Previously on the Smole, the contestants had to swap photos to earn 120 points, which they failed to do so. Evelyn earned a -10 penalty for the group pot by possessing a photo at the end of the mission, causing the pot to become 465/710 points. While Steven was the victim of yet another quiz penalty, it was Phoebe who found herself executed instead. Will the bodyguards succeed in executing a celebrity, or has the celebrity they have been targetting the Mole all along?
Steven: "Go put on a shirt."
Nicholas: "These bulging muscles making you feel inferior?"
Steven: "Ew."
Nicholas: "Why are you even peeping at me?"
Steven: "Don't flatter yourself."
Nicholas: "Because that's all I live for."
Steven: "I've seen Sims like you. They think they're so great and powerful. They're attention-seekers and only want to listen to praise and adulation. They act like demigods. Someone needs to pull you back down to reality and put you in your place."
Nicholas: "Did you wake up on the wrong side of bed today?"
Steven: "Of course you don't take me seriously. I shouldn't have expected so much. It's just like you to treat everything like a joke."
Roxanne: "Come on..."
Roxanne: "Yes! I did it!"
Roxanne: "I succeeded today in pouring just the right amount of water. And my hands didn't shake. I was sharp and focused. It feels great. I don't know why I was so foolish in the past."
Steven: "It feels weird without Jade beside me."
Evelyn: "Who says black is for guys only?"
Nicholas: "Bright, gaudy, it's sure to turn heads and show off my wealth. What's not to like about a green car? I'm like the Emperor. I can parade around in my underwear and everybody still grovels at my feet."
Roxanne: "Slow and steady...I'm a good driver. I just have to believe in myself."
Nicholas: "We drove lavish cars to a dingy room. I love the irony."
"Contestants, today, you will be listening to a group of four songs, one group at a time. In each group, one song doesn't belong. Remember which ones, because later you will compete to identify them. The contestant with the most songs gets an exemption. Every correct song identified earns 20 points, while a wrong song takes 5 points. This mission is worth 140 points. Good luck."
"Oh, by the way, you will not be signalled when a new group of songs begins to play."
Evelyn: "I hope all of you are ready to get kicked, 'cause I have it in the bag."
Roxanne: "I've heard these songs countless of times when having to decide which tracks to use for which events. This should be a breeze."
Nicholas: "We'll see about that."
Steven: "I don't need to win. I just need to beat Nicholas and Evelyn."
Jade: "Why are we trash talking?"
"Contestants, when you hear a song which you think should not have belonged in a group earlier, run forward and remove it."
"Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last~"
Evelyn: "They remixed the songs."
Roxanne: "I don't think this is the one."
Nicholas: "Every man for himself."
Jade: "Nobody's running for it, so this must be wrong."
Steven: "I hate running."
Jade: "At least you don't have to do it in heels."
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Mambo Number Five~"
Jade: "Is this the right...wrong song?"
Nicholas: "Got it. The song doesn't belong in the group because it's not part of a band."
Evelyn: "Damn it."
"Lost in the darkness, you showed me the light
I was feeling heartsick, till you made it right~"
Roxanne: "This is Sparta! Always wanted to say that."
Nicholas: "This song isn't from the musical The Greatest Showman."
Evelyn: "He's wearing a suit and tie goddammit. How can he outrun me?"
Nicholas: "Don't be a sore loser."
"Yeah, you've ruined me~"
Roxanne: "Nobody's taking it, and good thing too."
"It's supposed to hurt, it's a broken heart~"
"But to movin' on is the hardest part
It comes in waves, then letting go~"
Evelyn: "What? This is warped logic. You're in heels, Jade."
Nicholas: "What a sight to behold. So much for kicking our butts, Evelyn."
Jade: "This song has a woman in it. And it's also a sad song compared to the other three."
"Didn't know how but I always had a feeling
I was gonna be that one in a million
Always had high, high hopes~"
"Gotta get up and try, and try, and try~"
Evelyn: "Still not it."
Roxanne: "Patience."
"Make evil go away~"
"Ladies up in here tonight~"
Roxanne: "Am I the only one running?"
Roxanne: "I still believe I'm right. This song has not been made into the Simlish song."
"What if we rewrite the stars~"
Roxanne: "Already got that group."
"Girls hit your hallelujah~"
Roxanne: "And that too."
"I want it that way~"
"When the sharpest words wanna cut me down~"
"Call me, beep me
If you wanna reach me~"
"Last Friday night~"
Evelyn: "Come on, come on..."
"Move a little closer~"
Roxanne: "Come on, come on~"
"I want to hear you whisper~"
"I'm gonna make you bend and break~"
Jade: "Why is everyone running?"
Steven: "This song is familiar...oh!"
Jade: "If they're running I should too."
Evelyn: "Finally!"
Evelyn: "This song is not called 'Try'."
Jade: "OH."
"Never enough~"
Roxanne: "Story of my life right now."
"I could lift you up
I could show you what you want to see
And take you where you want to be~"
"You could be my luck
Even if the sky is falling down
I know that we'll be safe and sound~"
Roxanne: "Why is everyone running? I already settled that group with Shakira."
Evelyn: "Listen to Roxy! What gives?"
Nicholas: "You trust yourself and I trust myself. This is the only song in the group sung by men."
Steven: "Ugh."
"Every day
Of our lives
Wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight~"
"Leave it all to me~"
"But I'll try, to never disappoint you
I'll try, until I get it right~"
Roxanne: "All these songs suddenly speak tome."
Nicholas: "How many have we listened to?"
"And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives~"
Roxanne: "I can't recall where this song was."
Evelyn: "It's the song that isn't from a kids' movie."
"It's the start of something new~"
"You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to give it all away~"
"Na na na na~"
Evelyn: "Ha! Got it!"
Jade: "Boo..."
Evelyn: "This song is the only one that had a rendition in the movie."
Evelyn: "Yes. I caught up to Nicholas."
Roxanne: "I don't think that's right."
"I gotta say what's on my mind~"
"Something about us
Doesn't seem right these days~"
"Life keeps getting in the way~"
Roxanne: "I think this is the correct song we're after. It's the only sad song from the group."
"So you better run, run, runaway, runaway baby~"
"All songs have been played. Certain songs could be the odd one out over others, depending on how they're argued. However, if someone took more than one song in a group, that must mean that one of them is wrong, and hence a penalty will be earned if such. The odd one outs are are:
Love Who I'll Be
Gotta Go My Own Way
Mambo Number 5
Thnx Fr Th Mmrs
Hips Don't Lie
Graduation (Friends Forever)
What If I Never Get Over You"
"As Nicholas and Evelyn both have the most songs collected, they both get an exemption."
Evelyn: "I didn't realise wrong songs were counted."
The group earned 130/140 points in the mission, bringing the pot to 595/850 points. Things are starting to look up...except for one contestant. Who will be executed next?
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