed first but at least I can walk away with my head held high."
Isaac: "It was their idea, but Kyle and I managed to talk them down."
Evelyn: "What?"
Roxanne: "It's too bad you're going home, Kyle. You seem like a nice guy."
Kyle: "Well, it doesn't really matter now. I was never really gunning for the top anyway, so I'm honestly not too hurt about this result. I can only hope that despite our differences, you'll be able to gain something from this, Nicholas. I wish you and everyone else all the best."
Steven: "All brawn and no brain. No wonder you're out first, and no wonder you're stuck as a roadsweeper."
Kyle: "I'm not going to argue with you, but I'll have you know I chose it by choice. There's nothing wrong with being a cleaner, and I get a good pay."
"Kyle, please pack your bags and leave."
Kyle: "Thank you for having me."
"Thank you for joining, Kyle. We hope to see you again."
The young cleaner has been executed first! Did he make a mistake in not penalising Nicholas or would it make no difference?
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