Previously on the Smole, the contestants had to play a desktop version of Psych: Outwit Your Friends, to which Isaac won with the highest score, thus claiming an exemption. 70/90 points were earned, bringing the pot to a nice round number of 255/350 points. The bodyguards could not decide who to give the penalty to but they eventually decided on Steven. Unfortunately for Glenn, he was executed. Was it Gwen's fault? Who will go home next? Who is the Mole?
Gwen: "And here I was thinking...nevermind. It's a good thing I didn't get too close to Glenn. He doesn't understand things. But now I'm all alone again. Why couldn't Edgar be with me? He's the only one who's been by my side."
Roxanne: "Pie for breakfast?"
Isaac: "Don't judge."
Roxanne: "Just when I think I have you figured out, you come along and surprise me. You sure know how to keep someone on her toes, Isaac."
Isaac: "I'm more surprised by Jade. I expected her to eat pudding for breakfast."
Jade: "Why?"
Isaac: "Because your name is Puddingface. Get it?"
Jade: "That's not very funny."
Isaac: "I tried."
Isaac: "Roxanne? My eyes are up here."
Roxanne: "What? Oh, no I wasn't staring! I was just deep in thought."
Roxanne: "Also, you should slow down. You don't want to choke."
Jade: "Can I ask you guys something? Do you think I'm boring?"
Isaac: "No comment."
Roxanne: "I don't. You're unique in your own way. I think your outfit for example isn't boring."
Isaac: "And then in walks in someone to prove you wrong."
Gwen: "You're one to judge."
Roxanne: "I'll just focus on my salad now."
Jade: "Do you think she's coping with the loss of her bodyguard?"
Isaac: "Who knows and who cares? All I know is that things aren't looking good for you and me if the current trend continues."
Nicholas: "So, the winner?"
Jade: "Is it me or has Isaac become more obnoxious?"
Nicholas: "Thinking about us, ladies?"
Evelyn: "Ew, no. In your dreams."
Phoebe: "Back at my old place it would be abhorrent behaviour to talk back so brazenly."
Nicholas: "We all know who'll outlast everyone else. Wouldn't you agree, Isaac?"
Roxanne: "We have no idea what the mission entails so we can only hypothesise. We're in a circle in the woods. If I had to guess, it's some sort of musical chairs."
Roxanne: "It's a game."
Phoebe: "Oh. Back at my old place we didn't have such a game."
Steven: "I don't think Phoebe or Roxanne should be the last one standing then."
Isaac: "I think we should vote for me."
Nicholas: "You already had an exemption."
Isaac: "How do you know we're playing for an exemption?"
Nicholas: "Oh sorry. I must not have gotten the memo where it said we'll be playing for cupcakes. Come on, Isaac. I thought you were smarter than that. The way this is being set up? We're going to compete with each other? And what's the standard prize they always give out?"
Roxanne: "We're not getting anywhere. Let's settle it democratically. All those who vote for Nicholas, say I."
Nicholas: "I. Is no one with me?"
Roxanne: "All those who vote for Isaac, say I."
Isaac: "I."
Phoebe: "I."
Roxanne: "All those who vote for Evelyn, say I."
Evelyn: "I."
Roxanne: "I."
Jade: "I."
Evelyn: "Steven? Gwen?"
Gwen: "Whatever. I."
Nicholas: "Congrats Evelyn. I guess it's you."
Evelyn: "You're not mad?"
Evelyn: "Thanks guys."
"Evelyn, please stand. Contestants, you will be playing 'Blow Wind, Blow'. Each of you were told something, such as corrections or quiz penalties. Those rewards are now tied to the chair you are currently sitting on. Evelyn, your reward has been forfeited. You will play the game for 10minutes. At the end, Evelyn must be the one standing to earn 100 points."
Evelyn: "Blow wind blow."
Jade: "Blow what?"
Evelyn: "Blow those who are rich."
Nicholas: "You're clearly targetting me."
Phoebe: "Oh no. I have to get up, don't I?"

Evelyn: "Huh, didn't know you were rich too, Phoebe."

Nicholas: "Consider yourself lucky, or you wouldn't be able to get me off my seat."

Evelyn: "It's so entertaining to watch you run in that outfit."

Nicholas: "You're never going to make it in time at that rate, sugar."

Evelyn: "Huh, didn't know you were rich too, Phoebe."

Nicholas: "Consider yourself lucky, or you wouldn't be able to get me off my seat."

Evelyn: "It's so entertaining to watch you run in that outfit."

Nicholas: "You're never going to make it in time at that rate, sugar."
Phoebe: "Er...blow wind blow?"
Evelyn: "Blow what?"
Phoebe: "Err...blow those with black hair."

Nicholas: "You guys just want to see me sweat."

Nicholas: "Don't know why they're running so far."
Jade: "Aah! I'm being surrounded!"
Isaac: "I aw that seat first."
Jade: "Excuse me guys."
Roxanne: "Ugh fine. You take this one."
Jade: "It's so uncomfortable running in heels."
Jade: "No I got here first!"
Roxanne: "So close."

