Wednesday, 31 December 2014

16.15-Head home

Celebrate the New Year's Eve with an execution! Out with the old!


For the quiz, Charlotte uses her card. Chad uses the card of Dory. Philo uses his card of Taylor, poaching Cheryl. Derek’s card is automatically played.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Does the Mole wear glasses?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: Did the Mole dye his/her hair?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: In Mission 8, did the Mole enter a social group?
A: Yes
B: No

Q5: In Mission 8, what level is the Mole in for the social group?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3
Q6: In Mission 5, what grade did the Mole grade?
A: B
B: C
Q7: In Mission 5, in what order did the Mole receive his/her grade?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th

Q8: In Mission 5, where did the Mole receive his/her grade?
A: Bedroom
B: Living Room
C: Dining Room
D: Toilet

Q9: Did the Mole receive a card in these two missions?
A: Yes
B: No

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Cheryl Peytanna
B: Chad Denizen
C: Philo Nickelworth
D: Derek Zora
E: Janet Burnes
F: Charlotte Burnot


“Another moment for you to go. It shall be a double execution today. However, one of you will leave before we head back home, and the other execution will take place after that. We have a tie however, so both parties shall be leaving, just the slower one going first. Shall we start?”

“Philo Nickelworth.”

“Safe! For now.”

“Charlotte Burnot.”

“Safe! For now.”

“Cheryl Peytanna.”

“Safe! For now.”

“Derek Zora.”

“Safe! For now.”

“Janet, Chad, either one of you will be going home today. Who will it be?”

“Chad Denizen.”

“I’m sorry Chad, but you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”

Cheryl: “He was always going on about how stressed he was anyway. We don’t need people who can’t handle stress, not in this high-stakes, high-stress game.”
Charlotte: “Agreed.”

Chad: “Well, it has been stressful, and I’m now out without any direction. Good thing I planned all this. I have a welcome party back at home. Hopefully it will tide me over while I look for something new to do, a new life to inject in me. Good luck to the others.”

“Goodbye Chad, and thank you for joining. The rest of you, head home!”


Janet: “Good to be back!”

“Time for the second part of the execution.”

“Cheryl Peytanna.”


“Derek Zora.”


“You three are up. One of you will be leaving, the other two, safe.”
Janet: “Gosh, this is so scary.”
Philo: “Shh.”

Charlotte: “What does this mean?”
“It means that Charlotte, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”
Charlotte: “Oh, drats.”

Charlotte: “Sigh…I thought I could be able to make it to the end without the help of anyone else. Looks like I was still outwitted by that pesky Mole. And Cynthia’s card was of no use, because there was already a tie that existed, and that was between me and Chad, and the card did say that I would be executed in the event of a tie…I kind of expected it. So I don’t regret playing that card because I would have left either way. I did try though.”

We are down to four! Who will be the successful one? We are getting close to the end!

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