Previously on the Smole, the final 5 had to combine logic and music together in the mission, to which they earned 130/140 points to have the pot at 595/850 points. Both Nicholas and Evelyn had exemptions, and with the bodyguards abstaining from giving Steven or Roxanne a penalty, Jade found herself executed next. Only four remain and one more execution to go. Who will make it to the 49th finale?
Evelyn: "...Morning."
Nicholas: "Good morning."
Nicholas: "How are you feeling?"
Evelyn: "Awful. I feel really weak. I'm a little worried, to be honest. But if you're gonna make some sexist joke, save it."
Nicholas: "Heaven forbid me from having a heart."
Nicholas: " know, I could ask Steven to prepare a nutritious meal. I know just what would help."
Evelyn: "Good luck with that. He doesn't like being told what to do."
Nicholas: "He already has a constructive obligation to be our personal chef. I'm sure I can make him listen to me."
Evelyn: "He doesn't like us. Roxy told me they had a huge blow-up yesterday. Besides, I already tried. He didn't take kindly to it."
Nicholas: "Guy probably thinks he's an expert, and that you're obliged to eat whatever garbage he produces."
Evelyn: "They're actually quite good. You should try them more often."
Nicholas: "I'll pass."
Evelyn: "You know, I may have misjudged you. At first I thought you were a stuck-up elitist. But here you are eating commoner food. You care about others too."
Nicholas: "Of course. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. By providing welfare to my employees they are spurred to be more productive."
Nicholas: "It is, as you would say, sticking it to the man."
Evelyn: "Why? I'm not rich."
Nicholas: "But you've got cunning. You have a lot of untapped potential. Honestly, I'm disappointed you're not unlocking it."
Evelyn: "I'm not going to throw Roxy under the bus."
Evelyn: "That's just bull. I'm not like you. Friendships are important to me. Maybe for you, every action must be calculated. You treat your subordinates nicely only because you want something in return. Not for me. It's not easy to find a friend on a show like this. I'm not gonna ruin that just cause some rich guy in a suit told me to."

Nicholas: "Of course not, but you are willing to make compromises to get ahead. I'm sure Roxanne will understand."
Evelyn: "I know what you're playing at. You're just trying to break up Roxy and me. Too bad. We're stronger than glue. It's my unwavering trust in her that kept both of us around, while every other bodyguard has walked out the door trying to undermine their celebrity. Nice try, but you failed."
Nicholas: "Pft. Know-it-all."
Steven: "I'm winning this, Penn."

