Wednesday, 9 August 2017


In the last episode of the Smole, the final 5 had to rescue 10 teddy bears from blind paintball shooters without getting hit. Vlad was hit but he dropped his bear before that, which Nancy later picked up. Zoe too was hit by Felipe, sacrificing her 2 bears but getting rid of the shooter in the worst possible spot. Wayne got hit with 3 bears after underestimating an old lady who had the exemption Nancy got for disarming her. Her 3 bears and Tanya's 2 bears resulted in 50/100 points for the pot or 460/960 points. Nancy found herself safe for the next execution but can she survive the last one?


Vlad: "The sole surviving coalition sleeps in the room next to mine. I think they know who the Mole is...or someone's divulging information they shouldn't be."

Wayne: "It's clearly clear that the older seasons are the best. The latest season in our house now is Season 20, and if we're not counting that then it's Season 13. Looks like peeps nowadays don't know how to play this game."

Tanya: "Oopsy, sorry. It was unlocked so...Nancy, are you crying?"
Nancy: "No."

Tanya: "You earned an exemption. And we did so well. Why are you crying?"
Nancy: "I said I'm not. Don't be such a busybody."

Tanya: "Your eyes are puffy. You've been crying. You know you can tell me what's wrong, right?"

Nancy: "Nothing's wrong. Now if you'll excuse me, I want to shower."


Vlad: "You think you can attack me with a pillow? I can do the same!"

Wayne: "Bow down to me!"
Vlad: "Never!"

Wayne: "Surrender!"

Vlad: "You're being childish."

Wayne: "No, you are! Now say werewolves are the best!"

Vlad: "Fine, werewolves are the best. Whatever. Now if you'd excuse me, I must be studying."

Zoe: "I can't believe there isn't a maid in this house."

Zoe: "I have to do all the chores myself. Disgusting."

Zoe: "I don't mean to be an attention w**** but you're filming this, right? I need to be seen in every episode and remembered."

Zoe: "Nancy's becoming too strong. I fear she may win. And to be remembered, I need to make big moves. So I need to find a way to undercut Nancy and emerge out on top."


Time for the quiz.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Has the Mole ever received an exemption this season?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: In Mission 8, which car did the Mole take?
A: Blue
B: Cyan

Q4: In Mission 8, did the Mole drive?
A: Yes
B: No

Q5: In Mission 8, who did the Mole enter with?
A: Vlad Pire
B: Zoe Lin
C: Tanya Sim and Wayne Goppud
D: Wayne Goppud and Nancy Harvard
E: Nancy Harvard and Tanya Sim

Q6: In Mission 8, in what order did the Mole's group enter?
A: First
B: Second

Q7: In Mission 8, how many teddy bears did the Mole pick up?
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3

Q8: In Mission 8, did the Mole get shot?
A: Yes
B: No

Q9: In Mission 8, in what order did the Mole get hit by a paintball?
A: First
B: Second
C: Third
D: The Mole was not hit

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Tanya Sim
B: Zoe Lin
C: Nancy Harvard
D: Wayne Goppud
E: Vlad Pire

Tanya: "I feel I've grown wiser now that my coalition partner is gone. I initially felt a bit helpless but if everything went to plan I know who to cross off. If I am sure of every option I pick I should make it."


"It's not easy being in the final five. Through skill or pure luck, you five have made it this far. Luck is about to end for one of you, however. Who will that unlucky chap be?"

"Zoe Lin."

"Unfortunately, you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Zoe: "I had something big planned. Something that will get me into the hall of fame and keep me famous. I was about to have a game-changer but now I don't have the chance. I believe we're all on the same Mole though so I can only blame time."

Nancy: "Wow. I quite never expected her to leave. She was pretty deep and knew fashion. I guess there's only space for one though."

Tanya: "It's too bad. I think she's a nice woman once you get to know her a little more."
Vlad: "She was the perfect Mole. She's practically invisible."
Wayne: "There's no point in being sad now that we're so close."

Zoe: "I should've done it earlier. That would have gotten more of them on my tracks."
"Thank you for joining the Smole."


Tanya: "If Zoe's not the Mole, then who is? All the other three have worked hard in missions. I feel like I can trust all of them. Maybe that's my biggest downfall."

Nancy: "There goes Zoe. I don't know if we were on to the same suspect but we shared the same information. Maybe it really was on time. That means I need to be quicker."


Only four left! Who will be the last to be executed and who is the Mole?

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