Previously on the Smole, the 12 contestants ran for their
lives as their hearts were filled with fear from the serial madwoman killer
Janet Burnes. Only 5 made it out unscathed, earning 50/110 points for the team.
For being the first out, Iris earned the card of Bertram. Janet was the last
standing, so she earned Ezekiel’s card. Uma was executed, to her utter rage.
Who is next?
Monica: “Chad! It’s you!”
Chad: “Who are you?”
Monica: “Don’t you recognise me? I dressed up as a burglar
so as to sneak here legitly to see you!”
Chad: “Monica? Why…this is too dangerous. You should go.”

Monica: “At least give me a hug!”

Jillian: “What is that noise?”
Jillian: “Oh my gosh are you two woohooing? Gross!”

Jillian: “With a burglar some more! I must call the
production team to get rid of the intruder.”
Monica: “No!”
Chad: “Why do you even have your phone?”
Jillian: “Oops. Uh…”
Monica: “I’ll come back for you honey!”

Chad: “That lady…her name is Monica. She’s got a crush on me
and is obsessed. I had already planned
for such situation. I don’t know why I didn’t act on it. It must be so
embarrassing for Jillian to see that.”

Jillian: “So…um…what nice weather it is today. Time to keep
my phone away.”
Police: “Well…we’re here to confiscate your phone.”
Jillian: “You’re not really the police.”
Police: “No. The crew just thought it would be fun to play
dress-up. Anyway, you do get a card for trying to chase away intruders. Pick
one of these 5.”
Jillian: “I pick…this one! Ooh, it’s the card of Fiona!”
Dawn: “Your butt is hot.”
Philo: “What? Disgusting...but so flattering.”
Dawn: “You’re what religion again? I find it hot.”
Philo: “Buddhist. Not sure how that matters.”
It’s time for the second mission. Contestants are to get a
skill point in any skill they desire, earning 20 points for doing so
successfully. The one who earns it first earns a card. This is worth 220

Derek: “Does foosball count as a skill?”
Derek: “Darn!”

Cheryl: “This is atrocious! Where is my personal secretary? I
demand good food now!”

Derek: “Well…this is definitely one.”
Cheryl: “Ugh! Horrid! Get off the stage! I order you!”
Charlotte: “My ears have broken!”
Jillian: “Oh come on! Playing the piano seems fun! I’m
learning how to play it, so be patient with me!”

Charlotte: “I’ve probably habituated to the music so I can’t
hear anything. I’m going to write in my journal now.”

Cheryl: “Why is there a puddle here? Someone go clean up!”

Dawn: “Actually I have no idea why I’m doing this…oh right!
Cheryl asked me to!”

Iris: “I still can’t believe it
Philo: “Who put you up to say this? I’m not that famous.”
Iris: “Production. They said I need to boost your fame.”

Jillian: “Okay I need to pee now. I think that’s enough

Dawn: “We both have blonde hair and love blue, so why not we
form a coalition?”
Charlotte: “For the third time, no.”

Charlotte: “I will not sacrifice personal gains for friends.
I will not commit myself to such obligations.”
Dawn: “Hey Iris, whatcha doing?”
Iris: “Going to scare you.”
Dawn: “Okay. Anyway…wait Iris said something just now and it sounds important.”
Dawn: “Okay. Anyway…wait Iris said something just now and it sounds important.”

Iris: “Boo!”
Dawn: “Aah!”
Charlotte: “Don’t block my way twits!”
Jillian: “Boo!”
Dawn: “I think I’m forgetting something…oh right, to look
scared. And why do I feel like this is déjà vu?”
Jillian: “Because Iris just scared you. We all need to
lighten up a little.”

Cheryl: “Perfect quiet place to revise.”
Charlotte: “Someone needs to clean this puddle up.”
Chad: “At last, I fixed the toilet.”
Cheryl: “Chad! The toilet is clogged!”
Chad: “Here I go again…”

Janet: “I think working on my charisma is important.”
Demetria: “Who is that?”
Argyle: “Argyle Sinclair.”
Demetria: “Oh, do sit, great one! Can you teach me how to
play chess?”
Argyle: “Absolutely. Just watch…feel.”
Chad: “Finally.”

Charlotte: “Dawn is such an attention seeker. Trying to get
as much screen time as possible.”
Argyle: “There we go.”
Demetria: “I feel so enlightened and logical now!”

Cheryl: “You do this! You, do that! You, come here! You,
scram! I don’t even need to rehearse and practice. I have the innate skills of
being a boss!”
Dawn: “Oh you’re so stron…smart!”
Derek: “You really think so? That’s so sweet of you.”
Cheryl: “Get a room!”
Dawn: “Go away Cheryl. This is our room.”
Cheryl: “You dare boss me around? Hmph, you’re lucky I have
no interest in staying in this room, or you’ll be fired.”
Dawn: “Now that she’s gone, let me chew on your man

Chad: “That’s why I hate spaghetti.”
Cheryl: “You’re an idiot! You can’t even make spaghetti
properly! You’re fired!”
Chad: “You’re not the boss of me!”
Cheryl: “Oh? As long as I’m around, I’m the boss of everyone
Dawn: “Oh you’re so good-looking…let’s get under the
Iris: “I think this will be my skill I want to learn.”
“Time’s up! Mission’s over!”
Iris: “Oh eyeballs.”
“Chad, Derek, Argyle, Charlotte and Demetria have all gained
a skill point, so 100/220 points are added, making the pot 150/330. Derek earns
a card for being the first to improve the skill and he picks Henrietta.
Charlotte has the most skill points for the skill she chose to improve, so she
earns a hidden card too, which is Hossan. Also, Jillian earns a card, Fiona.
Get ready for the quiz.”
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