Now, on with the show.
Previously the final 7 went to university, where they had to
try and earn a good grade. While there, they had to eat as much candy as
possible, earning 40/140 points, or 512/680 points for the team, with Philo and
Cheryl being the only one to eat enough. Cheryl ate the most and earned the
card of Venus. They were spared from execution as the first mission wasn’t
over, but when it is, one will go.
Contestants are currently in their next mission, to go
bowling. They must score at least a score a score of 100 at the end of a game
of bowling to earn 20 points. Anyone who earns a strike or spare will
immediately earn 20 points and get to pick a card. Strikes also warrant an end
to the game for the contestant. This is worth 140 points.
Derek: “My arm strength is good…though I’m kind of wishing
it wasn’t so obvious…”
Philo: “Woah…nearly lost my balance.”

Derek: “Used too much strength…nearly fell over.”
Chad: “Oof! Okay, change of
tactics. Aim from the other side…but is that viable?”

Janet: “Aah! I shouldn’t have worn heels.”
They sure seem happy.
Philo: “Yeah! A strike! Dawn, you can come take my place
Philo draws the card of Vera.

Janet: “This is mighty embarrassing. I must act like nothing
happened though.”

Derek: “Dawn, over there.”
Dawn: “But I want to be with you, honey badger!”
Cheryl: “Don’t make me lose focus. If my results are dismal,
you’re fired.”
Janet: “Finally! I didn’t fall!”
Cheryl: “I finally got the hang of it!”

Dawn: “Can you help me, handsome hunk?”
Philo: “Sure, you do it like that…”
Philo: “Sure, you do it like that…”
Dawn: “Come closer and give me a demonstration.”

Charlotte: “Ugh! In the gutter!”
Dawn: “Oh yeah it’s time to party!”

Cheryl: “Stupid high heels.”

Cheryl: “I must have looked so pathetic. You better remove
the footage of me falling, or I’m going to take you to court! I’m not even
going to try and offer you any incentive, because I’m in charge and you have to
listen to me! Go! And get me a glass of water! I need to cool down. Why is the
air-conditioning not working? Turn it up to full blast! NOW!”
Charlotte: “Alright this is easy! I’ve got a spare!”
Charlotte picks the card of Cynthia.

Chad: “Yes! A strike! Whew, that was a stressful game. Glad
it’s all over.”
Chad picks Brianna.
If 10 points were earned for every time someone fell, Janet
would have gotten a full pot by now.

Charlotte: “Hmm…should I continue playing?”

Charlotte: “Oof! I look like a fish out of water.”

Cheryl: “Finally! I can get a spare!”
Cheryl picks Kathleen.
The final scores at the end of the game: (/ means spare, X
means strike)
Chad: X
Janet: 108
Derek: 103
Cheryl: / 67
Charlotte: / 111
Philo: X
Dawn: 75.
All but Dawn earn 20 points, making the pot 632/820 points.
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