Last time on the Smole, the final 8 went to sing karaoke and
had to finish the lyrics to earn points. 40/80 points were earned, with
Charlotte forfeiting, so 472/540 points were earned. Jillian earned a card but
it was useless so she chose not to use it, leading to it going back to the deck
as she was executed. Who shall be the next one to go? To be honest, they’re all
going somewhere…

Dawn: “There are so many grumps in this house. There’s Chad
who’s always moaning about how he has no direction in life, Philo who’s grumpy
about not being famous, Cheryl who wants to be the boss…did I forget anyone? Oh
yes, Charlotte! Need I say more? Jillian was my only friend who understood how
to have fun and now she’s gone. Sigh. My heart aches. Time to look for Derek.
Or maybe if I want to have some fun or change the others, I’ll scour for new

Janet: “Big news. I heard we’re all leaving.”
Chad: “What? Where? Good thing I had my farewell speech all
planned out. First off, I would like to…”
Derek: “We don’t know anything yet. If I wasted my time here
then I’m going to…”
Janet: “Punch them?”
Chad: “Cry?”
Derek: “…No. I’ll use my brains.”
The final 7 are to take an aptitude test. It does not matter
much, just how much less we can spend.
Charlotte: “Chad! How disgraceful!”
Cheryl: “What she said!”
Philo: “Did you have to?”
Dawn: “What was I going to do again? Oh, you peed yourself!
Hee! Want me to help you clean up?”
Derek: “I’m going to use the toilet instead of being so
Dawn: “Want me to help?”

Cheryl: “This is impossible. How can I only score 100/400
for everything! I’m a CEO for crying out loud!”
Chad: “Have you ever planned what you’d do if you weren’t
Cheryl: “That will never happen!”

Philo: “You smell. Go bathe. You’ve just committed a grave
sin by peeing in public.”
Chad: “I came prepared with diapers, just in case things
like this happened. I was just deliberating whether to use it.”
Philo: “You want some advice in life? Stop planning and
start executing. In the right way.”

The contestants are off to University, where they will learn

Cheryl: “We’re off to University! This is interesting.
Though I find Fine Arts kind of boring. Why are we forced to take this major
that nobody likes? Is that the reason why we’re forced to take it? They better
not make my life a living hell, or I’ll make sure to send them down there when
I get back.”

Contestants have arrived. They will be staying here for one
week. Their mission is to get at least a C by the end of the week. For every Sim
that succeeds, 30 points will be added, making this worth 210 points. The
highest scorer will get a card, as does anyone who gets an A.

Janet: “This place is so cool! I’ve always wanted to study
Fine Arts in university! Now I finally get the chance to hone my skills and be
a better Juliet!”

Off they go to the Student Union.
Philo: “Hey! You cut the queue!”
Dawn: “Did I? Well, deal with it, old man.”
Philo: “Yikes.”
Dawn: “Oh sorry about that. You look so lovely and young!
Shall we have a dance!”
Philo: “You are the only one who can make my heart move.”
There is another mission. Here is the Sugar Shack.
Contestants are to eat as much candy as possible within the time limit. Anyone
who eats at least 20 will earn 20 points and the one who eats the most, a card.
This is worth 140 points.

Contestants practise their art skills while waiting.
“Ready, set, go!”

Janet: “Hey my thing is stuck!”

Charlotte: “Which should I choose? Ah, how about
Cheryl: “Give up girl. It won’t work.”
Janet: “Hmph! Fine! I will!”
Cheryl: “Good to know you’re still subservient to me.”
Janet ate 0 bars of candy.

Derek: “I don’t feel so well…I may take a break first.”
Charlotte: “This tastes disgusting! I’m getting another one!
Hey! How dare you!”
Philo: “Need help?”
Charlotte: “No! I can do it myself!”
Charlotte: “Grr!”
Derek: “I’ll help you Janet. There. Do you want it?”
Janet: “Nah, I give up. Judging by the look on your faces,
it’s a wise choice.”
Derek: “Ugh…”
Cheryl: “Ahh…”

Dawn: “My machine is stuck! I need a macho man…or a man with
brains…or a man in purple…or a man in black to help save this damsel in
Charlotte: “Revolting, in more than one sense. Forget it!
I’m wiser than that. I’m not going to get tooth decay.”
Charlotte ate 4 bars of candy.
Derek: “I’ll help you!”
Dawn: “Thank you so much! Let me give you a kiss of
encouragement! You can have the candy when you’re done!”

Derek: “Done.”
Dawn: “What am I supposed to do again? Oh well…”
Dawn ate 6 bars of candy.

Cheryl: “It’s so chewy and gooey, my mouth. I don’t even
know why I’m submitting to this.”
Derek: “I think I’ll buy a soda…Woah!”
Derek: “Now I look like I peed myself…and there’s no more!
What a waste of money.”

Cheryl: “Gosh, how could you pee yourself…”
Philo: “Okay…why does it smell like Citrus Oxide?”
Chad: “Disgusting! I’m trying to eat here!”
Time for synchrony.
Derek ate 8 bars of candy.
Philo: “I think I overdid it. And I suspect some of those
weren’t for vegetarians…”
Charlotte: “Can you not make a mess? See? Who needs friends?
They’re a hassle.”
Philo ate 14 bars of candy.

Janet: “Um…okay…I’m going to go watch TV.”
Janet: “Hey! There’s Romeo
and Juliet showing!”
Charlotte: “Hmm…”

Charlotte: “Alarm bells are ringing. There are so many clues
pointing to Janet! First, the countless references to Romeo and Juliet, such as
the balcony in the dorm and the show on TV! And she’s sabotaged before. She’s
an actor, so it makes perfect sense!”

Chad: “I can’t even open and close my mouth properly
Derek: “You need to stop.”
Chad ate 22 bars of candy.

Cheryl ate 30 bars of candy. That makes her the card winner!
She draws the card of Venus. Only Philo and Cheryl made it past 20, so 40/140
points were added, making the pot 512/680.
As we wait for time to pass, let’s watch a commercial.
Janet: “Hmm…what should I be doing? Ah, I know! I’ll drink a
Peony Soda! Aah, refreshing! The scent of fresh peonies in my throat, so
refreshing! It tickles my palate. I love you Peony Soda!”
This commercial has been proudly brought to you by Peony
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