The first mission shall commence shortly.

Philo: “I didn’t know you could cook. I thought all you did
was run on the treadmill.”
Derek: “Well, I can do a lot of stuff.”

Charlotte: “Ugh, people. Two of them.”
Philo: “What’s your problem? Aren’t you a person too?”
Charlotte: “I don’t intend to stay near strangers.”
Philo: “Then why sign up for this?”
Charlotte: “I need quick money. This is the best and fastest
way to get it.”
Derek: “You should make friends here.”
Charlotte: “Friends! Ha! Don’t ever mention that word in
front of me! It’s sacrilegious, I tell you. Who needs friends?”
Derek: “We all do.”
Philo: “You know what’s sacrilegious? You? And I should
know. I’m Buddhist.”
Charlotte: “So you’re vegetarian then?”
Philo: “Yup. But that’s not the point. The point is you need
to change your attitude.”
Charlotte: “And I should listen to you? You’re just a few
years older than me. And I don’t even know you!”

Iris: “The bed is so clunky and rigid. It hurt my back.
Guess I should have chosen a better bed.”
Dawn: “We know who the early birds are now.”
Philo: “It’s not that early. It’s 8am.”
Charlotte: “I’m not glad that phones are banned. While I
don’t ever use it, you guys do, and are addicted to it. Being glued to your
phones means less interaction, good for me.”

Jillian: “Who turned this thing on while I was sleeping?
“I did. Because it’s time for your first mission! This
mission involves all twelve of you to go to a maze. One of you will be the
killer, while the others must run to the exit before being killed. Anyone who
makes it out will win 10 points for the team and the last standing player will
win a card. This is worth 110 points.”

Janet will be the killer.

Janet: “I volunteered to kill because I thought it would be
fun, and I could act out a convincing murderer scene. Beats murdering myself
every single time. At the same time I’m hoping to understand the psychology of
the Mole through this.”
Off the contestants run. Run! Run for your puny little
lives! Muahahaha!

Charlotte: “I see a gate.”
Janet: “Hmm…perfect hiding spot. Let me enter it.’

Charlotte: “I’ve been found. Shoot, is that a real gun?”
Janet: “Time to put you to sleep…forever!”

Dawn: “Oh I’m fabulous.”
Cheryl: “What are you doing posing down here?”
Cheryl: “Waiting for men to hook up? I despise women like
you, always depending on men to save you.”
Dawn: “Is there anything wrong in looking for love?”
Cheryl: “This is the twenty-first century! We do not need
love, we do not need men! We can depend on ourselves! Look at me! I’m a CEO,
for crying out loud! Get your act together!”

Janet: “I hear some shouting. Perfect.”
Janet: “Found you.”
Dawn: “Oh my god we need to stop bickering.”
Janet: “Any last words?”
Cheryl: “No…you won’t dare shoot. That can’t be real.”
Janet: “Charlotte already died at my hands. Want to try?”
Cheryl: “Don’t tell me this is another ‘Celebrity Kills’
Dawn: “Run! I’ll shield you!”
Dawn: “AAAH!”

Cheryl: “Oh my goodness it’s real! I’ll come back for you
Janet: “You can run but you can’t hide!”
Dawn: “My world…it’s getting foggier…my limbs…they’re
getting weaker….my world, it’s getting foggier…wait, I said that already.”

Demetria: “Who’s that? Argyle?”
Derek: “No, it’s Derek.”
Demetria: “Phew. If it were Janet I’d be a goner.”
Derek: “What a lovely day it is today.”
Demetria: “Too bad I can’t feel it.”

Chad: “Oh my gosh what are you guys doing here? Why are you
standing in open space talking to each other? Don’t let down your guard!”
Chad: “A second shot was fired! Aah!”

Derek: “Where are your running to?”
Demetria: “Is he being paranoid?”
Derek: “Betcha. It can’t be real. Though the sound effect is
mighty convincing.”
Demetria: “As was that piercing scream that sounded like
Derek: “Yup…wait, Dawn? Dawn! I must save you!”
Demetria: “No.”
Dead ends. Will they survive?

Cheryl: “Shit. I better record that Janet’s a serial killer
before I die.”
Janet: “I can’t make too much noise.”

