Welcome to another season of the Smole! This season, we have 12 new contestants taking part in this reality show where missions will be done to earn points for the pot, with 1 point being worth 100 Simoleons. However, there is a saboteur, or Mole, among the group whose job is simple: prevent the points from entering the pot. The others must take a quiz to figure out who the Mole is with the lowest scorer (or slowest in the event of a tie) being eliminated or executed. This will continue until there are 3 left, where one final quiz will determine who will walk away with whatever is in the pot, with the Mole taking home whatever isn't. And of course, this season has a twist too.
If you thought one Mole was hard to keep track of, what about two? This season, there are not one but TWO Moles among the group. It's double trouble for everyone as now there are two highly motivated individuals who will do whatever it takes to not earn points. Yet it may not be that bad for the others, because in the quiz they just need to answer with one Mole in mind. There will be two answer keys, one for each Mole, and the higher score for each contestant will be taken into account. In other words, if someone scores 5 with Answer Key A and 4 with Answer Key B, the score of 5 will be taken.
The two Moles don't have it easy either. They have an additional job: snuff out the other Mole. Every execution, while the others take a quiz, the two Moles will put down the name of who they believe to be the Mole. If they are right, the other Mole will be executed, leaving one Mole for the remainder of the game. Otherwise, an ordinary player will be leaving the scene. And should both Moles figure each other out at the same time, it will all boil down to luck.
Sounds exciting, doesn't it? Let's get down to it then.
Contestants are scattered around Starlight Shores for their first mission.
Each of them has been told of a secret meeting point...
Except one.
This contestant is the spy.
The others have agreed to meet via a group chat but discovered at the last minute that the spy has infiltrated the group chat.
As such, the others are allowed to ask questions on the group chat about the meeting point in an attempt to lure the spy out.
Contestants are given one hour to try and figure out who the spy is.
If the contestants correctly say who the spy is, 100 points will be earned.
They get three tries. Otherwise, the mission fails.
However, they must be at the meeting point by the end of the hour for the points to count.
The spy can earn an exemption by being at the correct meeting point by the end of the mission, forfeiting the points.
If wrong, the mission ends and points are earned.
Maggie: "I'll start the ball rolling. Wanda, do they serve noodles at the meeting point?"
Wanda: "Such a strange question but yes. To all, can you visit the meeting point at any time of day?"
Lily: "No, not really. What is the dress code like, Gabriel?"
Gabriel: "I would imagine smart casual or formal. Felix, what would you hear at the meeting point?"
Felix: "Text notifications, of course. We are supposed to meet up, after all. To anyone, do you think it will rain by the time we reach the meeting poitn?"
Maggie: "How would I be able to tell?"
Wanda: "I think that Maggie is our spy. She's being very vague and weird."
"That is incorrect."
Gladys: "Why oh why did you recklessly waste one guess? Nevermind, at least we know Maggie isn't the spy."
Maggie: "Kairel, do you like going there?"
Kairel: "The meeting spot? Well, sure, but I like going a lot of places. Can someone please enlighten me on the origin of the name?"
Gabriel: "It sounds very spanish. How crowded will the venue be, everyone?"
Wanda: "I need to start moving to the meeting point."
Felix: "It's time to go."
Gladys: "I should start get going before it's too late."
Maggie: "Superman. Wait that was autocorrect. I meant super, man. James, you have been very quiet. Is the meeting spot too noisy for you to hear the notifications? Answer me please."
James: "I can hear and see just fine regardless of the noise level of the surroundings. Rose, is it cold there?"
Rose: "Not for me. The meeting spot is indoors, right?"
Lily: "You're being very obvious, Rose. But yes, yes it is."
Janice: "I think Rose is the spy. I believe I'm right. I'm always right."
Janice: "Impossible!"
Lily: "We only have one guess left, everyone. I don't think Darren or Lewis has spoken yet. Can one of you answer me if you're taking a long time to reach?"
Lewis: "For me it is taking quite a while. That's why I haven't been active yet. I think everyone is making their way. Is the traffic along the way bad?"
Gladys: "You're asking us? You're the one on the road, aren't you?"
Lewis: "I am but I may not be able to make it on time. Darren, how big is the building?"
Darren: "Very."
Gladys: "You need to ask another question."
Gabriel: "I thought only I would make that mistake. I nearly forgot to ask a question aftter replying and didn't really understand the mission at first."
Darren: "Okay. Wanda, are you there already?"
Wanda: "Yes. How many contestants do you see, Darren?"
Darren: "None. I'm not there yet."
Maggie: "Where did you come from, Darren?"
Darren: "China."
Gladys: "Oh my...is he faking it?"
Maggie: "Oh, well I'm from the USA."
Lily: "Focus on the mission, everyone. Janice, what kind of animals are here?"
Janice: "What animals? Kairel, do you think Lily is the spy?"
Kairel: "Not at all. In fact, you're more likely but I don't want to waste that last guess. Are you guys driving and texting at the same time?"
Lewis: "Yes. Is everyone who's supposed to be there there already?"
Wanda: "No. I don't think so, at least."
Maggie: "You know what? I think I'm gonna make that guess. Come at me, Darren! You are the spy! That is why you know noodles about stuff and still can't make it here! Ha, I'm right, aren't I?"
"Unfortunately, that was your last guess and it was wrong. The mission therefore ends right now. No points are earned but is the spy among those at the meeting point, Los Suenos Private Club? Will the spy please reveal themselves."
Felix: "It's me. I'm the spy. I get an exemption, yay."
Lewis: "Shit. Failed to make it in time."
Lily: "I did not expect Felix to be the spy. He felt like he knew where to go and was there when I reached. So I thought it couldn't have been him. But I should have realised he pretty much stopped participating after he got there, possibly because he already knew the result of this mission."
The group is off to a bad start with 0/100 points, but for Felix, he can rest assured that he won't be the first victim this season. But who will it be in that case?
I just realized a major flaw in this mission. Everyone can just meet at the meeting point and e one who doesn't arrive is the spy. I should have hidden everyone in a different part of the club where they can't see anyone first. Let's just pretend that happened for this mission, m'kay?