"Steven has been eliminated."
The contestants are being called out one by one to learn about their roles in the next mission, which has the essence of the board game Coup. In this mission, there are 5 roles, and up to 3 can appear at the same time:
The duke, who can earn 3 coins instead of the usual 1, as well as prevent others from earning 2 coins in their turn;
The assassin, who can spend 3 coins to reveal another contestant's role;
The contessa, who can block an assassination;
The captain, who can take 2 coins from another contestant, as well as prevent others from stealing their own coins; and
The ambassador, who can switch roles.
But they can lie.
The goal is simple: to be the last one surviving, and thus get an exemption. Whatever coins each contestant has at the end of the mission will be doubled and added to the pot as points. If contestants are able to earn beyond 50 points, the excess will be treated as bonus points.
For this mission, contestants will be playing in pairs. The fallen bodyguards have been recalled to help their celebrities one last time. For Roxanne and Evelyn, Glenn and Isaac will return to help them instead.
As such, each contestant essentially have two lives. The mission will play almost identically to the normal board game, except for one important difference.
In the board game, players must attempt a coup on another player once they have 10 coins. However, this restriction is lifted for the mission, allowing contestants to amass as many coins as they want. However, with a ticket to the finale in view, not everybody may be inclined to earn an infinite number of coins, especially not the Mole.
Before they set off, the contestants will know what role they and their fallen friend initially have. The executed contestants are also unable to communicate with other duos, and will always be eliminated in favour of the contestant still in the Smole.
Kyle: "Glad to see you're still in it."
Nicholas: "Unlike you, I wasn't middling around. Now listen to me and we will win."
Jade: "It feels like I haven't even left."
Steven: "It does feel odd for you to be back so quickly."
Glenn: "If I can't win, then I would want you to win."
Roxanne: "Aw, that's so nice of you to say."
Isaac: "Lying about your identity in a game about lying about your identity. It's like Mole-ception."
Evelyn: "We will crush the competition. The exemption must be mine no matter what."
Roxanne: "I find that in games about lying like this, it's better to just tell the truth. Others will think you're lying no matter what and you'll never have to worry about being called out."
Steven has an ambassador, Jade has an assassin, Evelyn has an assassin, Isaac has a captain, Nicholas has a duke, Kyle has a contessa, Roxanne has a contessa and Glenn has a duke.
Steven: "We have an ambassador. We'll switch a role."
Roxanne: "Hmm, what do you say?"
Glenn: "Let them."
Nicholas: "It's too early to tell if it's a lie or not. Keep track of every action, Kyle."
Evelyn: "We'll draw two coins."
Nicholas: "We'll draw one coin."
Kyle: "Is that a good idea? Wouldn't it be better to draw two coins?"
Nicholas: "Trust me on this one. I'm going for the long con."
Roxanne: "We'll draw two coins."
Steven: "We'll draw two coins."
Evelyn: "No, I'm in this game, not you. I know what's the best strategy...ahem. We will draw two coins."
Nicholas: "We have the ambassador. We will switch roles."
Evelyn: "I'm watching you."
Nicholas: "Now watch me switch. Then watch me win."
Nicholas: "Nobody is contesting, as they shouldn't."
Kyle: "Which do we swap?"
Nicholas: "This one. There's a role I want. I'm usually very lucky, so I'll get it on my next try."
Roxanne: "We have the duke. We will draw three coins."
Evelyn: "We should let them pass. We can take it from them later."
Steven: "We will draw 2 coins."
Roxanne: "We should capitalise on the situation. Everyone knows we have a duke. I think we made ourselves a target. Steven and Nicholas will be plotting to kill us."
Glenn: "I don't think we should stop him. These are points. We also have a trump card."
Roxanne: "We need to look further than that. We can't let anyone know about the contessa."
Glenn: "It's your call. I can't speak."
Steven: "What is with that discussion?"
Roxanne: ""
Evelyn: "We have a captain. We'll steal from Roxy."
Roxanne: "Really, Evy?"
Evelyn: "Sorry."
Roxanne: "I think you're lying."
Evelyn: "Sorry, Isaac's the captain. Isaac, draw another card. Roxy and Glenn, now you have to reveal a role."
Glenn: "I think the contessa is useless at this stage."
Roxanne: "I see your point, but what the rest don't know will give us an advantage. We can afford to lose the duke, which they already know. We just have to earn money in another way."
Roxanne: "We do indeed have a duke."
Glenn: "I guess that's where my help ends. Good luck, Roxanne."
"Glenn has been eliminated."
Nicholas: "We have an ambassador. We'll switch."
Steven: "He just switched it away. No way did he get it again. I think you're lying."
Evelyn: "I thought the same at first but it could be a trick. He could be holding the ambassador on purpose to trip us up."
Nicholas: "Kyle, do the honours."
Kyle: "Sorry Steven. I do have an ambassador."
Steven: "Fuck. I have the contessa."
Nicholas: "Don't charge in without a plan. You'll find yourself with a knife in your back."
"Jade has been eliminated."
Roxanne: "I'll draw two coins."
Nicholas: "Just enough for a coup."
Steven: "I have the assassin. I'll assassinate Roxanne and Glenn."
Roxanne: "I'll block with my contessa."
Steven: "'s too risky. I'm at a disadvantage. Fine, I'll let you block."
Evelyn: "We have the duke. We'll draw 3 coins."
Nicholas: "We have the duke. We'll draw 3 coins."
Evelyn: "I think you're lying. You're just saying that because you're at a disadvantage and want everyone to think you're rich."
Nicholas: "Unfortunately, you thought wrong. We do have a duke. Show your card."
Evelyn: "Damn. We have a duke."
Roxanne: "Two dukes out. I know now that Nicholas doesn't have the last duke."
Isaac: "Whatever it is, don't let Nicholas and Kyle win. I want a surprise."
"Isaac has been eliminated."
Roxanne: "I'll draw 2 coins."
Steven: "I'll draw 2 coins."
Evelyn: "It takes 7 coins to coup. I'm sorry Roxy. I want to launch a coup attempt on you."
Roxanne: "Well played. I have the contessa."
Roxanne: "Come on Evy. I'm rooting for you."
Evelyn: "I won't letcha down."
"Roxanne has been eliminated."
Kyle: "If I tracked correctly, Steven currently has the assassin. Nobody has the duke."
Nicholas: "Steven's our most imminent threat. We have the captain. We will steal 2 coins from him."
Steven: "Should I challenge? It's too dangerous. Fine. Take my coins, you greedy fucker."
Steven: "I'll draw 2 coins."
Evelyn: "I have the ambassador. I'll switch."
Nicholas: "You're lying."
Evelyn: "Damn it. I thought I could fool you. I had the assassin."
Nicholas: "Nobody gets past me."
Evelyn: "Damn it. I really wanted the exemption."
Steven: "It's just me and you now, Penn."
Kyle: "And me."
"Evelyn has been eliminated."
Only Nicholas and Steven remain. Who will win the game?
Nicholas: "It's full steam ahead."
Kyle: "Copy that."
Steven: "Nicholas was so confident in calling Evelyn out, and he may have the captain. I think he definitely has an ambassador. The only question now is if he lied about the captain."
Steven: "Now's my chance. I have the assassin. I will assassinate you."
Nicholas: "Go ahead. We have the captain."
Steven: "Just what I needed to know."
"Kyle has been eliminated."
Only two left. Who will walk out here with an exemption?
Nicholas: "I have the ambassador. I'm switching roles."
Steven: "Sure."
Steven: "I will draw 2 coins."
Nicholas: "I have the captain. I will steal from you."
Steven: "I'm going to lose either way if I don't do something about it."
Steven: "I have the captain. I'm blocking you."
Nicholas: "I think you're lying."
Steven: "Fuck. I had the assassin."
Nicholas: "You should have just given up and submitted. It was painful to watch you desperately try to lie."

"Steven has been eliminated."
Nicholas: "Good game, everyone. But you were no match for me."
"Nicholas, congratulations. You have earned the final exemption of the season and will be heading into the finale, guaranteed."
Steven's 2 coins, Nicholas's 6 coins and Roxanne's 9 coins have led to 34/50 points in the pot, making it 629/900 points. Who will be joining Nicholas in the finale? Who is the Mole?
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