Roxanne: "Blow wind blow."
Evelyn: "Blow what?"
Isaac: "So, blowjob?"
Gwen: "Blow wind blow."
Isaac: "Blow what?"
Gwen: "Blow all the men."

Nicholas: "My my ladies. Never knew you had a suit-and-sweat fetish."

Gwen: "Ew, I have a boyfriend."

Gwen: "Ow! Let go of me!"
Isaac: "I didn't even grab that hard. Fine, as an apology, you take this seat."

Nicholas: "My my ladies. Never knew you had a suit-and-sweat fetish."

Gwen: "Ew, I have a boyfriend."

Gwen: "Ow! Let go of me!"
Isaac: "I didn't even grab that hard. Fine, as an apology, you take this seat."
Isaac: "Blow wind blow."
Steven: "Blow what?"
Isaac: "Blow all the women."
Steven: "I don't know what the others had but I had a shield against defection by the bodyguards. This was invaluable, so I wanted to keep to my chair as much as possible. I'm sure everyone wanted to keep their chairs too, but some didn't look like it."
Jade: "Blow anyone who is a Sim."
Steven: "Blow wind blow."
Jade: "Blow what?"
Phoebe: "What else can I blow...ah! Blow all celebrities."
Roxanne: "Blow all bodyguards."
Nicholas: "I think some of us were having too much fun, that we started to lose track of time. None of this matters if Evelyn doesn't end up losing the game."
Jade: "Blow wind blow."
Roxanne: "Blow what?"
Nicholas: "Blow wind blow."
Steven: "Blow what?"
Nicholas: "Blow those who were privately told about corrections."
Nicholas: "This chair has a correction, eh? Cushy."
Phoebe: "Back at my old place the men were more gentlemanly."
Nicholas: "We can go grab some coffee some time. Then you'll see how gentlemanly I can be."
Evelyn: "Ignore him. He think he can get all the women he wants just 'cause he's rich."
Phoebe: "Back at my old place the men were more gentlemanly."
Nicholas: "We can go grab some coffee some time. Then you'll see how gentlemanly I can be."
Evelyn: "Ignore him. He think he can get all the women he wants just 'cause he's rich."
Phoebe: "Blow wind blow."
Nicholas: "Blow what?"
Phoebe: "Blow everybody!"

Phoebe: "Eek!"
Nicholas: "Out of my way."
Steven: "Hey!"
Steven: "I can't believe he thinks he can literally push me around just because he's stronger."
Jade: "Oh wait, this chair can't be sat on."
Phoebe: "Oh, it's me again?"
Nicholas: "You don't look happy."
Steven: "I'm not."
Nicholas: "I'm trembling at my feet right now. Ha! You don't scare me."
Jade: "Anyone kept track of time?"
Evelyn: "No, but I think we're close to the mark."
Gwen: "Evelyn, you need to lose the next round on purpose."
Nicholas: "Or will you?"
Evelyn: "I'll play by ear."
Phoebe: "Blow wind blow."
Roxanne: "Blow what?"
Phoebe: "Blow those with red hair."

Evelyn: " know what? Nevermind. I think we're almost out of time."
Evelyn: "I was debating hard whether I should be the last one standing. At first I thought I wanted the role because I would get the exemption, but then I realised I would be the only one not getting it because my exemption was now out of play. Everyone had rewards. Gwen and Phoebe had corrections. But in the end I decided it wasn't worth it. I need to think with the group in mind. 100 points is a big sacrifice for an unknown."
"Time is up. Evelyn is the last one standing so all 100 points have been earned. The pot now has 355/450 points. All of you sitting will receive something."
"But first, let's find out what Evelyn forsook. Evelyn, what did your chair have?"
Evelyn: "An exemption for whoever was sitting on it."
"Jade, as the initial owner of the chair, what does Isaac get?"
Jade: "A 50 points penalty."
Isaac: "What? Fuck this."
"Nicholas, what is Jade's reward?"
Nicholas: "An analysis of the past quizzes taken."
"Isaac, what does Gwen get?"
Isaac: "Points x2."
"That means both the 100 points and the 50 points penalty has been doubled. That means a net loss of 100 points now."
Gwen: "Boo."
"Gwen, what does Phoebe receive?"
Phoebe: "2 corrections."
Phoebe: "Oh! That's even better than what I had at first."
"Steven, what does Nicholas get?"
Steven: "A shield against defection by bodyguards."
"That means Nicholas will be immune to the effects of the penalty. Bodyguards may still penalise him but if he scores the lowest, he will only have a 50% chance of leaving. The penalty will also be negated."
Nicholas: "What a lovely present."
"Phoebe, what does Steven get?"
Phoebe: "1 correction."
"Lastly, Roxanne. You are the only one in your original seat. Tell us what you had."
Roxanne: "50 bonus points."
"The 50 points will also be doubled. This means in effect, you earned 200/100 points, bringing the pot to 455/450 points. A game well played, except for the Mole."
For the first time in history, the group earned more than the maximum possible amount. Is the Mole being friendly this season or is something sinister to come?
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