Cheryl: “Who’s there? Darn you found me!”
Janet: “Dammit. Say goodbye and meet your unicorn!”
Cheryl: “I prefer ‘meet your maker’. But I’m not going to
give up that easily!”
Janet: “Hey! How dare you run past me like that!”

Philo: “I feel like a headless chicken…hmm, reminds me of
the time I had to act as a chicken. Stupid producers.”

Demetria: “And that’s why you can’t just go off running like
that. It’s too reckless.”
Derek: “You’re right. I just never thought we would encounter
this much danger. I never imagined this to entail that much risk.”
Demetria: “Well, this is the Smole, after all.”
Derek: “You know, you have this alluring charm, Tria. Can I
call you Tria?”
Demetria: “Oh, thanks! And of course!”

Demetria: “If you are that worried, I’ll go creep around and
find Dawn for you.”
Derek: “No! It’s too risky!”
Demetria: “I’ll be careful. I know how to tread on my toes.
Await my good news!”

Derek: “Woah, where did you come from?”
Chad: “I say be careful. I think I hear high heels.”
Janet: “Well looky here!”
Demetria: “Oh no! Run! Derek! Run! You will not get past
Janet: “Oh? We’ll see about that.”
Demetria: “AAH!”

Derek: “…Why can’t I protect either Dawn or Demetria?”

Jillian: “I don’t see why you need to run, Iris. It’s just a
game. A simple mission.”
Iris: “We have to do our best in whatever we do!”
Cheryl: “Drats! A dead end!”
Iris: “This must be the end!”
“Congratulations Iris, you
are the first to make it out! You can pick a card. This is like a hidden
Iris: “I pick…this card!”

Chad: “Argyle, I would advise you not to go in there. It’s a
dead end.”
Argyle: “I know what I’m doing, but thanks for good

Janet: “Where are the rest? My hands are stained with blood,
but I want more! MORE! Muahahahahaha!”
Chad: “Is this the end?”
“No, it’s the entrance. Try again.”

Argyle: “So, this looks like a good place to record my

Janet: “I suspect that someone is here.”
Janet: “Hmm? I thought someone was here.”
Janet: “Hey! Who just went past me? Darn it.”

Cheryl: “Is this finally it?”
“Congratulations Cheryl, you have made it out!”

Philo: “Gosh, it’s so hot.”
Chad: “Well I’m more overdressed than you and I’m not complaining.
We’ve got our lives at stake here! Run!”
Uma: “Oh Argyle’s there jotting something down. He’s the
smart one, so it must be safe here.”
Uma: “I smell sweat. I hope it’s not me.”
Janet: “Aha! Found you. Well, aren’t you the feisty one? I hope
you’ll prove a challenge. I need some thrill.”

Uma: “Well I won’t give you what you want! Come! Kill me
now! Instantly! I’m all here for you!”
Janet: “Too ashamed to see me? Well, very well. You asked
for it.”

Janet: “Ha! What an easy kill. But still, it was quite
messy. Makes it all the more interesting to watch.”

“Congratulations Derek! You are the third out!”
Jillian: “I can hear the screams and the shouts, and the
shootings! This is getting scary. Not what I signed up for! Tartar! A dead end!”
Chad is the fourth to make it out alive.

Jillian: “No!”
Janet: “Did I block your path? Well, I’m so sorry. Why not
you turn to your right and run? Or can you not? Muahahaha!”

Jillian: “I’m tired of all this. Just kill me already.”
Janet: “Aw, just put up a struggle! But as you wish. I still
need to look for Cheryl. She’s the most fun of them all. I feel like the master
here! Muahahaha!”

Final 3. Who will make it out alive? Who is the last to

Argyle: “The firing sound was quite far away, so she must be
far from here. Now I can make my escape.”

“Congratulations Argyle! You are the fifth out!”

Janet vs. Philo. Who will win?
Philo: “Now what? It’s a dead end.”

Janet: “Now, how many have I left?”
Philo: “I need to rest. I’m too old for this.”

Janet: “Come out, come out, wherever you are!”

Philo: “Damn!”
Janet: “Oh, what do we have here? A Philo walking right to
my feet. Do you want a shot, or a bayonet?”
Janet: “I suppose firing the tranquiliser shot is
more…justified on you. You wanted a rest, didn’t you?”
Janet: “Oh my, what have I done? I need to flee the scene!”

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